The Amazing Utopian Life of Matriarchal Era

- By Bahram Maskanian

You will be shocked to learn that language, science, mathematics, chemistry, cooking, agriculture, the arts, music, philosophy, literature, dance, democracy cooperative, herbal medicine, female and male equality, and generally human culture were founded and created by the women of the matriarchal era, all through out Persia (IRAN) known as: "World's Cradle Of Civilization".! But, Persian women of the matriarchal era never created any religion.

Mithras, a Persian man invented Mithraism nearly 4,000 years ago. Semite men (Arabs and Jews of today), took Egyptian's Book of Death, add some more barbarism to it and fabricated Torah and Judaism 3,500 years ago. Semite men attached their hideous Torah to book of Mithras, rename Mithras to a mythical figure Esau, and invented today's Christianity 2,000 years ago, later on Greeks rename Esau, to Jesus. Judaism is the worst thing that ever happened to humanity.! Everyone must read the evil bible to understand why.?

All patriarchal religions are fabricated by misogynist, pedophile, woman hating criminal men, actively conducting coup d'état against the matriarchal social governing system and its utopian life, made possible by the ruling enlightened women. It took Semite men and their army of slave African men close to five hundred years to achieve their evil goals through murderous religious wars, plunder and slaughter of millions of innocent people, under the name of Jehovah, to destroy the matriarchal civilization, based on the just and fair system of "Democracy Cooperative" in Asia and North Africa, and replaced it with barbaric feudalism.!

The reason for systematic destruction and or suppression of matriarchal cultural and civilization evidences is to cover-up and hide the obvious historic facts, that people were much better off at the matriarchal era, than criminal patriarchal rule. Otherwise there would be no reason to suppress matriarchal era's historic facts. Patriarchal rulers of past and present would have simply said, that people were not better off under matriarchal rule, due to the following reasons, thereby patriarchal oppressive and brutal rule is better than the matriarchal utopian life.!

Try to imagine if the said historic facts and knowledge reach the people, that in our past matriarchal era, we were much better off than we are today, that could cause a political eruption.! People would be asking the obvious question: "would we be better off without patriarchal religions, respecting matriarchal values, instead of women hating barbarism.?" Which could cause a worldwide social uprising and revolution, greatly undermining the criminal patriarchal power of the current ruling elites.

We, the people, must understand that Semite men fabricated religions: Judaism and its two derivatives; Christianity and Islam; through promoting men to god like being, and demoting women to a subhuman, have done an enormous harm, digging a deep canyon, separating men and women all over the world. "Divide and Conquer".! More than half of any society’s population consists of women; religion has effectively silenced half of the world's population creativity, brilliance, and participation in world's affairs. Humanity has lost immeasurable amount of knowledge and opportunity for having done so.

Through countless brutal ethnic cleansing religious wars, causing total destruction of the matriarchal era's historic evidences, through plunder and or destruction of all sources of knowledge discovered, after slaughtering all men and elderly folks, all females and children were taken as property slaves, raped and auctioned off, sold to criminally minded, slave holding men.

Keep in mind that reform begins with oneself.! To achieve true peace and tranquility in life one must inform and enlighten oneself and come to terms with the three major killers of all time: Judaism, Judeo-Christian and Judeo-Islam religions, manufactured and promulgated by power hungry criminally minded men for promotion and preservation of their male gender’s self-proclaimed holier-than-thou superiority over women.

To heal the said deep division between female and male of the world, men have to let go of their sense of entitlement and superiority over women, and face the fact that without women, they wouldn't even be here in the first place. Men must let go of religion and begin to understand and accept the fact that women and men are equal. Men have to let go of their idiotic macho outlook and behavior, and treat women the same way they like to be treated; with dignity and respect.

Looking into the future; raise your children free from religion's barbaric and mythical nonsense, allow your children's mind to wonder and flourish. Teach children reason and common sense, analytical thinking, deductive reasoning, and keep children away from all religions as far as possible.

Buy enlightening books, form your own book club with your children, turn off all of your electronic devices, and go back to the basics, books, pen and paper. Who knows, maybe your daughter invent and build the zero-gravity (magnetic levitation) spaceship needed to travel to the moon, so NASA would stop faking it, and lying to the world.

We must never forget that evil religions are the main factor and pillar of support, prolonging and perpetuating the destructive rule of the women hating criminal elites.

Boycott all men and women, and companies, radio and television stations, that support and broadcast the use of derogatory names referring to women.! Insulting names such as, but not limited to: dame, broad, chick, bimbo, airhead, witch, cunt, bitch, slut, hag, whore, etc.!

Also read: Definition of Evil - What Evil Does and Looks Like

Culture of Violence

The gangster or thug culture is becoming the norm for the mass of young British men. Greg Williams finds its roots in films, gangster rap, hip-hop and a colossal failure of educational system

- By Greg Williams - The Guardian - Saturday November 11, 2000

If one is to believe gloomy news reports regarding exam results, literacy, absentee teenage fathers and (most of all) casual violence then there exists a generation of young men who wilfully fail every educational and behavioural standard set for them.

Whether you believe that schools are failing our boys or that our boys are failing the schools, one thing is as clear as the serial Fs on their report cards: boys are becoming increasingly marginalised from the education system. Denied or rejecting traditional roles of parenthood or breadwinning, young men are increasingly looking to the street and to what can only be described as "attitude" to define themselves.

The influences that wash over them are many and varied - ranging from acquisitive trainer culture and combative video games, to the corporate sponsored financial free-for-all that masquerades as the Premiership. But one thing is increasingly clear, these days, being perceived as a geezer, or its more alarming cousin, a thug, is a more commonly travelled avenue for young white working-class men in search of identity and purpose than we would like to think.

Even the posh boys, the providers of culture, want a slice of the action. The movies Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch - the makers of which were, unsurprisingly, not educated at the state's expense - have had huge success amongst the key cinema-going demographic of young men in their late teens and early 20s.

Lock, Stock … and Snatch, of course, offer no real insight into thug culture, preferring to reference superior American movies, dress them up in Arfur Daley's camel Crombie and package them in skilfully edited chunks accompanied by an MTV-friendly sound track. What they do well is to trade on the stereotypical bish, bash, bosh culture of wideboys and the various hilarious racial archetypes that they encounter on their crazy adventures in the land of mockney. So acute was the nerve that the Lock, Stock … movie tapped into, that the Channel Four TV series was rewarded with a marketing tie-in to its very antithesis, The Sun.

These movies are the Robbie Williams of film-making: cheeky, ironic, knowing, crass and central to a culture that the writers Steven Daly and Mark Jordan have dubbed Thick Plus. "Thick Plus is the sum of the moronically ironic, the cluelessly camp, the oafishly sexy, the methodically soulful and the gamely ersatz," they wrote recently. Thick Plus consciously pilfers black and gay culture and reappropriates it within the mainstream. It is possible that white youth, robbed of meaningful ways of representation, is finding itself further marginalised by the upper-middle-class programme makers/editors/film-makers who co opt the lives of traditional outsiders for mass consumption.

The brutish and reductive nature of cultural totems such as Lock, Stock … and Robbie Williams goes some way to explaining why there is a "crisis" of sorts amongst young British men. It wasn't always so. Young men, from teds to punks to skinheads have always rebelled, and always actively and wilfully used clothes, music and attitude to distance themselves from the mainstream, to declare themselves outsiders. And in Britain, perhaps more than anywhere else in the world, reacting against the mainstream can take the form of dressing smartly and conservatively - from the mod to casual to today's Polo geezer - in order to prove that you are worthy, that you've arrived.

The semiotics of apparel are such that dressing up has also been the mode of choice for gangsters from Capone onwards. One of the most memorable images of recent times was that of the young white men accused of murdering black teenager Stephen Lawrence leaving a public inquiry into police handling of the case. Dressed in natty suits and shirts, eyes masked by sunglasses, they behaved with a brazenly studied bullishness that marked them out as more like a football firm than witnesses summoned by the official fiat.

The look was derivative, culled from one of the opening sequences of Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs, which itself came from classic iconography of that most masculine and exclusive of male clubs, the Rat Pack.

The attitude, of course, was calculatedly disrespectful. They also wanted to demonstrate something else: they wanted to show us that they were game, that they could look after themselves. In contemporary Britain it seems that the culture amongst many young men is exactly that - they're a bit tasty, can take care of themselves when it comes to the pavement. Sadly, few would wish to doubt them. • Greg Williams is the author of the novel Diamond Geezer, and a former editor of Arena magazine,,4087521-106548,00.html

Eugenics - An Evil, Immoral And Pseudoscientific Ideology

- By Bahram Maskanian - March 09, 2017

The parasite ruling class psychopaths has always been searching for viable false flag operation to be used for castrating, sterilizing countless men and women.  And or murder large number of innocent children, women and men under the umbrella of protecting the nation, by waging wars, committing genocide, or using public health and safety excuses to reduce population for tighter and easier control. 

Eugenics was coined the science of improving human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. Developed largely by Charles Darwin and his cousin Francis Galton in Britain starting in 1883.  The so called method of improving the human race, fell into disfavor only after the Nazi Germany overtly begin using Eugenics doctrines.

Eugenics Society of America was founded by Andrew Carnegie in the United States.  America's first general-purpose philanthropic foundations: Russell Sage (founded 1907), Carnegie (1911), and Rockefeller (1913) they all funded and backed eugenics, precisely encouraging the efforts to promote the reproduction of the “fit” and to suppress the reproduction of the “unfit”.

The nefarious parasite ruling class Eugenics Ideology, rejects Natural Law, that all human beings are created equal, thus redefine humanity purely in terms of mythical genetic superiority.  Eugenics racist doctrine includes pursuit of pure genetic pool, and elimination of the ”Unfit Races”, or 95% of humanity on planet Earth.!

Eugenics (population reduction) has many different branches one of which is “Transhumanism” a new way of thinking about the humanity’s future, based on the premise that the human species in its current form is too dumb and not good enough to live in today’s world of high tech. Therefore robotic elements must be incorporated into humans to increase the survival chance of humanity based on the eugenics vision and ideology.

The obvious truth we, the people are not told is the fact that all universities, governments and human rights organizations are completely aware that the best population reduction is health, happiness and prosperity.  Healthy, Happy and prosperous people all over the world will have less children in time of peace and prospers environment.  Therefore if anyone still advocating Eugenics should stop, investigate, read and think.  

We, the people must be mindful of all propaganda reported. The mass media by not reporting the truth legitimizes mass murder of war. In fact, mass medias talking heads and operators are the real terrorist for deliberately covering up the truth and hypnotizing the public to allow the government to conduct wars of aggression, thus achieving more of the parasite ruling class’s world domination, political and economic objectives by murdering millions of innocent children, women and men.

The same propaganda dissemination is also used regarding world’s population. Where the closeted ordinary Eugenist folks, secretly approve Eugenics operations based on their ignorance of the facts.

The U.S. Census Bureau who has army of paid foot soldiers to go door to door, failed year after year to accurately count America’s population, has setup a “World Population Clock” to guess the world population. - Again a computer model, concocted by the parasite ruling class, where the programmers can easily manipulate the outcome, thus broadcasting the needed estimate for Eugenics mass murder justification, that as of September 2022, world population will be - 7,922,312,800 - people and is expected to reach…! The fact is that world population has been declining since late 1970s to four billion by 2020.

Knowledge is power.! We, the people can easily initiate changes and reforms necessary by first and foremost educating ourselves, our loved ones and friends. To remedy humanity’s current tyrannical situation peacefully, using nonviolent resistance, we must share what we learn, that CIA, British intelligence and others like them work for the committee of 300 low-level crime families, whom are under the control of the symbolically alluded to as the thirteen top families; known as: “Deep State”, or “Ruling Oligarchy”, or “Parasite Ruling Class”, or “Secret Cabal”, or “Illamanaties”, or “Zionists”, or “Eugenist”, or “Nation-less Corporations”, or Multi Nationals, or “City of London”, etc., they are all referring to the same nefarious families secretly controlling planet Earth. The top of the pyramid families are as follows:

Mellons, Carnegies, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Dukes, Astors, Dorrances, Reynoldses, Stilimans, Bakers, Pynes, Cuilmans, Watsons, Tukes, Kleinworts, DuPonts, Warburgs, Phippses, Graces, Guggenheims, Milners, Drexels, Winthrops, Vanderbilts, Whitneys, Harknesses, along with few other filthy rich billionaires, controlling everything. - - “Bloodlines of Illuminati” - By Fritz Springmeier

They are overtly poisoning our air, called geo-engineering, or chem-trails, spraying toxic chemicals into the atmosphere from aircrafts high above, while we are lied to and vaccinated with toxic chemicals, as our produce and foods are contaminated with highly toxic GMOs and chemical herbicides and fertilizers, and our water with fluoride.  Marching towards their Eugenics goals.  And these are what we know.!

Toxicology vs Virology - Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud - By Dr. Sam Bailey

Read and or download a free copy, everybody must read this amazing factual book.
* Bloodlines of Illuminati - By Fritz Springmeier

* Alex Thomson - UK Column - Grand Jury Proceeding the Court of Public Opinion

* Interview 1766 - The Underpopulation Bomb - #NewWorldNextWeek


- 1949 - By George Orwell - 393 Pages

George Orwell's dystopian masterpiece, Nineteen Eighty-Four is perhaps the most pervasively influential book of the twentieth century, making famous Big Brother, newspeak and Room 101.

'Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past'

Hidden away in the Record Department of the sprawling Ministry of Truth, Winston Smith skilfully rewrites the past to suit the needs of the Party. Yet he inwardly rebels against the totalitarian world he lives in, which demands absolute obedience and controls him through the all-seeing telescreens and the watchful eye of Big Brother, symbolic head of the Party. In his longing for truth and liberty, Smith begins a secret love affair with a fellow-worker Julia, but soon discovers the true price of freedom is betrayal.

Download 1984

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