How To Turn Desert To Flourishing Green Heaven - Holding Back The Sahara Desert

Published: February 18, 2024

Permaculture instructor Andrew Millison journeys with the UN World Food Program to the Northern border of Senegal to see an innovative land recovery project within the Great Green Wall of Africa that is harvesting rainwater, increasing food security, and rehabilitating the ecosystem.

The forced departure of migrants in search of food and better life causes harm to the migrant’s homeland and migrants themselves the most.  Permaculture will reverse the mass exodus, providing a healthy happy life, thus restoring the social balance.

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “FAIR USE” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Venus Project Foundation is an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), public advocacy organization, based in New York City, United States.

Tucker Carlson Reveals Everything You Need to Know about the U.S. Government’s Mass Censorship Campaign

Published: February 16, 2024

Tucker Carlson interview Mike Benz, exposed the parasite ruling class past 76 years of war, revolution and censorship in the Unites States of America.

The national security state is the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States. “What I am describing is military rule” says Mike Benz. “It is the inversion of democracy.”

Protecting digital liberties. Telling the story of online censorship. Fighting to win back the Golden Age of the Internet. 

This interview with Mike Benz knocked Tucker Carlson’s socks off.  Mike Benz, a former State Department official under Trump, exposed how defense-related institutions and social media platforms have stripped away our freedom of speech through censorship. He called it a “digital MK Ultra” system. Benz stated that NATO was threatened by right-wing populist movements in Europe, such as Brexit, and President Trump in the US. This led to the shut down of free speech on the internet with weaponized censorship because the populists had the power to kill NATO without firing a shot. NATO is the military muscle behind the UN’s World Bank and International Monetary Fund and other institutions of power.  The new enemy of NATO and the US State Department became the citizens of western countries; security forces went to war against the people.

Benz said that COVID and the US 2020 Presidential election were the two most censored events in history.

Foundation For Freedom Online

And on - @MikeBenzCyber

Fact File: House Republicans Impeached Mayorkas 214-213, But Will He Be Removed from Office?

Published: February 16, 2024

Alejandro Mayorkas is a Jew and served as a board member for HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), a Jewish organization that facilitates immigration, during his time in office as the head of US Immigration during the Obama administration. HIAS has assisted in the mass migration of half a million illegal aliens into the US.

Mayorkas implemented the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) process in 2009 under the Obama regime.

The House vote to impeach Mayorkas does not remove him from office, as impeachment is only the first step in the process of ousting an official from their post. The matter now heads to the Senate, which has the “sole Power” under the Constitution to hold a trial that could lead to his conviction and removal from office. The mainstream media reported that the impeachment will likely die in the Democrat-controlled Senate.

Summary / Fact File by JW Williams - February 16, 2024

Here are the facts behind the impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas, a 64-year old lawyer and politician who was borne in Havana, Cuba and moved to the US when he was one year old during the Castro revolution in 1960.

Mayorkas was appointed by President Biden in 2021 as the seventh United States Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). He is the first refugee and first person born in Latin America to lead DHS.

During the Obama administration, Mayorkas was employed by the DHS, first as director of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (2009–2013), and then as deputy secretary of DHS (2013–2016).

Mayorkas is a Jew and served as a board member for HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), a Jewish organization that facilitates immigration, during his time in office as the head of US Immigration.

Mayorkas implemented the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) process in 2009 under the Obama regime. Mayorkas was also involved in the DHS counterterrorism and anti-cybercrime efforts, as well as its public-private partnerships, and efforts to fight antisemitism.

According to BNN Breaking news, the US government has been channeling millions of dollars to HIAS through the Office of Refugees Resettlement (ORR). The funds have been instrumental in facilitating the immigration of around 500,000 illegal immigrants from South America and Central America into the USA, as planned by the parasite ruling class.

On February 13, 2024, Mayorkas was impeached, with a 214–213 vote, by the United States House of Representatives. Mayorkas is the second Cabinet member to have ever been impeached in US history, and the first Cabinet secretary to be impeached in almost 150 years.

The impeachment proceedings against Mayorkas, coupled with help from HIAS in facilitating illegal immigration, have far-reaching implications.

There are two articles of impeachment accusing Mayorkas of “willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law” and a “breach of public trust.” The House vote does not remove Mayorkas from office, since impeachment is only the first step in the process of ousting an official from their post. The matter now heads to the Senate, which has the “sole Power” under the Constitution to hold a trial that could lead to his conviction and removal from office.

The mainstream media reported that the impeachment will likely die in the Democrat-controlled Senate. A majority could vote to “reinterpret” the rules, opening up a number of avenues to speed through, delay or dismiss the impeachment outright.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene wrote the impeachment resolution accusing Mayorkas of failing in his duty to “prevent invasion” and the “willful admittance of border crossers.” Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green (R-TN) and House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-LA) say that Secretary Mayorkas is intentionally encouraging more immigration.

Some conservatives believe that the mass migration of more than 10 million people into the Untied States is part of the parasite ruling class “replacement theory” that posits that immigrants are lured to the United States to dominate and reshape American culture and politics. The replacement theory has been labeled a conspiracy theory. However, the United Nations published a paper in 2001 titled “Replacement Migration: Is it a Solution to Declining and Aging Populations?” that indicates population replacement is a strategy of international leaders.

* Lauren Witzke World Braces For Release of Tucker Carlson Interview

Lauren Witzke World Braces For Release of Tucker Carlson Interview

Published: February 07, 2024

Lauren Witzke - Guest

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society -

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “FAIR USE” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Venus Project Foundation is an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), public advocacy organization, based in New York City, United States.

* Exclusive - Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Russia. February 6th, 2024

* Fact File: House Republicans Impeached Mayorkas 214-213, But Will He Be Removed From Office?