Definition of Brainwash - Moving, Talking Images Caused Hypnosis - Human Sees, Human Told, Human Does
- By Bahram Maskanian - March 19, 2003
Since the invention, promotion and widespread use of radio and television every single social, health, economic, political and all other human issues effecting our lives has been weaponized to our detriment. And now with addition of the carcinogenic cellphones, every waking moment of our lives we are constantly hypnotized. We, the people behaving like zombies, taking all that is highly misleading and destructive in our minds, together with our children, ending up acting and behaving exactly as: (Human sees, Human told, Human does).
Large majority of us have been deeply hypnotized for so many years that we had already lost our own personal will and personality. Everything we do, believe, say, buy, and vote for, including consuming processed toxic foods, clothing, books, music etc., has been fabricated and directly or subliminally placed in our mind by the artificial world around us. Nothing that makes us; who we are, is made and or developed by us. - Repeat a lie often enough, soon it will become true in the eyes of the public; using systematic, on going repetition of lies each and every day through mass media. Brainwashed people are doomed to live a robotic life of conformity, in a coma like hypnotic trance.
Human sees, human told, human does; as simple as that. Life you live is a CIA - Operation Paper Clip, Operation Mockingbird, Operation MKUltra, Hollywood production to dumb down, divide and conquer by means of; TV, Radio, Press, Media, Pop Music, Rap, Hip-Hop, Pro Sports, Fashion, Diet, Religious Belief, Personality, Political, Social and Economic views and behaviors are all fabricated by the criminal aristocratic families, plus the dumbing down full of lies education from elementary to college; shoved down your throat and you don't even know it.
Consumption of deadly drugs, such as: alcohol, tobacco, coffee, sodas, and toxic foods, while watching TV learning how to take pride in doing stupid things, plus portraying the actors you see from clothing, cosmetics, hair, behavior and all of their attributes, the dumbing down hallmarks of Hollywood, seen on TV, movies, and commercials. In addition to many other harmful consumer products placements, used in films and TV, to program you to buy toxic products you do not need. Even the news reporters and politicians take acting lessons to improve their image (lie convincingly).
Next to love, respect is an essential element. Children, women and men treated with respect will be successful, healthy, happy and loving people. The so called celebrities or actors, with no self-respect are idealized because of their ability to lie convincingly! That is right, all actors are trained to be persuasive, believable lying bullshit-artist! - U.S. entertainment companies and the mass media through the use of "power of suggestion" have been promoting lying, hate, deception and fraud, while dumbing down and modifying people's intellect and behavior in the past 100 years. People’s perception can easily be altered using power of suggestion. People live their lives based on their perception.
If you pay attention once a movie, or program become popular suddenly you start seeing people in the streets dress and act like the ones on the show. You see men wearing their pants falling off their ass, because a dumb young man who bought a rhyming dictionary did that on TV, or music video, became gangster, dress like an asshole, drinking alcohol, smoking, using drugs, refer to girls and women as whores and bitches, rape women, behave like jackass, get drunk, drive like madman, because a few dimwitted morons who bought rhyming dictionary behave like that in their lives and on TV.
Nothing about you is original. Again, people allover, live their lives based on their perception; “human sees, human told, human does”. To change your life for better, healthier, happier, prosperous and smarter, you must stop, wakeup, learn to think for yourself, examine your life, look at your life as you have been living, you will reach a point of enlightenment, which will allow you to see the truth and start over.!
Definition of Thinking - To Think - What Is Rational Critical Thinking?
For so long the whole world have been misled to believe there is so called “deep state, or shadowy government, or invisible enemy”, the hoopla and secrecy associated with deep state, spreading highly misleading and bogus information, deceiving those in search of answers, to go around a circle.
The evil, zionist, eugenist, racist, warmongering aristocratic families, bankers and the European monarchy are well known. Starting from Cecil Rhodes and his vast stolen fortune, plundering South Africa, down to Lord Milner, Lord Selborne, Sir Patrick Duncan, Field Marshal Jan Smuts, Lord Lothian, Lord Brand, Meyer Amschel Rothschild; created and funded the secret organizations needed to cull humanity, murder millions of innocent children, women and men, to rule the world. They handed down the baton to Rockefeller, Rothschild, Morgan, Carnegie, Schiff, Harriman and Warburg families. Through establishment of the Royal Institute For International Affairs (Secret Round Table) they penetrated governments all over the world and gain total control from within. But since in the United States, American people did not care much about royalties, it was named The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) - “The Anglo-American Establishment - Secret Society” by professor Carroll Quigley, 1949.
The “obvious psychopath state” has been behind 119 bloody wars, some of which lasted over 100 years, since 1400 up to 2012, making billions in financing wars and confiscating mineral rich territories, plundering and murdering the innocent native people. They fabricated the usury central banking system, communism, fascism and virtually every evil befallen upon humanity is caused by the obvious state, ever-since.
The first and the most important task is to reform the current highly corrupt predetermined election system. Once each state has a trusted legislative body in place, we, the people can begin reforming all of our, economical, social and political ills.
Please read Since George Washington, U.S. First President, Guess How Many Of The U.S. Presidents Were Legitimately Elected.?
Go Forth and Multiply - #SolutionsWatch
Published: August 24, 2021
Do you think the world is overpopulated? Are you worried that having a baby would contribute to climate change? Deep down, do you hate humanity? If so, then it's time to stop swallowing the propaganda of the anti-human death cult and to realize that creation is our ultimate act of rebellion agains the elitists and eugenicists. SHOW NOTES AND MP3: