THRIVE Documentary Film - Press Release


THRIVE, The Documentary Film, premier screening in NYC
Date: Thursday November 17, 2011

It is time for a sustainable energy policy, which puts consumers, the environment, human health, and peace first.

"We have the opportunity and potential to create an oil-free future today, it is potentially right around the corner and more often than not, the technology is already here."
Senator John Kerry, 2003

We are proud to announce screening of THRIVE, the newly released documentary film by Clear Compass Media.   THRIVE will enlighten the world about the hidden truths on free, clean and abundant energy available to all of humanity RIGHT NOW.

The film includes interviews with former astronaut Edgar Mitchell, physicist Adam Trombly, Steven Greer M.D., Deepak Chopra M.D., Bill Still producer of the Money Masters, Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of H.U.D., David Icke author of The Biggest Secret, Elizabeth Sahtouris Evolutionary Biologist, Paul Hawken of Natural Capital Institute, and Amy Goodman host of the Democracy Now.   

This science and knowledge of capturing clean energy are widely supported by many experts in the scientific community.  These experts by sharing their knowledge are clearly illustrating that the technology to capture clean, alternative energy is not a theory, rather a reality. This capability has existed for decades.  With widespread awareness, the use of this alternative technology for capturing energy from the fabric of space can bring about the fulfillment of human needs the world has been waiting for.

THRIVE also presents the factual evidence that now the potential exists to stop global warming, rendering fossil fuels obsolete and take back the control of the world’s energy resources long held by the rootless nation-less bankers and oil conglomerates, that have suppressed green energy technologies for decades.  This power shift will alter our economic system, financial policy, and social institutions for the benefit of the people.  

The simple truth is that, we can have a world in which all people can THRIVE now!

Aside from English, THRIVE has also been dubbed in: Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish languages. THRIVE screenings all over the world is been leading to critical mass meetings and solution groups springing up everywhere. - You can purchase THRIVE DVD at the Thrive Movement website for $20 plus shipping and sell’s tax, you can learn more by visiting:

THRIVE screenings in New York City began on November 17, 2011. We will be scheduling one screening per week. This will continue until every body in New York City has seen THRIVE.

If you could not attend any of the scheduled dates, your seat remains valid until such time that you do have the chance to see THRIVE Documentary Film.

Here are three New, or Free Energy generators, already tested and available friction free permanent magnet motors working with permanent magnet bearings and turbines by SKF, Rolls-Royce and Siemens, which could easily power large trucks, cargo ships, airplanes, cars and homes.

SKF BeyondZero TV – SKF Permanent Magnet Motor and Magnetic Bearings

Rolls-Royce - Permanent Magnet Propulsion Technologyl

SIMOTICS Active Magnetic Bearing-Technology From Siemens

Goodbye Global Warming - Maxwell Chikumbutso New Green Energy - Saith Power - Greener Power Machine

"The End of Faith" Judaism and its 2 derivatives: Christianity and Islam

The 3 barbaric, Abrahamic, Adam and Eve based, misogynist, man-made, patriarchal religions: Judaism and its 2 derivatives: Christianity and Islam are, and have always been the agents and promoters of ignorance, hate, violence, rape, murder, plunder, mediocrity and stupidity.

Sam Harris brief speech of the ideas expressed in his book, "The End of Faith":


Introduction by Moses Znaimer:

In a progressively more secularized world it sometimes seems that the only religious people out there are fanatics, and frankly I am fed up with them. You look into any over-the-top, cruel and wanton atrocity in the world today, and chances are you’ll find some scripture-spouting nut bar; judging and condemning, and punishing and happily killing the innocent while cloaked in the garb of faith. They preach love but they practice exclusion, and they display a toxic intolerance to different views. I don’t know about you, but for me, the very definition of arrogance is someone who presumes to know God’s will and to speak in her name. So, our next speaker, Sam Harris, thinks it is time to address the role that religion plays in perpetuating human conflict. Sam?

Sam Harris brief speech of the ideas expressed in his book, "The End of Faith":

Thank you. So am I on, you can hear me?  I’m going to talk about belief, specifically the problem of religious belief, because I happen to think that how we deal with belief, how we criticize, or fail to criticize the beliefs of other human beings at this moment has more to do with the maintenance of civilization than anything else that is in our power to influence. Our world has been Balkanized, as Moses just said, by incompatible religious dogmas; we have Christians against Muslims against Jews. The books themselves make incompatible claims. We have this founding notion that God wrote one of our texts; unfortunately we have many such books on hand.

Now, before I launch into my heresy, I want to say upfront that I am going to offend a few people in this room. I know you are very likely a secular bunch; I come from a country to your south that is fast growing as blinkered by religious lunacy as the wilds of Afghanistan, but still I think some people in this room will be offended by what I say. I want to say upfront that my intention really is not to offend anyone, I’m not being deliberately provocative, and I am simply worried. I am going to worry out loud for the next 20 minutes, because I see no reason for us to expect to survive our religious differences indefinitely.

It seems to me transparently obvious that the marriage of 21st century technology, forget about nuclear weapons and biological weapons; even the computational technology we heard about this morning, the fact that a few short years from now, you’ll be able to sit in a cave in Afghanistan, and with your $1000 laptop you’ll essentially have a supercomputer that can kick off its genetic algorithms, its malicious code, to the rest of society. This alone makes this balkanization of our world, the separate moral identities, the fact that we are not identified just merely as being human beings, but we are Muslims and Jews – it makes it untenable.

So, briefly, what is a belief? What does it mean to believe something to be true? Well, clearly, beliefs are representations of the world, but they are more than that. The difference between a belief and a hope, say… I can hope that I have won the lottery, that is a representation of the world, it is a representation of a possible state of the world, but believing I have won the lottery is the only thing that actually opens the floodgates of emotion and behavior, to… to behavior and emotion that is appropriate to actually having won the lottery, then you go an that lunatic shopping-spree and offend all of your friends. What makes the difference is believing that your thought, certain propositions held in your mind actually map on to reality.

Now, if you think this is an abstraction, just imagine the transformation on your physiology at this moment, in your neurology and in your psychology, if you came to believe that your child had been taken hostage. First you have to have a child, that child has to be in some appropriately war-torn place, but given the requisite conditions, you get a phone call, mere language, a mere sentence spoken into your ear; should you grant it credence, would completely transform your life, all the panic that would precipitate out of that experience, would be born of believing a certain representation of the world. So, this is why beliefs really are machinery for guiding our behavior and emotion through time.

We don’t yet understand this at the level of the brain, I’m trying to understand this through functio-neural imaging, but at the level of our conversation with ourselves, at the level of thought, it is pretty clear we are talking about linguistic representations of the world.

So what do people believe? Well, where I come from, the US, 22% of the population claims to be certain, literally certain, that Jesus is going to come down out of the clouds and save the day sometime in the next 50 years. Certain. Another 22% think he probably will come back in the next 50 years. This is 44% of the electorate. These people not only elect our congressmen and presidents, they get elected as congressmen and presidents.

This should be terrifying to all of us. This belief obviously does not exist in isolation; it is not an accident that 44% of Americans also want Creationism taught in the schools, and evolution no longer taught. Actually 62% of Americans want Creationism taught in the schools, but 44% want it taught exclusively. We are building a civilization of ignorance. 44% of Americans also believe that the creator of the universe literally promised the land of Israel to the Jews, in his role as an omniscient real-estate broker.

It is clear that this belief has geo-political consequences, this is not… these beliefs don’t exist merely on Sundays, when we get together to talk about God and the Bible. Take another belief that seemingly would have very minor consequences. Consider the Catholic belief that condom use is sinful. Ok, now this is obviously, from my point of view, obviously, a total falsification of morality, I mean one thing that religious dogma does is it separates questions of morality from questions of real suffering: human suffering, animal suffering. Here we have no discernable suffering at all, and yet we are told it’s a moral proposition that condom use is ethically problematic. What are the possible consequences here? Well, we have millions of people, every year, dying of AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa alone, and you have quite literally Catholic ministers preaching the sinfulness of condom use, in villages where the only information about condom use is the representation of the ministry.

It seems to me that the time for respecting religious beliefs of this sort is long past. You take another effect of religious dogmatism in my own country: we have college-educated politicians resisting stem-cell research, certainly impeding its progress, not funding it, putting up one road-block after another, probably one of the most promising lines of research in biology to generate medical therapies, is being impeded by this mediaeval notion that the soul enters the zygote at the moment of conception and therefore blastocysts in a petri dish – literally undifferentiated clumps of cells – have to be given the same kind of moral concern, have the same interests, have the same – no-one even talks about suffering, but presumably we are worried about their experience at some level – and that the interests of these cells trump the interests of eight-year-old girls with diabetes or 40-year-old men with parkinson’s. Ok, the conversation never gets had; the moral arguments never even have to be made at a political level, because it is fundamentally taboo to criticize someone’s religious beliefs. Faith is really a conversation-stopper.

Now, in response to these sorts of problems, many of us, many well-intentioned people, have come to think that the appropriate accommodation with modernity is to develop what’s called “religious moderation”, generally. You can have your God, you can talk about him in some – or her – in some unspecified way, it’s considered unseemly to be too sure about what happens after death and about the moral structure to this universe, but let’s not throw out the baby with the bathwater, religious moderation is the way to go, and really the soul of religious moderation is this political correctness where everyone should be free to believe whatever he wants about God, there is just no harm, no foul, beliefs are private.

Let me tell you, for a moment, why I think this is a dead end. First of all, religious moderation gives cover to religious fundamentalism, because we cannot criticize religious extremism, religious literalism, because it is politically taboo, it’s considered uncivil, and this is really enforced by religious moderates. Religious fundamentalists, they’ll criticize every faith but their own; you know, the religious fundamentalism in my country will say Islam is an evil religion. Religious moderates balk at that. And so now we can’t … George Bush can call a press conference and announce to the world that he is going to appoint common-sense judges – this is a quote: “I’m going to appoint common-sense judges who realize that our rights are derived from God.” Now, just imagine… it seems to me the next sensible question by any journalist in the room would be “Mr. President, how is that any different from appointing common-sense judges that realize that our rights are derived from Poseidon?” It’s not like someone in the third century actually figured out that the biblical God exists, but Poseidon doesn’t. You know, this is not data that we have. Ok, this obviously would be the last question that journalist would ever ask! Ok, we can’t call a spade a spade, because it is …because of this taboo around criticizing religion, and I would argue that religious moderates are really the greatest offenders here, the greatest force propping up this taboo.

Another problem with religious moderation is it’s actually intellectually bankrupt. When you… just consider for a moment this notion that you should respect other people’s beliefs. Where else in our discourse do we encounter this? I mean, when was the last time anyone in this room was admonished to respect another person’s beliefs about history, or biology, or physics? We do not respect people’s beliefs; we evaluate their reasons. If my reasons are good enough for believing what I believe, you will helplessly believe what I believe. I will give you my reasons and reasons are contagious. That is what it is to be a rational human being. Respecting another person’s beliefs never enters into it, and … just appreciate for a moment how easy this is to see when we change the subject from “God” to some mundane, grandiose claim… this is actually an example from my book; if I told you that I believe there was a diamond buried in my back yard, that’s the size of a refrigerator, it might occur to you to ask me why. If, in response, I gave the kind of answers you hear from religious moderates, answers that describe the good effects of this …of believing as I do, so I say things like “Well, this belief actually gives my life a lot of meaning”, or “I wouldn’t want to live in a universe where there wasn’t a diamond buried in my back yard, that’s the size of a refrigerator!” It’s pretty clear that responses of this sort are deeply inadequate. They are worse than that; they are the responses of a lunatic or an idiot. By responding in that way, I would have disqualified myself for any position of responsibility in a first-world society. Except you change the subject to religion, to the moral demands of an invisible super intelligence, to what happens after death, and all bets are off, then you can say anything you want!

Another problem with the religious moderation is that it’s not only intellectually bankrupt; it is theologically bankrupt, because the fundamentalists have actually read the books, and they are right about them. These books are every bit as intolerant, every bit as divisive as the Osama bin Ladens of the world, or the Jerry Fallwells of the world suggest, and I am not necessarily equating the two of them in moral terms, but there is …once we dignify the claim that the Bible or the Koran, conspicuously, is a book… is a communication that is fundamentally different from any other book, be it the plays of Shakespeare or the Iliad, [that] these books are not literature, [that] they are the best books we have in moral terms, once we dignify those claims we are really hostage to their contents. I mean… the creator of the universe *does* hate homosexuals; if you read the Bible, at the very least homosexual men, gay sex, is an abomination, it is spelled out in Leviticus, it is … this edict is ramified in Romans, it’s not … many Christians imagine that the New Testament fundamentally repudiates all the barbarism that’s found in the Old Testament, in books like Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and second Samuel and Exodus; that’s not true. You can take Jesus in half his moods and get some really beautiful, ethical precepts like the golden rule, but Jesus also said things like, in Luke 19, ‘anyone who doesn’t want me to reign over him: bring him before me and slay him before me!’ OK, I guarantee you that the inquisitors of the middle ages who were burning heretics alive for five solid centuries, they had read the whole New Testament, they had read the sermon on the mount, they found some way to square their behavior with the ministry of Jesus.

It’s not an accident that the great lights of the church, people like St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine, people who are still taught to every freshman in every Great Book seminar in, certainly in my country; in Aquinas’ case, he thought heretics should be killed outright; in Augustine’s case, he thought they should be tortured. Augustine’s argument for the use of torture actually laid the foundations for the inquisition.

Ok, we look back on these events and we think – oh, people being burnt alive, scholars being tortured to the point of madness for speculating about the nature of the stars – we look back from our perch in the 21st century and we think, ok these societies were just unhinged, I mean, these were lunatics! It’s not true; this was totally reasonable behavior, given what was believed. Heresy … just think about it, if there is something you neighbor can say to your child that is so spiritually wayward that it could put your child’s future in jeopardy for eternity, ok, that is much worse than the child molester living next door, we’re talking about an eternity of suffering because your child has learned to call God by the right name, or think there is no God. The stakes really are enormously high.

Another problem with moderation, incidentally, is moderates, and certainly secularists tend to be blinded by their own moderation, it’s very difficult for moderates to actually believe that people believe this stuff. It’s difficult for a moderate, when you see them on the news broadcasts, you see the jihadist, looking into the video camera, saying things like “We love death more than the infidel loves life”, and then he blows himself up; religious moderates, not fundamentalists, religious moderates tend to think “No, well, that really wasn’t why he blew himself up, it doesn’t have anything to do with religion, this is economics, it’s lack of educational opportunities.” I don’t know how many more engineers and architects have to hit the wall at 400 miles an hour for us to realize this is not simply a matter of education. The truth of our circumstance is quite a bit more sinister than that, it is actually possible to be so well educated that you can build a nuclear bomb and still believe that you are going to get the 72 virgins. That’s how balkanized our discourse is, and that’s how easily partitioned the human mind is. I can tell you, there is no place in the curriculum of becoming a scientist where they tell you, you know, this is bullshit, do you stop believing it.

So to wrap up, I see my time has dwindled mercilessly, um, I just want to say that whatever is true, spiritually and ethically about our circumstances, there are… no doubt there are spiritual truths, there are spiritual experiences human beings can have, and there are ethical truths; whatever is true about that has to transcend culture, it has to transcend our cultural differences, there is a reason why we don’t talk about Christian physics and Muslim mathematics, because these truths actually… an experiment run here and in Baghdad actually works both places if it is teasing out something fundamental about the nature of the universe. That is true ethically, that is true spiritually, and the only thing that guarantees that our human conversation is open-ended is a willingness for us to have our beliefs about reality updated and revised by conversation. Because when the stakes are high we have the choice between conversation and violence, both at the level of individuals and at the level of societies, so my pitch to you is, really, that the end game for civilization is not political correctness and tolerating all manner of absurdity, it is reason and reasonableness and an openness to evidence.

U.S. Political, Economic and Social Evolution

- By Bahram Maskanian

In order to evolve out of and remove our current Republican and Democrat (Republicrats) tyrannical and criminal imperialistic political, economic and social shackles, first we need to get an accurate perspective, that: in reality Republicans and Democrats are the two wings of the very same brutal bird of prey, preying on humanity for the past couple of centuries.

people must wake-up and boycott all elections and convene constitutional conventions

The said brutal bird of prey consists of one tenth of one percent (0.01%) of the United States and the European populations.  The said (0.01%) of the European and American Monarchy wants all there is for free, including all of our persons and our labor for nothing and would do all that it can in secrecy, to plunder and get what it wants. 

The European Union of Nation-Less Corporations and the United States of Nation-Less Corporations have successfully dumb down millions of people and destroyed any and all social upward mobility chances, replacing it with a dismal downward slavery and misery.

We, the people, have all one thing in common, we are the (99.99%) ninety nine point nine, nine percent of the U.S. population, victimized and constantly plundered and held back by the one tenth of one percent (0.01%) criminal, greedy, narcissistic bastards, owners and operators of the Nation-less Corporations. We, the people, will no longer tolerate the massive corruption of the 0.01% percent.

Why Nation-Less Corporation and not Multi Nationals:
Multi-National is a euphemistic and highly misleading phrase, implying that a Multi-National Corporation, operating in multiple of countries, is responsive and loyal to multiple of nations.  We all know nothing could be further from the truth.

In order to evolve out of and remove our current Republican and Democrat (Republicrats) tyrannical and criminal imperialistic political, economic and social shackles, first we need to get an accurate perspective that: in reality Republicans and Democrats are the two wings of the same brutal bird of prey.

All potential candidates for public office should sign a binding pledge to support the following:

A potential and ideal Presidential candidate and all people’s representatives should be an ethical, caring, loving, analytical thinker, honorable, independent, knowledgeable, compassionate, pragmatic, visionary person, a unifying strong, uncompromising leader and administrator, a woman / man of reason and common sense, capable of speaking honestly, correctly and eloquently to inspire, enlighten, educate and lead the American people to a cooperative path of peace, equality and prosperity for all. 

We, The American People, Demand And Want:

The kind of President, Vice-President and Congress / people’s representative who love and respect their fellow citizens.

A President, Vice-President and Congress who would never do anything to harm anyone in order to gain power and popularity among the greedy criminal elites. 

President and Congress who would STOP: the Ghettoization of the United States culture, public education, and society. 

A President and Congress who would STOP: the WalMartization of the United States economy and job market. 

A President and Congress who would CHANGE: The United States of Nation-Less Corporations, to the United States of America. 

A President and Congress who would live-by and honor the simple life saving policy of: “Do unto others, as we wish to be done on to us.” 

A President and Congress who would do the honorable act by passing a long over due gender equality law, mandating that an equal number of female and male senators and representatives to be elected to serve in U.S. Congress.  Making it mandatory to elect 1 female and 1 male senator from each state, and for every 200,000 citizens, 1 female and 1 male representative to be elected for U.S. House of Representatives.  In short the 500 members of U.S. Congress should consist of 250 female and 250 male senators and representatives, only then we can proudly boast about human rights and gender equality in the United States. 

A President and Congress who would STOP: the ongoing ravages and slaughter of Globalization.  All large economies such as China, India and others have big enough markets of their own and they do not need to be drowning ours here in the United States with their slave labor made products. 

A President and Congress who would build a strong cooperative manufacturing base economy right here in the U.S.

A President and Congress who would STOP: the ongoing devastations of Global Warming and Global Warring, through developing a strong renewable energy policy and directives for the whole country.

A President and Congress who would STOP: the Arms Race madness, which American government started in 1950s.  And STOP: spending over $820 billion a year, in total-including: wars, 870 military bases around the world, nuclear weapons stockpiles, defense commodities: munitions, bombs, etc., and any other tools design to destroy and murder as many human beings as possible, military and armaments aid to brutal tyrannical regimes, and other military related accounts, which in reality are enriching a group of greedy, murdering, criminal, warmongering and fascist nation-less corporation’s goons and their share holders.

The United States became the first country in the world to use nuclear weapons, when U.S. bombed the two major Japanese cities of: Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.  It is the United States moral and humanitarian obligation to STOP: this insane nuclear weapons race built up and stockpiling and put an end to this madness once and for all.

A President and Congress who would STOP: the Arms Race Scheme, and begin an Art, Culture, Goodwill, Science and Education Race instead.

A President and Congress who would STOP: and permanently CLOSE the revolving doors between the Nation-less Corporations and the United States Government, stopping the on going executive exchange program between the two. 

A President and Congress who would STOP: and permanently CLOSE all illegal covert and overt operations, design for meddling in other countries internal affairs and regime changes.

A President and Congress who would STOP: ALL Lobbyists, and recognize Lobbyists and Lobbyist's conducts as what they really are: a highly treasonous act, carried out by the criminal sellout politicians and nation-less corporate goons.

A President and Congress who would honor, promote and follow the true democratic values and principles, leading by examples of true democratic rule of law, racial harmony and true gender equality here at home.  Only then others will be inspired to follow our leads.

Non-Violent Social Uprising

Any non-violent social uprising movement requires a plan of action, a platform, a list of constructive demands to be implemented. The 99.09% movement in order to succeed, relieving the country out of the current criminal elitist billionaires and their Republican and Democrat (Republicrats) tyrannical parliamentary dictatorship regime, and evolve into a true democracy, democratic rule of law, democratic values and principles, the following Ballot Initiatives must be put on the ballot for the 2012 election for all Americans to vote on choosing their democratic governing system.

And if I may borrow a phrase from President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address: "We shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth".

Referendum is the one and only non-violent means of constructive and positive reform, to facilitate a new birth of freedom, and evolving out of our current parliamentary dictatorship. There is no other way.

Definition of Referendum:
Referendum is the submission of a proposed political, economic, and or public measure for direct popular vote by the citizens of the country. Referendum is the process of submitting an actual statute for public approval to become the law of the land, requiring direct majority popular vote.

Referendum is the process of putting the control of lawmaking and legislating highly sensitive and very important decrees, or legislations; such as: conflict authorization, war declarations, enacting tax laws, ratifying constitution and so on, directly into the hands of the public, the owners of the country, the people.

Referendum is an absolute inalienable right of the people given by Mother Nature to decide and determine their own political destiny and economic path, the future of the country, issues far too important, complicated and crucial to be decided by hand full of corrupt members of parliament and government officials.

Referendum is an absolute inalienable right of the people to choose anew and change the direction of their country, the process of bypassing all government branches all together to mandate a new beginning, such as a new constitution voted on directly, by the owners of the country, the people.

Referendum - Ballot Initiatives

Only through a Referendum, and or Ballot Initiatives, we can prepare the country for a long lasting and a prosperous evolution, thus setting the stage for establishing true democratic values, principles and rule of law.  The 2012 Presidential election must include the following Ballot Initiatives:

1 - Mandate A Single Payer Universal Health-Care (Medicare for All): exactly the same health-care system that all government employees and members of congress have already setup for themselves, paid for by the taxpayers.

2 - Mandate Gender Equality Laws: that all elected and appointed government employees and members of congress must consists of equal number of qualified women and men.

3 - Mandate establishing two (2) Terms Limits For United States Congress (Senate & House of Representatives) and Supreme Court Judges.

4 - Repeal and Abolition of the Electoral College, The Electoral College Scheme was established in Article 2, Section 1 of the United States Constitution.  The 538 Electoral College Elite, the "ELECTORS", or "SELECTORS", who get to select the President and the Vice President of the United States, on the fourth of November, every 4 years, regardless of popular votes outcome.

5 - Repeal of all laws mandating the use of Vote Counting Machines, thus eradicating the use of easily rig-able vote counting, reading and registering machines of all kinds. Establishing the simple, but honest use of Paper Ballots, just like other democratic nations do, all over the world.

6 - Mandate establishing the FCC Fairness Doctrine as the law of the land. And mandating the ownership of all major TV and Radio Networks and Newspapers shares to be owned by the local people of the region / state, and the employees of the said news organization only.

7 - Mandate Publicly Financed Campaign Laws for all government offices including the directive for free and equal airtime to be used for debates among candidates, provided FREE OF CHARGE by all major TV and Radio networks as a sign of their gratitude, in return for the FCC licenses and the $65 billion worth of free airwaves they enjoy having each year. Also limiting all federal election cycle's campaigning and all other related activities to maximum of three (3) months, starting August 15 of the same election calendar year until November of the same year.

8 - Mandate a citizen contract with candidates running for any public office anywhere.  All candidates running for state, or federal office must provide a written sworn affidavit, signed and notarized platform of their promises and plan of actions.  Any deviation from the said written sworn affidavit, or neglect to fulfill their promises would be a ground for perjury lawsuit and dismissal.

9 - Mandate a legal requirement for those already elected to serve the public in any public office, who wish to run for yet another public office before finishing their terms in office that, in order to become eligible as candidates, those public office holders MUST permanently resign their current office first.

10 - Restore and reinstate the federal law against usury. Usury laws enables the U.S. federal and local governments to prohibit and stop the kind of outrageous predatory business practices, which have become the general means of robbing people in the name of doing business, by the pickpocket bankers in this country.

Definition of Usury:
Usury is loan sharking, or predatory lending. Usury is a criminal greedy illegal action and practice of lending money at unreasonably high rates of interest. Usury is a criminal exploitation of the middle class and the working class, trapping and robbing them of their earnings and property.

11 - Repeal and Abolition of the people crushing Globalization hammers of: NAFTA and CAFTA, and ALL other Government handouts, tax-breaks and subsidies of all kinds, to the Nation-less Corporations.  Ending welfare for criminal billionaires.

12 - Repeal and Abolition of the minimum wage laws and mandating and establishing a Living Wage Law.

13 - Mandate and legalize the cultivation of the most amazing plant  / crop on Earth.  Plant that grows organically, would never need any deadly chemical fertilizers, a plant that could give humanity 100s of vital organic products, we desperately need: ranging from safe biodegradable plastic, strong tensile fiber for durable high quality textiles, oil for food and fuel, high quality paper products, construction materials and much more.   Hemp is an unmatched Trillion-Dollar Plant.  Hemp is the plant we must legalize to be cultivated, as all other nations all over the world have done.

14 - Mandate to provide 75% tax-breaks, or subsidy programs to cover the cost of outfitting all homes, apartment buildings, schools, government buildings and open desert areas with solar panels, energy producing equipment and smart electricity transmitting grid lines.

15 - Mandate a 35 cents tax on: gasoline, motor oil, ethanol and diesel fuel, to be used for restoring and rebuilding light-rail trains public transport and for high-speed railroad construction and maintenance.

16 - Mandate a 35 cents mandatory deposit for all plastic, glass and aluminum cans, bottles and plastic containers. U.S. taxpayers should not be paying for cleaning up after many nation-less chain coffee shops and fast foods disposable cups, mandate a 25 cents tax on disposable paper, plastic and styrofoam cups to be used to recycle and for cleaning up the disposed rubbish out of our environment.

17 - Mandate a 35 cents tax on all plastic bags given out to consumers, to be used to cleanup cities, rivers and the ocean waters of billions of tons of plastic garbage and debris. Also including a mandate for 25 cents tax on disposable paper, plastic, aluminum and styrofoam food delivery containers.

18 - Mandate a true, honest and honorable investigation into the tragic events of the September 11, 2001, by a panel of unbiased and independent investigators, scientists, aerospace engineers, architects and metallurgist experts.

19 - Repeal and Abolition of the illegal and unconstitutional Patriot Act.

20 - Mandate that all WAR Declaration Legislations, after passage through congress must be reported by the mass media in their entirety and put before the American people for the FINAL APPROVAL vote by at least a minimum vote of 65% in a national referendum at the ballot box.

21 - Mandate that all Taxes, after passage through congress must be reported in detail by the mass media and put before the American people for the FINAL APPROVAL by at least a minimum vote of 65% of the people in a national referendum at the ballot box.

22 - Repeal and Abolition of the corporate “PERSONHOOD” law, which attributes personhood to the lifeless creatures of states: Corporations.  Holding publicly and privately owned Corporations and their corporate (goons) executives legally, financially and criminally liable for their criminal policies and conducts here in the U.S. and abroad.

23 - Mandate that the president, as well as all federally elected politicians must be fully knowledgeable and aware of the true U.S. war orchestrating events, also known as false-flag operations, and the true machinations, which took control of the printing of money and eventually created the Federal Reserve.

24 - Mandate full disclosure of all U.S. intelligence operations, FEMA actions, and Homeland Security operations to a team of citizen-based overseers in order to curtail and stop repressive and illegal actions by the “Secret Security State” upon citizens.

25 - Mandate the integration of the Department of Homeland Security within the Justice Department, which by the U.S. Constitution is responsible for the United States internal (homeland) justice, safety and security. 

26 - Mandate prohibiting the sell of cell-phones to young people under the age of 19 years old.  Cell-phone radiation is highly carcinogenic for the adults with fully developed thick skulls and far more dangerous and hazardous for young people thin developing brain and skull.  Also must make it mandatory that all nation-less cell-phone manufacturers must to affix an easy to read and visible warning label on the box and the cell-phone itself.

27 - Mandate and make all products recycling mandatory by their manufacturers. For example: when your Apple computer stop working, or your Timberland boot is worn-out, simply drop them off at the nearest store, or their recycling locations, or if the recycling item is a big one, such as a car the manufacturer must come by and pick it up free of charge.  All manufactures foreign and domestic are making billions of dollars for dumping their products on our markets, must be held responsible for recycling and cleaning up their own rubbish.

28 - Mandate 100% recycling and reusing law to be implemented by the 2014, stopping all trash pickups all over the country.  Compostable decaying organic and any other naturally grown foods and other materials should be used to compost for fertilizing homeowners backyards and those living in apartment buildings must make arrangements to do the same on their land.  All garbage shoots in apartment buildings must be closed and removed.

29 - Mandate an import tariffs for all products made overseas, thus protect the American blue and white-collar workers, the middle class standards of living, fair living wages, social stability and equality.  Nation-less corporations, who are not happy with the said tariffs laws, will be forced to stop the unconscionable act of out-sourcing and begin in-sourcing instead.  

30 - Abolish the illegal and unconstitutional individual income tax and the sixteenth amendment, which was never ratified by two third of the states and the American people.

31 - Repeal and Abolish all nation-less corporate tax breaks and mandate a 1% income tax for every $100,000 of annual commercial gross income. All commercial and business entities, foreign and domestic, public, or private, operating within U.S must comply. All commercial entities with an annual income of $100,000, or less will be exempt from commercial / business income tax.

Commercial / Business Income Tax-Schedule: The income tax for $200,000 a year will be 1%. The income tax for $200,000 a year will be 1.5%. The income tax for $500,000 a year will be 4.5%. Incomes over $500,000 a year income shall be taxed 1% for every additional $250,000. Therefore the income tax for $1,000,000 a year will be 8.5%. Incomes over $2,000,000 shall be taxed 1% for every additional $500,000; thereby the income tax for $2,000,000 annual income will be 10.5%. Incomes over $5,000,000 shall be taxed 1% for every additional $1,000,000; thereby the income tax for $10,000,000 annual income will be 18.5%. Incomes over $10,000,000 shall be taxed 1% for every additional $2,000,000; thereby the income tax for $20,000,000 annual income will be 23.5%. Incomes over $20,000,000 shall be taxed 1% for every additional $5,000,000; thereby the income tax for $50,000,000 annual income will be 29.5%. Incomes over $100,000,000 shall be taxed 1% for every additional $10,000,000; thereby the income tax for $100,000,000 annual income will be 34.5%. Incomes over $200,000,000 shall be taxed 1% for every additional $20,000,000; thereby the income tax for $200,000,000 annual income will be 39.5%. - All other high income commercial and business entities with incomes over $200,000,000.00 will be taxed 42%.

32 - Repeal and Abolish The Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913, enacted by U.S. Congress. Federal Reserve is an unconstitutional privately owned banking union, a consortium of pickpocket bankers with the total control over peoples lives, income, economic growth and development and the United States money printing machines, with zero oversight, accountable to no one. All monetary policies, currency control, print, bank regulation and oversight should be done by the Treasury Department.

33 - Repeal and Abolish ALL Lobbyist Laws. Mandate and recognize Lobbyists and Lobbyist's conducts as what they really are: a highly treasonous act, carried out by the criminal sellout politicians and nation-less corporate goons.

34 - Repeal and Abolish ALL Laws Authorizing The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the President and any other government agency and or department the power to suspend U.S. Constitution and declare WAR and Marshal Law.

35 - Mandate laws guaranteeing and protecting Internet Network Neutrality.

36 - Mandate laws guaranteeing and protecting all individual Retirement Pensions through creating a National Retirement Fund, control by the people not Wall Street.

37 - Mandate laws guaranteeing and protecting citizen's rights to call into question the integrity and validity of Congress, Congressman / woman, the President, Vic president and any and all other selected and or elected public officials and impeach any of them through civil action. Also Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.

38 - Congressional Reform Act of 2012 - No Tenure & No Pension. Mandate laws guaranteeing Congress past, present and future must participate in Social Security. All funds in the Congressional retirement fund must be move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress must participate with the American people and Social Security may not be used for any other purpose.

All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are null and void effective January 01, 2012. We, the American people did not make this contract. Congress members: Congressmen / women made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned CITIZEN legislators, therefore, all current Congressmen / women should serve their term(s), then go home and back to work.

In order to evolve out of and remove our current Republican and Democrat (Republicrats) tyrannical and criminal imperialistic political, economic and social shackles, first we need to get an accurate perspective that: in reality Republicans and Democrats are the two wings of the same brutal bird of prey. The European Union of Nation-Less Corporations and the United States of Nation-Less Corporations have successfully dumb down millions of people and destroyed any and all social upward mobility chances, replacing it with a dismal downward slavery and misery.

Ratifying the United States Constitution is an easy task provided there is enough public pressure applied. Case and point is the 26th amendment: "Granting the right to vote for 18 years old Americans." It took only 3 months and 8 days to be ratified, because people demanded it. - That was in 1971, before computers, e-mail, cell phones, etc. Of the 27 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, seven (7) of them took one (1) year or less to become the law of the land, all because of public pressure.

Ratifying the United States Constitution requires two third (2/3) of the States approval in order to go into effect among the States, as a federal law of the land. BUT, if the above Ballot Initiatives are placed on all fifty states ballots, or more than the required two third (2/3) of the states, after passage by two third (2/3) of the states, or more, U.S. Constitution will be emended successfully and the nation will have what we all fought for and suffer through soon after the 2012 election conclusion.

The approval of the above positive, vital and constructive Ballot Initiatives are absolutely necessary in order to have a chance of establishing a true democracy, a grass-root all encompassing democracy in the United States, replacing the criminal elitist Republican and Democrat (Republicrats) tyrannical regime, and begin a new exciting journey in American history.

We must facilitate the passing of the above Ballot Initiatives into laws of the land and take the power back from the corrupt elite, or nothing will ever change, and the police state shackles shall continue to get tighter and tighter.

“Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are people who want crops without ploughing the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning; they want the ocean without the roar of its many waters. The struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, or it may be both. But it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand; it never has and it never will.” - Frederick Douglass

As a Persian-American man, I have already lived through and felt the anguish and the pain of losing my birth country, family and my loved ones, due to the American orchestrated and financed 1953 coup d'état in Iran, followed again by the Islamic coup d'état of 1979 in Iran, staged and financed by the U.S., causing unimaginable mayhem, wars, millions murdered, maimed and displaced, destruction, plunder of the Iranian wealth, natural and human resources (brain drainage) for over 100 years.  I do not wish that on anyone, and would not want to see any other people / nations to go through what I, and the Iranian / Persian people have suffered and continue to suffer through.


Human Sexuality - Everyone Should Know

- By Bahram Maskanian - September 18, 2011

All mammal species, including human beings’ sexuality is genetically predetermined. Heterosexual, or Straight, Homosexual, or Gay (top, bottom, or cross dressing queen), Lesbian (lumberjack, butch, or lipstick), Bisexual, Asexual, Transsexual and most interesting of all would be Hermaphrodite: a mammal creature with both male and female sex organs and sexual characteristics, and much more, in fact there are so many other natural sexual orientations that they are categorized in 34 groups.

I will share with you, my own story. As you can clearly see, soon after I completed my first penetration, fertilizing the egg, I decided, that I wanted to be a straight and attractive man. I remember, as it was day before yesterday, shortly after I successfully penetrated and fertilized the egg, and my embryo was formed, I had a long talk with all of the dividing cells and made sure they understood, that I wanted to be born a tall, dark, straight, handsome, heterosexual man, with big healthy brain, big penis, brown eyes, black hair, and Persian.

My first penetration, fertilizing the egg!

If you are wondering and thinking hey, wait a minute, you can’t do that, no one can!!! You are absolutely correct. When you read the statement at the above you can clearly hear how silly and even stupid it sounds. We have no control over any of these characteristics, no one has. Thereby, we must do all that we can to educate our religious nuts and ignorant fellow humans to please stop burning books, read them instead and stop being homophobic bigots and grow the hell up.

We should encourage our fellow ignorant Earthian citizens to stop listening to religious mullahs and political hustlers, and begin to use reason, common sense and your own built in life wisdom, to learn and find out that all human species and all other mammal’s size, color, and sexual orientation are all determined by Mother Nature and we have absolutely nothing to do with it, zero control over any of the said characteristics. The number of X and Y chromosomes determine all mammal’s species sexuality.

Dolphins, monkeys, lions, and many other mammals in the wild have been observed to exhibit homosexual and asexual behavior as well. The reason you do not see other mammal’s homosexual behavior on Nature documentary films is because of homophobic Judeo-Christian men in charge of PBS and other media networks who demand and force the producers to remove those footage, and edited them out.

Heterosexual, or Straight, Homosexual, or Gay, Bisexual, Asexual, and much more, in fact there are so many other natural sexual orientations that they are categorized in 34 groups.

Are a threadlike structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus of most living cells, carrying genetic information in the form of genes.

Each chromosome consists of a DNA double helix bearing a linear sequence of genes, coiled and recoiled around aggregated proteins (histones). Their number varies from species to species: humans have 22 pairs plus the two sex chromosomes (two X chromosomes in females, one X and one Y in males). During cell division, each DNA strand is duplicated, and the chromosomes condense to become visible as distinct pairs of chromatids joined at the centromere. Bacteria and viruses lack a nucleus and have a single chromosome without histones.

Sex Chromosomes:
The nuclei of human cells contain 22 autosomes (not a sex chromosome) and 2 sex chromosomes. In females, the sex chromosomes are 2 X chromosomes. Males have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. The presence of the Y chromosome is decisive for unleashing the developmental program that leads to a baby boy.

The Y Chromosome:
In making sperm by meiosis, the X and Y chromosomes have to separate in anaphase just as homologous autosomes do. This occurs without a problem because, like homologous autosomes, the X and Y chromosome synapse during prophase of meiosis I. There is a small region of homology shared by the X and Y chromosome and synapsis occurs at that region.

The X and Y Sex-Determination System:
The X and Y sex-determination chromosomes system are found in humans, other mammals and some insects (Drosophila) and some plants (Ginkgo). In this system, females have two of the same kind of sex chromosome (XX), and are called the homogametic sex. Males have two distinct sex chromosomes (XY), and are called the heterogametic sex. However, an opposite scheme is found in birds.

The XY sex chromosomes determination system was first discovered and described independently, by Nettie Stevens and Edmund Beecher Wilson, 106 years ago, in the year 1905.

The delicate balance combination of the X and Y chromosomes, if upset by any factor will result in developing an angel of a healthy child who is physically male, or female with male, or female sexual organs, but with sexual tendencies that may differ mildly, or radically from their obvious physical appearance.  So please try to understand that sexual so-called orientation is the genetic built-up of the person, not a personal preference.  In short please don’t be a homophobic bigot and grow up.