The Essence of Money

Source: Rheinische Jarhrbücher zur gesellschaftlichen Reform, Darmstadt, 1845;
Transcribed: - By Adam Buick

Commerce has set the mark of selfishness,
The signet of its all-enslaving power
Upon a shining ore, and called it gold:
Before whose image bow the vulgar great,
The vainly rich, the miserable proud,
The mob of peasants, nobles, priests and kings,
And with blinding feelings reverence the power
That grinds them to the dust of misery.
But in the temple of their hireling hearts
Gold is a living god ... (V, lines 53-62)

All things are sold: the very light of Heaven
Is venal; earth’s unsparing gifts of love,
The smallest and most despicable things
That lurk in the abysses of the deep,
All objects of our life, even life itself,
And the poor pittance which the laws allow
Of liberty, the fellowship of man,
Those duties which his heart of human love
Should urge him to perform instinctively,
Are bought and sold as in a public mart
Of undisguising selfishness, that sets
On each its price, the stamp mark of her reign.
Even love is sold; the solace of all woe
Is turned to deadliest agony, old age
shivers in selfish beauty’s loathing arms ... (V, lines 177-188)

But hoary headed Selfishness has felt
Its death blow and is tottering to the grave:
A brighter morn awaits the human day,
When every transfer of earth’s natural gifts
Shall be a commerce of good words and works;
When poverty and wealth, the thirst of fame,
The fear of infamy, disease and woe,
War with its million horrors, and fierce heel
Shall live but in the memory of Time,
Who, like a penitent libertine, shall start,
Look back, and shudder at his younger days. (V, lines 249-259)
(Shelley, Queen Mab)

– 1 –

Life is exchange of creative life-activity. The body of each living being, i.e., of the animal, the plant, the individual man, is the medium of its life because this is the medium of the exchange of the creative life-activity of this or any being, its inalienable means of life, hence those organs of the body which are the central points of the exchanges are also its noblest, most inalienable organs, i.e., the brain and the heart. What holds good for the bodies of the smallest units holds also for those of the largest and also for the unconscious so-called earthly bodies as for the conscious so-called social bodies. The atmosphere of the Earth, the inalienable medium of the exchange of earthly productions, is the element of earthly life; the sphere in which men exchange their social life-activity with each other - namely intercourse (Verkehr) in society - is the inalienable element of social life. Single men behave as conscious and consciously acting individuals here in the sphere of the exchange of their social life, just as they behave as unconscious individuals, as bodies, in the sphere of their bodily life-activity, in the atmosphere of the Earth. They can as little live if separated from the medium of their social life than they can live bodily if separated from the medium of their bodily life-activity - than if their life-air is taken from them. They behave with regard to the whole social body in the same way that the individual members and organs behave with regard to the body of a single individual. They die if they are separated from each other. Their real life consists only in collaboration, only in connexion with the whole social body.

– 2 –

The mutual exchange of individual life-activity, the intercourse, the mutual stimulation of individual powers, this collaboration is the real essence of individuals, their real capacity (Vermogen). They cannot realise, make use of, exercise, activate their powers, they do not bring them to life, or (if they have brought them to life) they die out again, if they do not mutually exchange their life-activity in intercourse with the fellow-members of the same community or with the parts of the same body. As the Earth’s air is the workplace of the Earth so is the intercourse of men the human workplace in which individual men come to the realisation, to the exercise of their real life or capacity. The stronger their intercourse, the stronger also is their creative power and as long as their intercourse is restricted so too is their creative power. Without their life-medium, without exchange of their individual powers, individuals do not live. The intercourse of men does not arise from their essence; it is their real essence and is indeed not only their theoretical essence, their real life-consciousness, but also their practical, their real life- activity. Thinking and doing only arise from the intercourse, the collaboration of individuals, and what is called the mystical “Spirit” is just this life-air, this workplace, this collaboration of ours. Any free activity - and there is no other since free activity that a being does not draw out of himself and so bring it about freely is not a free activity at all, at least not his but that of another being - so, any real, practical as well as theoretical life-activity is a species-act, a collaboration of different individuals. These collaborations above all realise the creative power and are therefore the real essence of each individual.

– 3 –

The human essence, human intercourse, develops, as any essence, in the course of a history through many struggles and destructions. The real essence, the collaboration of individuals of the human species, had, as all reality, a development or creation history. The social world, human organisation, had its natural history, its genesis, its history of creation, as any other world, as any other organic body. But the natural history of mankind began when that of the Earth had fully developed, when the Earth had already produced its last and highest organisation, the human body, and thus with it all its bodily organisation. The natural history of the Earth which, according to the views of the geologists, lasted for many millions of years and has been over and ended for many thousands of years; the Earth is fully developed. The natural history of mankind conversely is not yet ended; we still live in its struggles. Mankind is not yet fully developed, but its full development is near. We already see in the distance the promised land of organised mankind; we can already reach it with our eyes, this land of promise to which the whole history of mankind up till now points - although we cannot yet tread on it with our feet. It is false to see in the full development of the natural history of, in the end of the history of the creation of mankind the end of mankind itself, its “Doomsday” - an optical illusion to which were subject those who could think of no other reality than the existing one, even though they were not satisfied with it and so wanted another, and who see in the fall of their bad and in the rise of a better world the destruction of the world and the approach of the hereafter. Are also subject to the illusions of “Doomsday” those who do not believe in a better hereafter but who do not believe either in a better life in this world down here than exists at present, who make theirs the Christian dogma of the imperfection of life in this world down here but without accepting the consolation of the hereafter, who dream of infinite progress and accept no other end, no other completion, for it than death or some lifeless ghost which they call “Spirit.” The philosophers too belong to those who can imagine no other reality than the existing one; they belong to those antediluvian species who see in the fall of the old world only their own fall and in the completed organisation of mankind only death - because a correct instinct tells them that they themselves are an integral part of the old, decadent and bad, reality. If the antediluvian monsters that the Earth produced before its completion, before its maturity, in its growing-up years, had had consciousness they would have reasoned and boasted in the same way as our philosophers, theologians and priests. They too would not have believed in any superior creations, in any completed earthly forms, in men; they too would have believed that they saw coming in the decline of the vermin of the primitive world the fall of the world. But as little as the end of the Earth came with its completed condition which was rather the beginning of its real life, so little comes the end of mankind with its completed condition, i.e., with its perfection; on the contrary it is its true beginning.

– 4 –

A necessity in human development, in the formation or natural history, necessary in the creation of men, is their mutual destruction arising from the contradiction of their intercourse in the midst of their isolation. The history of the creation of the human essence, of mankind, appears first as a self-destruction of this essence. Men already sacrificed themselves to their heavenly and earthly idols long before there was a heavenly and earthly, religious and political economy to justify it. They destroyed themselves because in the beginning they could only maintain themselves as isolated individuals, because they could not collaborate harmoniously as members of one and the same organic whole, as members of mankind. If an organised exchange of products, an organised activity, a collaboration of all had already been possible straightaway men would not have needed to wrest or acquire as isolated individuals on their own account their material and spiritual needs through naked force or refined deceit; they would not have had to seek their spiritual and material goods outside themselves, they would have formed themselves by themselves, that is to say they could have exercised their faculties in community. But this amounts to saying that if men had come into the world as a formed human essence they would not have needed to pass through a period of formation. In other words, if mankind had not begun with isolated individua1s men would not have had to fight their way through egoistic struggles to obtain their still extraneous (fremd) and exterior goods. At the end of these brutal struggles for our own essence, now that our essence is formed at least theoretically, we can indeed conceive of and bring into being a human society without self-destruction, a reasonable, organic, human society with many-sided, harmonious collaborating productions, with many-sided organised spheres of activity corresponding to the various life-aims, the many-sided activities of men, so that each formed man can freely exercise his faculties and talents according to his vocation and inclination. This is possible now since now the human capacity, the human essence (the production and communication of the consumption of products for the purpose of further production) has developed to excess. Natural forces no longer stand opposed to man as extraneous and hostile; he knows them and uses them for human ends. Men themselves are drawing closer every day. The barriers of space and time, religion and nationalism, the barriers of individuals are crashing down together, to the terror of the narrow-minded but to the delight of the enlightened friends of: man! We need do no more than .recognise the surrounding light of freedom, no more than dismiss the nightwatchman, so as to be able to all clasp hands joyously. Yes, now mankind is major; nothing prevents it from at last coming into its heritage, the fruit of many thousands of years’ slave labour and e1emental struggles! Indeed its present misery itself proves this most convincingly; for it is not the consequence of the shortage, but of the excess of productive capacities. England penetrates into the most remote parts of the Earth in search of consumers, but the whole Earth is or soon will be too small a market for its products which constantly rise in geometric progression while its consumers increase in arithmetic. progression so that the Malthusian theory -according to which, as is known, the consumers should increase in geometric and the products in arithmetic progression - is in actual fact the opposite of the truth. Yes, men are now ripe for the total enjoyment of their freedom or their life. This was not so at the beginning. The productive capacity of men had first to be formed, the human essence had to be developed. To begin with there were only raw individuals, when the simple elements of mankind which either had not yet come into contact with each other and, like the plants, obtained their nourishment, their bodily life-needs, quite directly from the Earth or they only came into contact with each other by exchanging their forces in a brutal, animal-like struggle. The first form of the exchange of products, of intercourse, could thus only be robbery with murder (Raubmord), and the first form of human activity could only be slave labour. On this still uncontested basis of historical right no organised exchange could occur: there could only be a sell-off (Verschacherung) of products - which is therefore what occurred. The laws resting on this historical basis have only regulated robbery with murder and slavery, they have only raised to a rule, to a principle what was an the beginning only contingent, unconscious and involuntary. History up to now is nothing other than the history of the regulation, the justification, the completion and the generalisation of robbery with murder and slavery. How finally it has come to this that we all without exception and at every moment sell off our activity, our creative power, our capacity -- how the cannibalism, the mutual robbery with murder and slavery, with which the history of mankind had begun has been raised to a princip1e - and how first and foremost the organic community can arise from this general exploitation and universal servitude, that shall be demonstrated in what follows.

– 5 –

The individual raised to an end, the species degraded to a means; that is the inversion of human and natural life in general. Man consciously sacrifices his individual life to the life of the species if they both enter into collision. Even non-thinking beings, the animals, who feel forget their instinct, their drive for self-preservation when this comes into collision with their species-essence or creative instinct. Love, wherever it also appears, is more powerful than egoism. The hen goes into an unequal fight if she must defend her chicks against attack. Cats voluntarily go hungry for days on end to satisfy their species instinct and by grief over the loss of their young which are habitually. taken from them by cruel men. Nature is only always concerned with self-creation, with the preservation of the life of the species, of actual life-activity. Individuals always die in the natural world and they only commence to die off from the moment when they have ceased to be capable of procreation. Indeed with many individuals of the animal world the day of marriage is the day of death. With man who can perform a species-act through thinking, feeling and willing the gradual dwindling of all its spiritual forces is a sure herald of his natural death. The natural conception of the world which sees life itself in the species and the means to life in the individual bases itself on this world order. The inverted conception of the world reigns rather in the condition of egoism because this condition is itself an inverted world. For our philistines, our Christian shopkeepers (Krämer) and our Jewish Christians the individual is the end, the life of the species being rather the means to life. They have created for themselves a world apart. The classic theoretical form of this inverted world is the Christian heaven. In the real world the individual dies; in the Christian heaven he lives for ever. In the real world the species acts in and through the individual; in heaven the essence of the species, God, lives outside the individuals and these are not the medium through which God lives and through which the essence of the species lives but, conversely, the individual lives by means of God. The essence of the species is here degraded to the means for the life of the individual. The Christian “I” needs his God; he needs him for his individual existence, for his holy and immortal soul, for the salvation of his soul! “If I did not hope to participate in immortality, I would care neither about God nor about the whole of dogmatics.” The whole essence of Christianity is contained in these few words from a very pious man. Christianity is the theory, the logic of egoism. Conversely the classic ground of egoistic practice is the modern Christian world of shopkeepers (Krämerwelt): here also is a heaven, a fiction, an imaginary and pretended benefit for the life of the individual, derived from the sick egoistic madness of depraved mankind. The individual who wants to live not through himself for the species, but through the species for himself alone, must create practically an inverted world. In our world of shopkeepers the individual is practically, just as in the Christian heaven he is theoretically, the end and the species only the means to life. Here also the life of the species does not manifest itself through the individual; here as in heaven the life of the species is placed outside of individuals and degraded to a means; here there is money. What God is to the theoretical life, money is to the practical life in this inverted world: the externalised (entäussert) capacity of men, their sold-off life-activity. Money is human value expressed in figures; it is the mark of our slavery, the indelible brand of our servitude. Money is the congealed blood sweat of the miserable wretches who bring to market their inalienable property, their most personal capacity, their life-activity itself, to barter it for a caput mortuum, a so-called capital and to consume cannibalistically their own fat. And all of us, we are these miserable wretches! We can indeed emancipate ourselves theoretically from the inverted consciousness of the world; but as long as we are not also out of this inverted world practically we must, as the proverb says, howl with the wolves. Yes, we must constantly alienate (veräussen) our essence, our life, our own free life-activity, in order to eke out our miserable existence. We constantly buy our own individual existence at the loss of our freedom. And of course it is not just us proletarians but also us capitalists who are these miserable wretches who suck their blood and eat themselves. All of us, we cannot freely act our life, nor can we create or work for each other. We all can only eat up our life; we can only mutually devour each other if we don’t want to die of starvation. For this money which we eat up and which we work to acquire is our own flesh and blood which in its externalisation (Entäusserung) must be acquired, captured and eaten up. We are all - this we are not allowed to hide from ourselves - cannibals, beasts of prey, bloodsuckers. We are so as long as we don’t act all for others, but have to gain our living each for himself.

– 6 –

Money is, according to the principles of political economy, the general means of exchange, thus the medium of life, the human capacity, the real creative power, the real wealth of mankind. If this externalised wealth really corresponded to intrinsic wealth then each man would be worth exactly as much as the cash or money values that he owned - just as a consistent theology values a man by the extent of his orthodoxy, so a consistent economics values him by the weight of his purse. But in fact economics like theology is not at all concerned with men. Economics is the science of the acquisition of earthy goods just as theology is the science of the acquisition of heavenly goods. But men are not goods! For the purely “scientific” economist and theologian men have no value. Where conversely both these holy sciences are applied, thus in the practice of our modern world of shopkeepers, man is really only valued according to his pursue, just as in the practice of the Christian Middle Ages, which still flourishes in part, man was only judged according to his professions of faith.

– 7 –

Money is the product of mutually estranged (entfremdet) man, of externalised man. Money is not the “noble metal” - we now have paper money, State money and bank money than metallic money. Money is what has come to pass for human creative power, the real life-activity of the human essence. Hence capital is, according to the definition of political economy, accumulated, piled-up labour and, where production arises from the exchange of products, money is exchange value. What cannot be exchanged, what cannot be sold, thus has no value. Where men can no longer be sold they are no longer worth a penny, but only when they sell or “hire out” themselves. The economists even claim that the value of a man would increase to the extent that he was no longer sold and was consequently obliged, in order to live, to himself sell himself; they draw the conclusion from this that the “free” man has more “value” than the slave. This is quite true. Hunger is a much stronger impulse to work than the slaveowner’s whip and greed for money a much stronger incentive for the private owner to exert his energies than the condescending smile of the satisfied lord. The economists forget only that the “value” of “freedom” must fall to the extent that it becomes more general. The more “free” men there are rushing to do slave labour, i.e., the more there are on sale, the cheaper they will be or are. Accursed competition ruins the price of “free” men and in fact on the basis of egoistic private acquisition there is to the other way to restore the “value” of men than the re-establishment of slavery.

– 8 –

Ancient slavery is human intercourse based on robbery with murder in a natural form; and it is also the most human form. It is natural and human that one only lets oneself be sold unwillingly; conversely it is unnatural and unhuman to oneself to sell oneself voluntarily. The modern world of shopkeepers could only come to this high point of baseness, of unnaturality and inhumanity by means of Christianity, the unnaturality par principe. Man had first to learn to look down on human life so as to externalise it voluntarily. He had to unlearn considering the real life, real freedom as a priceless good so as to offer these for sale. Mankind had first to pass through the school of servitude so as to come to embrace slavery as a principle. Our modern shopkeepers are the worthy descendants of the mediaeval serfs as these latter, the Christian slaves, were the worthy descendants of the heathen slaves. Just as mediaeval serfdom was an intensified ancient slavery so the modern Christian world of shopkeepers is an intensified mediaeval serfdom. The Ancients had not yet raised the externalisation of human life to Christian self-externalisation, nor the decomposition of human society to consciousness, they had not raised these factual situations to a principle. The Ancients were naïve: they simply accepted what lay in the essence of the world they moved (and in which we still move today): the externalisation of man. Just as religion received from the Ancients the human sacrifices that it demanded so politics also received its without seeking to establish this “scientifically” nor to hypocritically explain it away in the face of a still slumbering bad conscience. It is when the bad conscience woke up that Christianity began. Christianity is the sophistry of the awoken bad conscience of mankind, it is the attempt to be freed from the reproaches of this bad conscience. But the Christian does not get rid of his qualms of conscience by freeing miserable mankind from its misery, but by convincing himself that this human misery is not an inversion but rather something that is right, that the real life is rightly the external life, and that the externalisation of life is the normal condition of the world in general. The Christian draws a distinction between the “internal” and the “external” man, between reality and non-reality. The human “spirit,” i.e., the remains that are left over when all that is “bodily” has been removed (and what is left over is invisible because it is precisely nothing), is thus holy and inalienable life of man; but the human “body” is the impious, bad, condemnable, external and thus also alienable (veräusslich) life. The unreal man cannot sell himself as a slave; the real man is anyhow a vile thing and so not only can he but he should be in misery: the kingdom of heaven belongs to the miserable. The direct consequence of this doctrine was that slavery was left to exist factually and was even considered to be legitimate, except that it was no longer men but simple bodies that were being sold: a greater progress but a progress deeper into the morass. Afterwards once the principle of saleability was acquired in this way the route was open for the universal servitude, for the general mutual and voluntary selling-off of our shopkeepers.

– 9 –

The essence of our modern world of hucksters, money, is the realised essence of Christianity. The shopkeeper-state, the so-called “free” state is the promised kingdom of God, the world of shopkeepers is the promised kingdom of heaven, just as conversely God is only idealised capital and heaven the theoretical world of shopkeepers. Christianity discovered the principle of saleability but it was not concerned with the application of its principle. For, for it, reality was evil and nothing, thus it could not concern itself at all with reality in general and so not with the realisation of its principle. Christianity was quite indifferent to the fact that men externalised themselves really, i.e., that they became bondsmen, bodily slaves. This “external” practice it abandoned to the “external,” “worldly” authorities. Real servitude in spite of its theoretical justification was purely contingent as long as this was still more or less acceptable in theoretical externalisation, in the Christian faith, as long as this had not been brought into Christian practice. To begin with Christianity changed nothing of the reality of classical slavery; existing slavery remained - and was only enriched by a principle. But a new principle is not a new existence, a distinction very current with our new Christians. the last philosophers. Who can be surprised at such cleverness? When only a theory is given - and Christianity like philosophy has only given a theory - the relationship to the practice of life will be indifferent; the theory is a truth, taught and learned, given and received “for itself” and not for the sake of application. Thus in the Middle Ages as in Antiquity whether a man became a real slave or whether he remained in the “free” world was quite contingent. The distinction between Mediaeval serfdom and Ancient slavery lay only in the idea. Conversely in the reality there was not the slightest difference between them. The one was neither better nor worse than the other. In the Middle Ages a man could as little make a claim to real freedom in virtue of his essence than in Antiquity; in Antiquity this essence was not yet known and for this reason was not recognised, but in the Middle Ages the human essence was only recognised in “spirit” and in “truth,” in the divine beyond and for this other reason was not recognised in the reality of life. So in the Middle Ages as little as in Antiquity the problem was not to make man in general, i.e. ., each man, into a real slave. In the one case as in the other therefore there still existed some freedom: in the Middle Ages as little as in Antiquity there existed in the facts, i.e., contingently, alongside those “some” men who according to Aristotle were “born” for “slavery” also “some” free born, “well born” or “very highly born,” “highly born” men. In the reality servitude was thus still exchange based on robbery with murder in a natural form. Mediaeval serfdom was not in the reality a self-externalisation of men and it could not be; for man cannot make himself into a direct, natural bondsman. The direct life of man, his natural body, can be appropriated only by other men. Direct bondage implies men who are not bondsmen. The serf of the Middle Ages could not own serfs; he owned nothing - not even his own body was his own property - so he could not own other bodies. If the Christians had been interested in legislating for this world down here they would have had to quickly realise that the “worldly” situation still contradicted their principle and that there still reigned here much too much “naturalness.” But they were not interested in this because they were theoretical egoists. Nevertheless when in the course of time, having become enlightened and practical, they wanted to put Christianity into practice down here, when they wanted to apply “pure” Christianity, to realise the “Idea,” it was discovered that the “spiritual” freedom and equality proclaimed by Christianity was in no way realised. To introduce into life the clever distinction between body and spirit one had to go to work with much more cleverness than the purely theoretical egoists had done. A form of social life had to be found in which the externalisation of man took shape as universally as in the Christian heaven. The free spirits without bodies had to appear down here as well: a colossal nonsense due to the cleverness of our modern Christian-trained law-givers and political economists. Christianity is realised in our world of shopkeepers.

– 10 –

The modern law-givers, who as enlightened practical Christians could not be kept quiet with the law-giving of the hereafter, thus wanted to have the Christian world, its heaven, on Earth they had to make the blessed spirits of heaven appear down here. But such a conjuring up of spirits was no witchcraft: it had all already been prepared and the modern law-givers could therefore bring about this conjuring up even though they were not witches. One needed only to sanctify the factual already existing private man of the mediaeval bourgeois society (which emerged from serfdom) who had disposed of, abstracted himself from all that belonged to his species-life and who had ceded it to God in heaven, i.e., in theory, and to money on Earth, i.e., in practice. It is this dead relic of real man, this abstract personality, that it sufficed to sanctify; thus was the sexless individual of the Christian heaven was also realised in this world down here. In other words, it only needed to happen for politics and economics with regard to practical life what up till then had happened for religion and theology with regard to theoretical life. The practical as well as the theoretical, externalisation of man only needed to be raised to a principle. Thus was heavenly egoism also achieved on Earth. This is what was done. Practical egoism was sanctioned by declaring men as isolated individuals, as abstracted naked persons, to be real men, by proclaiming the rights of man to be the right of independent men, thus declaring that the independence of men from each other, their separation and isolation, was the essence of life and freedom, and stamping isolated persons as free, true and natural men. Logically these monads should not have been allowed to enter any more into direct intercourse with each other - which in our intercourse based on robbery with murder simply meant that they should no longer be brought into intercourse, should no longer be directly bought and sold. This direct intercourse, direct trade in men, direct slavery and serfdom had to be abolished, otherwise men would have continued to be dependent on each other. In the place of direct had to come indirect servitude, in the place of factual had to come principled servitude, that which made all men free and equal, i.e., isolated and dead. But with the abolition of factual slavery robbery with murder is not abolished, only direct robbery with murder is. It was only through the application of logical egoism that ancient and mediaeval slavery was now abolished. Above all, the principle of slavery - the externalisation of the human essence through the isolation of individuals and the degradation of this essence to a means of existence for these individuals - could now be brought into being universally. The principally established egoism of the modern world of shopkeepers removes down here as well as in the hereafter, theoretically and practically, all direct intercourse, all direct life and allows this only as a means for private existence. But where all human intercourse, all direct human activity, is abolished and can be used only as a means to egoist existence; where all intercourse from natural love, sexual relations, to the exchange of the thoughts of the fully educated world, is not feasible without money; where there are no practical men but cashed-in and sold-off men; where each emotion must first be converted into cash so as to be able to come into being; there heavenly spirits have travelled down to Earth, there dehumanised man is also down here, the “bliss” of heaven has become the “happiness” of down here, theoretical egoism has become practical: the bare fact of real slavery has become a consistently-applied principle.

– 11 –

The divorce between the private man and the community, between home life and public life, has always existed factually; for it is nothing other than the divorce between person and property. The “personality” separated, removed from all its means of existence, this ghost without body or life, has chased its lost body since the beginning of history and it searched for it sometimes in the heavenly beyond, in God, the granter of eternal, far away and never-accessible bliss, sometimes in money, the granter of eternal, far away, this-worldly and never-accessible happiness. This divorce between person and property, which was factual as long as religion and politics were factual, only needed to be recognised and sanctioned as a principle; thus it was therewith expressed that only money was the essence of the community or State and that man was a bare wage-bearer or more exactly only a bearer of a tattered moneybag. In the modern essence of the State it is thus also not man but the moneybag that is the law-giver - and just as the private man .represents the holy “personality” so conversely the citizen represents the holy “property.” Just as formerly the law-givers received from God. their fully-developed power they now receive it from property, from money. The holiness of “property” detached and abstracted from the person, from man, presupposes the holiness of the naked, empty “personality” detached and abstracted from its property, and vice versa. This abstract, externalised, exterior and a1ienable “property” can only appear in its holy purity separated from all human-ness if, in the same way, the “personality” appears in its holy purity separated from all real property. A clear frontier is thus drawn around each individual inside of which should be found the holy personality. These holy personalities are the blessed spirits of heaven on Earth; they are the bodies of these shadows and their frontier is their outer skin. But the actual atmosphere of man which in heaven is God, the superhuman good, is on Earth the extra-human, unhuman, touchable good, the thing, the property, the product which has been taken from the producer its creator, the abstract essence of intercourse, money. Thus the “person” was pronounced holy not because it was a human essence (its essence is quite the contrary torn from it, general human-ness not entering into account in egoism) but because it is an “I"! On the other hand “property” was pronounced holy again not because it was human (it is certainly only a thing and not even a superhuman thing like God in heaven, but only a thing exterior to man), it was rather pronounced so because it is the means of egoistic existence, because it is needed by an “I” (in the practice the egoism of the hereafter becomes touchable). But the egoism which only wants to conserve the person, naked, separated and independent from its natural and human environment, from its physical and social atmosphere, in a lifeless, inorganic, inactive, stone-like existence, egoism which feels no further than its outer skin and sees no further than the end of its nose - this limited essence destroys rather the real life of the very individual. It has not occurred to the wise Christian law-givers that man can not be separated from the atmosphere in which he breathes without suffocating in his miserable solitude; that his natural and physical life concerns not only what is within the traced frontiers of the body but the whole of nature; that his spiritual or social activity concerns not only the creations, ideas and feelings which remain within him but all the products of social life. They have not therefore considered that man cut off from his environment was an abstracted, skinned being as little alive as the raw animal flesh from which the hide has been removed, as a breathing creature which has been deprived of air. They have deprived man of social life-air and have left him free to surround himself with the fumes of money, this materialised spirit or God, and to survive as he can. And this holy corpse set in spirit they have proclaimed to be free man, inviolable, holy and eternal personality! What do these holy corpses do in order to conserve themselves? They seek to mutually deprive each other of the spirit, their abstract essence without which they decompose; they rob each other so as not to be without property - t hey murder each other in order to live, i.e., to be able to exist pitifully! It was thought that human freedom and equality had been created whereas a freedom of beasts of prey based on the equality of the dead had been consistently achieved. And it is this freedom that has been named the natural freedom of man! What enlightened law-givers! They spoke to poor men along the following lines: “You are free by nature and your natural freedom, your naked personality must remain your inviolable, inalienable property. But as concerns your social life (and that of course concerns everything, for you cannot prolong your natural life if you do not acquire the means of life produced by society) and so as concerns your life you must struggle isolatedly with each other. You must use your natural freedom to acquire your means of life. You only acquire them by alienating your natural freedom, but alienate it voluntarily! Nobody is forced to alienate his natural freedom, to sell, rent or hire himself, if he prefers to die of hunger. But take care not to disturb the others, who have understood better, from cashing in, from converting into money their natural freedom, take care not to disturb these honest people in their business! You want to earn a living, so you must voluntarily offer your natural freedom for sale, as do all other honest people. Thus if you have acquired something you can in your turn buy and use the natural freedom of others.”

The trade in humans, the trade in human freedom, in human life, is today too universal to be able to be seen at first glance. Quite literally one cannot see the wood for the trees. It is by no means only the propertyless who sell off their freedom against means of existence. For the more someone has “earned” the more he wants to “earn” - in the end he wants to suck up the whole world for his private purpose. Yes, the trade in our own freedom and in the freedom of others will be so usual that in the end we will be so steeped in our slavery that no suspicion, no trace of an idea of free activity, of the true life will remain any more. The slavery is more visible for the propertyless whereas for the propertied it is more a state of mind. But for this race of born slaves, even visible slavery is invisible! Our working men and women, our day labourers, valets and maids who are glad to find masters are, according to our modern concepts, free workers; and the master who employs very many hands and feeds very many mouths is an “honourable (normally very broad-minded) useful member of bourgeois society” ... But what about those blacks in “free” North America who in exactly the same way as our “free” workers work for masters, those slaveowners who in exactly the same way as our honourable, broad-minded and useful members of bourgeois society employ very many hands and feed very many mouths? Oh how unchristian! In any event, there is a distinction between the “shameful” trade in men on the coasts of Africa and the honourable trade in men on our doorsteps! Yes, and what is more, there is an essential distinction between the modern slavery of Christian America and the ancient slavery of heathen Greece! The Greeks only had slaves to be able to devote their services to the community, to live in freedom, to cultivate the arts and sciences in their free time; the Ancients did not yet have machines which would have made slaves, the human machines, unnecessary, but if they had had modern inventions, as Aristotle clearly stated, they would not have kept slaves to pander to their greed. But the Moderns, the Christians, only buy men because bought men could work more cheaply than hired men; conversely they declare this trade in men shameful as soon as it threatens to be less profitable or to be very dangerous for the existence of the shopkeepers. So what about the trade in men on our doorstep! What is the essential difference! With us slavery is no longer one-sided, it is mutual: not only do I make you a slave but you make me a slave, but we do not rob each other directly of our freedom - that would not be feasible - but we mutually tear from each other the means of freedom and life. As we can no longer be sold against our will we must sell ourselves voluntarily! In fact we can no longer sell ourselves, no, we must continually rent, hire ourselves; we must, as has been said, continually and completely voluntarily give up our freedom. Yes, our modern law-givers have clearly distinguished between sale and hire ... Such a cleverness is frightful! But ah, the cleverness of our modern law-givers is nothing but slave sense. As has been said, the visible slavery of our modern world of shopkeepers is itself an invisible one.

– 12 –

The task of realising Christianity, i.e., the task of absolutely removing all and any capacity from man in his real, actual life, in practice and not just in imaginary theory and of attributing to him an imagined, chimerical essence, the task of, under the pretence of making a tangible heaven on Earth, making a just as tangible hell on Earth, the task of removing from man in social life all human life-air, of bringing him under the air pump of egoism and of interpreting the struggle to the death of the miserable as the normal life-activity of men, this task the world of shopkeepers has solved! Compared with the relations of our society, Antiquity and also the Middle Ages are still human. Mediaeval society with its whole detestable appendage of barbarous laws and institutions did not entirely deform men, as modern society does. In the Middle Ages indeed beside the serfs who were and had nothing there were also men who had a social possession and a social character, who were something. The estates and corporations, although they were only egoistic associations, had a social character if also only a limited one; the individual could flourish in his social sphere of activity and unite himself into the community even though only in a limited way. It is quite different now where the formula for universal servitude has been discovered. The social life of men is now completely deprived of all noble impulses. There is no social possession, no living property, there are no more men who really have or are something. This general rubbish (Plunder) of which it is imagined that in it something is owned is a phantom which is strived for in vain! For in what consists the true social property? Surely only in the means to live and act in society. Property is the body of social man and as such the first condition of social life, just as the natural body, the natural property, is the first condition of life in general. But what is our social property? This general rubbish, this money, is not an organic, living body. Yes, it should represent the social body, the organic species-life, social intercourse, but it cannot do so because it is by nature inorganic, unarticulated, undifferentiated, nothing other than a dead mass, a sum and a figure. How can the value of a living being, of man and his highest life and activity, how can the value of social life be expressed in sums, in figures? One can arrive at such nonsense only after having robbed the real life of its soul, after having dismembered and divided it, and after having placed a half for the hereafter and a half for this world down here. Imagine a world of spirits without bodies, thus a chimera, in face of a world of bodies without spirit and without life, a dead matter, (another chimera), then imagine that these bodiless spirits run after this soul-less matter to grab from it more or less large pieces and drag them after them, and you have a faithful picture of the chimerical world in which we live. We can indeed acquire and obtain some of this dead, soul-less, inorganic matter, some of this rubbish after which we chase like ghosts after their lost bodies; but we do not thereby have any real living property or social possession, something which determines and conditions our life and our activity in society, our social activity, but only the materialised Christian God, the spirit or spirits in which we can conserve our earthly corpse, maintain it in a dead, stone-like existence. Money can never ever become property; it must rather be considered by all not yet corrupted human nature as something so external, so little the property of man that the intimate attachment between the possessor and his possession which constitutes the character of any true and real property appears here as the most revolting and despicable depravity. He who on the other hand identifies with his property, with his real social possession, to the point of being as intimately attached to it as the soul is to the body; the man who fills his post so fully that a separation of him from his sphere of activity is just unthinkable (a phenomenon that is now the exception because money is now the content of all social efforts), is a man of honour, a true man. For it is not the Christian and philosophical elevation above the common life but the devotion, the life and activity for others that makes man man. So the attachment of the possessor and possession is also the character of real and so of social property as well as of natural property in general. All that I have appropriated really, and so my living property, is intimately attached to me and must and should be so. But what is someone who is intimately attached to our so-called property, to money-property? Who is so identified with his money that he is not separated from it? A miserable wretch! Nevertheless we must consider this universal rubbish as so much our first condition of life, so much our indispensable property, that we cannot conserve ourselves without it. You must therefore constantly strive to appropriate something that cannot be appropriated, that always remains far, on the other side for you. You can possess with your money only a soul-less body to which you can never give a soul, which can never become your property! You must consider yourself happy to be able to exchange your own body, your own flesh and blood, your life-activity, for this rubbish, happy to be able to sell yourself -- something which in the Middle Ages and Antiquity was considered at the least as a misfortune. You must consider yourself happy to be a modern bondsman; for you are always exposed to the danger of falling back into the original condition of the blessed spirits which the law-givers have brought down from the Christian heaven and which they have proclaimed the normal condition of “natural” man - you are always exposed to the danger of becoming a pure, free, naked person!

– 13 –

The world of shopkeepers is the practical world of illusion and lies. Under the appearance of absolute independence there is absolute want; under the appearance of the most living intercourse there is the most deadly separation of every man from his fellow men; under the appearance of an inviolable property guaranteed to everyone the capacity of everyone is taken from them in reality; under the appearance of general freedom there is general servitude. No wonder that in the realised world of lies dishonesty is the rule and honesty the infringement, that baseness should have all the honours and the man of honour should fall into misery and shame; that hypocrisy celebrates its triumph and is taken as the truth; that there should be division amongst the majority and determination amongst the minority; that finally the freest understanding is the most destructive and conversely the narrowest servility is the most conservative element!

– 14 –

The isolated individual, separated from his roots, from his life-element, as a rotten fruit falling from a living tree and thereby perishing, can only be artificially removed from his decomposition or conserved. A living being does not conserve itself but manifests itself, produces itself anew at each moment. But in order to be able to live really, i.e., to manifest or produce themselves, the various isolated members of one and the same organic body must be indissolubly linked to each other as well as to their communal life-elements or materials; they and their bodies and their life-atmosphere must not be separated from each other. This separation, isolation and disintegration of individuals is the characteristic of the animal world, of egoism. And mankind has had this animal characteristic till now because it was still being created; for the animal world itself is nothing other than developing mankind in creation. In other words, mankind has a double history of creation: the first is that of its still unconscious or bodily existence and this we meet in the animal world; the second creation history, which follows from and after the first and which completes it, exists wholly and completely; this creation is that of its conscious, spiritual or social existence and this we meet in the social animal world. We now find ourselves at the summit, at the culminating point of the social animal world; we are thus now social beasts of prey, fully-developed conscious egoists who sanction in free competition the war of all against all, in the so-called rights of man the rights of isolated individuals, of private persons, of the “absolute personality,” and in freedom of trade mutual exploitation, thirst for money. This thirst for money is nothing but the thirst for blood of the social beast of prey. We are no longer grass-eaters like our good-natured ancestors, who indeed were also social beasts but were not yet beasts of prey, the great majority of whom let themselves be fed like good-natured domestic animals. We are bloodsuckers who mutually skin and devour each other. Just as the animal tastes in blood only his own life in an animal-like, brutal way, so man tastes in money his own life in a brutal, animal-like, cannibalistic way. Money is the social blood, but externalised, spilt blood. The Jews had the world-historic mission in the natural history of the social animal world of developing the beast of prey out of man; they have finally fulfilled their mission. The mystery of Judaism and Christianity has been made public in the modern Jewish-Christian world of shopkeepers. The mystery of the blood of Christ, like the mystery of the old Jewish blood cult, appears here finally completely unveiled as the mystery of the beast of prey. In ancient Judaism the cult of blood was only prototypic; in the Christian Middle Ages it was realised theoretically, ideally, logically, i.e., the externalised, split blood of mankind was consumed really but only in the imagination, as the blood of the man-God. In the modern Jewish-Christian world of shopkeepers this bent and drive of the social animal world no longer comes out either symbolic or mystic but as wholly prosaic. In the religion of the social beasts of prey there was still some poetry. It was not at all the poetry of Olympus, but indeed that of Blocksberg. The social animal world first became common and prosaic when nature again enforced its rights and the isolated man, this pitiful slave of Antiquity and serf of the Middle Ages, no longer wanted to be satisfied with heavenly nourishment; when he began to struggle for material instead of for spiritual treasures and when he wanted to play out his externalised life, his split blood in a visible purse rather than in an invisible stomach. So the holy juggling tricks became profane, heavenly trickery became earthly, the poetic fight of God and the Devil became a prosaic animal fight and the mystical theophagy became a public anthrophagy. The church of God, the heavenly vault where the priest, the hyena of the social animal world, celebrated an imaginary funeral meal changed itself into the money State, into this earthly battlefield where beasts of prey with equal rights suck each other’s blood. In the money State, the State of free competition, all privilege and all distinctions of rank come to an end. There reigns, as has been said, a poetry-less freedom of beasts of prey based on the equality of death. In face of money kings are no longer entitled to conquer as the lions of the animal-men, just as little as the gloomy priests still have the right to refresh themselves with the smell of corpses because they are their hyenas. Rather have they only the right, like the other animal-men, arising from common natural right, from their common quality of beasts of prey, bloodsuckers, Jews, money-wolves.

– 15 –

Money is the life-killing means of intercourse which has solidified into a dead letter just as the letter is the spirit-killing means of intercourse which has solidified into dead money. The invention of money and letters is attributed to the Phoenicians, the same people to whom is also attributed the invention of the Jewish God. A writing joker believes he has said something very intelligent against the abolition of money in comparing, in one of his writings entitled Bewegung der Production, the spiritual capital which we possess in writings (especially in his own) to the material capital which we possess in money, and then he adds: “An abolition of money would have the same significance as an abolition of writing: this would be an edict to world history to return to its mother’s womb.” First Mr Schulz has overlooked the difference between the material capital which we possess in money and the spiritual capital which we can appropriate through writing. This difference is as great as that between true and false property. I can indeed appropriate for myself through writing spiritual treasures. But it would not occur to anyone to wish to stamp the treasure which we appropriate through word and writing as the private property of individuals who could then transmit it to their private heirs. I can indeed inherit and acquire a library and its so-called treasures; I can also receive so-called revelations from the Holy Scriptures; but the more this acquisition comes near to being a money acquisition, the more external, contingent it is, the more it is subject to profit and loss, the more worthless, spirit-less is my “spiritual” treasure. Or does Mr Schulz believe that I already received the spirit with the letters and the books? Language is a living, spirit-rich means of intercourse but letters are not. Spiritual money is only valid in so far as it is organically attached to man. Language can be organically attached to man because it is an organic, articulated whole. But money cannot be organically attached to man, as already shown above. Money therefore resembles writing not as a living language but as a dead letter. The letter - this is very significant - must have been invented like money by those who invented Moloch. But language was never and nowhere in the world invented. When an invention is no longer necessary, no longer usable, when it has even become harmful, it is not used any more, without it therefore having to be returned to the “mother’s womb.” It is not disputed that the invention of letters and coins was a “useful” and even a “necessary” invention, but it is disputed that it will therefore also be in the future. It is quite right that in the old condition of the isolation of men, in the old mutual estrangement of men, an external symbol had to be invented to represent the spiritual and material exchange of products. Through this abstraction from real, spiritual and living intercourse the capacity, the creative force of men was increased during their estrangement; in other words, they found in this abstract means of intercourse a mediating essence for their own estrangement; they had to seek the unifying essence outside of themselves, i. e., an inhuman, super-human essence, since they were not men, i.e., were not united. Without this inhuman means of intercourse they would never have entered into intercourse. But as soon as men unite, as soon as a direct intercourse between them can take place the inhuman, external, dead means of intercourse must necessarily be abolished. This dead and deadly means of intercourse cannot and will not be abolished arbitrarily; its abolition therefore happens as little through an “edict” as did its creation. In the same way that the need for an external means of union during the period of the internal disintegration of the human species had brought into being spiritual and material idols, so the need for a direct and intimate union of men will demolish these idols again. Love which fled to heaven while the Earth was not yet able to grasp it will again have its seats of living in the place where it was born and nurtured, the breast of man. We will no longer vainly seek our life outside and above us. No extraneous essence, no third middle term will any more intrude between us so as to unite us externally and apparently to “mediate” us, while separating and splitting us internally and really. With commercial speculations will cease philosophical and theological speculations and with politics will cease religion. Driven by the internal necessity of our nature and by the external necessity of our relations we will put an end once and for all to all these absurdities and hypocritical nonsense of our philosophers, scholars, priests and statesmen, who harmonise so well with the inhumanity and baseness of our bourgeois society; we will do this by uniting together in a community and expelling all these extraneous bodies and all these external means of communication, these thorns in our flesh.

– 16 –

The organic community which we are looking forward to can only come into being as a result of the highest development of all our forces and by means of the painful stimulus of necessity and of vicious passions. The organic community, the ripe fruit of human development, could not come into being as long as we were not wholly developed and we could not develop ourselves unless we engaged in intercourse with each other. But during the development of this intercourse we still grappled with each other as single and isolated individuals. We grappled with each other for our material and spiritual means of intercourse because as isolated individuals we needed this means of intercourse to live. We needed it because we were not united, but the union or the collaboration of our forces is our life. We thus had to seek our own life outside of us and to secure it in mutual struggle. But through this struggle we have won something entirely different from what we were striving and hoping to win. We thought we were winning an external good, but we were developing ourselves. But this madness was salutary and beneficial for us for as long as it contributed really to develop our forces and faculties. After these had developed we will only mutually ruin ourselves if we do not pass on to communism. Our forces are now no longer further developed through struggle, for the good reason that they are already developed. But we also see every day that, on the one hand, we only waste our forces fruitlessly and that, on the other hand, due to the excess of productive forces they just can not be developed any more. If the liberal bourgeois are always talking to us about the need for progress through the struggle of competition, this is because they are thoughtless chatterers, because they commit anachronisms or are blinded by egoism and unable to understand the truths which impose themselves on all those who are only prepared to open their eyes. At the stage of development where we are, we can only further mutually exploit and consume ourselves if we do not unite ourselves in love. Contrary to what the thoughtless liberals think, not centuries, not decades will elapse when the hundredfold-increased productive forces will precipitate into the deepest misery the great mass of people who have to work with their hands, because their hands will have become worthless; while a tiny minority, which is engaged in the accumulation of capital, will wallow in abundance and sink in disgusting dissipation, if they have not previously heard the voice of love and reason or if they have yielded to force.

– 17 –

The creation history of society is over; the last hour of the social animal world will soon sound. The mechanism of the money-machine has run down and it is in vain that our progressive and reactionary statesmen seek to keeping it turning ...

Patrick M. Wood - Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order

Published: September 26, 2020

Patrick M. Wood in 'The Mind Renewed', with host Julian Charles, April 13, 2019.

Self-Sufficiency: A Local Solution to a Global Problem

- By Tony Cartalucci - October 28, 2012


When thinking about "solutions" many are quick to cite organizing a protest and taking to the streets. Let's for a moment consider the mechanics of a protest, what it might accomplish, and what it may leave to be desired.

Take Glenn Beck's disingenuous 2010 "Restoring Honor" event in Washington D.C. It drew thousands of honest, well-intentioned people from all over the United States. Indeed, thousands of people filled up their Fortune 500 made cars with gas from Fortune 500 oil companies, drove countless miles, stopping along the way at Fortune 500 fast food restaurants, stayed at Fortune 500 run hotels, and stocked up on supplies purchased at Fortune 500 Walmart. They slaked their thirst under the hot August sun with cans of Fortune 500 Pepsi and Coke, and at the end of the day, they drove home, paid their Fortune 500 cable subscriptions to watch their Fortune 500 media reports, most likely on News Corporation's Fox News, a Council on Foreign Relations corporate member.

At best, all a protest will lead to, while we are so hopelessly dependent on this system, is a round of musical chairs inside the political arena, with perhaps superficial concessions made to the people. The vector sum however, will still be decidedly in favor of the global corporate-financier oligarchy.

If we understand that the fundamental problem facing not only America, but the entire world, is a global corporate-financier oligarchy that has criminally consolidated their wealth by "liberalizing" their own activities while strangling ours through regulations, taxes, and laws, we should then understand why events like Beck's "Restoring Honor" are not only fruitless, but in fact, counterproductive. We should also realize that any activity we commit ourselves to must be directed at this corporate-financier oligarchy rather than the governments they have co-opted and positioned as buffers between themselves and the masses.

While people understand something is wrong and recognize the necessity to do "something," figuring out what that "something" should be becomes incredibly difficult when so few understand how power really works and how to strip it away from the oligarchs that have criminally consolidated it.

Understanding Globalization

As of late, the expansion of this global oligarchical empire has taken a more extreme, perhaps desperate form involving staged revolutions as seen in Egypt and Tunisia, and in Libya's case, armed rebellion and foreign military intervention. However, worldwide coup d'etats have occurred before - for example, in the late 1990's under the guise of a "financial collapse" and IMF "restructuring."

Many nations fell beholden to the IMF and its regiment of "reforms" which amounted to neo-colonialism packaged under the euphemism of "economic liberalization." To illustrate how this works, it may help to understand what real colonialism looked like.

Image: Thailand's geopolitical surroundings 1800-1900. Thailand was the only Southeast Asian country to avoid European colonization.

Thailand in the 1800's, then the Kingdom of Siam, was surrounded on all sides by colonized nations and in turn was made to concede to the British 1855 Bowring Treaty. See how many of these "gunboat policy" imposed concessions sound like today's "economic liberalization:"

1. Siam granted extraterritoriality to British subjects.
2. British could trade freely in all seaports and reside permanently in Bangkok.
3. British could buy and rent property in Bangkok.
4. British subjects could travel freely in the interior with passes provided by the consul.
5. Import and export duties were capped at 3%, except the duty-free opium and bullion.
6. British merchants were to be allowed to buy and sell directly with individual Siamese.

A more contemporary example for comparison would be the outright military conquest of Iraq and Paul Bremer's (CFR) economic reformation. The Economist gleefully enumerates the neo-colonial "economic liberalization" of Iraq in a piece titled "Let's all go to the yard sale: If it all works out, Iraq will be a capitalist's dream:"

1. 100% ownership of Iraqi assets.
2. Full repatriation of profits.
3. Equal legal standing with local firms.
4. Foreign banks allowed to operate or buy into local banks.
5. Income and corporate taxes capped at 15%.
6. Universal tariffs slashed to 5%.

Read more: Egypt Today, Thailand Tomorrow

And few could argue that the IMF's rehabilitation regiments being forced upon nations all over the world after the late 90's financial crash are any different than economic colonialism both past and present. In fact, the IMF itself publishes reports at great length concerning the "necessity" of economic liberalization.

To be sure, the governments that come to power in the wake of the current Middle East destabilizations will be more servile and will undoubtedly be committed to similar economic liberalization. Brookings Institute's Kenneth Pollack already made it quite clear that "The struggle in the new Middle East must be defined as one between nations that are moving in the right direction and nations that are not; between those that are embracing economic liberalization, educational reform, democracy, the rule of law and civil liberties, and those that are not."

Siam eventually rolled back the terms of the 1855 Bowring Treaty as the British Empire waned, but as of 1997, Thailand was once again faced with similar terms, dictated this time by the bankers of the IMF.

Thailand's Answer to Globalization

Thailand's answer to the IMF, and globalization in general was profound in both implications as well as in its understanding of globalization's end game. Fiercely independent and nationalistic, and being the only nation in Southeast Asia to avoid colonization, Thailand's sovereignty has been protected for over 800 years by its revered monarchy. The current dynasty, the House of Chakri, has reigned nearly as long as America has existed as a nation and the current king is regarded as the equivalent of a living "Founding Father." And just as it has for 800 years, the Thai Monarchy today provides the most provocative and meaningful answer to the threats facing the Kingdom.

The answer of course is self-sufficiency. Self-sufficiency as a nation, as a province, as a community and as a household. This concept is enshrined in the Thai King's "New Theory" or "self-sufficiency economy" and mirrors similar efforts found throughout the world to break the back of the oppression and exploitation that results from dependence on an interdependent globalized system.

 Image: A vision of self-sufficiency in Thailand. Agrarian values and the self-reliance they engender are the hallmarks of real freedom. 

The foundation of the self-sufficiency economy is simply growing your own garden and providing yourself with your own food. This is portrayed on the back right-hand side of every 1,000 baht Thai banknote as a picture of a woman tending her garden. The next step is producing surplus that can be traded for income, which in turn can be used to purchase technology to further enhance your ability to sustain yourself and improve your life-style.

Image: The Thai 1000 baht banknote. Left is one of the many dams controlling floods and producing electricity throughout the Kingdom. Center is the current King of Thailand. Right is a depiction of a local garden providing food in a self-sufficient manner. 

The New Theory aims at preserving traditional agrarian values in the hands of the people. It also aims at preventing a migration from the countryside into the cities. Preventing such migrations would prevent big agricultural cartels from moving in, swallowing up farming land, corrupting and even jeopardizing entire national food supplies (see Monsanto). Those familiar with the UN's Agenda 21, and the more recent UN "Climate Change Program," may understand the deeper implications and dangers of such a migration and why it needs to be stopped.

By moving to the city, people give up private property, cease pursuing productive occupations, and end up being folded into a consumerist paradigm. Within such a paradigm, problems like overpopulation, pollution, crime, and economic crises can only be handled by a centralized government and generally yield political solutions such as quotas, taxes, micromanagement, and regulations rather than meaningful technical solutions.

Also, such problems inevitably lead to a centralized government increasing its own power, always at the expense of the people and their freedom. The effects of economic catastrophe are also greater in a centralized, interdependent society, where everyone is subject to the overall health of the economy for even simple necessities like food, water, and electricity.

Image: A slide presenting the "New Theory" depicting a manifestation of greed leading the people from their rural private property and into a "city of extravagance." If Agenda 21 had an illustrated cover, this could be it.
Image: The goal of the "New Theory" is to have people return to the countryside from the cities and develop their communities in a self-reliant manner. It is, in other words, Agenda 21 in reverse. 

Under the "New Theory," demonstration stations all across Thailand have been created promoting education in matters of agriculture and self-sufficient living. The program is competing against the contemporary globalization system, which as of now, is mired in many parts of the world with economic meltdown. The relatively self-sufficient nature of Thais in general has weathered this economic chaos fairly well. In 10 years, a plate of food still costs the same amount of money, as do many everyday commodities. This only further vindicates the value of being self-sufficient and now more than ever, in both Thailand, and abroad, it is a good time to get involved and get self-sufficient.

The West Strikes Back

Of course the head-of-state of a nation almost 70 million strong promoting a lifestyle that cuts the legs out from under the Western corporate-financier agenda does not sit well with the oligarchical establishment. Their response to this, as it has been with all of Thailand's habitual displays of defiance is something to behold.

Perhaps the most vocal Western corporate-financier critic of Thailand is the Economist. It openly criticizes the King's self-sufficiency economy in an article titled "Rebranding Thaksinomics." It states that the economic plan is "a partial retreat from Thailand's hitherto liberal economic stance." The Economist muddles the debate by side-stepping the self-sufficient aspects of the"self-sufficiency economy." It claims that socialist handouts under deposed Prime Minister and documented Western proxy Thaksin Shinawatra somehow accomplished the exact same goals. The Economist also claims the concept of self-sufficiency is merely a "rebranding" of such socialist handouts.

The Economist article then breaks down into a pro-Thaksin rant, decrying his ousting from power and continued claims that somehow encouraging people to grow their own food is a theft of Thaksin's socialist/populist policies.

It should be noted that permanent socialism is not self-sufficiency. It is complete dependency on the state and on people who pay their ever increasing taxes. Socialism is not about growing your own garden, using technology to enhance your independence or solving your problems with your own resources. It is about taking from the collective storehouses of the state, and when you are again hungry, taking again. Socialism could only be very useful as a stop-gap measure between current problems and the active pursuit of permanent technical solutions. However, the goal of globalization is to create interdependency between states, and total dependency on global institutions, therefore, perpetuating problems, not solving them becomes the equation.

Another Western pro-corporate-financier point-of-view comes from Australia's National University's "New Mandala" blog written by academic wonk Andrew Walker. The blog itself is a clearinghouse for corporate subsidized talking points regarding Southeast Asia and is tied to the corporate-financier funded Lowy Institute. Some "contributing writers" even include Thaksin Shinawatra's hired lobbyist, Robert Amsterdam.

Walker's entire perception of Thailand seems to be derived from his time spent in a single village in Northern Thailand. From his myopic point-of-view in the minute village of "Baan Tian," he condemns entirely Thailand's self-sufficiency economy in his article "Royal misrepresentation of rural livelihoods." He suggests that "the sufficiency economy prescriptions for rural development are inappropriate and dis-empowering."

As with the Economist, the article breaks down into a pro-Thaksin rant claiming the entire plan is meant to keep the rural population of Thailand in their place, out of the cities, and thus out of the debate of national issues.

Of course, becoming self-sufficient is one step on the road to real empowerment. Academic wonks like Andrew Walker presume the height of empowerment is feeding a paper voting stub into a box, on your way home from a service sector job, and then relaxing behind the glow of a new plasma screen TV bought on credit. A more likely argument would be that sustaining your own existence, wrought from the land beneath your feet, and the ability to shape the world around you with an understanding of science and the mastery of multiple trades is the height of empowerment and the truest form of human freedom.

The hand wringing within the writings of the Economist and ANU's Andrew Walker is not the full extent of the West's reaction to Thailand and its wandering from foreign dominion. A full fledged "red" color revolution has been brewing within the Kingdom since at least 2009. Reading the "Red Siam Manifesto" penned by "red shirt" intelligentsia Giles Ungpakorn makes it quite clear how they view "self-sufficiency" and the need to "reform" Thailand as a "socialist welfare state."

Ungpakorn's childish and ranting manifesto can be found on "Socialist Worker Online" here. A complete selection of the "red shirt" propaganda used within Thailand can be found here.

It should be noted that the leader of the "red shirt" protest is deposed ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra. Long before Thaksin Shinwatra would become prime minister in Thailand, he was already working his way up the Wall Street-London ladder of opportunity, while simultaneously working his way up in Thai politics. He was appointed by the Carlyle Group as an adviser, while holding public office, and attempted to use his connections to boost his political image. Thanong Khanthong of Thailand's English newspaper "the Nation," wrote in 2001:

"In April 1998, while Thailand was still mired in a deep economic morass, Thaksin tried to use his American connections to boost his political image just as he was forming his Thai Rak Thai Party. He invited Bush senior to visit Bangkok and his home, saying his own mission was to act as a "national matchmaker" between the US equity fund and Thai businesses. In March, he also played host to James Baker III, the US secretary of state in the senior Bush administration, on his sojourn in Thailand."

Upon becoming prime minister in 2001, Thaksin would begin paying back the support he received from his Western sponsors. In 2003, he would commit Thai troops to the US invasion of Iraq, despite widespread protests from both the Thai military and the public. Thaksin would also allow the CIA to use Thailand for its abhorrent rendition program.

In 2004, Thaksin attempted to ramrod through a US-Thailand Free-Trade Agreement (FTA) without parliamentary approval, backed by the US-ASEAN Business Council who just before last year's 2011elections that saw Thaksin's sister Yingluck Shinawatra brought into power, hosted the leaders of Thaksin’s "red shirt" personality cult.

Image: The US-ASEAN Business Council, a who’s-who of corporate fascism in the US, had been approached by leaders of Thaksin Shinwatra's "red shirt" street mobs. (click image to enlarge)

The council in 2004 included 3M, war profiteering Bechtel, Boeing, Cargill, Citigroup, General Electric, IBM, the notorious Monsanto, and currently also includes banking houses Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Chevron, Exxon, BP, Glaxo Smith Kline, Merck, Northrop Grumman, Monsanto’s GMO doppelganger Syngenta, as well as Phillip Morris.

Photo: Deposed autocrat, Thaksin Shinawatra before the CFR on the even of the 2006 military coup that would oust him from power. Since 2006 he has had the full, unflinching support of Washington, Wall Street and their immense propaganda machine in his bid to seize back power.

Thaksin would remain in office from 2001 until September of 2006. On the eve of the military coup that ousted him from power, Thaksin was literally standing before the Fortune 500-funded Council on Foreign Relations giving a progress report in New York City.

Since the 2006 coup that toppled his regime, Thaksin has been represented by US corporate-financier elites via their lobbying firms including, Kenneth Adelman of the Edelman PR firm (Freedom House, International Crisis Group, PNAC), James Baker of Baker Botts (CFR), Robert Blackwill of Barbour Griffith & Rogers (CFR), Kobre & Kim, and currently Robert Amsterdam of Amsterdam & Peroff (Chatham House).

To say that Thaksin Shinawatra and his "red shirts" have foreign backing would be a profound understatement.

Thaksin's proxy political party maintains the "red shirt" mobs which in turn are supported by several NGOs including the National Endowment for Democracy funded "Prachatai," an "independent media organization" that coordinates the "red shirt" propaganda efforts. Prachatai was recently nominated for the Deutsche Welle Blog Awards by the "Neo-Con" infested Freedom House, upon which former Thaksin lobbyist Kenneth Adelman sits as a member on the board of directors.

 Image: US Neo-Conservative, corporate-financier run Freedom House "tweets" their March 11, 2011 nomination of NEDfunded "red shirt" propaganda clearinghouse,

Western corporate-financier interests know what's going on already and they are moving against it while the majority of humanity still sleeps in ignorance and apathy. Thailand is but one nation of many, in China's "String of Pearls" that is targeted for destabilization and US State Department sponsored "liberation."

The key to stopping these foreign interests dead in their tracks is seizing back from them the mechanisms of civilization - and we have done that already in terms of the alternative media. Such success is necessary in all aspects of our life, and as the King in Thailand suggests, it can start with something as simple as growing your own garden.

Today and Into the Future

Of course in Thailand, agricultural self-sufficiency is coupled with technology to enhance efficiency and improve the quality of life. Even in the city, small independent businesses are adopting the latest technology to improve their production, increase their profits, and even out-compete larger corporations. Computer controlled machining equipment can be found in small workshops crammed into old shop-houses, automatic embroidering machines allow a single woman to fulfill orders for name tags on new school uniforms - rather than both businesses sending off orders to factories owned by a handful of wealthy investors. A multitude of examples can be seen walking around any city block in Thailand's capital of Bangkok.

Image: MIT's Dr. Neil Gershenfeld inside his "Fab Lab," arguably the birthplace of the personal fabrication revolution.

Bringing this sort of technology to rural people, even enabling people to create their own technology rather than just employ it, is not just science fiction but is a reality of today. MIT Professor Dr. Neil Gershenfeld has developed the "fabrication laboratory" or "Fab Lab." The Fab Lab is a microfactory that can "make almost anything." His Fab Lab has since been replicated all over the world in what he calls the personal fabrication revolution. It aims at turning a world of dependent consumers into independent designers and producers.

Video: Dr. Neil Gershenfeld presents his Fab Lab at TED. 

Dr. Gershenfeld in his own words articulates the problem of finding support amongst institutions and governments, stating that individuals are very enthusiastic about this revolution "but it breaks their organizational boundaries. In fact it is illegal for them, in many cases, to equip ordinary people to create rather than consume technology."

This indeed not only encapsulates Dr. Gershenfeld's dilemma, but describes to a "t" the mentality of oligarchs and the fears they harbor about empowering the people, a fear reflected in the "organizational boundaries" of their corporations and governmental institutions. This is a feature of oligarchy described as early as 300 B.C. in ancient Greece in "The Athenian Constitution." In it, a character referred to as "the Old Oligarch" describes his contempt for the social mobility the technology of the Athenian navy affords the lower echelons of Athenian society.

Dr. Gershenfeld goes on to encapsulate the true potential of his Fab Labs by stating, "the other 5 billion people on the planet aren't just technical "sinks," they are "sources." The real opportunity is to harness the inventive power of the world to locally design and produce solutions to local problems." Dr. Gershenfeld concludes by conceding he thought such a possibility was 20 years off, but "it's where we are today," noting the success his Fab Labs are already having around the world.

Image: The interior of a "Fab Lab" in Amsterdam, featuring a array of personal manufacturing technology.

Dr. Gershenfeld's message resonates with the current culture of Thailand and the ambitions of the "self-sufficiency economy." In many ways, Thailand's patchwork of micro-businesses, already successfully by-passing capital intensive centralized production, vindicates the work and optimism of Dr. Gershenfeld. It also, however, resonates strongly with the self-reliant traditions that had made America great. The technical possibility for this to change the world is already a reality, but Dr. Gershenfeld himself concedes that the biggest obstacle is overcoming social engineering - in other words - creating a paradigm shift in the minds of the population to meet the technical paradigm shift that has already taken place.

Self-sufficiency and the harnessing of technology in the hands of the people are the greatest fears of the corporate-financier oligarchy - fears that oligarchs throughout the centuries have harbored. Simply boycotting multinational corporations and replacing them with local solutions is something everyone can afford to do starting today. And by simply looking into Dr. Neil Gershenfeld's "Fab Lab," similar ideas such as "hackerspaces," raising awareness of the personal fabrication revolution, and even in the smallest way participating can help overcome the obstacle of social-engineering and spur a profound paradigm shift. We have begun to seize back the media, now it is time to seize back the other levers of power. Now is the time to recognize true freedom as being self-sufficient as a nation, as a community, and as a household, and start living it everyday.

For an extreme in-depth look at Thailand's "Sufficiency Economy" and "New Theory" economics, please see, "Wisdom from the Orient: Self-Sufficiency."

How to De-Google – #SolutionsWatch

Published: April 27, 2021

Remember when Google was just a search engine? In the age of Gmail and Google Drive and Google Maps and GooTube and Google phones, it’s truly unsettling to think how much of the average person’s online activity is now directly feeding the Google data behemoth. Today on #SolutionsWatch, James talks to Rob Braxman (The Internet Privacy Guy) about how to de-Google, and why protecting your privacy online is so important.

Google Is Now A Pharmaceutical Company

Big Tech has Merged with Big Pharma

On July 7, 2019 Gary Null & Richard Gale have documented that Google now has a pharmaceutical division headed by GlaxosSmithKline’s former chairman of its global vaccine business. Null & Gale write:

Google today is not only a weapon for promoting the pharmaceutical agenda but now also a drug company itself. During the past six years, Google’s parent company Alphabet has launched two pharmaceutical companies. In 2013, it founded Calico, run by Genentech’s former CEO Arthur Levinson. Calico operates an R&D facility in the San Francisco Bay Area for the discovery of treatments associated with age-related diseases. Two years later, Alphabet founded Verily Life Sciences (previously Google Life Sciences). Both pharma companies are partnering with other drug corporations. Recently, Verily has partnered with the European pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline to form a new drug company, Galvani Bioelectronics for the development of “bioelectronic medicines.” The collaboration is costing the companies $715 million, and the new firm is being chaired by Glaxo’s former chairman of its global vaccines business.

In addition, Google’s president of Customer Solutions Mary Ellen Coe now sits on Merck’s Board of Directors. Merck is one of the world’s “Big Four” vaccine manufacturers. Pharmaceutical companies have realized the need to co-opt social media platforms as well as the world’s most powerful search engine – Google.

This strategy, laid out 6 years ago, has picked up steam whereby now companies such as Google and Facebook have been absorbed into the pharmaceutical machinery. The dire results from this marriage already being felt as Wikipedia and other virtual social media have become just another mouthpiece for Big Pharma.

Google has earned over $1 billion from illegal online pharmacies, and may be fined up to $500 million by the US Department of Justice.

While Google profits from Big Pharma, it is erasing Dr. Joseph Mercola from it’s search engine results. Dr. Mercola is a medical doctor dedicated to natural health and remedies. He is the exact opposite of everything Google is profiting from with their marriage with Big Pharma.

Another Tech-Giant that is making money with Big Pharma is Amazon, a company that has been purging Vaccine Risk Awareness books and movies (including the documentary VAXXED) from their website. reports:

"Amazon acquired for $1 billion PillPack, a business that presorts medications, then ships them directly to customers’ homes in 49 states." report goes on to detail how Amazon is working with a drug firm to identify patients who will be eligible for experimental cancer drugs by scanning and researching patient records. This is why Google, Amazon, Facebook and others are trying to erase and discredit all Vaccine Risk Awareness books, posts, websites, information, pages, etc., because Tech Cartel has merged with Pharmaceutical Cartel. They are one-in-the-same and have the same agenda.

*** Find more evidence Google is now a Pharmaceutical Company at these links:

Google sister-company Verily is teaming with big pharma on clinical trials

We see Verily’s technology as a way for us to reach patients and get them interested,” said Badhri Srinivasan, head of global development operations at Novartis. In an interview, Srinivasan shared an example of engaging people who are already searching on Google for relief from asthma symptoms. At that point, Verily could surface an ad to suggest they enroll in its clinical trial patient registry, dubbed Baseline, and sign up for relevant asthma-related clinical trials if they chose to do so. (emphasis added)

Did Google’s Manipulation Sway Vaccine Legislation? (Highwire)

Google Secretly Collecting Patient Medical Records in 21 States (Highwire)

Google Caught Burrying Vaccine Safety Info (Highwire)

Google is Ramping Up Pharma Activity

Pharma is the New Google

Will Tech Giants like Amazon and Google Change the Pharma Sector Forever?

Apple And Google: The Next Big Pharma

The Gary Null Show -Wikipedia: Silicon Valley’s Cult of Medical Misinformation

Richard Gale & Gary Null - Progressive Radio Network - June 28, 2019

Americans are spending more money on diagnostic tests, surgeries and other medical procedures than ever before. They are also consuming more pills and medications and will receive more treatments than at any other time in US history. Daily we are inundated with television drug advertisements with the reassuring message, “you don’t have to fight this battle alone. We are with you.” Commercials project image of laboratories, medical research, a handsome physician and sanitized clinics with happy patients in order to strengthen viewers’ faith that medical science is progressing. We are left with the feeling that the big drug companies are diligently working on our behalf to discover new and promising cures for life-threatening diseases.

As pharmaceutical public relations and the mainstream media keep this visual charade burnt into our minds, the US is spending a minimum of $3.5 trillion on healthcare. Then there is the citizens’ and the economy’s burden of an additional $1.5 trillion loss in work and wages due to illness. Five trillion dollars total. Approximately 18 percent of the US GDP. On top of this debt, tens of millions of additional dollars will be spent advertising Big Pharma’s message.

And herein lies the fundamental problem. There are more doctors, more hospitals, more drugs and medical procedures than ever before and yet we have not conquered nor made any significant progress in curing any major disease. Instead of making efforts to fund disease prevention and educate the public, prevention has been abandoned altogether. There are volumes of excellent peer-reviewed studies documenting research and clinical experience showing a healthy diet, nutrient supplementation as needed, physical exercise and stress and anxiety management regimens can either completely prevent illnesses or be incorporated into medical treatment protocols successfully. However, there is no profit to be made in prevention.

It is understandable that the pharmaceutical industry would make every effort to keep our medical regime in the forefront; what is less comprehensible on the face value is why Silicon Valley firms such as Google, Wikipedia and Facebook, and the mainstream media, are in league with the drug companies and the CDC to promulgate a false message about health through the internet.

How did we reach this threshold where trillions of dollars have been tossed into an abyss? One reason is that few voices have been able to reach the public to address the widespread corruption in corporate science, especially medicine, agriculture, and environmental issues. Honest, independent science is ignored in favor of proprietary pharmaceutical drugs and genetically modified foods. Fraudulent research has been used to justify nuclear power as a clean green energy. Political officials working on behalf of fossil fuel interests convince us with junk science that hydro-fracking poses no health risks and is environmentally friendly. A single Big Pharma corporation with thousands of employees and billions of dollars in sales and profits is deeply connected to investors, public relations firms, federal health officials and the media. All these external invested parties are in turn dependent upon corporate revenue streams. Money is spent to dominate medical schools to push the conventional drug agenda’s regime, or to front groups and foundations to buy off so-called experts to debunk critics. Revenues and pay-to-play donations received by Wikipedia and others are one crucial incentive to account for the corruption and deceit in these Silicon firms. Similarly, drug advertisements to mainstream media networks are little more than payoffs to assure drug companies that objective reporting is negligible that would otherwise put the pharmaceutical company and its medical products into a bad public light.

The benefit Big Pharma receives from hijacking the federal regulators and legislators is protection from the nation’s judiciary. So, when a drug like Merck’s anti-arthritic Vioxx conservatively kills over 60,000 patients and injures an additional 130,000, there is no immediate FDA recall and deaths are permitted until the crisis reaches a tipping point and health officials are forced to step in. However, seldom are drug executives prosecuted. Vioxx sales earned $18 billion and Merck only had to pay a $5 billion settlement. Everyone who knew Vioxx was a defective product had engaged in malice aforethought with no deleterious consequences. The company merely paid a fine and returned to business as usual. And the media simply whitewashed the seriousness of Merck’s crimes about Vioxx.

Science creates new solutions through genetic engineering of crops, viruses, bacteria, artificial intelligence, geoengineering, 5G wireless technology, etc. These are held in the public’s eyes as great achievements. On the other hand, you will not find Wikipedia nor the mainstream media ever highlighting their flaws and greater risks above advertised benefits; and certainly, private corporations will never leak evidence about their risks and dangers. In the medical field, there are FDA requirements that a drug maker provide all the clinical trial results for a new drug or vaccine. If twenty trials are conducted and only five are favorable for getting the product approved, that is all the company is required to provide. The remaining 15 can be kept sealed and hidden.

We are also led to believe that if a scientific invention or studies for a new drug appear in the peer-reviewed literature, they have reached a gold standard. Any controversy has been settled. Consequently, a peer-reviewed paper becomes a scientific law unto itself. However, now it has been confirmed repeatedly that the peer-reviewed journal system is also corrupt. In fact, as we will recount, it is filled with fraud, and it will worsen without any efforts made to reform it. Quite simply there is no concerted will nor ethical standard to improve the peer-reviewed system because too much profit is generated.

Wikipedia editors take full advantage of flawed medical literature if the conclusions serve their purpose and agenda. Google, through its algorithmic modeling to censor voices challenging private medicine’s status-quo leave people with no way to determine whether scientific literature is bogus or not. Nor whether the science supporting evidence that a natural product can contribute to treating a disease or that studies and analysis implicating vaccines with a wide range of neurological disorders are accurate. Conclusions, regardless of how unsound and erroneous, is all that matters for Google to protect the global medical regime — not just private drug companies but also government health bodies and international organizations such as the World Health Organization.

Google today is not only a weapon for promoting the pharmaceutical agenda but now also a drug company itself. During the past six years, Google’s parent company Alphabet has launched two pharmaceutical companies. In 2013, it founded Calico, run by Genentech’s former CEO Arthur Levinson. Calico operates an R&D facility in the San Francisco Bay Area for the discovery of treatments associated with age-related diseases. Two years later, Alphabet founded Verily Life Sciences (previously Google Life Sciences). Both pharma companies are partnering with other drug corporations. Recently, Verily has partnered with the European pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline to form a new drug company, Galvani Bioelectronics for the development of “bioelectronic medicines.” The collaboration is costing the companies $715 million, and the new firm is being chaired by Glaxo’s former chairman of its global vaccines business.

In January 2019, Google’s president of Customer Solutions Mary Ellen Coe joined Merck’s Board of Directors. Formerly at the corporate consulting McKinsey and Company, her role at Google includes overseeing the firm’s global advertising for contracted companies. Merck’s chairman Kenneth Frazier remarked in a press release that Coe “will be a significant asset to Merck.”[01]

The conflicts of interest are obviously clear. As the world’s most advanced search engine, Google has gained control over the internet’s most technically sophisticated surveillance systems and algorithms. Therefore, the company has positioned itself as becoming a potential threat to human health.

During the past five years, the pharmaceutical industry has shown a growing interest in the concept of virtual pharmacies, whereby drug companies can leverage their influence over consumers. Social media, notably Wikipedia, YouTube and Facebook have become consumers’ most utilized resources for gaining knowledge about disease, drugs and health. In a University of Sydney survey, Wikipedia was the first source of choice for gaining information about unfamiliar health topics, even among medical professionals.[02] According to a 2013 joint analysis about this emerging trend, conducted by the University of Zurich and the Big Pharma giant Johnson and Johnson, drug companies can use these virtual platforms to tackle the challenges they face on the market and even within the medical communities. However, the analysis also recommended that the best strategy is for Big Pharma to invest heavily in virtual companies and form collaborations. This strategy, laid out 6 years ago, has picked up steam whereby now companies such as Google and Facebook have been absorbed into the pharmaceutical machinery. The dire results from this marriage already being felt as Wikipedia and other virtual social media have become just another mouthpiece for Big Pharma.

If Google’s transformation into a drug company is not disturbing enough, the world’s largest open source site for medical information has become Wikipedia. Moreover, Google and Wikipedia are tied together at the waist. Earlier this year, Google dumped $3.1 million into Wikipedia, which now brings total contributions to over $7.5 million during the past decade. Curiously, the announcement of Google’s endowment was made at the World Economic Forum at Davos last January. The donation also includes Google’s intention to provide Wikipedia editors with its high-tech learning tools. Wired Magazine published an article that provides further details about the Google-Wikipedia relationship over the years. With respect to Google’s generous contribution, journalist Louise Matsakis writes, “but the decision isn’t altruistic… Google already uses Wikipedia content in a number of its own products…. The company also has used Wikipedia articles to train machine learning algorithms, as well as fight misinformation on YouTube.” Now with Jimmy Wales’ intention to take on the cause of fighting “fake news” — which is according to his personal Skeptic ideology — his Skeptic editors and trolls will have free access to more advanced algorithmic tools to proceed with their agenda to scrub Wikipedia of content favorable towards alternative medicine or content critical of pharmaceutical regime.

When one first visits Wikipedia’s home page, front and center we read “the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.” But it is an ideal that has failed dismally. Content about medical products and therapeutic regimens are penned by completely unqualified editors with no medical background, many who prefer to remain anonymous. Yet Wikipedia editors state with authority that there are no proven health benefits for non-conventional and natural medical therapies. Reading any Wikipedia entry about chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, Chinese medicine, naturopathy or energy medicine, the reader will walk away believing it is all pseudoscience or quackery. However, collectively there are hundreds of thousands of studies to support these therapies’ efficacy and safety. Legitimate scientific inquiry has already shown their efficacy. Independent board-certified physicians have been using complementary and alternative medicine for a long time with excellent results. But this information is either censored or scrubbed from Wikipedia.

Before the internet, it was very difficult for the average person to access reliable consumer information about diseases, mental disorders, drugs and treatments, medical procedures, and surgery. It was equally difficult to find reliable information about alternative medicine as well. A person had to go to great lengths to find actual scientific literature. The internet changed that forever, and companies such as Google and Wikipedia came forward to bring this literature into our homes. All a person has to do is perform a simple query on Google’s search engine. Almost always, the inquirer will be directed to Wikipedia in the top several listings. The average person then believes the content will be unbiased and neutral, an accurate and balanced description of the subject matter. However, for medical issues, nothing could be farther from the truth.

For example, we accessed Wikipedia pages for each of the vaccines recommended on the CDC’s childhood immunization schedule. In every case, adverse effects were undermined by emphasizing a vaccine’s benefits. Not a single entry had a complete list of adverse effects as found on the vaccine maker’s manufacturing package insert — which is also easily accessed on the CDC’s website. Nor was there to be found a list of vaccine ingredients, many of which are scientifically proven to be toxic. Consequently, a visitor to any Wikipedia vaccine page will only gain a very incomplete and twisted understanding of the vaccines’ actual safety and efficacy. Wikipedia hides the toxicity of the drugs and vaccines it promotes.

So where exactly in the cesspool of modern medicine, food science, and the agro-chemical industry are we to discover truth. Few in the scientific and federal health agencies can be trusted anymore. Most are compromised. Rarely is a mainstream journalist trustworthy, and no one can be certain whether a paper appearing in a peer-reviewed science journal or a medical entry on Wikipedia is reliable or not. Even clinical physicians on the front lines of healthcare work in the dark. It is only after large numbers of deaths and injuries, such as with Agent Orange, DDT, aspartame, Vioxx, opiate drugs, etc., that a light goes on. But only for a short time before going dark again.

Our research shows that the majority of pharmaceutical corporations have settled laws suits. At the same time our analysis confirms that up to 900,000 Americans die annually from iatrogenic causes. How is it that the pharmaceutical industry and medical establishment has killed more Americans than those who died in Vietnam without any serious consequences? Now wrap your mind around this. If we take a conservative figure of preventable deaths from medicine, 500,000 per year during the last four decades, that would account for approximately 20 million deaths. And where is the outrage and outcry?

We can compare iatrogenic deaths from modern medicine with deaths reported due to supplements, which is usually certain botanical herbs. In 2017, the Journal of Medical Toxicology reported 34 deaths that year from supplements, yet most were due to Ephedra (illegally used because the FDA banned it in 2003), the African herb yohimbe that is often improperly used as a natural Viagra, and energy drinks. On the other hand, no deaths are reported for vitamin supplementation. although parental overdosing small children with vitamins is responsible for approximately 80% of adverse vitamin reactions — due to hypervitaminosis from very high and abnormal doses of vitamin A, B3, B6 and D. But nowhere on Wikipedia will you find an accurate accounting of supplements’ safety record compared to pharmaceutical drugs.

The reason for American medicine turning into the nation’s largest and deadliest battlefield is because scientific corruption is legally protected to proceed with impunity. The Surgeon General, the heads of federal health agencies, drug makers, the insurance industry, medical schools and professional associations, Google and Wikipedia, and the media operate as a single voice that the American health system is the best in the world when it is surely not. Corporate interests control everything. Modern medicine has morphed into a religious cult that is incapable of self-reflection about its own vulnerabilities and failures. And numerous patients have been played for fools.

The fact is that all players in the architecture of our medical system are vulnerable to corruption. Private industry and government know this perfectly. The checks and balances between private and public interests have collapsed. Today, the medical regime is a single entity. All of its parts are consolidated and entwined into a monolithic behemoth to prevent injury to its bottom line. The media and Silicon Valley firms such as Google and Wikipedia have been co-opted to serve as the guardians of Big Pharma’s culture of corruption.

If modern medicine was consistently responsible for positive results that vastly improving our nation’s quality of heath, we might be more tolerant of its limitations. However, as corruption or incompetence throughout the medical establishment and federal health agencies increases, so has the health of the nation substantially decreased. The nation’s health statistics and the annual rise in preventable diseases proves the case.

The US is the world’s most medicated country and ranks at the bottom of the pack of developed nations for quality of health. It is also the only nation in the developed world with its average lifespan in decline. A Consumer Report survey estimates that 55 percent of Americans regularly take a prescription drug, and among those most take four drugs on average. In 2016, over 4.5 billion prescriptions were filled, earning the pharmaceutical industry over $200 billion.[1] An earlier estimate conducted and published by the Mayo Clinic found that 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug and over 50 percent are on two. Twenty percent of patients are on five or more.[2] Over 17 percent of citizens 45 years and older take antidepressants, including one in four women.[3] A multi-year population-based survey conducted by the University of Illinois at Chicago found that 32 percent of adults diagnosed with depression were taking medications with depression listed as an adverse effect! These drugs include proton pump inhibitors, analgesics, beta blockers and synthetic hormone contraceptives.[4]

For anyone who cares to take a broad, objective and panoramic view of the illnesses plaguing the American landscape, the situation is shocking. Clearly it needn’t be this way. Most people enter the sciences for noble reasons and possess either passion for discovery or to improve the well-being of their fellow citizens. So then why do they often emerge from the other end of the institutionalized treadmill as proponents of products that create more harm than good?
The Dismal State of Modern Science

There have been prophetic voices in the past who have warned about the future travesties of modern scientific advancement. In his 1924 essay “Icarus or the Future of Science,” the British mathematician and moral philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote, “I am compelled to fear that science will be used to promote the power of dominant groups, rather than to make men happy. Icarus, having been taught to fly by his father Daedalus, was destroyed in his rashness. I fear that the same fate may overtake the populations whom modern men of science have taught to fly.” Later in his essay Bertrand continues, “whether, in the end, science will prove to have been a blessing or a curse to mankind, is to my mind still a doubtful question.”

For Russell, those who can sincerely call themselves scientists pursue their discipline out of a love for knowledge. Science is supposed to improve conditions necessary to foster our well-being and happiness, and to preserve the planet’s environment in an ethical manner. A scientist who truly pursues knowledge out of love, Russell argues, will desire the fruits of his work and craft to be expressions of kindness for the greater good. On the other hand, science becomes a perversion when knowledge is pursued solely for economic, political or social power. He warned about the trends of his day increasing whereby the holders of scientific knowledge become “evil” and science solely serves the ambitions of the powerful and those who control scientific inventions’ utility. “Scientific knowledge,” Russell wrote, “does not make men more sensible in their aims, and administrators in the future will be presumably no less stupid and no less prejudiced than they are at present.”[5]

Since the days when science broke free from religion during the European Renaissance, the blind faith in perpetual scientific progress as humanity’s best of fortunes has been incanted to our present day. In fact, in the 21st century, scientific materialism has now generally replaced religious beliefs and morals altogether. This is especially evident in the contemporary regressive movements of Skepticism, the New Atheism, Science- and Evidence-based Medicine, genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, Randian Objectivism, and scientific positivism, which have all been chained to corporate capital and science’s bureaucracies.

This perpetual myth in scientific progress, says Russell, “is one of the comfortable nineteenth-century delusions which our more disillusioned age must discard.” In the end, Russell foresaw that science may be the ultimate cause behind “the destruction of our civilization.” From our own perspective, given our governments’ and corporations’ disregard towards climate change, insensitive destruction of the natural world and other species, medical abuse of prescription drugs, and the censorship of cheaper and safer natural remedies that might interfere with pharmaceutical and medical insurance revenues, we have to agree.

Wikipedia’s co-founder Jimmy Wales and his editors who control and administrate the encyclopedia’s pages pertaining to non-conventional medical therapies, parapsychology and its most public practitioners embrace a quasi-religious dogma known as Skepticism. Skepticism embraces a radical material reductionist perspective on medicine that underlies drug discovery and development. On the other hand, Google, besides having formally entered the pharmaceutical business, gave birth to another kind of scientific materialism known as Singularity, a quasi-religious cult with a mission to make artificial intelligence smarter than humans. Singularity’s prophet Ray Kurzweil, Google’s chief science executive, hopes to imbue computers with consciousness. Both Skepticism and Singularity are extreme forms of scientific reductionism and their growing popularity is exactly what Russell warns us about. Both movements are also the harbingers of a draconian medical regime that are becoming the authors of the nation’s health laws.

This trend being promoted by Google, Skepticism and Wikipedia has been termed “scientism,” an incoherent ideology that identifies rationality and reason with science itself. Scientism embraces the premise that science can explain everything. One of the more common criticisms against scientism is its “claims that science has already resolved questions that are inherently beyond its ability to answer.”[8] This scientific hubris particularly plagues the biological disciplines such as mental health, immunology, drug-based conventional medical therapies, neurobiology, the genetic etiology of disease, nanomedicine and genetic modification of plants for industrial agriculture. Because of its reliance on the foibles of reason alone, Skeptics on Wikipedia more often than not simply dismiss natural medicine outright for being “implausible” without elaborating further or making an effort to understand the underlying scientific principles behind non-drug therapies.

One unrecognized consequence of scientism is that it plays directly into corporate hands to advance its’ financial interests and commercial control over a population. By tossing aside philosophical and ethical considerations over natural scientific discoveries, scientific truths stand alone as sterile and amoral tools that have been weaponized for corporate profit. This is most evident in the pharmaceutical industry that pushes questionably ineffective and unsafe drugs to treat physical and mental disorders, or the agro-chemical corporations’ poisoning the public with carcinogenic pesticides and environment-damaging genetically modified crops.
Modern Medicine: The Exemplar of Scientific Nepotism

The state of modern American medicine was accurately summarized in April 2018 when Goldman Sachs released its financial projection report, “The Genome Revolution,” to biotechnology companies. The report doesn’t hesitate to state clearly that for future investment, corporate profits far outweigh the curing of disease.

Goldman Sachs is one of Wall Street’s largest investors in high growth technologies, particularly pharmaceuticals, medical devices and healthcare services. The report presents the frightening question, “Is curing patients a sustainable business model?” Even for the most hardened proponents of natural medicine and opponents of Big Pharma, there are times when a drug developer hits the nail correctly. Such is the case with Gilead Sciences’ drugs Harvoni and Epclusa, which have achieved over a 90 percent cure rate for hepatitis C. This is an extraordinary cure rate. But for Goldman, this is a bad sign for investors and shareholders. The drugs’ success has steadily drained the pool of patients requiring treatment. At their peak in 2015, these drugs earned $12.5 billion. Three years later it is expected to earn under $4 billion, and revenues will continue to decline. Goldman writes, “In the case of infectious diseases such as hepatitis C, curing existing patients also decreases the number of carriers able to transmit the virus to new patients, thus the incident pool also declines … Where an incident pool remains stable (e.g., in cancer) the potential for a cure poses less risk to the sustainability of a franchise.”[6]

Goldman’s report confirms an observation that we have been voicing for many years. That is, modern medicine is no longer about treating disease; rather, it is about managing illness in order to keep patients on drugs for life. How did this trend of an amoral medical philosophy and a betrayal of Hippocratic principles come about since billions of dollars are spent annually to discover cures for disease?

Ronald Reagan, the first Deregulator-in-Chief, opened a pathway for private interests to gain greater control over the sciences. It was also during the Reagan era that pharmaceutical firms infiltrated the halls of the federal government. Through concerted lobbying and persuasion, Reagan signed the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act to protect vaccine makers from financial liability due to vaccines’ adverse effects. Before this bill, only a few firms continued to manufacture vaccines; the financial risks and compensation burden from vaccine injuries were too high for most drug companies. Reagan is therefore credited for launching the current vaccine boom, estimated to be worth $60 billion by 2020, with no legal liability placed upon companies for pushing unsafe and minimally effective products. This trend entered hyper drive disorder under President Clinton, who perceived himself as the first “biotech president” and invited more corporate executives with conflicts-of-interest into his administration than any previous president. If the proliferation of GMOs and the biotechnology boom giving rise to genetic modification are regarded as contagions and curses on human and environmental health, then Clinton is ultimately to be blamed.

There are three primary avenues by which science becomes corrupted and thereby damages the public’s health and the environment. These include: 1) corporate influence over scientific discoveries that are developed into products for public consumption; 2) corruption within the scientific community itself; and 3) the emergence of a positive philosophy towards science that adheres to all of the dogmatic trimmings of fundamentalist religious faith and that seeks full protection from government to become the reigning ideology of the state. Google, Facebook and Wikipedia are leading proponents enabling this third avenue.

According to a report released by the Union of Concerned Scientists, “Corporations attempt to exert influence at every step of the scientific and policy making process, often to shape decisions in their favor or avoid regulation and monitoring of their products and by-products at the public expense.”[9] In order to achieve their goals, private interests make every attempt to win over the White House, Congressional legislators, senior federal agency officials and even the judicial courts. And now we are also witnessing corporations’ successes in hijacking social media companies like Wikipedia and Facebook. One of science-generated industries’ greatest threats is independent evaluation of the scientific research supporting their products. Therefore, winning over or buying the allegiance of the legislative heads of Congressional committees and the executive tiers of federal agency regulators is a prime directive to grease the bureaucracy in order to make the licensing channels for product approval slide through smoothly and to lessen regulatory due diligence and scientific scrutiny.

Charles Seife and his students at New York University undertook the task to determine to what extent the FDA covers up evidence of fraud and corruption in medical drug trials. They reviewed FDA documents for about 600 clinical trials. How often do federal health officials discover flagrant and intentional misconduct and subsequently decide to bury the evidence and prevent it from becoming public to the medical community? Seife discovered such actions to be an official pattern within the agency. Given the high rate of content deleted or blacked out from the documents the FDA provided, the investigators could only determine which pharmaceutical company or drug was involved in 1 of 6 of the reviewed trials. For one trial alone, where FDA inspectors found significant fraud and misconduct, 78 different medical publications printed articles based upon that single study. In an article for Slate, Seife writes,

“Nobody ever finds out which data is bogus, which experiments are tainted, and which drugs might be on the market under false pretenses. The FDA has repeatedly hidden evidence of scientific fraud not just from the public, but also from its most trusted scientific advisers, even as they were deciding whether or not a new drug should be allowed on the market. Even a congressional panel investigating a case of fraud regarding a dangerous drug couldn’t get forthright answers.”[10]

In one case, a new anti-blood clotting drug, rivaroxaban, involved four large trials recruiting thousands of patients in clinical sites in over a dozen countries. According to Seife, one of the trials “was a fiasco.” In half of the sixteen clinical sites, the FDA discovered “misconduct, fraud, fishy behavior or other practices so objectionable that the data had to be thrown out.” One Colorado site falsified data. In the Mexican site, there was “systematic discarding of medical records.” Despite these overwhelming problems, the drug trial was published favorably in the prestigious British journal The Lancet. The FDA found similar problems in the three other trials; in one the data was ruled “worthless.” The FDA advisory committee of “expert” reviewers were only informed that inspectors discovered only “significant issues” at two sites in one of the trials. Rivaroxaban was nevertheless approved in 2011. Since then lawsuits for wrongful death from rivaroxaban continue to increase.[11]

In another case from 2010, Cetero, a private research company that contracts to Big Pharma, faked data for over 1,400 drug safety and effectiveness trials conducted for roughly 100 drugs, mostly generic knock offs, that were being targeted for the US market. Although the FDA had uncovered this fraud, it has refused to make these 100 drugs known to the professional medical community and public.[12]

And let’s be clear that this is the very same culture that Wikipedia, Facebook, YouTube, Google and other Silicon Valley firms have willingly embraced and aligned themselves with.

Richard Gale is the Executive Producer of the Progressive Radio Network and a former Senior Research Analyst in the biotechnology and genomic industries.
Dr. Gary Null is the host of the nation’s longest running public radio program on alternative and nutritional health and a multi-award-winning documentary film director, including Poverty Inc and Deadly Deception.


5 Russell, Bertrand. “Icarus or the Future of Science,”
7 Mark Hersgaard On Bended Knee: The Press and the Reagan Presidency
8 Hughes, Austin. “The Folly of Scientism,” The New Atlantis.
11 ibid.
