Dire Warning Against the United Nations ‘Pandemic Treaty’ that Can Force Vaccines and Passports

Published: January 10, 2024

Bret Weinstein Exposes the World Health Organization’s Dark Agenda

Biologist Bret Weinstein gives a dire warning that the forces controlling the US will hand over its sovereignty in May 2024 to the United Nations by signing on to the ‘Pandemic Treaty’ that keeps changing its name. The treaty will give the UN World Health Organization (WHO) and its signatory countries the ability to define a public emergency on any basis! He said even the climate change propaganda could be declared an emergency.

The WHO treaty pact will entitle leaders to mandate remedies that include ‘vaccines’ to cure mythical viruses and to forbid the use of beneficial medications, like ivermectin. Gene therapy is specifically cited as a remedy in the treaty that could be mandated (mRNA COVID ‘vaccines’ are actually a harmful gene therapy treatment). Passports that limit travel and access to resources and necessities may also be forced.

Weinstein said that COVID vaccines have caused over 17 million deaths globally.  Tucker Carlson estimated that number is similar in size to casualties caused by a global war.

Although the COVID vaccine death rate is a record-setting disaster, Weinstein said that the program didn’t go according to eugenist parasite ruling class plans, as some people refused COVID vaccines and were able to warn against the shots and later point out the damage caused by the injections. The WHO aims to eliminate future interference by destroying the United States Constitution First Amendment right of free speech.  The goal is to silence dissenters.

Weinstein said that the US Department of Homeland Security issued a memo that defined three kinds of terrorism: misinformation defined as errors; disinformation defined intentional errors or lies, and malinformation defined as things that are based in truth but cause people to distrust authority. ‘Terror’ is now a legal definition that causes our rights to evaporate.  Must never forget that only US congress can make laws, thus no other government agency has the right or the authority to make laws.

* Plandemic Truth Be Told - Germ Theory - Virology Or Toxicology.?

South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - Israeli Response

Streamed live on January 12, 2024

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) livestream recorded hearing will begin in 4 minutes.  Simply move the counter to 4 minutes and watch.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, holds public hearings on the request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by South Africa in the case South Africa v. Israel. 

Streamed live on January 12, 2024 - Israeli Response

* South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - SABC News

South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - SABC News

Published: January 11, 2024

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) livestream recorded hearing will begin in 10 minutes.  Simply move the counter to 10 minutes and watch.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, holds public hearings on the request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by South Africa in the case South Africa v. Israel.

Africa's news leader at sabcnews.com is the online news portal of South Africa

* South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - Adila Hassim SC

* South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - Tembeka Ngcukaitobi SC

* South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - Blinne Ni Ghralaigh KC

* South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - Ambassador Vusimuzi Madonsela

South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - Blinne Ni Ghralaigh KC

Published: January 11, 2024

Blinne Ni Ghralaigh KC described the situation as a crisis or humanity, and the embodiment of hell. Violence, death, disease, no school, starvation - Gaza is becoming uninhabitable. For children there is nothing but the sound of war, day in, day out. Reports of torture and abuse of bodies more common. 4 out 5 people in the world in catastrophic hunger are in Gaza. The daily stats are clear proof: 247 deaths (including 48 mothers and 117 children, 3 medics, a UN worker, a journalist) Some are wounded over and over. Each day 3 900 homes destroyed, ambulances and hospitals are targeted. Bombs are dropped on places people have been told to evacuate to. There’s a new acronym – WCNSF – which stands for “Wounded Child, No Surviving Family”.

There is imminent and irrevocable evidence of urgency. UN aid remains unimplemented. Humanitarian ceasefire calls have been ignored. Since the case was filed, over a thousand have been killed. Over 85% repeatedly forced to move, into shrinking slivers of land. This is a population that was already vulnerable after 16 years of blockade. Many dying from preventable problems. Children in particular subjected to mental torture, much of which is irreparable..

Many people have no access to food, water, medicine or safe shelter. A trapped population that has nowhere safe to go. In addition services are denied or restricted, even though even the US asked for it to be allowed.

Israel denies it is responsible for the crisis. 500 aid trucks were necessary daily before 7 October. Promises of future aid therefore hold little sway. UN SG has stressed that number of trucks doesn’t matter, because o aid cannot be delivered effectively. Everyone and everything remains at imminent risk if irreparable prejudice.

The international community continues to fail the Palestinian people. The horror being live streamed, as victims broadcast their own destruction in real time. This has repercussions for generations to come. “The world should be ashamed”. Palestinian pastor on Xmas Day “this is a genocide, we will arise…but this is by far the biggest blow we have received”. South Africa is doing what it can, standing up to be counted.

* South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - Adila Hassim SC