It has been proven many times over, that all 50 states in the U.S. have 2 sets of books, one used for deceiving the people of the state and one real sets of book for official use. - Again it has been proven that all 50 states are financially solvent and in fact doing very well, with billions and some with trillions of dollars in reserve.  One of the best investigative reports was done by Walter J. Burien, Jr. watch his report below.

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)

How to Read Your Government's CAFR

Released on Google video: 12/25/08 - PLEASE POST - PUBLISH - COPY - AND PLAY FOR OTHERS

Five days after release there were 850,049 VIEWS WORLDWIDE as of 12/30/08 - Estimated VIEWS as of 09/11/2011 WORLDWIDE: Over 7 Million VIEWS!

"The Biggest Game in Town" video was produced distributed only on VHS tapes. It was put up for internet access on December 25th 2008.

The documentary gets the cognitive thinking clicking and was annotated on the lower script line with 2009 information.

This was the first CAFR1 video that got the ball rolling for international disclosure of the CAFR (local government's - Annual Financial Report) of which was the biggest shell game played in government finance. Selectively created budget reports "for the year" were presented to the population and the CAFR never a mention being that it showed the true wealth held (developed over decades) and complete gross income (investment; Tax; and Enterprise)

Government promotes annual "Budget Reports" and at the same time virtually not a peep as to their Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)

"The Only Game in Town - 2011" is the only game the population should be playing; The path to ending ALL taxation!

- By Walter J. Burien, Jr.

To view the TRFA audit template:

Within the TRFA audit template, it authorizes and requires upon passage that the full cooperation of the local venue, and authority rendered with the State, and US Attorney Generals office will be made available to the TRFA in facilitating requirements for discovery, audit, statistical review, and prospectus preparation if requested by the TRFA.

Additionally within the TRFA Prospectus Audit template, it will make it a first-degree felony for any individual, group, or government body that if it is shown intentionally impedes, delays, or falsifies information given to the TRFA adversely affecting the timeliness of: Voting schedules; conducting of the audit; or preparation of the TRFA Audit Prospectus; subsequent vote by the people on the Prospectus; and then if passed by public vote; the implementation of the TRF program for application in this venue.

I think we all want the job done, and done well to accomplish the objectives as stated. The TRFA can do the job and do it well staying exclusively to the guidelines as stated in the TRFA Prospectus Audit. As more venues come on-line the actuary, auditing, and legal staff of the TRFA will grow proportionally to meet the need of the people in those venues.

From this point forward the tide has now changed. No more "business as usual" for the government syndicate. We have all seen what roads that have led us down. Let it be a new "We the People business as usual" whereby the people are true shareholders of our government. This is now in process through the application of the TRFA Prospectus Audits becoming a mandate for the benefit of our children, and us through the TRFA.

We own this country, it is not, nor should it be owned by a select group of individuals of whom it is apparent from recent events and a showing of their own unrestrained opportunistic nature, view the people as pawns for their amusement, abuse, and their own obscene financial gain by manipulation. This must change and change now by mandate vote by, for, and from "We the People".

Improvements and or minor modifications by the TRFA that could be applicable to specific venues may occur as the project moves forward. The object principles of the TRFA Prospectus Audit will always be kept to the point and specific as outlined in original form and in simple nature.

If you have effectively organized and are moving forward in your venue for the vote on the TRFA Prospectus Audit, upon confirmation and verification by the TRFA you will be added to the National Action Committee of the TRFA and receive as much assistance as possible from the TRFA teams to accomplish the objectives outline here for application in your venue.

I personally am not qualified to do the audits and draft the TRFA Prospectuses for each venue, but I am definitely qualified to oversee and create the teams of qualified auditors, actuaries, and legal teams necessary to get the job done.

Ready for the dawn of a new day that is by your choice and not theirs? D-Day is here! Let's make it happen one venue at a time until truly all are one, and one are for all as the most formidable investment power on the earth with "We the People" now as the true shareholders of the wealth maintained and generated by our own government under the TRF principle of operation.

Walter J. Burien, Jr.
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936

Also see:

The Pentagon's Missing Trillions: What You Need to Know

The Missing Money - Solari Report