South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - Ambassador Vusimuzi Madonsela

Published: January 11, 2024

Ambassador Vusimuzi Madonsela thanked the court for hearing the case so quickly. His short introduction then looked back at the history of the Palestinian people, and how they have been denied the ‘right to return’ to their historical territory. He said current acts are a fundamental continuation of 75 years of apartheid, as well as the 16 years of occupation in Gaza.

* South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - Adila Hassim SC

* South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - Tembeka Ngcukaitobi SC

* South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - Blinne Ni Ghralaigh KC

* South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - SABC News

South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - Tembeka Ngcukaitobi SC

Tembeka Ngcukaitobi SC laid out the case for genocidal intent. These acts can include other acts that fall outside the genocide definition. It is evident in the way the military attack has been systematically conducted. Also the targeting of family homes, healthcare, and the denying of access to humanitarian aid. Already 1% have been killed.

The extraordinary feature is the systematic declarations by Israel’s political leaders, and these statements are repeated by soldiers on the ground. After the attack, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned of a unprecedented response. There have been repeated references to Amalek, a group whom God instructed to be killed, included children and animals. The deputy speaker of the Knesset called for Gaza to be erased from the earth. Also references to a total blockade of ‘human animals’, a call supported by many parliamentarians. The intent to destroy has been formulated and distributed from the highest levels of state. They also tar all Palestinians with the crimes of Hamas. None of the statements can be neutralized or taken back after the fact. The genocidal intent is not ambiguous to the soldiers on the ground. There is video evidence, filmed by the soldiers themselves.

Israel’s army commanders are of the same mind. One said the entire Gaza should resemble Beit Hanoun, a suburb that has been all but flattened. As recently as 7 January, a soldier boasted about the destruction of an entire village, which he said was their mandate. Genocidal intent is understood, and being put into practice.

The comments are also rife in the Knesset, where there are repeated references for all Palestinians to die. The PM’s speeches havr also gained ground within Israeli society. There has been no effort to prevent, condemn or punish any acts and calls for genocide. Israel knows it is destroying Gaza, but has not changed its military tactics. And it has not let up on the blockade, and continues to ignore calls from aid organization to be allowed into Gaza. Israel continues to target infrastructure essential for survival.

The distinctive feature of this case has not been the silence, but the broadcasting of the desire, the intent and the instructions that feed down to the foot soldiers. The intent is embodied within state bodies. Any suggestion that that is not what they meant should be rejected.

* South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - Adila Hassim SC

* South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - Blinne Ni Ghralaigh KC

* South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - Ambassador Vusimuzi Madonsela

* South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - SABC News

South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - Adila Hassim SC

Published: January 11, 2024

The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, holds public hearings on the request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by South Africa in the case South Africa v. Israel.

Adila Hassim SC began South Africa’s case by giving details of what led to the genocidal allegations. She said the actions show systematic conduct in an area that Israel controls - all access, from people, to water, service and internet access. For 96 days she said, Israel has subjected Gaza to one of the heaviest conventional bombing attacks in recent history. The People of Gaza are also in danger from death by starvation and disease, especially with aid provision extremely difficult.

She emphasized that SA is not asking for a final decision, but that some of the acts might fall within the definition. These are documented in detail, and confirmed by reliable, often UN, sources. She said that statistics she quoted were from the UN, accurate to 9 January 2024. She explained the team would limit the use of audio-visual material, out of respect for victims.

The first claim is the mass killings of Palestinians in Gaza. The UN Secertary General admitted 5 weeks ago there is no safe place in Gaza. Over 23 thousand have been killed, at least 70% women and children. The level of killing is so extensive they are buried, often unidentified, in mass graves. 2000 pound bombs have been dropped on the south, which is supposed to be safe. Israel has killed an unparalleled number of civilians. 1800 families have lost multiple members, some families have no survivors. Hassim said these actions are deliberate, and not even new born babies are safe.

The second genocidal action is the infliction of serious mental and bodily harm. Close to 60 thousands wounded and maimed, most women and children. This within the context of a collapsed health system.

The third act is the deliberate imposition of conditions that cannot sustain life. The forced displacement of 85%, and those people have no safe place to go. Many have been displaced a number of times. The first order demanded the evacuation of a million people within 24 hours, and even required the evacuation of new born babies in intensive care.

This expulsion is also permanent as homes and suburbs are rubble. There is no indication that Israel plans on rebuilding, but rather there are videos of the celebration of the destruction.

Experts predict more may die from starvation and disease than violence, but Israel continues to obstruct aid. On 8 January, a UN mission to supply a hospital was denied, the 5th denial since 26 December. There is no clean water, and disease such as diarrhoea are rife, and often deadly.

Another act is the military assault on the healthcare system. The wounded are deprived are life saving medical care. The system can’t cope.

And finally, there are acts that suggest Israel is actively preventing reproduction. These acts are against women, children and babies, and including an attempt to prevent births. 180 births each day, and 15% are likely to experience complications, and no help is available. The killing, injuring and leaving a large number of children orphaned.

Genocide is never broadcast. The past 13 weeks has given proof of genocide and it continues. The people deserve and demand protection of the courts.

* South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - Tembeka Ngcukaitobi SC

* South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - Blinne Ni Ghralaigh KC

* South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - Ambassador Vusimuzi Madonsela

* South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - SABC News

Alex Jones Debates Messianic Jew Who Believes He Has Discovered the Root of All Evil

Published: January 03, 2024

JEW is an ideology, religion, a myth, an excuse to commit genocide and plunder.  JEW is not an ethnicity, or nationality.  You can change your ideology, but you cannot change your ethnicity, place of birth.  This whole JEW propaganda is designed by the parasite ruling class to provide JEWS with victimhood benefits and privileges.

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