McDonald's now including free vaccines alongside Happy Meals
McDonald's restaurant feels their food just is not toxic enough, so they are offering free vaccines to children..!
- By Mike Adams, the Health Ranger - Friday, February 13, 2015
The only way to make a processed, chemical-laden Happy Meal even happier, it seems, is to accompany it with an injection of aluminum into the bodies of young children.
A McDonald's restaurant in San Antonio, Texas, has announced it is offering free vaccine shots to children who swing by the restaurant, reports [1]. The purchase of a Happy Meal does not seem to be required, but that's what McDonald's markets to children it can manage to influence.
The aim of the free vaccine push is to inject children with a cocktail of multiple vaccines all at once: the MMR vaccine, the Tdap vaccine, the varicella vaccine and the meningococcal vaccine. Afterwards, children can enjoy their Chicken McMercury Nuggets if they haven't already lost consciousness or fallen into a seizure.
Even pro-vaccine doctors strongly recommend spacing out vaccines so that the child's body has time to recover from the heavy load on the immune system. It's probably a safe assumption that kids who regularly eat at McDonald's don't have strong immune systems to begin with, so hitting them with a quadruple vaccine cocktail all at once almost certainly has a higher risk of causing harm than what you'd typically see across the general population.
But don't worry: the vaccine industry has total legal immunity from all lawsuits. And the McDonald's vaccine giveaway stunt is being carried out under the ill-named "Caring for Children Foundation of Texas," which is named in the same way the U.S. Congress names new police state legislation with precisely the opposite words of what the laws will actually accomplish. "The Patriot Act," anyone?
Drive-through vaccines?
If McDonald's is going to jump in bed with the vaccine industry that harms countless children every year -- as proven by the $3 billion in payouts from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program -- why not go all-out and construct drive-through vaccine injection stations at all McDonald's restaurants?
Order a Happy Meal from the comfort of your car, then drive up to the "vaccine station window." Have your children lean out the window and roll up their sleeves, where they can be injected by robotic vaccine androids. Then pull forward to the final window to render payment and receive your "food reward."
Mmmmm. Genetically modified soy burgers with artificial chemical flavor enhancers. What's not to like?
Maybe they will call it the McMMR Happy Vaccine Meal! Now with extra GMOs, glyphosate, aluminum and viral fragments. All made to order by minimum wage workers who will be systematically replaced with fast food robots in the next decade.
By the time McDonald's and the vaccine industry are done with everybody:
• The children will all be lobotomized by neurotoxic vaccines
• The workers will all be replaced by robots
• The masses of unemployed will all be turned into Soylent Green
• The Soylent Green will be served in Happy Meals! Business is booming!
GMOs Invade Fruit Orchards: Apples, Pears, Cherries and Peaches to be marketed unlabeled
- By Mike Adams, the Health Ranger - Saturday, February 14, 2015
Genetically modified apples have been approved by the industry-corrupted USDA, a federal regulator that accomplishes for the biotech industry the same thing the FDA achieves for Big Pharma: unlimited profits, lax regulation and a ready willingness to accept fabricated "science" as fact.
"The USDA's environmental review received 73,000 comments that overwhelmingly opposed the commercialization of Arctic Apples," explains a press release from Food & Water Watch. [1]
The GMO apple that just received approval was developed by the Okanagan Specialty Fruits company, which says it "...married the best of nature with the best of science."
The road to Hell, of course, is paved with the best of intentions, and that's the problem with all these GMOs: Modern science is rolling the dice with a self-replicating "genetic pollution" scenario that could play out in ways that no scientist ever anticipated. As the Food & Water Watch press release explains:
The USDA has neglected to look at the full range of risks from these apples. In its environmental assessment, the USDA glossed over the possibility of unintentional effects associated with the technology used to engineer these apples, potential economic impacts on the U.S. and international apple market, effects of potential contamination for non-GMO and organic apple growers and the impact of the non-browning gene silencing which also can weaken plant defenses and plant health.
In addition to genetically modified apples, the Okanagan Specialty Fruits company also promises to roll out genetically modified peaches, cherries and pears. [3]
Suppression of the PPO gene may lead to less nutritious fruits
To achieve its GMO apples, the Okanagan fruit company has developed a way to reduce the natural browning of apples that takes place after they are sliced. This is accomplished by genetically suppressing the polyphenol oxidase (PPO) gene.
What's wrong with playing around with the PPO gene? Suppressing this gene may have unintended consequences such as reducing the fruit's nutritional polyphenols (natural medicinal compounds). Thus, this genetic alteration of the apple might strip from the apple many of its health-promoting qualities. Yes, the apple would still physically resemble a normal, natural apple, but it would be genetically lacking the very thing that has long contributed to the truism, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
But an apple from Okanagan might keep the nutrients away, feeding you what I call "shadow food" that looks like real food but is lacking the nutrients of real food.
I'm not talking about macronutrients like magnesium, calcium, fiber and sugars. Those will all be present in identical quantities: I'm talking about the medicinal phytochemicals such as the very polyphenols that give apples some measure of medicinal value.
Read about medicinal polyphenols at this Life Extension web page which explains the valuable medicinal roles of apple polyphenols such as phloridzin.
This page on also covers many of the apple's polyphenol nutrients, revealing their anti-cancer, anti-diabetes and anti-heart disease properties.
Food & Water Watch adds:
The particular gene targeted by this technology allows the apples to be sliced without turning brown, which could mislead consumers into thinking they are eating fresh apples when they might be eating apples on the verge of rotting. Browning is an important indicator to consumers in determining the freshness of an apple or apple slice. The silenced gene is also heavily involved in a plant's natural defense against pests and pathogens, which could lead to trees that are less healthy than non-GMO apples and rely on more chemical treatments to ward off pests and disease.
It's not difficult to see that if the genetic modification of fruits is allowed to invade the food supply with pears, cherries, oranges, bananas, peaches and more, we may end up with a fruit industry feeding Americans "shadow foods" that look misleadingly healthy when they really aren't.
Deceptive foods from a deceptive industry
GMO food is, of course, a blatant deception. But that's because the foods themselves tend to reflect the deep-rooted philosophy of deception that characterizes nearly all the corporations and trolls that pimp for the biotech industry.
The biotech industry is run by -- and advocated by -- some of the most criminal-minded liars who have ever disgraced the name of "science" in human history: people like sociopathic liar and biotech front man Jon Entine, whose own wife begged the courts to put him under psychiatric evaluation after he tried to choke her in front of their daughter (see court documents here).
Entine was dropped by yesterday, by the way, after Natural News revealed how was giving a voice to a pro-GMO liar and hired character assassin who called Consumer Reports "radical" for listing genetically modified ingredients. (Entine once wrote in that I was a "danger to society" whose laboratory didn't really exist and whose online store was selling "dangerous products" even though we are the only online store I know of with our own in-house heavy metals lab. To its credit, quickly retracted the false story after realizing it was totally fabricated.)
Read my investigative articles on Jon Entine, the ethics champion of the biotech trolls, at the following links:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Will this apple company resort to the same shameless tactics of slander, defamation and character assassination used by the U.S. biotech industry?
It's too early to tell whether the Okanagan Specialty Fruits company is going to attempt the same sort of despicable tactics against health-conscious consumers, reporters and health advocates, but the company's founder, Neal Carter, insists biotechnology is "the next frontier." He also claims, in utter ignorance of an extraordinary amount of scientific research on GMOs and glyphosate, that "There is no scientific evidence that the risks associated with biotechnology are any greater than those of traditional methods of breeding and selection." [2]
Yawn. It sounds like the same sort of denialist drivel you'd find on Wikipedia, a disinfo hub dominated by editorial trolls on the payroll of biotech and pharma companies whose job is to trash the reputations of truth-telling journalists, bloggers and authors.
Neal Carter has already stated he is opposed to honest labeling of his company's apples as GMO. According to the New York Times, "Mr. Carter said apples would be labeled as Arctic, with links to the company's website, so consumers could figure out that the fruit was engineered. But he said that labeling the fruit as genetically modified would only be 'demonizing' it." [4]
In other words, Carter is already opposed to the honest GMO labeling of his genetically modified fruits. He only wants to label the GMO apples "Arctic," and then claim that the brand name is enough because people can go online and do their own research to find out the apples are genetically modified. The rationalization of all this is patently absurd. The word "Arctic" does not mean "GMO" in the minds of consumers. Not yet, anyway.
The fact that all these biotech people think they're saviors to the food industry -- yet they refuse to support consumer choice through honest labeling -- further demonstrates the ethical lapses that are almost universal in biotech today. Then again, you really have to be a horrible person in the first place to profit from creating the risk of runaway genetic pollution that might theoretically damage all the world's fruits crops in unforeseeable ways.
That's the moniker of biotech: No risk to Mother Nature over the next century is too large to make another buck today.
U.S. apple industry to suffer as a result of non-labeled GMO apples
The refusal to label genetically modified apples in a clear manner will, of course, damage consumer trust in ALL apples.
The U.S. Apple Association has already begun to side with the GMO industry. As the New York Times reports:
"That clear identification of the Arctic brand will help consumers make clear, informed choices if Okanagan apples do become available in stores in a few years," Wendy Brannen, director of consumer health and public relations for the U.S. Apple Association, said in an email.
That's only a half-truth, of course. The clear identification of the Arctic brand is not at all a clear indication of GMO status. Once news of GMO apples begins to spread, many consumers will not be aware of (or not remember) which brand is GMO, so they will simply shun all apples and choose some other fruit instead.
If I were a non-GMO apple producer, I'd be pretty worried about the market consequences of a non-labeled genetically modified apple entering the marketplace, potentially ruining the reputation of all apples.
Word of GMO apples will spread like wildfire across food-conscious consumers, of course. It is the unlabeled GMO status that has largely ruined the reputation of soy and canola oil over the last few years, and food companies experiencing the most growth are those who are openly touting Non-GMO Project Verified status and sourcing non-GMO ingredients.
If the word "apple" raises a big question mark in the minds of consumers, then you're going to see plummeting sales of:
* fresh apples
* apple sauce
* apple juice
* apple pies
* apple snacks
The only way to prevent this from happening is to require honest GMO labeling of all foods so that consumers can make an informed choice. With honest labeling, you restore a free market approach that allows consumers to support the companies they wish to promote.
That's why all efforts to block GMO labeling are anti-choice, anti-free-market and anti-consumer rights.
GMO apples at least won't be "Roundup-Ready"
The Okanagan GMO apples aren't in the same category of toxicity as Roundup-ready crops which are heavily sprayed with glyphosate, an herbicide chemical with a strong correlation linking it to thyroid cancer, diabetes, renal disease, urinary cancer and even autism:
Learn more details about the health dangers of glyphosate in this MIT presentation (PDF)
Instead of being Roundup-ready, the Okanagan GMO apples have a genetic modification that prevents the apple from turning brown after it's sliced. It's far too early to tell if this will present a long-term health problem, a nutritional deficiency problem or an environmental problem that could even threaten the apple industry as a whole. But the risks exist.
For example, what if the gene modification used by Okanagan turns out to create an unintended disease vulnerability that makes the apples more susceptible to some unforeseen orchard blight? And what if this genetic property spreads from the Okanagan apple orchards to other orchards? Will the Okanagan company compensate other non-GMO apple orchards for their crop losses? Or will the company do what Monsanto did and sue the victim farmers by claiming they "stole the intellectual property" of Monsanto via genetic pollution?
I'll stick with Mother Nature's apples, thank you very much
In my view, Mother Nature did a great job with apples already. We don't need profit-driven, shortsighted corporations mucking around with the genetic code of these natural gifts and putting the ecosystem at risk as a result.
Selective breeding is a safe, natural way to improve apple varieties, and it doesn't require bizarre cross-species genetic modifications that may present unknown risks to the food supply, human health and the ecosystem. If anyone wants to improve fruit species, just use selective breeding.
This is also why I'm giving away my own design for a revolutionary non-electric food production system called the Food Rising Mini-Farm Grow Box. In just 10 days, I'll be posting DIY videos showing you how to build your own grow boxes, and I'll have downloadable 3D parts that you can print on your own 3D printer. This technology will allow people to grow their own honest food at home, with very little effort and at very little cost. Learn more at
Finally, if these corporations are going to produce genetically modified fruits, they should at least have the honesty to label them as GMOs. Instead, they all want to hide the truth from consumers, denying them the information they need to make an informed choice.
No wonder nearly every informed person on the planet despises the biotech industry and its relentless food deceptions. The entire biotech industry wants to profit from Frankenfoods while making absolutely sure consumers don't have the information needed to make an informed choice about what they're really buying or eating.
Sources for this article include:
Press Release
Terrence Young (MP) Explains Private Members Bill
January of 2015, Canadian Lawmakers introduced this WiFi and Cellphone health hazards Bill to the Canadian Parliament for approval. Must watch this 30 minutes video and share it..!
- By Terrence Young
Published on Jan 19, 2015:
If you care anything at all about your own health and the health of your family, watch this 30 minutes video in its entirety.
Terrence Young MP for Oakville, Ontario explains why he has introduced a Private Members Bill C-648 which calls for better labeling on cellular phone packaging.
More on the cancer causing effects of WiFi and Cellphone radiation:
Electromagnetic Radiation, Health and Children UK 2014
"Smart Meters" and EMR: The Health Crisis Of Our Time
Take Back Your Power Documentary Film
France law bans Wi-Fi in daycares, restricts wireless infrastructure
Futurist: Smart Meters Will Know What TV Show You are Watching
Protect Yourself From Digital Utility Smart Meters
Cell Phones: More Than A Voice In Your Ear
Olle Johansson at the Open Mind Conference 2014
Smart Meter Information Consumers Should Know
Protect Yourself From Digital Utility Smart Meters
Do not sucker for costly "Opt-Out" programs. IT'S EXTORTION..! Utility companies have blind-sided their customers with digital meters that are harmful, dangerous, invasive and unlawful. Here are some ways for utility customers to protect themselves. More solutions are available at FreedomTaker.Com
More information and resources at the following pages
If you expect to post comments here about how great it is that the power companies are radiating and conducting surveillance on private properties without disclosure and consent, expect your comments to be removed. This is not censorship, it is responsible management of false information. You can always post that on your own page.