The Coronavirus and the Constitution | Constitution Day Celebration Panel

Published: October 01, 2020

Panel: “The Coronavirus and the Constitution” Chairman: Ronald J. Pestritto Hillsdale College

“Is Freedom of Assembly Dead?” Robert Barnes | Barnes Law, LLP

“The Failure of Expertise” Alex Berenson | Author and Journalist

“The Politics of the Coronavirus” John Hinderaker | Powerline

What Ever Happened to the Constitution? - Andrew Napolitano

Published: August 09, 2010

Presented by Judge Andrew Napolitano at the 2010 Mises University. Includes an introduction by Mises Institute founder and chairman, Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. Recorded 29 July 2010 in Auburn, Alabama.

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COUNTY OF BUTLER et al v. THOMAS W. WOLF et al, No. 2:2020cv00677 - Document 15 (W.D. Pa. 2020)

You Are Not Going To Believe What My Naughty House Keeper Did.?

- By Bahram Maskanian - February 09, 2020

The house keeper (HK) appear to be good in the beginning, but gradually start to take control of every aspects of my life and my family. We reached a point that we would need HK’s permission to go to the kitchen and see what do we have to eat in the pantry and refrigerator.

Somewhere down the line as things got worse, the HK became the house master, and gained access to my bank accounts, bought an expensive bulletproof limousine, private jet airplane and mansion in the suburb, throwing lavish parties, and before I knew it, we were bankrupt and the HK started to borrow large sums of money under my name, and the list of HK’s atrocities goes on, and on.

My family and I finally decided that enough, is enough and the HK must go. But we did not have the courage to face HK and terminate our employment contract. Thus we decided to form a public protest right in front of our house, before our neighbors, using a loud bullhorn, we expressed our grievances, point by point, in our attempt to let our HK go, while changing the main entrance door’s locks. - Sounds familiar?

WE, THE EMPLOYER, THE PROPRIETOR, THE BOSS, THE MASTER of our home and country. It is time to dismiss OUR EMPLOYEES, OUR WORKERS, OUR SERVANTS. Must never forget that we, the people pay for everything, we do the work, we farm the land, we provide for our families and we are the only ones who can decide all matters regarding our wellbeing and our future.

Instigating war, paying and promoting war in foreign lands, escalating tension and deliberately provoking Atomic World War is not and never has been on our agenda. But since the HK has long forgotten that vital fact, we, the people must come out of our houses join our neighbors and terminate the treasonous services of HK’s congress representatives and recall all of the HK’s house of representative’s members and senators of our state to STOP speaking for us, and return home ASAP.

We should never forget that to change the U.S. Federal Terrorist regime, we have to change our STATE government first, which will automatically change the federal government in no time to reflect our state leadership.

* How To Dismiss And Overthrow Your State Government

Never Ending Division, Constant Conflict And Never Ending Wars

- By Bahram Maskanian - January 11, 2020

Throughout the past 3000 years of human history, at each stage of the establishment of Judaism and its two derivatives Christianity and Islam, in addition to many horrific wars and atrocities fabricated and carried-out by the parasite ruling class (PRC).  The PRC understood and recognized when people had enough of their despotic rule and miserable slave life, rebelling, seeking change.

The PRC never miss the chance of reducing the population (mass murder) under their control.  At each of the major world events change has always come after many horrible wars.  The PRC’s hidden gift will be the new division caused by the implementation of the new (in the eyes of the slaved people) political and or philosophical ideology, coupled with dumbing down educational system, which unbeknownst to the general public, as usual will be under the strict control, benefiting the PRC.

The said millennia tyrannical control was challenged by the invention of the Internet.  Even-though Internet was never meant to become an enlightening tool, but thanks to many brilliant true scientist, inventors and good-hearted visionary people, Internet has become the revolution humanity was hoping for, in the past 3000 years.  We, the people must remain vigilant, to continue learning and going forward.

Obviously the PRC is not going to sit idol and let we, the people, or as PRC refer to us “useless eaters” gain knowledge, wisdom, thus continue our enlightenment, “KNOWLEDGE IS POWER”. The PRC controls governments, education, big business to mass media and NGOs. The warmongering and terrorist American and European governments and media work in close partnership to hypnotize and mislead people 24/7. While PRC continues population reduction (mass murder) using different propaganda to legitimize their evil genocidal acts, taking place right before the hypnotized public.

PRC will continue to maintain current wars and start new wars to keep people in fear, thus preventing we, the people to achieve peace, tranquility, health, happiness and good life.   We must stop cooperating, we must disobey unjust mandates, directives and laws.

We, the people must never forget the vital fact that: “United States Constitution is the absolute Supreme Law of our land, our country, United States.  United States Constitution supersedes ALL states and federal LAWS.”

“One Has A Moral Responsibility To Disobey Unjust Laws.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

“Civil Disobedience Becomes A Sacred Duty When The State Becomes Lawless And Corrupt.” - Mahatma Ghandi

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” Cicero 42 BC

Nation-Less Corporations Advertising And Marketing Business Model

- By Bahram Maskanian - April 17, 2019

By the time children are old enough to count they begin to notice $0.99 in reality is $1. If you pay attention and talk to your children about what is going on you will be surprised how clearly they see fraud and misleading information.

I will give you one example, my niece, when she was 3 years old knew basic math and how to count, add and subtract. I would take her and her brother my nephew to park once or twice a week. The summer she was three and half years old, on our way to park she asked me to buy her orange dark chocolate bar. We walk to the store, went to the chocolate section, where there was a big sign advertising a box of 10 mint chocolate bars with for $19.99.

She stood in front of the sign and asked me to read the text on the sign. Wanting to know what was priced $19.99.? After I explained, she looked at me and in the most adorable way she said: “uncle, $19.99 is a penny short of $20 dollars, right? I said: “yes my little angel”. Then she said: “if they (the store) put the “correct price”, each bar would be $2, right.?

A - Scare people of nasty consequences if they did buy and or had that product or service.

B - Fool people to think that how cool it would be to own and showoff whatever they are selling.

C - Lie to people to hurry, because so far we have sold millions of this contraption and if you don’t hurry to buy…! - If any business were that successful would never advertise.

D - All advertisements, every actor posing as customer, patient, doctor or someone they want you to believe in their presentation who has huge success with their treatment and or product, are all lies, that is what acting is; lying convincingly.

Why do you think politicians, newscasters and actors have been taking ACTING lessons.?

Politicians, media, fascist nation-less corporations and the press know very well that FEAR sells. If you are sick and tired of these criminal bastards do what I did.

1 - Reform begins with oneself. Stop deceiving and lying to your children, family, friends and all else.

2 - Become the reform you wish to implement. Live your life as the said reforms are already in place.

3 - Stop misleading people, use honest pricing for your products. And buy local, using cash, to support your home town small businesses and economy.

No matter where; online, radio and television, or print, all advertisements are complete lies. All news and information presented are also lies. All entertainments: music and movies are all brainwashing propaganda and lies. There are groups of dedicated well paid people (Think Tanks) whose job is to constantly come up with new, deceptive and creative ways to fool us, the people to vote for their criminal politicians, or purchase health compromising toxic products, or drinking alcohol and behaving like a jackass drunk is cool, or acting like total moron and skateboarding off the roof is cool, lots of fun, and so on.

Twisting the reality is, and has always been the Parasite Ruling Class (PRC) work and agenda. Their ultimate goal is to make us forget we are in charge, we are the boss and without our consent and approval nothing is going to happen.