Iranian / Persian Declaration Of Independence

We, the Iranian / Persian people, hereby Declare Our Independence, from any and all tyrannical regimes on the tight leash of the parasite ruling class, dominating Iran. We all agree that, under no circumstances, no religious ideology of any kind shall ever play any role in the national governance, sovereignty, social, political and economic decision making and future of Iran and the Iranian / Persian people.

Under the banner of a democratic national sovereignty, we, the Iranians / Persians have come together peacefully to take our country back on to the path of true democracy, a democracy instituted by the people, for the people.

We, the Iranian / Persian people shall embrace reason and common sense, worshiping at the altar of reason and common sense, but not at the medieval patriarchal, barbaric and tribal religious superstitious myths. The art of human survival and prosperity requires us to embrace reason, common sense, love, kindness, reconciliation, humanity and mutual cooperation. We shall set aside our petty differences to mature into a respectful and forgiving nation.

To that conclusion, we, the Iranian / Persian people agree that, we reserve the right to determine our own future, and the well-being of our culture and country. We all agree that the protection and preservation of our one and only home Planet Earth, life, liberty, pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, right to property, human rights, female equality, health and happiness must always come first, high on the national agenda of the democratically elected government of Iran.

We all agree to hold these truths to be self-evident, that all human beings: women and men are created equal, and are endowed by Mother Nature with certain unalienable rights: amongst which are: life, liberty, pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, right to property, human rights, female equality, health and happiness.

We all agree that, to secure the liberty, security and the human rights of all Iranians / Persians, government shall only be instituted by, and for the Iranian / Persian people through a constitutional and democratic representative form of governing system.

We all agree to hold these truths to be self-evident, that all human beings: women and men are created equal, and are endowed by Mother Nature with certain unalienable rights: amongst which are: life, liberty, pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, right to property, human rights, female equality, health and happiness.

We all agree that, to secure the liberty, security and the human rights of all Iranians / Persians, government shall only be instituted by, and among the Iranian / Persian people through a national democratic representative system of government.

We all agree that, the democratically elected government shall always derive its just powers from the consent of the Iranian / Persian people only.

We all agree that, it is also the fundamental right of the Iranian people to alter, or abolish any government, whenever it becomes destructive and abusive of the principles of Iranian / Persian people's life, liberty, pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, right to property, human rights, female equality, health and happiness.

We all agree that, only the Iranian / Persian people shall reserve the right to institute a new government, laying its foundation on the inherent principles of reason, common sense and ethical standards, to preserve and protect: life, liberty, pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, right to property, human rights, female equality, health and happiness.

We all agree that, our new non-violence and evolutionary grass-root political movement, shall be free of any religion, and function only based on our innovative, liberating and visionary platform, governed by the unmatched and superior power of reason, common sense, ethical standards, and honorable means of providing for, and managing public safety and social equality for all.

The Demise Of Our Nation, Iran / Persia Could Only Be Reversed
By The Eruption Of Iranian Passion