White Rose Mucho Grande - The Parasite Ruling Class Exposed - #SolutionsWatch

Published: September 05, 2023

Etienne de la Boetie², author of "Government - The Biggest Scam in History" and Kenny Palurintano of the White Rose join us to discuss their new project: White Rose Mucho Grande! Featuring highly thought-provoking visualizations of such convoluted topics of media ownership, seed company monopolization, the elitist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission influence and control over press and governments, these downloadable images promises to provide activists with the visual tool to spark conversations that will get people thinking.

Many of the white-rose posters and stickers are encouraging and highly educational for the people who are already seeing through the parasite ruling class controlled terrorist mass media, warmongering government and banking scams cartel.  Many people are hungry to learn, want to understand whom are behind the atrocities we are all facing and suffering from.  These posters portray the deadly propaganda scams in clear an offensive way.

Those who do not learn from their history are doomed to repeat it.

Sadly majority of people recently realized they were scammed after they got side-effects from the poisonous vaccines jab.  There is only one nonviolent solution to protect and save our lives, family and our country from the Eugenics ideology of the parasite ruling class, NONCOMPLIANCE, simply DISOBEY.

Government - The Biggest Scam in History - https://government-scam.com/

All posters and White Rose stickers - http://artofliberty.org/White-Rose
