The Difference Between Patriotism AND Treasonous

- By Bahram Maskanian - December 17, 2022

The quality of being PATRIOTIC, being a PATRIOT, can easily be explained by simply imagining the warm and secure feeling of one’s HOME.  Being at home, surrounded by loved ones.  Enjoying the space, the warmth of one’s property, place of residence, and one’s territory.  And obviously if at any time one’s HOME is invaded, or attacked one would vigorously defends one’s HOME.

Treasonous are those committing and involved in crime of betraying one's COUNTRY, One’s HOME and fellow citizens.  Those who lack sense of loyalty and moral compass, capable of betraying fundamental principles of life, community and country.

As a proud PATRIOT, I would like to invite all to come together and vigorously spread the message of love, peace, country, liberty and community.  And if in the process those who betrayed their community come to join us, we should welcome them as well.

Why Humanity’s Remarkable Talents And Abilities Deliberately Kept Secret

- By Bahram Maskanian - January 13, 2020

Regardless of where you were born, your height, color and language you speak, you have many builtin talents and abilities, which have been suppressed deliberately, using television and movie screens, coupled with compulsory education, consisting of mind-numbing propaganda, along with dumbing down training, thus deceiving each new generation to choose only one skillset and profession, during the past one hundred years.

As you are growing up, the mass media prepares you to accept that you and the rest of your society will be needing many forms of experts to live and survive.  Economic experts, political experts, sports experts, fashion experts, relationship and sex experts, morality experts, social experts, money experts, medical experts, cooking experts, toxic cosmetic and drug experts, diet and nutrition experts, news experts, even weather experts.

The word “experts” translate in peoples’ minds as an authority.  Each and every one of the so called authorities and or experts are parasite’s ruling class hired goons.  The talking head experts, motivated by greed and power, pursuing the vital goal of STOPING you from critical thinking.  Thus on daily bases implanting misleading and destructive thoughts in public minds, rubbing people of precious HOPE.  And since the talking heads possess limited intellectual ability, thus their advice will always be wrong and harmful.

The mass media and entertainment system all over planet Earth are designed to hypnotize the public, while embedding key phrases in the public’s minds, and depending on the phrase, it will subconsciously motivate people to do as they were told.  To disengage the hypnotic motivators one has to be fully aware of ones actions and behaviors, in order to recognize and eliminate them. 

Single minded and skill “Specialized” is for insects, not multi talented human beings.   Human sees, human told, human does.  From the childhood to adulthood you were hypnotized and or brainwashed to believe what you believe and act the way you do.

You see, Television and the Movie screens hypnotized you to behave as you saw on TV and movies.  And accordingly, you did acted out as you were programed all throughout school, high school, college and life after college.  To realize your true and unlimited potential you have to become aware of your personality.  One’s personality consists of how one thinks, how one behaves, one’s thoughts and one’s way of speaking.  Once you become conscience of your personality, then you can change it. 

As multi talented human beings, each of us is capable of changing diaper, plan a family meal, cook a tasty family meal, drive a truck, fly a plane, design a building, write a poem, balance the checkbook, administer homeopathic remedies, create a delicious nutritional family guideline, critical thinking, form a cooperative community, comfort the dying, change the flat tire, cut and sew a garment, take sensible orders, pitch manure, give sensible orders, solve equations, analyze social and economic problems and find beneficial solutions for all involved, fight efficiently, and die gallantly.

Healthy mind is in a healthy body. And to be happy, one has to be healthy first. We live in a volatile and multi-dimensional world. Which means each and every single one of us, the people, must constantly educate ourselves and add to our knowledge and abilities, thus be ready to choose the right path and make the right decision when the time comes.

Marc Morano Writes The Great Reset

Published: December 12, 2022

Marc Morano of joins us to discuss COP27, the morphing of the climate scam into the COVID scam, and his new book, The Great Reset: Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown.


In characterizing a society, whether ancient or modern, there are two elements, rather closely interconnected, which are of prime importance: one is the economic system, the other the family system. There are at the present day two influential schools of thought, one of which derives everything from an economic source, while the other derives everything from a family or sexual source, the former school that of Marx, the latter that of Freud. I do not myself adhere to either school, since the interconnection of economics and sex does not appear to me to show any clear primacy of the one over the other from the point of view of causal efficacy. For example: no doubt the industrial revolution has had and will have a profound influence upon sexual morals, but conversely the sexual virtue of the Puritans was psychologically necessary as a part cause of the industrial revolution. I am not prepared myself to assign primacy to either the economic or the sexual factor, nor in fact can they be separated with any clearness. Economics is concerned essentially with obtaining food, but food is seldom wanted among human beings solely for the benefit of the individual who obtains it; it is wanted for the sake of the family, and as the family system changes, economic motives also change. It must be obvious that not only life insurance but most forms of private saving would nearly cease if children were taken away from their parents and brought up by the state as in Plato's Republic; that is to say, if the State were to adopt the role of the father, the State would, ipso facto, become the sole capitalist. Thoroughgoing Communists have often maintained the converse, that if the State is to be the sole capitalist, the family, as we have known it, cannot survive; and even if this is thought to go too far, it is impossible to deny an intimate connection between private property and the family, a connection which is reciprocal, so that we cannot say that one is cause and the other is effect.

The sexual morals of the community will be found to consist of several layers. There are first the positive institutions embodied in law; such, for example, as monogamy in some countries and in some others polygamy. Next there is a layer where law does not intervene but public opinion is emphatic. And lastly there is a layer which is left to individual discretion, in practice if not in theory. There is no country in the world and there has been no age in the world's history where sexual ethics and sexual institutions have been determined by rational considerations, with the exception of Soviet Russia. I do not mean to imply that the institutions of Soviet Russia are in this respect perfect; I mean only that they are not the outcome of superstition and tradition, as are, at least in part, the institutions of all other countries in all ages. The problem of determining what sexual morality would be best from the point of view of general happiness and well-being is an extremely complicated one, and the answer will vary according to a number of circumstances. It will be different in an industrially advanced community from what it would be in a primitive agricultural regime. It will be different where medical science and hygiene are effective in producing a low death-rate from what it would be where plagues and pestilences carry away a large proportion of the population before it becomes adult. Perhaps when we know more, we shall be able to say that the best sexual ethic will be different in one climate from what it would be in another, and different again with one kind of diet from what it would be with another.

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