Evidence shows that Covid-19 virus is engineered with Gain of Function (GoF) - SARS CoVd2 Gain of Function Research; Murdering Innocent People Maybe Violation of Law...!

Published: July 15, 2021

Dr. Richard Fleming's presentation in an interview with Alex Jones proves Covid-19 is a murder weapon. This is a crucial and extremely detailed presentation over the severe issues of criminal violations on many laws, now proceeding to the Nuremberg courts.

Evidence shows that Covid-19 virus is engineered with Gain of Function (GoF) including mechanisms creating an Inflammo Thrombotic Response (ITR) with mRNA Reverse Transcription (RT) into cell DNA with Prion-like structures present in the virus spike protein.

Re-engineering of HKU4 to cross species from bat to human:

“...re-engineered HKU4 spike, aiming to build its capacity to mediate viral entry into human cells.”

“To this end, we introduced two single mutations...mutations in these motifs in coronavirus spikes have demonstrated dramatic effects on viral entry into human cells.”​

Said: ​Shi Zhengli, A.K.A. "The Bat Lady", Director of the Centre for Emergence of Infectious Disease and Biosafety at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a Biosafety Level Four Biocontainment Lab

* Plandemic Truth Be Told - “Germ Theory” - Virology Or Toxicology.?