Major internet service providers slowing traffic speeds for thousands across U.S.
Study finds significant degradation of networks for five largest ISPs, including AT&T and Time Warner, representing 75% of all wireline households in US
- By Sam Thielman in New York - June 22, 2015 - The Guardian
Major internet service providers, including AT&T, Time Warner and Verizon, are slowing data from popular websites to thousands of US businesses and residential customers in dozens of cities across the country, according to a study released on Monday.
The study, conducted by internet activists BattlefortheNet, looked at the results from 300,000 internet users and found significant degradation on the networks of the five largest internet service providers (ISPs), representing 75% of all wireline households across the US.
The findings come weeks after the Federal Communications Commission introduced new rules meant to protect “net neutrality” – the principle that all data is equal online – and keep ISPs from holding traffic speeds for ransom.
Tim Karr of Free Press, one of the groups that makes up BattlefortheNet, said the finding show ISPs are not providing content to users at the speeds they’re paying for.
“For too long, internet access providers and their lobbyists have characterized net neutrality protections as a solution in search of a problem,” said Karr. “Data compiled using the Internet Health Test show us otherwise – that there is widespread and systemic abuse across the network. The irony is that this trove of evidence is becoming public just as many in Congress are trying to strip away the open internet protections that would prevent such bad behavior.”
The study, supported by the technologists at Open Technology Institute’s M-Lab, examines the comparative speeds of Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), which shoulder some of the data load for popular websites. Any site that becomes popular enough has to pay a CDN to carry its content on a network of servers around the country (or the world) so that the material is close to the people who want to access it.
In Atlanta, for example, Comcast provided hourly median download speeds over a CDN called GTT of 21.4 megabits per second at 7pm throughout the month of May. AT&T provided speeds over the same network of ⅕ of a megabit per second. When a network sends more than twice the traffic it receives, that network is required by AT&T to pay for the privilege. When quizzed about slow speeds on GTT, AT&T told Ars Technica earlier this year that it wouldn’t upgrade capacity to a CDN that saw that much outgoing traffic until it saw some money from that network (as distinct from the money it sees from consumers).
AT&T has strongly opposed regulation of its agreements with the companies that directly provide connectivity between high-traffic internet users and their customers. Cogent, Level3 and others have petitioned the FCC to make free interconnection to CDNs a part of the conditions for the proposed merger between AT&T and DirecTV.
“It would be unprecedented and unjustified to force AT&T to provide free backbone services to other backbone carriers and edge providers, as Cogent et al seek,” said the company in a filing replying to the CDNs’ suggestion, part of a brief opposing the merger. “Nor is there any basis for requiring AT&T to augment network capacity for free and without any limits. Opponents’ proposals would shift the costs of their services onto all AT&T subscribers, many of whom do not use Opponents’ services, and would harm consumers.”
FCC chairman Tom Wheeler has taken an aggressive regulatory tack when it comes to mergers in the telecommunications sector. “History proves that absent competition a predominant position in the market such as yours creates economic incentives to use that market power to protect your traditional business in a way that is ultimately harmful to consumers,” he told industry leaders at the Internet and Television Expo last month.
The dispute over traffic speeds comes as the telecoms and cable industry readies legal challenges to the net neutrality rules. Most telecoms are content letting their lobbyists, notably trade associations Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) and USTelecom, sue the FCC over net neutrality rules, but AT&T has been one of the few companies to sue the FCC directly.
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The Georgia Guidestones 10 Masonic Commandments - The New World Order
- By Karl Fabricius - June 11, 2010
Standing in the remote location of Elbert County, Georgia resides what is known as the American Stonehenge, or the Georgia Guidestones. Purposely placed in nature’s grasp, undisturbed by city life, this massive monument has an alarming message to convey to the world. Although the message is a beautiful ideal, tracing its roots back to the concept of a Utopia, it also entails sinister prospects for the future of humanity.
The message is considered as the new 10 commandments for an age governed by reason. They read as follows:
01 – Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
02 – Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
03 – Unite humanity with a living new language.
04 – Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
05 – Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
06 – Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
07 – Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
08 – Balance personal rights with social duties.
09 – Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
10 – Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature.
The Precision of its Craft
To prove its message is universal, and a driving pursuit since the very beginning of civilization, 4 ancient languages are engraved on the capstone, including Babylonian Cuneiform, Sanskrit, Egyptian Hieroglyphics, and Classical Greek. The message is also translated in 8 modern languages, from English to Swahili, appearing on the 4 slabs of granite rock underneath.
There is also a highly intricate astrological significance to the Georgia Guidestones, which make it that much more ominous. There are precise notches that parallel the movement of the sun, from its solstices to its equinoxes, while its outer core marks the lunar-year cycle. There is even a stargazing hole, which locates the North Star, Polaris. And lastly, during the noon hour, the sun is positioned right at the center of the capstone, a highly symbolic occult design to say the least.
Who Built the Georgia Guidestones?
The grand unveiling of the Georgia Guidestones occurred on March 22, 1980, more than 30 years ago. Yet, very little awareness of it really circulated, until maybe 2005 when the environmental movement became such a hot topic. Throughout this time, though no one knows who actually commissioned its construction; all that is known is that a man by the name of R.C. Christian wanted to build it. “R.C.” is most likely short for “the Rose and Cross” of Rosicrucianism, which is simply the precursor to what is known as Freemasonry today. Not surprisingly a tablet not too far from the monument reads, “Let these be guidestones to an Age of Reason”, which echoes the writing of one Thomas Paine, a prominent 18th century Freemason.
The Meaning of its Messages
Although the 10 “guides” are somewhat vague, they raise 5 main areas of interest:
5) Sustainable Development
4) New-Earth based Religion
3) World Government System
2) Eugenics or Transhumanism
1) Reducing the Population by 80-90%
There is no doubt environmental concerns should be a top priority for all of us. However, in this case it seems as though it can also be used as a method of enforcing various laws and taxes to hinder the general public, and little by little begin the reorganization of human life on this planet entirely. In fact, it is just a matter of time before the necessity for “stronger partnerships” to assure the preservation of the environment will cause an intentional unified body, or centralized power. However, one may argue that the United Nations is already a form of world government today.
A good example of controlling the population under the guise of safeguarding nature was put forth in the Earth Charter, and the subsequent Earth Summit of 1992, which gave rise to Agenda 21, the agenda for the 21st century. Coincidentally, one year after the Earth Summit, a book was published by a premiere think tank, a non-governmental organization, called the Club of Rome. The book is called “The First Global Revolution”, and on page 104, it states:
“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. …Democracy is not a panacea. It cannot organize everything and it is unaware of its own limits. Sacrilegious though this may sound, democracy is no longer well suited for the tasks ahead.”
The hope for a new golden age is forming. Whether the Georgia Guidestones is a signpost for its construction, or just a singular man’s dream, it should be looked at from every angle and with hardened thought.
It’s fitting too that the word “Utopia” literally means “no place”, because no civilization will ever reach perfection. Yet, it is obvious still that Mankind will continue to create a more sophisticated form of its prior creation, regardless of the implications it entails. After all, for those in power, the ends seem to always justify the means.
In that case, as empires rise and fall the never ending story will continue on, until perhaps a heaven on earth is attained. However, judging by the need to reduce the population, we all have to go through a certain type of hell before paradise is ultimately regained.
Life, Without True History, Would Be Sleep-Walking Through Absolute Misery And Sorrow
- By Bahram Maskanian - January 27, 2018
“Those who do not learn from their history are doomed to repeat it.” History is a guiding light, without which humanity will be doomed.! Particularly in today's world, where the nefarious parasite ruling class owns and controls all forms of media and press. Meaning that our ears and eyes have been shut. Blind and deaf folks will never be able to see and hear the truth, thus shall remain easily manipulated, blind, deaf and dumb voters.
Often times having conversation with others I noticed how majority of folks are completely detached from the fact that our life is a collection of historical memories, perspectives and records. Everyday through the practice of trial and error, we are forced by life experiences and wisdom to adopt new ideas and disguise the old, learn from the outcome, enhance our historical outlook and move on.
To learn from history is to begin learning from one’s own history of life continuum. Imagine what would happen if tomorrow you wake-up and don’t remember any of your past experiences and or life history.? The same is true about the much larger history and just as important as your own privet one. You must be alert at all times and keep in mind that there are many psychopath members and servants of the parasite ruling class at work to manipulate you and control your behavior, using false flag operations generated fear.
Fear has proven to be the most effective way of achieving that goal. When fearful, analytical mind is disabled, thus people believe any propaganda, regardless of how outlandish. Now let’s take a brief look at history of how fear was discovered to be a very effective tool for public control, shall we.? You see, the history of civilization (city dwelling) is over 12,000 years. During the first 9,000 years of known matriarchal rule, religion and religious mullahs were frowned upon, perceived as charlatans, fraudsters and no one paid any attention to them.
Until gradually the priesthood class, the mullahs began to observe the effects of fear in people, thus started to ponder, how people’s reaction to fear can be used against the public. Mullahs started with using the fears caused by the necessary, destructive natural weather events and the environmental incidents of the planet Earth to manipulate the masses. Obviously regardless of where one lives on planet Earth there are always natural geological and weather episodes. There are droughts and blinding sand storms in and around deserts. There are thunderstorms, hurricanes, earthquakes, and lightning in most geographical areas of planet Earth. There are monsoon rains and heavy flooding around the equator. There are volcano eruptions, spewing hot burning ashes and lava in the air and down over cities and people.
Each time when any of the said natural disasters occurred, the mullahs would blame the public, saying: “fear the lord, you are being punished for your sins, repent and accept the lord. I am here to bring you lord’s messages, that if you live your life as lord direct you through me, lord will forgive you. You must bring offerings and do what the lord tells you.!” Evidently natural disasters and weather events are not going to stop because some priest’s deceptive act. Each time when natural disasters would occur, the mullahs would warn people of the village that: “there are sinners among us, there are heretics among us, we must identify, remove and destroy them, followed by begging lord’s forgiveness.” And that is how the priests found and eliminated the nonbeliever opposition, in public square, by the most brutal means possible. - And sadly you should know by now that nothing has changed. The parasite ruling class of today in order to justify war, or mass murder and plunder, orchestrate mass hysteria and fear by using False Flag Operations, 9/11, Terrorism, Global Warming, Cold War, Bio-Terrorism, Economic Terrorism, etc.
The wealthy mullahs, receiving so many offerings, start tailoring bejeweled shoes, fancy cloaks, dresses and hats, decorated with gold, jewels and all kinds of symbols. thus elevating them-selves high and above the ignorant masses. Next came mullah’s uniform wearing swords men. The costume wearing mullahs soon became very powerful and demanding, start ordering the ignorant families to bring livestock: horses, cows, sheep, pigs, chicken, and even young innocent little boys and girls to the priests as offering to be blessed.! The dawn of normalizing child molestation and slavery.
With the accumulated wealth and power the public will not be allowed to address the parasite ruling class members by just name, thus titles were created, to coverup their true evil nature and conducts, thus deceive the masses, the parasite ruling class invented many ranking titles, which they have been bestowing on one another such as, but not limited to: "Royal Family, King, Queen, Prince, Princes, Emperor, Imperial, Majesty, Lord, Lady, Baron, Baroness, Earl, Count, Countess, Dame, Viscount, Viscountess, Marquis, Marchioness, Duke, Duchess, Sir, Excellency, Eminence, Holy Father, Holy See, Pope, Pastor, Bishop, Cardinal, Reverend, Archbishop, President and Doctor.!”
Uniform, wealth, power and titles made the parasite ruling class the long lasting eugenics mass murderers that they all are. The distinctive clothing worn by members of the organized cabal, religion, aristocrats and military is designed to instill fear, thus prompting undeserved respect in peoples’ minds for the tyrants, as it continues today.
“Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.!” The wealthy powerful priests (mullahs), employed swords men, to enforce their barbaric rules. Soon the voluntary religious offerings were made into mandatory religious tax. The dawn of feudalism.! And those unfortunate folks who did not have the money to pay the religious tax, mullahs would confiscate their family farms, livestocks, even their children, to be used as sex slaves, and or servants, working for the house of worship, pleasing the manmade lord and enriching the priesthood class.
Consequently, priests became ambassadors of god on Earth. That is when the parasite ruling class were formed: consisting of aristocratic families, priesthood class, money changers, feudalism and imperialism. And to instill evermore fear in the hearts of ignorant masses, occasionally the Emperor and his priests would sent swords men out claiming that god had told the Emperor to kill all of the children born in that particular week, because one of them will grow up to become Lucifer. Brainwashed soldiers with their swords drawn would go to the villages and cut off the heads of the little angel of children, and any of the mothers or father’s who dared to try stopping the swords men, thus keeping the horror alive.
As if what was mentioned wasn’t enough, in many parts of planet earth, priests introduced the human sacrifice ritual. Innocent, young virgin girls would have been taken before god’s ambassador, the King, as the head priest, where either the King himself, or his head priest would tear open the live victim, the virgin girls chest and rip off her beating heart out, take a bite as the ignorant masses cheered with barbaric holler, while the king and the priest devour the virgin girl’s beating heart. In some volcanic regions the mullahs would throw the virgin girl, live down into the mouth of volcano to discourage volcanic eruption.
If every religious believer would read their hideous religious manual, written by psychopath men, humanity would be in much better shape. The parasite ruling class prostituted politicians, media and press deliberately create the illusion of Lucifer, they are reinforcing the religious manual’s idiotic narratives to legitimize all aspects of religions, while distracting people by using phrases such as: Satanic Order, and or Devil Worshipers, followed by some repulsive images of a beast with horns, to terrify the masses and shut you up, force you to stop asking questions and searching for answers, thus accepting the fictitious evil narratives as truth.
The mind-numbingly barbaric and stupid religious scam, imperialism and many other inhumane social and economic platforms are all fabricated, maintained and benefited by the psychopath parasite ruling class. Psychopaths are people who supposedly suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal and or violent social behavior. Psychopaths are without empathy, compassion and love, but fully conscience of their amoral, evil actions and behaviors. However there are also psychopaths by choice, whom are willing to do anything to gain wealth and power.
Real scientists whom are not in the pockets of the parasite ruling class have proven over and over again that all chronic illnesses can be cured using body’s own healing energy with meditation and healthy diet of fresh green vegetables and fresh fruits, free from all forms of alcohol, sodas, coffee, tobacco and processed foods.
“Psychopath, evil parasite ruling class, shall triumph only, if good people do nothing to stop them.!” - If you were wondering how.? - Simply disobey all that is harmful.!