Bad Decisions And Bad Consequences

- By Bahram Maskanian - June 28, 2024

Generally there are two different group of people, those who learn from their mistakes, thus gain wisdom, and those who blame others for their mistakes and never learn anything, remain ignorant, unhappy and immature all throughout their lives.

Obviously majority of people are influenced daily by entertainment, media and other audio visual hypnotic elements, which could have a positive, or negative effect on peoples’ mind. The phrase “Mind Control” represents an actual and real efforts by the parasite ruling class to do just that. The kind of control that would harm you and benefit them.

The cellphone generation appears to be the most dimwitted generation in human history, in the midst of current technological advancement.  Human intuition and self reliance has always been the key to solving problems, human advancement and discovering new ideas.  Cellphone reliant people lose their intuition and self dependence.  For the past three thousand years the Semite religious mullah’s propaganda dominated and controlled peoples’ thoughts, minds, life and sexual behavior, until cellphone came along.  By far the cancer causing cellphones have been the most effective Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking and surveillance, also the best dumbing down, mind control device ever imagined and invented, even better than the barbaric manmade religions.  The main reason cellphone using people are willfully ignorant, is not because they are inherently stupid, rather extremely uninformed, precisely the reason why the cellphone generation is going through life using only limited portion of their brain, with one hand only, while holding his, or her cellphone (mind) with the other hand at all times.

Another obvious dumbing down sign is the inappropriate use of the word: “LIKE”. In the past thirty years Hollywood and the mass media deliberately continue to dumb people down more and more. If you pay attention and listen closely you shall hear idiotic, meaningless phrases such as: “I was like, like totally, he was like, I said like, no, she was like not happy, like he said”, and it goes on and on. “Like she is obese”, “he is like so small”.! Unfortunately the importance of language and communicating correctly is lost. Hypnotic suggestions are used to bamboozle and mislead we, the people.

The easiest way to determine whether or not the decision of for example getting a tattoo, injecting highly toxic ink into one’s body, under one’s skin forever, was a hypnotic suggestion or one’s own cognitive outburst, is to ask. “Tell me what made you to get this tattoo?” If the person look confused, and responds by saying: “I don’t know”, or “I don’t remember”. And if you ask: “would you do it again?” The answer is going to be: “hell no”. Which proves the tattoo motivation was indeed a hypnotic suggestion drove the person to emulate what was shown on the screen.

All of our behaviors and decisions are inspired by the round-the-clock broadcasted hypnotic suggestions.  From eating junk food, smoking, drinking coffee, soda, alcohol, idiotic conducts, violent behavior, wearing torn clothing, etc., are all driven by hypnotic suggestions we are bombarded with on our cellphone, Internet, computer and television.  We, the people, must wakeup and realize the degree of manipulation and control imposed, thus be alert at all times and aware of the mass media, Hollywood, pop, rap and hip hop brutal violent messages, savage murder glorified entertainment and other hypnotic sources.  Human sees, human told, human does.!

Since the invention and introduction of cellphone the parasite ruling class (PRC) gained a powerful weapon to incite mass violent outburst by manipulating the cellphone’s Magnetic Radiation Frequency, which enables cellphones to send and receive signals. Have you noticed how suddenly teenagers go ape-shit, gang up on one of their own and beat him, or her to death? Or pickup arms and go on shooting rampage killing innocent people for no reason at all. These are not accidents, rather live field tests.

Many scientists have reported that the opioid drugs and all antidepressant narcotics play an important role in making people highly vulnerable to become hypnotized faster and more effectively. Mass entertainment and media induced hypnosis is also known as “Brainwashing”. You maybe wondering what is the difference between hypnotic suggestion and actual thought, idea conceived naturally.?

You see, when we consciously come to a decision, or a thought, or understanding that means our mind have automatically applied the builtin filters of our conscious mind, thus making sure we are fully aware of our mental development. Hypnotic suggestion on the other hand creep into our subconscious mind unopposed, negatively effecting our behavior. People who commit hypnotic acts usually don’t remember how and why they did it.

When you are sitting down, focused on watching any motion picture, film, and or live presentation unchallenged, your mind is wide open to any and all broadcasted hypnotic suggestions.  Again we, the people, must never forget that our bad decisions benefit the PRC and harm we, the people.  But our awareness, humane, informed and good decisions will enrich and benefit we, the people, and bankrupt the PRC.

We, the people, should always remember that we must constantly learn as we go through life.  That our accumulated wisdom will guide us through life.  We, as a thinking being need time to contemplate, reflect and think to learn and become enlightened.  Remember that all the social norms are put in place to turn we, the people, into a sick, consuming robots.  Drinking alcohol, coffee, sodas, smoking, consuming GMOs and processed foods, etc., have been made popular by the very same PRC criminals who own the media and manufacture toxic drugs and vaccines to make sure we will never have a minute of healthy life. They want us to be a paying slave until the last minute of our miserable life.  If that is what you want, you are on the right track.

We, the people, must wake-up and understand that the PRC’s eugenics religion is behind all that is visible and invisible.  Using their modern dumbing down hypnotic suggestions has created an environment of acceptable limited health and learning.  We must never stop learning in order to preserve the blessings of our civil and religious liberty and intellectual reverence in the United States, on planet earth, or we shall lose it all, leaving behind lots of pain and misery for the next generation.

Those who do not learn from their history are doomed to repeat it.!

* The Truth About Wi-Fi Wireless and Cellphone Electromagnetic Ionizing Radiation