Nonviolent Democratic Alternative:

- By Bahram Maskanian

Those who do not learn from their true history are doomed to repeat it.

History has shown time and again, that in the absence of coherent, organized civil society and supporting infrastructure, well informed citizens, independent Citizen Unions, or political parties free from foreign and religion influences, labor unions, student unions, women organizations and independent local journalists and press, no democratic movement and public rebellion has ever fully formed, matured and lasted as a true functioning democracy. The revolutionary revolts are usually instigated and used as instruments of replacing one thuggish regime with another, soon after which the promise of democracy shall evaporate for another quarter century, or more.

The disorganized desperation and anger-driven social uprising witnessed in Tunisia, soon followed by Egypt, Jordon, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, etc, are similar movements motivated by the public’s deep revulsion and animosity towards their ruling corrupt and criminal regime. These movements are historically focused on an illusion of democracy and hoax of free democratic elections, funded and organized by either a foreign power using the local thugs, or local political hustlers eager to gain political power and wealth. These thugs, or hustlers are willing to provoke the public into the streets, based on deceitful promises, and if successful, they provide the public with a couple of puppet candidates to vote for and choose from, thus creating mass euphoria and the illusion of free democratic election and a birth of a new democracy.

But in reality and based on many in-depth studies of nonviolent uprisings, civil rights struggles, and successful and lasting democratic regime changes, it is clear that advancing social freedom, reform and true democracy takes careful strategy and meticulous planning, plus the six defined democratic components.

Peaceful Nonviolent Protest:
Peaceful nonviolent uprising is the best tool in the hands of political and social justice activists.  Nonviolent pursuit of political change is a simple common sense.  Violence provokes dictators and legitimizes the use of deadly force to crack down.  Violence paints activists as villains in the eyes of the silent majority, thus losing the crucial support of the large segment of the public.  If any democratic movement lowers its standards by using violence, they are in fact promoting the use of the dictator's best weapon.  One may be perceived brave for a moment, acting as a villain, but there is a fine line between courageous and shortsightedness, besides, a brave dead hero is no help to anyone.

Citizen Unions, or Political Parties:

- By Bahram Maskanian

I personally prefer the name Citizen Union, a coinage of mine, instead of Political Party for the simple fact that due to the monumental local and international corruptions many folks do not have a favorable view of political parties, politicians and politics in general.  And still perceive politics a dirty business, that politicians and political parties are corrupt, in many cases deservedly so.  I am positive that the only effective means of encourage disenfranchised people back into the political scene is to renovate, update and rename the whole Political Party concept and process of political management and participation.

I am confident that people will see the difference between what use to be, what it should be, and is now.  Realizing that politics has always been part of our daily lives, we just need to be involved and get good at it.  Citizen Union is the union of the people, more so than a typical political party.  Citizen Union platform will be the reflection of peoples’ desires for a dignified and democratic society and life.  Once people witness honorable and high quality political policies put in practice by their Citizen Union, political process shall be perceived as a noble task, the ultimate pursuit of serving the public to protect and improve social, economic and political conditions, and the lives of the citizens.

Citizen Union will be responsible for enhancing the ability of the public to participate and contribute to the democratic values and policy-making, the social governance processes at the national and local levels in an open, representative means, thereby generating a greater public trust and confidence in their ability to govern and effect positive policy change.

Citizen Union Management:
Citizen Union offices should be controlled and managed by the local citizen members, adhering to the Citizen Union platform.  All of the citizen union leadership and managerial positions should be fulfilled through fair and democratic elections, and no official, nor anyone should ever be allowed to deviate from the union’s platform, unless is democratically changed, voted upon and approved by the union members. 

Citizen Unions are one of the necessary six components for the development and preservation of democratic social governing system and the rule of law. Citizen Unions serve to bring people who strive for dignified, democratic and just system of government together within any given society.  Citizen Unions provide policy ideas reflecting peoples’ desires of how their society should be governed.  Citizen Unions identify, groom and educate future political leaders. Citizen Unions are important link between the citizens and their government.

Citizen Union development and growth is guaranteed by its visionary democratic platform.  A healthy and democratic citizen union is an important instrument for the establishment of governmental bodies and civic organizations.  Without a democratic, strong and dynamic Citizen Unions democracy will not mature and survive.

Citizen Union Platform & Civil Organization Charter:
All Unions and Civil Organization charters and platforms must be based on reason, common sense principles, ethical standards and United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, reflecting and promoting democratic values.  A forward thinking detailed document reflecting public desires for a dignified life consisting of: good public education, healthcare, social safety, liberty, justice, rule of law, just and fair taxation, preservation and protection of the nation and the environment, based on democratic principles and values.  Union platforms and Civil Organizational charters are the foundation on which any Union, or Civil Organization bases its decisions, social and political activities, a visionary constitution that governs all political involvements, organizational behavior, legislatures and government policy support.

All Unions and organizational charters and platforms must be built upon a solid foundation of peoples’ hopes and aspirations.  Reflecting the societies democratic values.  A platform outlining a democratic system of governance of the people, used as a guiding force and a contract, honored by the membership and the leadership of Unions and other Civic Organizations.

Citizen Unions and Civic Organizations main role is to be an open forum for bringing the citizens of the community together, by providing a platform within a society to monitor, examine critic, and if necessary expose and stop bad government policies, laws and treaties.

Local Independent Press / Citizen Journalism:

- By Bahram Maskanian

Journalism is a highly misunderstood profession.  Journalism is not supposed to be reporting distractions and the obvious.  Rather, journalism is an immense social responsibility, an honorable profession, and a powerful democratic instrument for preserving and protecting democratic principles and values.  Journalism is the protective shield and informative body absolutely necessary to protect the public by informing the people of the conducts of their government and the ruling elites.  An authentic journalism are those who investigate, discover and reveal the truth, informing people of what the ruling elites and government doesn't want the public to know.

Journalists are the guardians of democracy.

Local independent press / citizen journalism must be free from foreign, religion and all other none-democratic influences, funded by the taxpaying public and its membership.  All of the news gathering and reporting organizations must be non-profit, co-operatives, owned and operated by the local people of the region and the employees of the organization.

Student Unions:

- By Bahram Maskanian

Student Union charter should be designed and written to encourage growth in awareness, knowledge, physical, emotional and mental health of the students on campus, community and country.  Insuring advancement and academic success of all students.  Promoting civic education, peace, democratic rule of law, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of press, freedom of association and freedom of religion.  Deconstructing all negative stereotype images and characteristics surrounding: women, human sexuality, sexual orientation and gender identity, ethnicity, political beliefs, religion, occupation, disability, age, education, language, appearance, and culture.

The Student Union charter must be based on reason, common sense principles and ethical standards.  Committed to the safety of each student member, with zero tolerance toward discrimination against anyone, in any form, protecting all members and affiliates.  Teaching nonviolent peaceful means of conflict resolution, encouraging all students to be open minded, learn their true history, participate in traditional and non-traditional activities in their community and society.  Get involved in the creation of multicultural environment and establish democratic rules devoted to upholding these democratic values.