"Smart Meters" and EMR: The Health Crisis Of Our Time - By Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

An 2012 interview with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt about evidence of damage to human health from "smart" meters. This interview is from the making of the revelatory documentary Take Back Your Power (2013).

Utility companies are racing to replace electricity, gas and water meters worldwide with new generation "smart" meters at an unprecedented rate. With compelling insight from insiders, researchers, government representatives, lawyers, doctors and environmentalists, Take Back Your Power investigates claimed benefits and apparent risks of this ubiquitous "smart" grid program. Transparency advocate Josh del Sol takes us on a journey of revelation and discovery, as we question corporate practices of surveillance, extortion and causing harm in the name of "green".

What you discover will surprise you, unsettle you, and inspire you to challenge the status quo.

Produced & Directed by: Josh Del Sol
Featuring: B. Blake Levitt, Foster Gamble, Jeffrey Armstrong, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, James Turner esq, Dr. David O. Carptenter, Bill Vander Zalm, Duncan Campbell esq, Viginia Farver, Ian R. Crane, Edward Snowden, Michael Mitcham, Cal Washington, Anura Lawson.

This film clip contains material used pursuant to fair use doctrine under 17 U.S.C. 107 and has been vetted by an experienced clearance attorney.

More on the cancer causing effects of WiFi and Cellphone radiation:

The Truth About Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

Terrence Young (MP) Explains Private Members Bill

Electromagnetic Radiation, Health and Children UK 2014

France law bans Wi-Fi in daycares, restricts wireless infrastructure

Futurist: Smart Meters Will Know What TV Show You are Watching

Protect Yourself From Digital Utility Smart Meters

Cell Phones: More Than A Voice In Your Ear

Olle Johansson at the Open Mind Conference 2014

Smart Meter Information Consumers Should Know

Olle Johansson at the Open Mind Conference 2014

Olle Johansson is associate professor at the Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.

He is a leading authority in the field of EMF radiation and health effects. He has also been a professor in basic and clinical neuroscience at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.

He has published more than 650 original articles, reviews, book chapters and conference reports within the field of basic and applied neuroscience, dermatoscience and health effects of electromagnetic fields.

His studies have been widely recognised in the media, including newspapers, radio and TV, as well as on the Internet, both nationally and internationally. He has on-going international scientific collaborations with e.g. Japan, Brazil, South Africa, Serbia, Germany, the UK and the USA.

The body of evidence on EMF requires a new approach to protection of public health; the growth and development of the fetus, and of children; and argues for strong preventative actions. These conclusions are built upon prior scientific and public health reports documenting the following:

1) Low-intensity (non-thermal) bioeffects and adverse health effects are demonstrated at levels significantly below existing exposure standards.

2) ICNIRP and IEEE/FCC public safety limits are inadequate and obsolete with respect to prolonged, low-intensity exposures.

3) New, biologically-based public exposure standards are urgently needed to protect public health world-wide. 4) It is not in the public interest to wait.

The Truth About Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)


"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. - And the further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it". George Orwell

Electromagnetic Radiation, Health and Children 2014

- By Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe

British ER physician and PHIRE founder, Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe, recently delivered this brilliant presentation of the harm being done to our children – and all future generations – from our pathological addiction to Wi-Fi microwave-emitting ionizing radiation of all wireless devices.

Wireless baby monitors, laptops, tablets, smart phones and ‘smart’ meters  all emit the same kind of highly bio-active frequencies, which cause intracellular disarray and stress responses within our bodies leading to innumerable and sometimes serious problems for those being exposed.

There are positive steps we can all take to minimize the risks and damage, but we need to examine just how serious the problem is in order to deal with it appropriately.  Dr. Mallery-Blythe provides an excellent foundation for doing this.

Be sure to watch this informative presentation and share it with your loved ones..!

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: A Summary by Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe

June 3, 2015 - Dr. Mallery-Blythe introduces the paper with this information:

Author’s note:

This summary is an expanded section of a larger document entitled “Electromagnetic Health for Children”. The full document is designed in response to requests for information detailing current health concerns of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) with a focus on radiofrequency (RF) radiation.


We are currently witnessing the largest change to the Earth’s electromagnetic environment that has ever taken place in human history. This change has taken place in the very short period of a handful of decades and continues to escalate at an exponential rate (Appendix 1). Given that household electricity, which was the first anthropogenic (man-made) electromagnetic field (EMF), only became prolific after the turn of the century, artificial EMF has barely seen one generation from cradle to grave. The use of higher frequency microwave devices such as mobile telephony, Wi-fi and smart meters, have suddenly become commonplace despite almost no safety testing and decades of evidence of potentially lethal effects. This has sparked a political and scientific debate that is gathering momentum on a daily basis, raising concern about the continued use of such devices. One may assume when witnessing the vast implementation of, for example Wi-fi in the home, school, workplace or public domain, that experts have provided sufficient evidence of safety to overwhelm scientific concern. This is not the case.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) / International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Classified RF as a Group 2 B ‘Possible Human Carcinogen” (2011). Despite this, there has been no attempt in the UK at disseminating this important information to the public. Conversely, it was not even mentioned in the AGNIR government commissioned report a year later in 2012. The only safety guidelines currently used in the UK are those constructed in 1998 regarding ‘thermal (heating) effects’ of non-ionising radiation. These are not protective of health given the vastly documented non-thermal effect taking place orders of magnitude below these levels. They are obsolete. Other countries have responded to this information and have safety limits more biologically sensible, thousands of times lower than here in the UK (see Appendix 2). Mechanistic data is available to explain these effects and every bodily system is affected (as one would expect from a radiation induced illness).

The very broad range of RF emitting devices on the market were never pre-market safety tested and many now contain fine print warnings from the manufacturers which warn that one must keep the devices a minimum distance from the body which in some cases is incompatible with use. The public are generally not aware of these warnings or the increased vulnerability of certain groups such as children, foetuses, elderly, pregnant women, infirm and those with EHS.

The full paper gives an overview of facts that should be considered during the policy change that is clearly necessary, and this subsection concerns Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) only.

Download Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: A Summary by Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe (PDF)


Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe: British Society of Ecological Medicine (BSEM - March 2014)

Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe: British Society of Ecological Medicine (BSEM - March 2014)


More on the cancer causing effects of WiFi and Cellphone radiation:

The Truth About Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

Terrence Young (MP) Explains Private Members Bill

"Smart Meters" and EMR: The Health Crisis Of Our Time

Take Back Your Power Documentary Film

France law bans Wi-Fi in daycares, restricts wireless infrastructure

Futurist: Smart Meters Will Know What TV Show You are Watching

Protect Yourself From Digital Utility Smart Meters

Cell Phones: More Than A Voice In Your Ear

Olle Johansson at the Open Mind Conference 2014

Smart Meter Information Consumers Should Know

Truck Hits Utility Pole, Thousands of People’s Smart Meters Explode, Causing Power Surge

City of Berkeley to require cellphone sellers to warn of radiation risks

Your pharmaceutical antibiotics are dangerous, might blind you, cripple you for life and kill you

Pharmaceutical antibiotics are dangerous. Some can even blind, cripple, and kill you

- By Kali Sinclair - Saturday, February 14, 2015

Pharmaceutical drugs come with risks, risks most users choose to ignore. We block out the risks when we hear about a drug on television or the radio. We either skim over the words in print or ignore them altogether. Due to trust that the federal government will protect us and a belief that pharmaceutical companies have our best interest at heart, we play Russian roulette, believing we would never be so unlucky as to suffer a serious side-effect. After all, they are so rare!

We are all aware that antibiotics can cause allergic reactions, even fatal ones. It is not so common knowledge to find an antibiotic can cripple or kill in other ways.

Chris Dannelly was in the prime of his life at age 41. His physical (two months prior to his death) showed he was in excellent health. He was an athlete who stayed in shape. When he came down with the flu and pneumonia, he was prescribed levofloxacin (brand name Levaquin) an antibiotic manufactured by Jansen Pharmaceutical, a division of Johnson and Johnson. This antibiotic was the best selling antibiotic in the United States in 2010.

Chris took two pills. Those two pills killed him.

Chris did not have an allergic reaction. He died an excruciatingly painful death from rhabdomyolysis, a syndrome caused by the death of muscle fibers and the release of myoglobin into the bloodstream. Death occurs due to toxic overload with resultant kidney failure, heart attack, liver damage, or compartment syndrome (which inhibits blood flow).

Chris died 48 hours after taking the second pill. The diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis was made through autopsy.

Death and Injury Caused by Levaquin

Rhabdomyolysis is not the only serious reaction patients have had to Levaquin. Many have experienced Achilles ruptures; severe on-going joint, muscle, or tendon pain; rupture of the retina; or neurological damage that may well be irreversible. Two other possible fatal outcomes are related to skin reactions: Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrosis (TEN). Stevens-Johnson syndrome results in blistering of the mucous membranes, while TEN causes widespread necrosis of the skin. It can literally fall off the body in sheets.

The circular for the drug includes a current standard statement for prescription drugs:

Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects.

This statement is one that supports the mindset that these things happen to other people, not us. Seriously, would any of us risk our health with pharmaceuticals if we really paid attention to and understood the warnings? Not if we understood that foods, herbs, and natural supplements would cure that pneumonia, sinus infection, or strep throat. Not if we all understood that natural treatment strengthens the immune system and that over time through the use of natural remedies we would catch fewer infections, and when we did, they would be less severe.

The Beneficial Risk Profile

Pharmaceutical companies are quick to talk about the benefit risk profile - the fact that a particular drug has helped so many people as opposed to how few it damaged or killed. And though this drug has 20,000 or more lawsuits filed against it, claims can be made that it has helped many more. (And yet, many other medicines with less risk could have been used instead.)

This is a very expensive medication. It makes a great deal of money for its company. It is one of the drugs in the class called fluoroquinolones. Another well-known drug in this class is Cipro.

Do you think Johnson and Johnson bases their risk-benefit calculations on anything other than profit compared to losses through lawsuits? If you do, you drank the Kool-Aid.

If you've recently taken antibiotics, this is what you need to do to restore healthy intestinal flora, and check out Bulletproof Your Immune System for real immunity from bacterial infections and other pathogens. See the first source below for more on the importance of gut bacteria.







About the author:
Kali Sinclair is a copywriter for Green Lifestyle Market, and a lead editor for Organic Lifestyle Magazine. Kali was very sick with autoimmune disease and realized that conventional medicine was not working for her. She has been restoring her health by natural means and is interested in topics including natural health, environmental issues, and human rights.