Imagine Actually Thriving
Imagine actually thriving, rather than just surviving as an individual, as a global society. I suppose we have been living the way we have for so long, that many of us are just now beginning to realize that we have been merely surviving as a global population. The Arab Spring, the various demonstrations all over the world that ensued it, and the rapidly-spreading Occupy Movement are certainly reflecting our mass awakening to our situation. Not only are these protests very clearly showing our dissatisfaction with the status quo, but most importantly, they are showing that we hold the glimmer of hope that things can be different, that things can be changed. We would not be putting ourselves out there without this hope, this vision of something new, however tiny or unshaped. It is no small accomplishment to have reached this stage, where enough of us can envision the possibility of a new way of living, of actually thriving. Bravo! It will be the seed of our change.
We were recently made aware of the documentary film THRIVE: What on Earth Will It Take? which has been premiering on-line since Friday, 11/11/2011. Thrive is based on 50 years of research that aims to uncover the variety of issues that got us to this moment in time, and offers solutions to move us into a world in which we can thrive.
Here is the official synopsis:
THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what is REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream - uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.
It interviews the following people:
Duane Elgin, Nassim Haramein, Steven Greer, Jack Kasher, Daniel Sheehan, Adam Trombly, Brian O'Leary, Vandana Shiva, John Gatto, John Robbins, Deepak Chopra, David Icke, Catherine Austin Fitts, G. Edward Griffin, Bill Still, John Perkins, Paul Hawken, Aqeela Sherrills, Evon Peter, Angel Kyodo Williams, Elisabet Sahtouris, Amy Goodman, and Barbara Marx Hubbard
THRIVE ties together wide-ranging topics, including the money flow, the global power conglomerate, clues left by ancient civilizations, extraterrestrial influence, science, energy technology, and our collective power. Depending on your belief system, you may have to watch it with a consciously open mind. At the least, I hope you’ll allow your curiosity to lead you to it. It looks to be a very professionally and thoughtfully-crafted film, one that presents a rational big picture accessible to a wide audience, and that offers a practical roadmap for consciously achieving the future that we all desire.
Watch Thrive Documentary Film Here - For Free, Right Now!
Watch Thrive Documentary Film, Dubbed in 16 Languages, For Free, Right Now!
Aside from English, Thrive has also been dubbed in: Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Nederland and Swedish languages. More coming soon!
THRIVE Documentary Film - All 16 Languages - Free of Charge
The Fear of What Other People Think, Prisoner in Our Own Mind:
- By Bahram Maskanian
Constantly worrying about and living with the fear of what other people think?
The greatest confinement and most difficult to scape from is the prison, a dark hiding place we built in our own mind to hide from shame and the fear of what other people think? You are effectively shamed of being whom you are, you are told that no matter how good and decent you may be, nevertheless you are a sinner, all of us, the humanity are born no good sinners.
Since the overthrow of the thriving matriarchal social governing system rule of 8,000 years, and replacing it with the brutal, criminal and barbaric patriarchal Judaism and its two derivatives: Christianity and Islam, beginning little over 3,000 years ago, the criminally minded political hustlers and the religious mullahs have been exploiting this fear of what other people think as part of their many arsenals and mind control tools very successfully.
All they needed to do was writing it down in a form of religious manual, known as bible and tell the ignorant masses this is the law given to them exclusively by the lord, at the late hours of the night, in a dark cave, when no one was looking, where no one was around, to be handed down to you, the public!
Keep in mind that all of these all male political hustlers and the religious mullahs, without exception, have been nothing but bunch of pedophiles; living intimately in caves together with domesticated animals and kidnaped, or bought slave boys.
If this lord did really exist, she could have appeared at high noon in the center of town and villages and say what she wanted directly to the people, after all she is the lord and all mighty and wise. Why would she use bunch of criminal bastards to deliver her message to the people, why not do it directly, since the message is intended for the public anyway!
They then enforce and compel you to follow these idiotic manmade crap; by instilling the fear of the non-existing hell, and promises of high rewards of non-existing heaven for your conformity, of living the life of shame and poverty, pain and misery, or suffering barbaric punishments conducted brutally in Public Square, etc., while the very same political hustlers and the religious mullahs themselves are living in lap of luxury, doing all that supposedly sends one directly to hell.
Now the question is why out of all human behavior prohibit sex, making it sinful? Why denigrate female human beings to a subservient level and beneath their male counter part, scraped of all their inalienable rights, not even allowed to speak? Why make the barbaric practice of slavery and the other two, ordained holy laws?
Simple, because these pedophiles: political hustlers and the religious mullahs, through personal experience have gained the knowledge of what sexual frustration harmful affects are and how they can easily be exploited for their own benefits.
Long-term sexual frustration causes a highly violent state of mind. All religious wars of genocide, plunder and dominations could have be won only by utilizing; rootless, sexually frustrated, violent men who would do anything in hope of gaining wealth, power and the means of owning female, or male slaves, or both. Thus following their idiotic and barbaric religious manuals to go to heaven to get more sex slaves there, is this male god they are worshiping a pimp?
The patriarchal: all male political hustlers and the religious mullahs have been using fear to further their own agenda and narcissistic ambitions at an unimaginable loss, in terms of human life, human knowledge and discovery, where countless scientists brutally murdered, burned on stick as heretics.
If you do not trust the Hubble telescope and all other observatories all around the Earth, you can make a small investment of a few hundred dollars and buy your own telescope to see for yourself, up in the sky, that there is no heaven. Furthermore, we all know there is no hell deep within the Planet Earth; rather it is full of heavy metal core at the center and molten rock, magma, or volcanic lava, surfacing in many places all around our beloved Planet Earth.
Just for giggles, let say you were the god and in the time span of billions of years built our massive, magnificent and brilliant Universe, filled with countless billions of Galaxies, one of which would be our Milky Way Galaxy, filled with millions of planetary solar systems, similar to our planetary solar system and stars, could you have possibly forgotten that all the stars and their planets are all round globes, not a flat rectangular surface???
We must never forget that morality, integrity, honor, honesty, ethics, reason and common sense are all combination of learned and built in human qualities and attributes. We should also understand that all of the criminal, violent and evil conducts are all learned behavior. We should never allow any political, religious, or any other group to take away our natural ability to be good, compassionate and caring human beings, by teaching us and our children the horrible fabricated myths of religion, any religion!
Now that you know, you must break the shackles and free your self from the prison of shame and what other people may think? Be a good, compassionate and caring human being, live your life using the unmatched power of reason, common sense principles and ethical standards as your guide.
Bill Maher - The Mass Delusion
David Icke - Secrets Of The Matrix
David Icke - Published on March 19, 2015
Secrets Of The Matrix - David Icke - 6 Hours Live in 2003, over six hours and with hundreds of illustrations, With over 6000 people in attendance, world famous conspiracy researcher and author David Icke reveals the truth about the illusion that is life in this "physical" reality and how this "world" is a provable illusion, just a lucid dream, and how we create it and how we can change the dream to one that we would like to experience.
Here he reveals that a network of interbreeding bloodlines manipulating through their web of interconnecting secret societies have been pursuing an agenda for thousands of years to impose a globally centralized fascist state with total control and surveillance of the population.
Success, or Failure of a Political Movement
How to peacefully evolve out of our current political, social and economic black hole
- By Bahram Maskanian - June 08, 2012
Success, or failure of any struggle and mass movement for raising public awareness to achieve political, economic and social justice evolutionary changes, directly depends upon the understanding and implementation of the following simple and easily achievable nonviolent civil disobedience principles.
Nonviolent Civil Disobedience:
Is the means of struggle for achieving political, economic and social justice transformation, utilizing nonviolent action as a strategy for reform, rejecting the use of violence for accomplishing the desired political, economic and social justice evolutionary goals.
Mass demonstrations alone throughout the true-recorded history have proven highly ineffective, for the simple fact that the criminal ruling elites could easily and patiently wait-out the demonstrators. Knowing full well that in a day, or two, they eventually have to leave to tend their lives, children, work, farm, etc.
Achieving success in any struggle, or mass movement requires far more than just public demonstrations. Demonstrations must be parallel with, or to be followed by unbending and long-term massive civil disobedience actions, such as, but not limited to: boycott, non-participation and non-cooperation, maintained and implemented under the guidelines of nonviolent principles.
Known Fact About Revolutions:
One of many well known hidden facts about social and political struggles, or mass movements, or the so-called revolutions is that they were all orchestrated and paid for either by a foreign power for colonial exploitations, or in support of, or by a rival criminal elites in search of more money and power. Not a single revolution has ever been truly instigated and funded by the people, anywhere in the world. That includes: the American, French, Russian Bolshevik, or Communist, Iranian, Cuban, Chinese, and all the rest.
The U.S.A. Democracy Show - Screenplay:
Democracy is the biggest scheme and piece of fiction perpetrated on the people of the world, since the fabrication of the other big fibs, the patriarchal religions.
A true Democracy is decentralized; unlike the scheme we call democracy, which in many countries translates to one time voting, followed by a lifetime of suffering, misery and regrets. But in U.S. every 4 years people are deceived into thinking that they are electing a new president, who is going to work for the people and honor his word. Not realizing that as so long as the screenplay, the producers and the directors of our democracy show remain the same; so is the U.S. government tyrannical regime. To evolve out of and reform our fascist regime the screenplay, or the U.S. constitution must be changed and throw out the current producers and directors as well.
Definition of Democracy:
Democracy is a dynamic participatory means of governance. Democracy is a dynamic set of governing principles and laws for establishing and maintaining social, political, and economic standards within a community, society and country. Democracy is formed and maintained by well-informed, involved and organized citizens, exercising their inalienable rights directly, and through term-limited elected representatives. In a true Democracy common people are considered the primary source of political voice and power.
U.S. Balance of Power: The System of Checks and Balances:
There is no such thing as “U.S. separation of powers, the system of checks and balances”. The Judicial, Legislative and Executive branches of the U.S. government are all on the very same tight leash, held and controlled by a very small group of estimated few hundred criminal, Parasite Ruling Class (PRC).
All members of Congress, with a tiny exception of a very few, from both political parties: Democrats and Republicans have their head deep into the criminal ruling elite’s trough. These Republicrats undivided loyalty and attention are all devoted to their master, not the American public.
Almost immediately after taking the oath of office, the U.S. President becomes the boss of his political party, which makes all of the members of Congress affiliated with President's political party, his subordinates.
As soon as the President takes office the first thing he does is appointing cabinet members, one of which is the Attorney General, in charge of the Justice Department, who heads the Judicial branch of the U.S.! Just like putting the fox in charge of the chicken coop!
As we all know the President also selects and appoints judges for the Supreme, Federal and other courts. Yes, the Legislative Branch has to approve them, and they always do, how could they not! In another words, the President becomes the King, with complete control of the United States Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government.
Why would any one in pursuit of public office: Congress, President and generally any elected office, willingly spend millions of dollars to get a job that pays a measly fraction of what they had to beg, borrow and steal for, and accept large sums of bribe money, or as they euphemistically call it: “political contributions” to get the job, says it all.
There has never been any system of Checks and Balances.
Boycott All Elections, and Convene Constitutional Convention:
To peacefully evolve out of our current political, social and economic black hole we must boycott all elections, which would be peoples’ vote of no confidence and simple, but powerful proof of U.S. government lack of legitimacy.
Besides, even if we did vote, our vote does not matter and in reality doesn’t even count. Elections are part of the big fake democracy showdown. Why you ask? Because we have such thing called Electoral College. The Electoral College elite is a group of 538 electors who are selected to elect the U.S. president and vice president to office, every 4 years on November 4th, see U.S. Constitution, Article 2, Section 1.
Parallel to boycotting all elections, we must form constitutional conventions in every city and state across the United States to write a new constitution of the people, by the people for the people. We must use our energy and time, by engaging in a constructive form of public demonstration, to demonstrate for, and educate, inform and enlighten our fellow citizens: the silent majority, who without their participation nothing will ever change.
Keep in mind that there is no lack of environmental solutions, there is no lack of economic solutions, there is no lack of political and social justice solutions, the only thing lacking is peoples’ awareness and participation.
Ballot Initiative, or Referendum:
Soon after a new modern constitution is written, approved and finalized, it will be put up for the vote of the U.S. public as a ballot initiative, or referendum for vote and approval. Once the new constitution is approved by the majority vote, it shall automatically becomes the law of the land, without the need of 50 states ratification.
And on the next glorious day, after the public referendum, now that we have a new and approved modern constitution, of the people, by the people and for the people it has to be respected and enforced immediately by all governmental agencies. For example if the abolition of Federal Reserve is one of many evolutionary laws of the new constitution it shall be done, etc.
Definition of Constitution:
Constitution is a dynamic written social governing contract, a set of fundamental laws, preferably democratic laws and principles that safeguards and prescribes the nature, functions, and limits the powers of government branches, the elected, the appointed and the employed government officials, institutions, private and public entities involved with public policy making and implementation, and the direct and indirect relationships with the managing directors of the country, the people. The people, who have voted, elected and allowed the appointed, the elected and employed officials to administer the prescribed fundamental democratic laws and principles, approved and enacted by The Managing Directors of the country: The People; honestly, faithfully, precisely, and in a good and honorable manner.
United States Declaration of Independence:
"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
“Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are people who want crops without ploughing the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning; they want the ocean without the roar of its many waters. The struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, or it may be both. But it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand; it never has and it never will.” -- Frederick Douglass
Ballot Initiative, #Referendum