Our Neighborhood - The Milky Way Galaxy
- By Bahram Maskanian
The arrow points to our Star the Sun, which is only one of several million stars in our Milky Way Galaxy, pictured below. - The Star closest to our Sun is 4.5 light years away. - A Light Year is the distance light travels in one year. - Light moves at the speed of 186,282 miles or 299,792 kilometers per second. - Our Sun is 30,000 light years from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. - So, the light that we see coming from our Milky Way Galaxy's center, left there 30,000 years ago. - The known Universe contains over 1,000,000,000 billion other Galaxies. - The Milky Way Galaxy contains over 1,000,000 million other Solar Systems, similar to ours.
We are living on a planet that is in constant high-speed perpetual motion, rotating around itself and traveling on its orbit counter-clockwise around the Sun, as our Sun rotate on its axis counter-clockwise in perpetual motion as well.! The circumference of the Earth at the equator is 25,000 miles, or 40,000 kilometers.! The Earth rotates around its axis counter clockwise, once every twenty-four hours time, or one whole day and night.! While Planet Earth is rotating on its axis at over 1,000 miles, or 1,609 kilometers per hour, Earth is also traveling, revolving on its orbit around the Sun at the amazing speed of 67,000 miles, or 107,200 kilometers per hour, once every 365 days, or a whole year.
Planet Earth’s four seasons is caused by our planet’s axis of rotation tilt at an angle of 23.5 degrees, relative to our orbital plane, the plane of Earth’s orbit around the sun.! Which means it will always be summer at the equator and when at the northern hemisphere we are enjoying summer, people at the southern hemisphere are experiencing winter.!
Planet Earth compared to other planets and stars in size
Pledge Allegiance to Our Home - Planet Earth

"All great acts of genius began with the same consideration do not be constrained by your present reality." Leonardo Da Vinci