Dr. David Martin - Conspiracy, Or Willful Act Of Genocide - Willful Act Of Terrorism 1

Published: July 2021

Dr. David Martin - Conspiracy, Or Willful Act Of Genocide - Willful Act Of Terrorism 2

Published: July 2021

Definition of Conspiracy: A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful to others. Such as the conspiracy to destroy the World Trade Center on 9/11. The action of plotting or conspiring to pervert the course of history and justice.

What the parasite ruling class has been doing and still does, is Declaration of War on we, the people. It is willful act of inhumanity. Willful act of manufacturing bio weapons, targeting, murdering billions of innocent children, women and men. A willful act of genocide. A willful act of terrorism.

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “FAIR USE” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Venus Project Foundation is an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), public advocacy organization, based in New York City, United States.

Dr. David Martin - Covid Revealed - Declaration of War - Part 1

Published December 10, 2021

Definition of Conspiracy: A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful to others. Such as the conspiracy to destroy the World Trade Center on 9/11. The action of plotting or conspiring to pervert the course of history and justice.

What they did and still doing is Declaration of War on we, the people. It is willful act of inhumanity. Willful act of manufacturing bio weapons, targeting, murdering billions of innocent children, women and men. A willful act of genocide. A willful act of terrorism.

Dr. David Martin - Covid Revealed - Declaration of War - Part 2

Published December 10, 2021

Dr. David Martin - Exposes The Pharma / COVID Treasonous Acts

Published: May 2022

Most people think that the events of the last two years were not premeditated and happened naturally. That is not the case. The truth is, we are at war and we have been under attack for the last two years from the parasite ruling class, or globalists who openly state they want a great reset. These globalists want you to believe that the COVID-19 was from an accidental outbreak in China but there is more than enough empirical evidence that shows this virus was planned many years ago.

You will never hear this from the corporate media because they are the propagandist arm of the globalists perpetrating this attack. Dr. David Martin does an excellent presentation where he breaks down the events leading up to one of the most insidious attacks on humanity in modern history. His presentation is very informative, something everyone needs to see!

Evil shall triumph only, if good people do nothing to stop it.

Prosecute Now - By Dr. David Martin - https://www.prosecutenow.com/

The Anthony Fauci COVID-19 Dossier

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “FAIR USE” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Venus Project Foundation is an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), public advocacy organization, based in New York City, United States.

Imperative, Necessary Steps To Prevent Infant Mortality Syndrome

Imperative, Necessary Steps To Prevent Infant Mortality Syndrome

- By Bahram Maskanian - June 11, 2022

The current level of hypnotized masses, pit against one another, living life in constant struggle, fooled to believe all kinds of political, social, economical and environmental propaganda, coupled with gender wars, and many other lies, daily, In addition to wide spread circulation of mind-numbing, divisive media programing is unprecedented in human history. Must turn off the source, take a deep breath and wake up.!

The parasite ruling class Eugenics Ideology is the driving force behind the circumstances, in which many infants end up dead. Their goal is to reduce planet Earth’s population, (mass murder) while causing many chronic diseases, bombarding people with toxic drugs and toxic chemicals, in partnership with the criminal, greedy doctors in support of their Eugenics agenda, happily making billions of dollars, while deceiving you to buy the prescribed poisons, telling you that your best bet is to trust your doctor, take the poison, never expect to recover and get well, you can only manage your disease, don’t complain, and shut up.! Whatever the hell happened to “DO NO HARM”?

Infant mortality is the death of an infant before his, or her first birthday. The infant mortality rate is an important marker of the overall health of a society. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the unexplained death of a baby. The baby is usually less than a year old and seems to be healthy. It often happens during sleep. Sudden infant death syndrome also called CRIB death because infants often die in their cribs.

The autocratic medical establishment claims that the cause of SIDS is unknown. However it is a known fact that SIDS is caused by problems in the area of the infant's brain that control breathing, cardiovascular function. Many conscientious researchers have found topics discussed below will put babies at high risk. They have also found that ALL pharmaceutical drugs are highly toxic (poisonous) detrimental to the mother’s health and her unborn infant. Meaning before getting pregnant women should detox and achieve complete health, to become free from any and all pharmaceutical drugs, toxins and illnesses. However, if a woman did enjoy a surprise pregnancy, she should start detoxing, using fresh fruits and vegetables, exercising and follow the health tips mentioned in this article.

The widespread use of cancer-causing mammogram X-ray imaging of female breasts, plus sonogram and ultrasound on pregnant women in addition to extensive use of very toxic wireless WiFi connections, carcinogenic cellphone use, that emits Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR), which will cause harm to the mother and the infant in mother’s womb, while pregnant and after birth.  Must also avoid all dental work x-rays, or diagnostic x-ray tests.  Turn off WiFi functionality on all devices, including your router and modem.  At one tenth of cellphone cost you can enjoy safe, untraceable and private VoIP phone running on your internet connection. Connect your laptop, router, modem, printer, etc., using network cables.

Pregnant women should stay-away from all forms of alcohol, sodas, soft drinks, coffees, tobacco, cereals, artificial sweeteners, all processed foods, GMOs, soybean’s products, all multivitamins, or prenatal vitamins, due to the fact that vitamins are synthesized toxic chemicals to look like vitamins at molecular level.  If you want vitamin C eat citrus fruits.  It is far more beneficial to obtain all vitamins you need by consuming variety of fresh fruits, assortment of different green fresh vegetables, herbs and spices, whole multi-grains, calcium-rich fruits and foods, fresh meat of your choice with fat on it, make sure to drink plenty of fluids, especially water.

Stay-away from all plastic bottled water, juice boxes, any kind of juice and or liquid in a box, or in plastic and or cardboard container.  Throw your plastic containers and generally all plastics into the recycling bin.  Buy mason jars to preserve and store foods, liquids and all that you need to conserve.  Depending on your geographical location, you should learn about the quality of your municipal water and determine if you need to install an appropriate water filtration system to protect yourself and your little angel of infant and loved ones.

Unlike what you are told sea foods of all kinds are full of many toxins, plus the inherent mercury. Mercury at any level and amount is extremely dangerous to the mother and infant’s health. Obviously the presence of mercury in fish and shellfish is a health concern, especially for women who are hoping to get pregnant, or already pregnant, or breastfeeding, nursing mothers, and children of all ages. Fish and shellfish accumulate mercury in their bodies in form of methylmercury, a highly toxic organomercury blend. Also if you have any amalgamate (an alloy of mercury with silver) dental fillings in your mouth you should remove and replace them ASAP with porcelain, or non-toxic ceramic fillings.

Must stay away from chemicals such as: all insecticides, herbicides, disinfectants, bleach, insect / bugs repellents, sterilizers, solvents, cleaners, paint thinners, lead, arsenic, mercury, paint and paint fumes.  Not all products have pregnancy warnings on their labels.  If you are unsure if a product is safe, don’t take any chances.  Avoid all sunblocks, lotions, potions, creams, hair dyes, all cosmetics, lipsticks, nail polish, which are all highly carcinogenic.  Stay as far away as possible from all vaccines.  Vaccines do not cure, or prevent diseases, never have.  Vaccines are used to spread diseases, thus create demands and markets for toxic drugs, and billions for the parasite ruling class and criminal doctors.

Pregnant women who have a cat, should learn about toxoplasmosis. This infection is caused by a toxin found in cat’s feces. If not treated toxoplasmosis can cause birth defects. You can lower your risk by avoiding cat litter and wearing gloves when gardening.  Avoid contact with rodents, including pet rodents, and with their urine, droppings, or nesting material. Rodents carry toxins that can be harmful, or even deadly to your unborn baby. Take steps to avoid toxins and illness by washing hands frequently. Stay away from firsthand and secondhand smoke. Stay far-away from Dry-Cleaners stores and Dry-Cleaning factory.

Pregnant women will gain healthy amount of weight during pregnancy, which will be used by mother’s body to provide the required nutrition to produce milk for breast-feeding. Mothers who breast-feed recover quickly, will have a healthy and brilliant child, who would never get sick and grow up to be a very intelligent and successful person, simple true fact. Never feed your baby any baby foods and baby formula. Harmful bacterias and many other processed unwanted hazardous ingredients are added to baby foods and baby formulas. Show your true love and affection for your baby by breast feeding her / him, your little angel of a child.

One hour yoga and meditation followed by one hour, or at least 45 minutes of daily exercise will do a world of good for the mother and her infant. Multiple orgasms is a must. Especially pregnant women should enjoy a few lovely multiple orgasms daily. Multiple orgasms would do magic in terms of promoting and maintaining ideal hormonal balance, plus physical and mental health.

Pregnant women should not take hot baths, or use hot tubs, or saunas. Must get plenty of sleep and find ways to stay away from stress. Stay informed by reading nonfiction books, watch educational videos, go to a natural childbirth class, and talk with mothers you know. Ask about natural childbirth, join natural childbirth classes with your husband. Classes can help you prepare for the birth of your little angel of baby.

The absolute best home herbal remedy is cannabis. Every household should grow their own 10 to 12 cannabis plant. Using dry cannabis make tea, enjoy your tea with fresh lime or lemon, spoon of raw honey, or unsulfured molasses. You can use cannabis as a lovely herb to prepare foods, desserts and nonalcoholic drinks. Cannabis can cure and prevent many, many illnesses and stop pregnant woman’s morning sickness. Also a great remedy for female menstrual cycle discomfort. Foods and drinks made with cannabis will offer a lovely, arousing and thrilling high, thus do not drive, or engage in any activity that requires total concentration. Don’t smoke cannabis, you will lose 95% of the healing components.

The health benefits of walking barefoot are numerous.   Unlike leather, rubber and plastic soled shoes insulate the body from earth, thus prevent the necessary discharging, or grounding of human body.  The best way to discharge environmental elements and manmade health hazards such as, but not limited to: WiFi radiation, Cellphone radiation and generally all wireless carcinogenic radiations, one must find a way to ground oneself, simply by walking barefoot (your bare foot touching the earth) in your front or backyard or local park, or at the beach would be the ideal means of healing inflammation and discharging all harmful radiation built-up out of your body.

* The Real Science of Germs - Do Viruses Cause Disease - What Really Makes You Ill.?

* Plandemic Truth Be Told - Germ Theory - Virology Or Toxicology.?