Obama's Plea for War Crosses Public's 'Red Line'

Published on September 8, 2013

Alex welcomes radio personality and Co-Host of Coast to Coast AM, Mr John B. Wells to the program to help break apart the mainline stories being given to the public in relation to Syria and gas attacks as well as how we can see through the continued subterfuge to get to the truth.

* Tucker Carlson - Episode 22 - Exposes Secret Gay Struggles In Barack Obama

Chemtrail Poisons Are Ruining Your Health From Above, And You May Not Know It

- By Christina Sarich - September 9, 2013

If aluminum deodorants and anti-perspirants aren’t good for us, how can chemtrails being sprayed in our neighborhoods be benign? Geo-engineering, otherwise known as chemtrails, have been exposed by numerous alternative news outlets, reporters, and documentaries such as What in the World Are They Spraying? In this important piece of social activism, we can learn how we are being sprayed with huge amounts of aluminum, strontium, and barium, among with other health-wreaking chemicals against our will, and without our consent.

Chemtrails: Confirmed and Denied

The government continues to lie to us about the existence of weather-ownership via geo-engineering, but Congress is planning to legalize Bills like Senate Bill 1807 and U.S. House Bill 3445, along with the Climate Security Act (Also known as the Lieberman-Warner bill, bill number S. 2191 ) which was not passed in 2007 when it was introduced, but is up for a vote again. On the surface it looks smart and snappy – a greenhouse gas reduction bill to reduce emissions to below 2005 levels, however, Rosalind Peterson explains the true malicious intent behind these bills:

“These bills are designed to sell out the health and welfare of the people of the United States in order to establish a national and international Cap & Trade Money Market Scheme, and under Section 6E, “…initiate programs to “mitigate” the impacts of any unavoidable global climate change…” These bills have nothing to do with “Climate Security”. They are designed to fleece the American people out of billions of their tax dollars to support a questionable “market scheme of carbon trading” by selling “emission allowances” to polluters to allow them to pollute more in the future.”

Just one of the chemicals being sprayed profusely in chemtrails, aluminum, causes all sorts of health problems. The chemical attacks the nervous system, primarily, and cause everything from disturbed sleep, nervousness, emotional instability, memory loss, headaches, and impaired even impaired intellect. Whether this is an intentional or accidental side effect of chemtrails spraying remains to be uncovered.

Soil and water samples are being tested at the top of Mt. Shasta, California, and in Siskiyou County, for example, and the aluminum levels are high enough to kill a moose. The levels are “off the charts” with the highest reading so far at 4,610 times the maximum contaminate level for drinking water in the sunny state. A recent snow sample taken form Ski Bowl on Mt. Shasta showed 61,000 ug/L, 61 times the maximum contaminant level for aluminum in drinking water.

Read: Chemtrails: Obvious Overhead Pollutants Ignored

Even the minimal use of aluminum deodorants and anti-perspirants can cause the back up of lymph nodes – fluids aren’t able to move through the body and cause breakouts along the temples and neck. Prolonged exposure to aluminumat high levels, such as those being sprayed across the sky, can also cause:

- Brain degeneration

- Impede the bodies ability to digest calcium, phosphorous and fluoride.

- Prevent bone growth and lessens bone density.

- Cause aching muscles

- Speech problems

- Anemia

- Digestive issues

- Impaired liver function

- Impaired kidney function

- Colic in babies

Barium is also a chemical being found in heavily sprayed areas. According to the Centers for Disease and Control Prevention, (CDC):

“Ingestion of certain forms of barium (e.g., barium carbonate or barium fluoride) in toxic amounts can lead to gastrointestinal signs and symptoms (e.g., vomiting, abdominal pain, and watery diarrhea). Within 1–4 hours of ingestion, profound hypokalemia and generalized muscle weakness can develop which may progress to paralysis of the limbs and respiratory muscles. Severe hypokalemia induced by barium toxicity can cause ventricular dysrhythmias (1-7).”

In addition to exposure to aluminum and barium, we are also being poisoned with Strontium-90. While this statement may take your breath away – chemtrails are taking your breath away. Strontium-90 is used as a radioactive tracer in medical studies and in studies of agricultural crops. It is also used in beacons for navigating, remote weather stations and space vehicles. Strontium-90 is used in electron tubes to treat eye diseases and as a radiation source in industrial thickness gauges, but it was never meant to be inhaled, or consumed through water and soil.

If this compound dissolves in water, the chemical will dissolve in the moist surface inside the lungs. Strontium will then enter the blood quickly. If the chemical form of strontium does not dissolve in water easily, a small amount may remain in the lungs. Health problems can develop including lowered red blood cell counts including anemia, which causes excessive tiredness, blood that does not clot properly, and a decreased resistance to fight disease.

We need to start detoxing these chemicals being dumped on our heads every day. Stratospheric aerosol spraying, also called geo-engineering, or chemtrails, are not good for anyone’s health. When coupled with GMO monopolies, non-organic foods, the consideration by the US government to forcibly make us take vaccines, and the push for ever more pharmaceuticals instead of natural treatments, it is anyone’s guess what is really going on at the top.

Originally appeared at Natural Society.

Fluoridation victories continues as Washington town banishes toxic chemical from water supply

Monday, September 09, 2013 - By: Jonathan Benson

Another victory has been won in the fight to protect the public against water supplies intentionally poisoned with artificial fluoride chemicals, this time in Woodland, Washington, a city located just 30 miles north of Portland, Oregon. As reported by The Daily News online, the Woodland City Council recently voted 6-to-1 to stop adding synthetic fluoride chemicals to its public water supply after it was determined that the outmoded practice is both unsafe and ineffective.

Following the lead of nearby Portland, which back in May also decided to keep its water supply pure and free of toxic industrial waste, Woodland joins many other scientifically progressive communities across the country that have had enough of all the status quo, pro-fluoride rhetoric. Citing a cohort of peer-reviewed studies and meta-analyses published in recent years, vigilant Woodland residents were able to show the receptive council that artificial fluoride is dangerous, and has no place being added to water.

"I am against my government medicating me without my consent," said Terry Day, a local resident, to the council at a recent meeting. Day was one of 20 other local residents who showed up to oppose fluoride -- not a single individual in favor of artificial fluoridation showed up to the meeting to defend the practice.

According to reports, all of Woodland's councilmen had conducted their own research prior to the meeting, and, with the exception of just one, came to the conclusion that fluoridating the water needed to stop. Councilman Ben Fredricks, for instance, expressed that cities have no business adding fluoride chemicals, which are technically a drug, to water supplies without consent.

Adding fluoride "allows decision makers without medical qualifications to do to the whole community what a doctor is not allowed to do to his or her patients," Fredricks is quoted as saying.

Councilwoman Marilee McCall agrees, having also expressed concerns about fluoride, and particularly its safety when ingested continually over the course of one's lifetime. She and Fredricks, along with four other council members, voted to give back to the people of Woodland their health freedom and allow individuals to choose whether or not to ingest or use fluoride.

"Everyone has the opportunity to use [fluoride] topically as a toothpaste if they wish," added Fredricks in his dissent against fluoridation. "Every doctor I go to knows they can't force a patient to take a medicine without their informed consent."

A fluoride-free Woodland means less government spending, improved public health Ending the fluoridation program in Woodland will also result in taxpayer savings of up to $5,000 per year, which is what the city used to spend to truck in the industrial waste and dump it into the water. Contrary to popular myth, the fluoride chemicals added to public water supplies are not natural but rather are derived from industrial processing byproducts, which typically also contain lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, radionuclides and other poisonous compounds.

"[E]veryone is free to use fluoride-containing toothpaste, or to add fluoride to their diet," wrote one commenter on a related article about the decision. "Why compel the entire population, including millions of children, to ingest a substance which is, AT BEST, of unknown toxicity?"

To learn more about the dangers of fluoride, and for information about how you can help get it removed from your local water supply, be sure to check out the Fluoride Action Network: http://www.fluoridealert.org

Sources for this article include:








Why Oil Companies Want to Drop Acid in California

- By RL Miller - September 02, 2013

No, it’s not the brown acid passed around at a 1960s rock concerts. Hydrofluoric acid is the most dangerous chemical you’ve never heard of, and it’s being trucked around California’s back roads and injected into oil wells, with virtually no oversight.

How bad is it? HF acid is extremely toxic; it can immediately and permanently damage lungs if inhaled, and a spill on skin is easily absorbed deep into the body’s tissues and changes bone calcium atoms to fluorine atoms.

Oh, and it corrodes glass, steel, and rock. This makes it attractive to the state’s oil drillers. They have been injecting it underground for years in highly diluted quantities to get out the last dregs of oil from a nearly depleted well. Now, they are finding that injections in stronger concentrations (they’re tight-lipped about how strong) dissolves oil-bearing shale.

California is home to the Monterey Shale, estimated to hold 400 billion barrels of heavy sour crude oil and two-thirds of the total oil reserves remaining in the United States. Until recently, oil production had been declining as the easy-to-get oil was tapped out. However, new forms of well stimulation are making the oil drillers rush into, and offshore, California. Although California activists focus on fracking, acidizing seems to be used more and noticed less.

Robert Collier’s report Distracted by Fracking? states: “In California, at least, the obsession with fracking may be misplaced. In recent months, policymakers have begun to realize that the debate about fracking may be a distraction from the technology that’s the more likely candidate for tapping the Monterey Shale: A technique, already widely in use in the oil industry, known as ‘acidizing.’ ”

Dave Quast, California’s Energy in Depth representative tells TakePart that acidizing uses significantly less water than fracking: the total fluid volume is generally between 750 and 2000 gallons, 85 percent of which is water. In drought-prone California, that’s a point in its favor.

Acidizing with HF works much better than fracking in the Golden State because the oil-bearing shale is already naturally fractured and buckled from tectonic activity, Collier tells TakePart. “We know it’s dangerous, but we don’t know what it does downhole. There are known dangers, and then there are unknowns.”

It’s known that the acid forms a dense, low-lying cloud at a relatively cool 67 degrees Fahrenheit and that breathing it scars lungs. Much of the Monterey Shale oil drilling is done in Kern County, blazing hot in summer but prone to tule fog during winters much chillier than 67 degrees. HF acid is so worrisome that the United Steelworkers want its use phased out of oil refineries entirely, calling it a risk too great for the steelworkers and the 26 million Americans living near refineries.

But what’s not known about hydrofluoric acid? Three things, mainly: the concentrations used by oil companies, what happens over the long term when a rock-dissolving chemical is injected into rock, and what happens to those 2000 gallons of hydrofluoric acid-laced water?

And then there’s this.

The California Occupational Safety and Hazard Administration isn’t tracking HF acid usage underground within the state at all. The state Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Regulations’ oversight has been sketchy—oil drillers must get a permit, but they don’t have to tell the state if they’re fracking, using acid, or something else.

A bill to regulate fracking in California, SB4, is moving through the state legislature, but is attracting some opposition from a coalition of environmentalists who want a moratorium instead of regulations. Acidizing regulations were added after the bill’s introduction, but oil lobbyists oppose even the regulations. Becky Bond, political director of CREDOMobile and a proponent of a moratorium, told reporters this, with a note of disbelief, “when we started the fracking coalition, we had no idea we also needed to tell politicians why it’s a bad idea to pump hydrofluoric acid underground!”

Truckin’ and trippin’ the bad acid throughout California’s fractured geology—what could go wrong?