Electromagnetic Radiation Emitting Smart Meters - A Harmful Technology We Can Do Without

- By Les Jamieson - 05/03/2022 

Have you ever wondered how technologies most of us would never dream up get foisted upon the public? You know, things like digital measuring devices called “smart” meters used by Con Edison. After all, those round analog devices usually found somewhere in the basement that are mechanical dial meters have recorded electricity usage reliably for a hundred years. Then around 2005, electric utilities began telling consumers they would need to “upgrade” their safe, reliable analog meters by accepting a digitally-run unit communicating through microwave radio frequencies back to the company. Purportedly, these so-called “smart” meters are a great benefit, if we overlook a long list of issues such as:

how they pulse highly charged microwave radiation every 30 to 60 seconds
how they can profile what devices or appliances we use in our homes and when
how they do not have surge protection
how they create fluctuations known as “dirty electricity” over cables behind the wall leaking into our living space
how we wound up being required to have these devices, and much more.

According to Timothy Schoecle, a PhD engineer who played a role in developing standards for advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), there are no benefits to consumers. He wrote “these meters and their dedicated networks are primarily for the benefit of utilities.”

Utilities will claim smart meters offer fast outage detection, details to reduce electricity use, thereby lowering demand, and monthly readings are recorded without need for a meter reader. However, there’s no compelling evidence that these are significant or necessary to consumers, or why they must operate through microwave frequencies rather than be hard-wired through fiber optic networks, which would be the safer route.

Electric utilities have basically decreed that consumers must convert their electro-mechanical analog meters over to microwave-emitting smart meters. First, you’re supposed to get a notice, which by far the majority of people never bother to thoroughly read. At the very end, the notice gives a number to call if you want to “opt out.” It would be in the interest of customers to put it at the top in bold lettering, but it’s at the end so you’ll miss it. If you didn’t opt out, you probably also weren’t all that enthused about calling the utility’s installation contractor to make an appointment for the installation. You got busy, and the 90-day time window flew by. Then you get a stern notice with a threat that you must provide access for installation or be fined $100 a month.

It’s hard to believe. Why are you being threatened to accept something you were never really informed about, never had a chance to give your consent to, nor expressed your desire to have? This can’t be right. Some people wind up with more than one $100 fine and still don’t understand how their utility got so much power over them. The publisher of WestView News, George Capsis, fits into this category. John Margolis, a resident near Hudson Street and 10th Street has gotten two such fines. Oddly, his meter is in the basement next door, so he can’t give Con Edison access. One service rep implied that if he didn’t pay the fine, Con Ed would shut off his electricity. He and his landlord have gotten bounced back and forth between Con Ed and two different contractors with no resolution. John could opt out, but still feels disadvantaged because Con Edison charges $9.50 per month to send a meter reader. Remember when we weren’t charged for our monthly meter reading. Remember when employing people mattered?

Calling Con Ed for an explanation is an interesting experience. The reps are trained to say things like, “There are no safety issues with smart meters. They comply with FCC guidelines”. Now you can answer back saying the Appeals Court for the District of Columbia ruled on Aug. 13, 2021 that the FCC failed to conduct a thorough evaluation of the scientific evidence expected of a federal agency in violation of federal law, calling its decision to not update its guidelines “arbitrary and capricious.” So currently, there are no RF exposure guidelines. Then demand that Con Edison send technicians with equipment to measure the levels of pulsed microwave frequencies, in other words, the levels and frequencies of spiking frequencies. If they did, the readings would show peaks thousands of times higher than what’s considered safe for long -term exposure by the Building Biology Institute. We are in unchartered territory.

What if you own or work in a small business? The smart meter policy gods have decreed that commercial customers cannot opt out. Ask Con Edison why and their answer is “businesses are non-residential”. Where’s the logic? There is none. While you’re at work, if you have got a panel of smart meters nearby, nobody is looking out for you. You can try to have your boss purchase smart meter covers for around $75 each. Otherwise, you’ll need some pricy protective clothing to want to avoid exposure to pulsed microwave radiation. If you work from home and your office is considered a commercial space, you’re in the same predicament.

Why is it that we have to opt out in the first place? Shouldn’t we opt in if we feel there is a benefit? Not according to our state Public Service Commission. This is a “quasi-legislative” agency you probably never heard about, with six commissioners appointed by the governor. When the Commission wanted consumers of electricity, water, and gas to switch over to digital smart meters, they knew how to be covert about it. They placed a request for public comment in the New York Register. You’ve never heard of that either? Too bad. It turned out, only 14 New Yorkers posted comments. The policy to replace safe analog meters with microwave-emitting smart meters was easily pushed through. The utility industry could not have a better friend. Then to embark on the nearly impossible task of overturning the policy, one has to file an Article 78 proceeding within 120 days. Steve Romine, of Woodstock, NY, actually did. I just happen to know him. This is how I became aware of how the Public Service Commission operates and how they can rely on “deference” by the courts. The abuse of power by the Commission and what surely looks like collusion by the NY Supreme Court is an affront to democracy in the public interest.

There are many ways this issue affects every New Yorker. Exposure to hazardous levels of microwave radiation from a technology that we were uninformed about, and deprived of the right to consent is just a glimpse of the problem. What you can do is learn how key legislation is necessary to effectively regulate smart meters as well as wireless antennas we see every 2-3 blocks in the city. Go to https://rebrand.ly/safe-meter-and-broadband-policies

Signing the petition will help make state politicians aware they must get fully informed and take the necessary steps to protect the public. Also, call your NY State senator asking them to co-sponsor and vote for S 8765. This is a bill that will make it much easier to keep our analog meters. Otherwise, the industry backed by the Public Service Commission will continue to shape policies that implement undesirable technology that affects our daily lives, our health, and finances without regard for what really is best for consumers now and into the future.

James Corbett Talks About Elon Musk, Information War, Truth and Freedom

Published: April 28, 2022

In this episode, journalist and podcaster, James Corbett, of Corbett Report reveals how centralized social platforms work. Discussing the inconsequential repercussions of Elon Musk buying Twitter, how the parasite ruling class uses these kinds of distractions to detract from the prevalent real agenda, media and government propaganda. Describing what freedom and a new vision for the future might look like, crypto currency and more.

Did Elon Musk fabulously fooled the world when he indicated to his almost 80 million followers on Twitter that he was interested in possibly creating a social media platform that was focused on free speech.? Every body thought he was going to invest some of his billions to create a new, open-source platform from scratch.

Those who believe Elon Musk, should think for a second that who, which bank is doing business with Elon Musk and which bank is going to give him $44,000,000,000.00 billion dollars to buy Twitter.? The very same parasite ruling class who gave him his startup money, and control him ever since.

Those who do not learn from their history are doomed to repeat it.

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “FAIR USE” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Venus Project Foundation is an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), public advocacy organization, based in New York City, United States.

A Dangerous Idea - The History of Eugenics in America

Published: May 02, 2019

Those who do not learn from their history are doomed to repeat it.

Eugenics, Genocide, Mass murder

In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America: When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

A dangerous idea has threatened the American Dream from the beginning – the belief that some groups and individuals are inherently superior to others and more deserving of fundamental rights. Such biological determinism provided an excuse for some of America’s most shameful history. And now it’s back.

The documentary “A Dangerous Idea” reveals how biologically determined politics has disenfranchised women and people of color, provided a rationale for state sanctioned crimes committed against America’s most vulnerable citizens, and now gains new traction under the Trump administration.

Featuring interviews with social thinkers such as Van Jones and Robert Reich, as well as prominent scientists, A DANGEROUS IDEA is a radical reassessment of the meaning, use and misuse of gene science. Like no other film before it, this documentary brings to light how false scientific claims have rolled back long fought for gains in equality, and how powerful interests are poised once again to use the gene myth to unravel the American Dream.

Exactly 92 years after the infamous Buck v. Bell decision, the Center presents a partial screening of “A Dangerous Idea: Eugenics, Genetics and the American Dream”—an award-winning documentary exploring the legal history of the eugenics movement in the United States.

Following the screening, join the film’s executive producer, writer and attorney Andrew Kimbrell, acclaimed author and journalist Daniel Okrent, and law and bioethics scholars Paul Lombardo and Dorothy Roberts for a conversation exploring the dark history of eugenics and the Constitution.

Jeffrey Rosen, president and CEO of the National Constitution Center, moderates.

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “FAIR USE” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Venus Project Foundation is an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), public advocacy organization, based in New York City, United States.

Episode 417 - The Global Pandemic Treaty: What You Need to Know

Published: April 27, 2022

The parasite ruling class and World Health Organization has already begun drafting a global pandemic treaty on pandemic preparedness. What form will it take? What teeth will it have? How will it further the globalists in cementing the biosecurity grid into place? James breaks it down in today's episode of The Corbett Report podcast.


“Pandemic Treaty” will hand World Health Organization keys to Global Government

Suggested clauses would incentivize reporting “pandemics”, and see nations punished for “non-compliance”

The parasite ruling class and World Health Organization

- By Kit Knightly - April 19, 2022

The first public hearings on the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” are closed, with the next round due to start in mid-June.

We’ve been trying to keep this issue on our front page, entirely because the mainstream is so keen to ignore it and keep churning out partisan war porn and propaganda.

When we – and others – linked to the public submissions page, there was such a response that the WHO’s website actually briefly crashed, or they pretended it crashed so people would stop sending them letters.

Either way, it’s a win. Hopefully one we can replicate in the summer.

Until then, the signs are that what scant press coverage there is, mostly across the metaphorical back-pages of the internet, will be focused on making the treaty “strong enough” and ensuring national governments can be “held accountable”.

An article in the UK’s Telegraph from April 12th headlines:

Real risk a pandemic treaty could be ‘too watered down’ to stop new outbreaks

It focuses on a report from the Panel for a Global Public Health Convention (GPHC), and quotes one of the report’s authors Dame Barbara Stocking:

Our biggest fear […] is it’s too easy to think that accountability doesn’t matter. To have a treaty that does not have compliance in it, well frankly then there’s no point in having a treaty,”

The GPHC report goes on to say that the current International Health Regulations are “too weak”, and calls for the creation of a new “independent” international body to “assess government preparedness” and “publicly rebuke or praise countries, depending on their compliance with a set of agreed requirements”.

Another article, published by the London School of Economics and co-written by members of the German Alliance on Climate Change and Health (KLUG), also pushes the idea of “accountability” and “compliance” pretty hard:

For this treaty to have teeth, the organisation that governs it needs to have the power – either political or legal – to enforce compliance.

It also echoes the UN report from May 2021 in calling for more powers for the WHO:

In its current form, the WHO does not possess such powers […] To move on with the treaty, WHO therefore needs to be empowered — financially, and politically.

It recommends the involvement of “non-state actors” such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organisation and International Labour Organisation in the negotiations, and suggests the treaty offer financial incentives for the early reporting of “health emergencies” [emphasis added]:

In case of a declared health emergency, resources need to flow to countries in which the emergency is occurring, triggering response elements such as financing and technical support. These are especially relevant for LMICs, and could be used to encourage and enhance the timely sharing of information by states, reassuring them that they will not be subject to arbitrary trade and travel sanctions for reporting, but instead be provided with the necessary financial and technical resources they require to effectively respond to the outbreak.

It doesn’t stop there, however. They also raise the question of countries being punished for “non-compliance”:

[The treaty should possess] An adaptable incentive regime, [including] sanctions such as public reprimands, economic sanctions, or denial of benefits.

To translate these suggestions from bureaucrat into English:

  • If you report “disease outbreaks” in a “timely manner”, you will get “financial resources” to deal with them.
  • If you don’t report disease outbreaks, or don’t follow the WHO’s directions, you will lose out on international aid and face trade embargoes and sanctions.

In combination, these proposed rules would literally incentivize reporting possible “disease outbreaks”. Far from preventing “future pandemics”, they would actively encourage them.

National governments who refuse to play ball being punished, and those who play along getting paid off is not new. We have already seen that with Covid.

Two African countries – Burundi and Tanzania – had Presidents who banned the WHO from their borders, and refused to go along with the Pandemic narrative. Both Presidents died unexpectedly within months of that decision, only to be replaced by new Presidents who instantly reversed their predecessor’s covid policies.

Less than a week after the death of President Pierre Nkurunziza, the IMF agreed to forgive almost 25 million dollars of Burundi’s national debt in order to help combat the Covid19 “crisis”.

Just five months after the death of President John Magufuli, the new government of Tanzania received 600 million dollars from the IMF to “address the covid19 pandemic”.

It’s pretty clear what happened here, isn’t it?

Globalists backed coups and rewarded the perpetrators with “international aid”. The proposals for the Pandemic treaty would simply legitimise this process, moving it from covert back channels to overt official ones.

Now, before we discuss the implications of new powers, let’s remind ourselves of the power the WHO already possesses:

  • The World Health Organization is the only institution in the world empowered to declare a “pandemic” or Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).
  • The Director-General of the WHO – an unelected position – is the only individual who controls that power.

We have already seen the WHO abuse these powers in order to create a fake pandemic out of thin air…and I’m not talking about covid.

Prior to 2008, the WHO could only declare an influenza pandemic if there were “enormous numbers of deaths and illness” AND there was a new and distinct subtype. In 2008 the WHO loosened the definition of “influenza pandemic” to remove these two conditions.

As a 2010 letter to the British Medical Journal pointed out, these changes meant “many seasonal flu viruses could be classified as pandemic influenza.”

If the WHO had not made those changes, the 2009 “Swine flu” outbreak could never have been called a pandemic, and would likely have passed without notice.

Instead, dozens of countries spent millions upon millions of dollars on swine flu vaccines they did not need and did not work, to fight a “pandemic” that resulted in fewer than 20,000 deaths. Many of those responsible for advising the WHO to declare swine flu a public health emergency were later shown to have financial ties to vaccine manufacturers.

Despite this historical example of blatant corruption, one proposed clause of the Pandemic Treaty would make it even easier to declare a PHEIC. According to the May 2021 report “Covid19: Make it the Last Pandemic” [emphasis added]:

Future declarations of a PHEIC by the WHO Director-General should be based on the precautionary principle where warranted

Yes, the proposed treaty could allow the DG of the WHO to declare a state of global emergency to prevent a potential pandemic, not in response to one. A kind of pandemic pre-crime.

If you combine this with the proposed “financial aid” for developing nations reporting “potential health emergencies”, you can see what they’re building – essentially bribing third world governments to give the WHO a pretext for declaring a state of emergency.

We already know the other key points likely to be included in a pandemic treaty. They will almost certainly try to introduce international vaccine passports, and pour funding into big Pharma’s pockets to produce “vaccines” ever faster and with even less safety testing.

But all of that could pale in comparison to the legal powers potentially being handed to the director-general of the WHO (or whatever new “independent” body they may decide to create) to punish, rebuke or reward national governments.

A “Pandemic Treaty” that overrides or overrules national or local governments would hand supranational powers to an unelected bureaucrat or “expert”, who could exercise them entirely at his own discretion and on completely subjective criteria.

This is the very definition of technocratic globalism.
