"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell

Bombshell: Syria’s ‘chemical weapons’ turn out to be sodium fluoride used in the U.S. water supply

- By Mike Adams - September 03, 2013

Bombshell: Syria’s ‘chemical weapons’ turn out to be sodium fluoride used in the U.S. water supply

Natural News can now reveal that the Syria chemical weapons narrative being pushed by the White House is an outlandish hoax.

To understand why, you have to start with the story published in The Independent entitled Revealed: Government let British company export nerve gas chemicals to Syria.

Sounds scary, right? As The Independent reports:

The Government was accused of “breathtaking laxity” in its arms controls last night after it emerged that officials authorised the export to Syria of two chemicals capable of being used to make a nerve agent such as sarin a year ago.

What, exactly, are those two dangerous chemicals that need to be controlled via “arms control” regulations? You won’t believe me when I tell you. They are:

• sodium fluoride
• potassium fluoride

You can see this yourself in the screen capture of The Independent breaking news story. Note the headline and the subhead. The headline describes “nerve gas chemicals” and the subhead explains them as “sodium fluoride” and “potassium fluoride.”

U.S. water fluoridation chemical is Syria’s “chemical weapon”

If these chemical names sound familiar, that’s because sodium fluoride is the same toxic chemical that’s routinely dumped into municipal water supplies all across the USA under the guise of “water fluoridation.”

In fact, the forced feeding of sodium fluoride to the U.S. population is called a “public health” victory by the CDC, FDA and dentists everywhere. Yet this same chemical, when sold to Syria, is openly and repeatedly referred to as a “chemical weapon.” This is true across the BBC, the Guardian, Daily Record and Sunday Mail, France24.com and literally thousands of other news websites.

According to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, any government “regime” that uses chemical weapons against its own people should be bombed / invaded / overthrown by a coalition of other United Nations members. By his own definition, then, the United States of America should now be invaded by the UN because the government uses a deadly chemical weapon - sodium fluoride — on its own people.

By implication, then, John Kerry is now calling for the UN to bomb the USA. As the international media now confirms, sodium fluoride is a chemical weapon, and this chemical weapon is used against the American people every single day in the water supply, a favorite attack vector for terrorists.

“Evidence” of chemical weapons nothing more than hair samples of people who drank sodium fluoride

As you might have guessed, Secretary of State John Kerry is running around “pulling a George Bush” by claiming Syria has used weapons of mass destruction on its own population. Here’s a sample of his claims:

“In the last 24 hours, we have learned through samples that were provided to the United States that have now been tested from first responders in east Damascus and hair samples and blood samples have tested positive for signatures of sarin.” Kerry said this on NBC’s Meet The Press.

But what, exactly, is he saying? That hair samples have tested positive for “signatures” of sarin, not sarin itself. What is a “signature” of sarin? The fluorine element, which is of course the basis for sodium fluoride.

In other words, this “evidence” of chemical weapons in Syria may be nothing more than a collection of hair samples taken from people who drank fluoride. As this study shows on SCIENCE.naturalnews.com, hair analysis is a commonly-used practice for assessing exposure to fluoride. It concludes, “hair may be regarded as biomaterial of high informative potential in evaluating prolonged exposure to fluorides…”

Typically, this analysis is conducted with ICP-MS instrumentation, using a plasma torch that disintegrates all organic molecules, leaving only the resulting elements (fluorine). Tests done on Syrian citizens using ICP-MS would not be able to distinguish between sodium fluoride and sarin exposure in terms of the detection of elemental fluorine.

Read that again, because it’s crucial to understanding the hoax being perpetrated by the White House: Tests on hair or other tissues, if done using ICP-MS (the most common elemental analysis technology used today), would not be able to distinguish between sodium fluoride and sarin.

Sarin has the chemical formula:

You will notice that the only elements in this formula are:


Out of those five elements, four of them (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorous) occur naturally in the human body in large quantities. Fluorine is the only element that strongly stands out against the rest in terms of elemental analysis. And fluorine is the same element that forms the basis of sodium fluoride. Sarin can, of course, also be detected as a complete molecule using liquid chromatography systems (HPLC), but this is highly unlikely to have taken place given the inherent instability of the molecule, which breaks apart upon exposure to simple moisture in the air or in the body.

Thus, ICP-MS testing could be used to intentionally “blur” the evidence, making sodium fluoride appear to be “signatures” of sarin, precisely as Kerry is now claiming in the media. As the whole point of all this is to fabricate evidence to justify a political war in the first place, there isn’t any real scientific scrutiny being applied to all this. Obama, Kerry and others are spouting whatever they think the people will swallow, and since most of the U.S. public is scientifically illiterate, it turns out they will swallow some real whoppers.

Same sodium fluoride chemical added to water for infants

Sodium fluoride, by the way, is also added to drinking water for babies and infants. It’s a key ingredient, actually, in a product called Nursery Water that’s “enriched” with extra sodium fluoride, the same chemical now being called a “chemical weapon” by the international media. You can see this for yourself at www.NurseryWater.com or just check out the photo below:

As you can see, this sodium fluoride infant water – which the White House effectively calls a “chemical weapon” — is sold at Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Albertson’s, Safeway, K-Mart, Rite Aid and even Toys “R” Us. Bet you never knew you could buy chemical weapons at Toys “R” Us, did ya?

The Nursery Water label, shown below, lists “sodium fluoride” as a key ingredient:

You’ll also notice that the label includes instructions for using this sodium fluoride baby water:

“…ready to mix with formula and cereal, dilute juice or drink – just open and pour!”

Yep, you read it: the same “chemical weapon” that’s about to start World War III is part of your baby’s formula recipe. When sodium fluoride is in the hands of Syria’s Assad, it’s called a “chemical weapon,” but when it’s part of your baby’s diet, it’s called “nutrition.” How’s that for Orwellian doublespeak?

Syria’s “chemical weapon” also added to Colgate toothpaste

Just in case adding Syria’s “chemical weapon” to baby water isn’t enough for you, it’s also a key ingredient in Colgate toothpaste.

Yep, according to dentists, chemical weapons also “fight tooth decay,” so they should be added to toothpaste. Check out the label on this Colgate toothpaste and see for yourself:

Keep this in mind the next time you carry toothpaste with you when you attempt to travel by air. The TSA can pull you aside and legitimately accuse you of working for the Assad regime as a chemical weapons terrorist while charging you with the federal crime of “transporting chemical weapons.”

Mainstream media admits U.S. food companies use chemical weapons against their own customers

Unless the mainstream media retracts all its thousands of stories about sodium fluoride being a “chemical weapon” sold to Syria, it must come to terms with the fact that it is also accusing the U.S. food industry of using chemical weapons on consumers.

Sodium fluoride, after all, is added to countless consumer products, from toothpaste and mouthwash to drinking water. Sodium fluoride does not magically change from a “chemical weapon” in Syria to a “nutritive mineral” by crossing the ocean. Sodium fluoride is sodium fluoride, and it’s dangerous no matter who consumes it.

Keep this in mind the next time you hear a dentist recommending dumping sodium fluoride into the local water supply. You can correctly counter their absurd request by threatening to call Homeland Security to report them as a terrorist for engaging in the indiscriminate deployment of a chemical weapon in the water supply — a favorite target for terrorists worldwide.

By the way, I’m not joking on this: I actually encourage you to call Homeland Security and report your local city council members as terrorists who are mirroring the Assad “regime” in Syria by using sodium fluoride “chemical weapons” on the public. You might even call the United Nations and ask them to intervene in the USA’s use of chemical weapons against its own people… right? Isn’t that what John Kerry is asking the world to do in the case of Syria? Why does the USA have immunity from using chemical weapons on its own people when Syria is threatened with war for using the exact same chemical weapons on its population?

Same “nerve gas chemicals” exported to Syria are imported from China by nearly every U.S. city

By the way, the same sodium fluoride that was exported to Syria as a “chemical weapon” is routinely imported by U.S. cities to dump into the municipal water supply. They call it “water fluoridation” and dentists push it like candy because it actually causes wildly increased tooth decay, mottling and discoloration (all of which adds up to increased repeat business for dentists).

As documented by Natural News, sodium fluoride is touted by China’s exporters as a multi-purpose chemical that functions as a deadly pesticide, absorbs chemicals in the nuclear industry and more. See these two photos for more proof. These were created as marketing materials by China’s fluoride export industry:

From Alibaba.com:

Uses: It’s mainly used as a flux in the aluminum smelting by fused-salt electrolysis; also an opalizer in the manufacture of enamel; an opacifier and auxiliary solvent of glass and enamel; an insecticide of crops; a flux in aluminum alloy casting; and in the production of ferrous alloy and effervescing steel; as well as a wear-resistant filler for resin and rubber-boned abrasive wheels.

As I first said back in 2012, “Fluoride is a chemical weapon!” Now it turns out John Kerry agrees with me, and he’s using fluoride as an excuse to bomb a sovereign nation.

Quick question: If Russia begins bombing the USA, can they use the same excuse that Obama and Kerry are using on Syria? “We had to save the American people from the chemical weapons used by the Obama regime!”

Sources for this story include:


The Syrian War What You Are Not Being Told

* Revolution: An Instruction Manual

* Landmark Fluoride Lawsuit Restarts in January: Here Are Four Reasons You Should Care

New bill aims to make 'smart' meters mandatory for entire nation

Thursday, August 01, 2013 - By: Jonathan Benson

New bill aims to make smart meters mandatory for entire nationThere is a sinister agenda underway to forcibly convert every standard electric meter in the U.S. to the "smart" variety under the guise of promoting renewable energy interests. And one of the latest pieces of Trojan horse legislation pushing for this ominous transformation is the Smart Grid Advancement Act of 2013, introduced by Representative Jerry McNerney (D-Cal.) and co-authored by Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-Penn.), which would force utilities all across the country to convert their customers to smart meters.

The new bill, as stated in a recent press release posted on Rep. McNerney's website, would require virtually all energy utility companies nationwide to implement so-called "smart grid technologies," which in turn would require the installation of smart meters on customers' homes and businesses. Smart meters, as you may already be aware, contain wireless communication components that are not only a serious threat to human health, but also a monumental detriment to personal privacy.

But crafty politicians like Rep. McNerney and Rep. Cartwright are couching the technology as a viable way to help save people money by lowering their electricity bills. This explanation, of course, is meant to divert attention away from the not-so-enticing fact that the technology is really nothing more than a massive, interconnected government spying and control apparatus.

"[The bill] would apparently require all electricity providers, including rural cooperatives and municipal utilities, to join the 'smart' grid and install 'smart' meters," explains the energy freedom advocacy group StopSmartMeters.org.

What else does this inauspicious bill aim to accomplish? According to a summary of the bill, posted as H.R. 2685 at GovTrack.us -- you need to read between the lines to really understand what is being stated in this summary -- certified Energy Star appliances and other energy-saving products will be required to contain wireless technologies capable of communicating with both energy providers and potentially even the government.

"[T]he bill would require appliances with the Energy Star label to include wireless transmitters that cannot be turned off, in order to communicate (and presumably cough up your private data and respond to orders from Big Brother Smart Grid to switch you off at a moment's notice, as happened to dozens of people in Northern California recently when their not-so-smart-AC program cut off their air conditioning at the height of the recent heat wave," adds StopSmartMeters.org.

"The bill would also establish a 'smart grid information center' that would presumably create pro-smart-grid propaganda at the taxpayer's expense."

Smart meters exposed as part of NSA 'PRISM' spying scam

Even worse is the fact that Landis Gyr, a major smart meter manufacturer that describes itself as a "world leader" in smart grid technology, let the cat out of the bag that the National Security Agency (NSA), which we now know actively spies on innocent Americans' phone calls and text messages, also uses smart meters to spy on Americans.

Thanks to a NaturalNews reader tip, we learned that Landis Gyr recently had a company voicemail message that admitted smart meter technology is part of the NSA's "PRISM" spying and surveillance program. Since gaining national attention about this admission, Landis Gyr has apparently altered its company voicemail message to omit this indicting information.

Your help needed to oppose HR 2685, the Smart Meter Trojan Horse Act

H.R. 2685 has been referred to the House Energy and Commerce Committee for consideration, which means this is the first point of contact in effectively killing this bill. StopSmartMeters.org has set up a helpful action page that you can use to contact not only the committee but also the bill's sponsors and the rest of your Congressmen:

Sources for this article include:





Monsanto A Documentary on GMO a must watch

This Documentary shows the power of Monsanto and how they treat farmers, how GMO seeds can destroy our food supply.,not what Monsanto promised from there GMO seed. The world needs to reject the use of GMO food for our own good. If you think we are safe in Australia think again, one farmer W.A has grown Round-up ready Conola seed and has contaminated near by fields. Here's some links to the GMO crops in Australia.

How vaccines are made: Monkey kidneys, spinal material, animal pus and more...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011 - By: Dr. Kaitlyn Moore

The issues surrounding the dangers of vaccines require a look into how they are made and to what we are exposing ourselves to. So, what are vaccinations exactly?

How vaccines are made: Monkey kidneys, spinal material, animal pus and moreGenerally speaking, vaccinations are inoculations that attempt to confer immunity against a specific disease. Our anti-body defenses are stimulated when weakened versions of bacteria or viruses are injected into our system.

Bacterial vaccinations are grown in petri dishes but viral vaccinations require a live host. Recent medical advances have widened the sphere of what "live host" actually means (http://www.nae.edu/Publications/Bridge/EngineeringandVaccineProductio...).

Edward Jenner, credited with discovering the small pox vaccine, observed that milkmaids who had been infected with cowpox ended up immune to smallpox. Jenner's first "inoculation" was completed by injecting an 8 year old with the pus from the lesions of a milkmaid with cowpox (http://www.experiment-resources.com/who-invented-vaccination.html).

Modern Day Vaccinations

Tragically, even with all of the strides made in modern medicine, vaccination preparation has actually gotten worse. Original vaccinations were contrived by using the infected matter from another human being and introducing it into the body.

Trouble began once animals began to be used as hosts. Enter Dr. Jonas Salk and the race to develop a commercially viable polio vaccine. Salk and his peers concocted from a mad scientist brew of ingredients including the minced up spinal cord from a 9-year-old deceased patient, water, blood, flies, feces, and human cell matter. This mixture was injected into the brains of monkeys, most of which died instantly or became paralyzed.

Undaunted, Salk plugged away eventually creating the commercial version of the polio vaccine, developed in part from "the feces of three healthy children in Cleveland."

Ironically this infamous father of the polio vaccine just recently was exposed for his role in illegal experiments on mental patients(http://www.naturalnews.com/031564_Jonas_Salk_medical_experiments.html).

While today's formulations don't contain feces, they are still derived from live hosts including cows, monkeys, pigs, chicken embryos, and human diploid cell.

Cell matter is extracted from these hosts, combined with toxic chemicals like Thimerosol (mercury), formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide and a variety of other substances, before being injected into our bodies (http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/b/exci... and www.vaclib.org/pdf/vaxcont2.pdf). The side effects are autism, diabetes, asthma, MS, SIDS, and more.

Vaccine Pollution

The viral cell matter presents a significant health risk due to the plethora of dangerous animal viruses, RNA, DNA, and other foreign material that can't be filtered out of the final preparation.

Award winning journalist Janine Roberts, author of Fear of the Invisible and a host of other papers developing into the truth behind vaccine development, discovered that "vaccines are not filtered clean, but suspension from the manufacturers incubation tanks in which the viruses are produced from substrates of mashed bird embryo, minced monkey kidneys, or the infamous cloned human diploid cells only scanned for a few known contaminates - while the unknowns remain just that -- unknown."

Even worse, the government has provided legal protection to the vaccine industry and their polluted products via FDA regulations, more specifically 21 CFR.

"Virus interaction can't be controlled -- by their very nature they are mutating organisms. There is a well-founded concern that these animal viruses are able to cross species lines and adapt to their new host environment."

Dr. Leonard Hayflick, a virologist at both Stanford and the University of California at San Francisco raised a concern that the common primary culture used for making vaccines with animals and bird embryos has created a situation where it is "apparent that these cells contained many unwanted viruses, some of which were lethal to humans." (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=15452)

For instance the SV40 virus that originates in monkeys made its way into the human population via the polio vaccination and has been tied to cancer non Hodgkin's lymphoma and brain tumors(http://www.informedchoice.info/polio.html) (http://www.tetrahedron.org/articles/vaccine_awareness/through_the_nee...).

The World Health Organization is aware that MMR vaccines are tainted with avian leukosis virus that has been linked with leukemia (http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/ac/98/transcpt/3476t1.pdf) (pg 19) and Rotatrix is one of the most recent vaccinations exposed as being contaminated with DNA matter from animals- in that case pigs(http://vaccineawakening.blogspot.com/2010/04/vaccine-contamination-pi...).

Government Duplicity

In response to questions regarding the safety of vaccinations, a governmental official answered that, "safety issues would then have to be considered based on the nature of that material. We would hope that they would select materials that would be more amenable or pose less of a risk, but that may not always be the case." (http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/ac/98/transcpt/3476t1.pdf)

However, the American government remains steadfast in its assurances to the American public that vaccinations are required to keep your children healthy (http://www.vaccines.gov/).

Yet, the risk has been great enough for Congress to enact the Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which provides monetary relief for the hundreds of people that file claims for vaccine related injury or death.

The truth about vaccines is like most things - money talks. The vaccination industry made over 29 billion dollars in 2009 and is slated to make 54 billion by 2016 (http://centerforvaccineethicsandpolicy.wordpress.com/2010/01/17/globa...).

A certain amount of this profit is used to payoff medical advisors to support pro-vaccination campaigns (http://www.naturalnews.com/029441_vaccine_manufacturers_advisors.html).

The government's shameful cosigning of pharmaceutical companies bid to increase profits and reduce lawsuits is evidence that not much has changed when it comes to governmental policy and its effect on citizens(http://www.lawyersandsettlements.com/articles/drugs-medical/vaccine-p...).

What the pharmaceutical La Cosa Nostra does its very best to hide is that the key to overcoming diseases is not vaccinations but the backbones of good health -- nutrition, cleanliness, and clean water.

"The most likely factors leading to health improvements are a rise in the levels of nutrition and the slow spread of modern ideas of personal hygiene. The principal factor behind the improvement in health, in developing countries is probably not any form of health measure, but economic development itself. Mere exposure to a disease agent need not produce clinical disease and very frequently does not do so."

Malnutrition is of the highest importance because it hampers the body's natural resistance and acts "synergistically" with disease agents to increase the incidence and severity of clinical diseases.

Think long and hard before you opt for the next round of vaccinations, the result could be more than you bargained for.


Sharpston M.J., Health and the Human Environment, in (Ghosh P.K. editor) Health, Food and Nutrition in Third World Development, International Development Resource Book No. 6, Greenword Press, Westport, Conn., U.S.A., 1984, pp. 85 and 80. (http://www.whale.to/vaccine/obomsawin3.html )

Fear of the invisible (http://www.scribd.com/doc/49973741/Dangerous-Impurities) J. Roberts/Medical Veritas 5 (2008) 1897-1905.