Union Square, 14th Street, Farmers Market, Meeting Michelle

Published: August 13, 2024 - By Bahram Maskanian

At around 8:45:AM while walking towards my destination through Union Square, 14th Street, in Manhattan, New York, I noticed this gorgeous, sexy 55 years old, brunet woman, Michelle, 5.9” tall, 165 lbs., long sexy black hair, lovely, sexy dark brown eyes, sculpted, curvy body, walking opposite direction towards me, while struggling to carry four heavy canvas shopping bags.

With smile, I walked towards her and asked if I could help.? She quickly scanned me top to bottom, she smiled and said: “thank you so much, here”. She handed over two of her canvas shopping bags to me. Michelle had purchased lots of fruits, vegetables and flowers from the Union Square’s farmers market.

As we began walking towards her destination she introduced herself, and so did I. She said: “what lovely day, hi, I am Michelle, I love shopping at the farmers market, everything so fresh, lovely and organic.”

Even-though I knew my comment will diminish her attraction she was exhibiting towards me, I responded by saying: “don’t you find it curious that being surrounded by so many lovely fresh flowers, vegetables and fruits, newly harvested, supposedly unsprayed and organic, have absolutely no aroma, distinctive pleasant fragrance and taste.? Look, taste and feel just like the ones sold in super markets, don’t you think.?”

Suddenly Michelle’s proud, smart shopping feeling of achievement was replaced with a look of confusion and shocking discovery. She said: “you know, I have lived and traveled through Spain, noticing the exceptionally distinctive aromatic vegetables, fruits and flowers and pleasant delicious taste all throughout. I don’t know why I never noticed the difference in quality between U.S. and Europe.?”

I replied by saying: “that is because the quality and standard of food consumed by lower and average folks, middle class and generally ordinary people in United States are deliberately reduced, to an acceptable toxic levels, to fulfill the parasite’s ruling class eugenics (population reduction, and or mass murder) goals, while selling billions of dollars of toxic pharmaceutical drugs to supposedly alleviate the toxic foods harmful effects.”

Michelle: “wow, it has been such a long time I thought about the evil eugenics and the advocates of population reduction agenda.” Michelle kept on looking straight ahead for a few seconds, she then looked at me and said: “I don’t know whether I should thank you or curse you. For such a longtime I had successfully numbed my mind not to think and act on…!”

I said: “obviously you and generally majority of people have been hypnotized by hypnotic television, movies and music, where all through school years, acting out, behaving idiotic, exactly as folks are programmed to do. Thus getting used to toxic, tasteless vegetables, fruits and foods, with no flavor and aromas. Deliberately and knowingly sprayed with many harmful toxic chemicals, which transform the vegetables and fruits to chemical weapon, chemical waist. Washed down by toxic coffee, sodas, and alcohol.”

Michelle: “I feel so stupid, paying premium prices for probably the same toxic mediocre groceries.”

I said: “Didn’t mean to upset you. I am sorry for reminding you of the unavoidable truth. I am not going to say another word. I promise.”

To my total surprise Michelle turned to me, smiling and said: “don’t be silly, I am glad we met. I do believe in divine’s intervention, the vital guiding role the divine plays in our lives. Occasionally setting the stage for truth bombshell, for events like this to take place, thus inform people and change the course of history.”

The walk to her house took little over fifteen minutes until we reached a four story brownstone, she stopped and said: “thank you so much for helping me”.

I replied by saying: “glad I could help”. I put her bags down at the entrance door and said goodby, changing direction walking away. Michelle with a big smile on her beautiful face, blocked my path and said: “where are you going.? You must come in, I insist. I make this amazing ginger, cinnamon tea with honey and lime, I am sure you would love it, please come in.!”

Being near her feeling her energy and looking at her smiling face convinced me she was truly excited and meant what she said. So I accepted her invitation and joined her for a glass of her ginger tea. We walked into her kitchen, she put the stuff away quickly, washed her hands and took out a pitcher of ginger tea from her refrigerator poured and filled two tall glass, leaving the pitcher on the table.

Michelle picked up her ginger tea glass, I too picked up mine, she looked into my eyes and said: “it was lovely to have met you Bahram, I hope we can be good friends and perhaps more”.

Feeling mischievous, with naughty look on my face, I looked into her sexy brown eyes and said: “I do hope your intentions are honorable, and you are not going to take advantage of me, and use me over and over again, to satisfy your never ending animal lust.? You should know I am not the type.!”

Michelle cracked up laughing, had to cover her mouth quickly to prevent spraying me. She said: “Bahram, I must tell you, it has been a long time that I truly feel at ease and happy with any man. I do like your personality and character. I like your energy, I have this amazing, positive feeling.!”

Michelle’s ginger tea was truly delicious. By the time we finished our first glass we both were pleasantly high, turned on and happy. What Michelle neglect to mention about her wonderful, delicious tea was the fact that she brew cannabis with ginger to prepare her lovely energizing tea.

It was obvious that Michelle and I were entering into an exciting new territory, into a romantic enclave. I asked: “so when does your husband come home.?” Michelle with a big smile on her face responded by saying: “my husband died a few years ago. I am single and available. Same question.?

I responded by saying: “I am divorced and currently not involved in any romantic entanglement.” I went on by saying: “Michelle, you are a very desirable, sexy woman, what is it about you that repel men…?” While looking into my eyes, she cracked up laughing.

Michelle said: “my latest man repelling happened a couple of weeks ago, my son and his wife fixed me up with a man close to my age to go out with for dinner. Before we start having a conversation, I did like him, he was handsome, well dressed, and looking sophisticated.”

I replied: “when did the immature boy emerged.?”

Michelle continue saying: “exactly, when he, a fifty-five year old grown man, start talking like an immature teenage boy, using phrases such as: LIKE - DOPE - SMASHING - TOTALY, acting like stupid 14 years old teenager. I tried not to listen to him and focus on my dinner, which was almost impossible, as soon as we finished dinner, I wanted to run, could not stand looking at him. - I insisted that I really have to go home, don’t feel good, why don’t we get dessert to go? - I must tell you that in the past few years I noticed that the more the person uses the word -LIKE- the dumber they are.”

I replied: I replied: “Absolutely, I agree. I too had a few similar train wreck of dates myself.”

Michelle: “earlier this morning, where were you going when we met.?”

I responded by saying: “on occasion, after breakfast, I entertain myself by walking to Madison Park (located north of 23rd street, south of 26th street, between Madison and Fifth avenue. There is what I call: ‘mount hump’, a fenced off small mount, where the dog owners unleash their dogs to run around and…!”

Michelle: “entertain yourself how.?”

I replied: “aside from so many unattractive men and women wearing torn jeans, or highly revealing, skintight elastic outfit, exposing all the things that men used to pay good money to see at striptease clubs and get close to, out in the open, on display...!”

Michelle: “witty and handsome.! I too am puzzled by people pay good money to dress like that.!”

I replied: “The skintight elastic outfit, wearing dog owners unleash their dogs, let them run around and occasionally have sexual intercourse.! As soon as one dogs begin to court another dog, suddenly the owners of the said two dogs find each other and begin watching and commenting on the courtship sounding like sportscasters, as if to say: ‘I know how to do that too, even better’, not to mention the pitiful comments they make to pickup one another, while watching their dogs licking, smelling and fornicating.”

Michelle: “I have seen that, I too am puzzled by the tight revealing, unattractive outfits. And another thing that baffles me is the increase in number of women getting tattoos. Tattoos used to be the sign of thuggish, low IQ, lack of sophistication and intellectual ability, but Now…!”

I replied: “I noticed that as well, in my experience, meeting and dealing with females and males with a tattoo, or whole lots of tattoos, it has become obvious to me that men and women with identity crisis and self-doubt issues are trying to coverup their psychological shortcomings by hiding behind tattoos. The more tattoos, the more weakness and self-doubt.”

Michelle: “You are absolutely right, precisely.! I am so happy we met today. Love your perspectives.! I do enjoy talking to you. One more question, what attracts you to a woman, what should a woman look and act like to get your attention.?”

I replied: “I am happy that we met as well. The short answer is self-confidence. Self-confident women are self-reliant, optimist and intelligent enough not to wear and use cosmetics/makeups. They love and adore themselves, do not need constant validation. They are not suffering from identity crisis and self-doubt, which means they are fully capable of becoming a loving, adoring and reliable partner. I have no patience for women nagging, complaining, constantly in search of distraction, drama and excuses to coverup their shortcomings.!”

Michelle: “Absolutely, I agree, where do I sign.? However I did not hear a word from you about physical attributions, what kind of woman do you fancy.?”

I replied: “Good looks fadeaway quickly, but character and personality portrait a much better and accurate image of the person. One of many insights I learned is that female energy, female characteristics, and female idiosyncrasy are far more attractive and important than toxic cosmetic artificial looks. How about you Michelle, what kind of man you find attractive.?”

Michelle: “I cannot stand beard, unshaved men.! I cannot stand tattooed men.! I cannot stand single minded men in constant search of booty.! I cannot stand cellphone controlled men.! I want a man who leaves his cellphone at home.! I want a man who is masculine, virile and self-confident. I want a man who is evolved enough to reject alcohol, smoking, junk foods, mind-numbing television, professional sports and the so called celebrity inspired moronic entertainment and life style. Generally I find most men and for that matter women today are far too stupid and completely clueless about life and the opposite sex.”

I replied: “seems we both have reached similar conclusions. I too don’t like unshaved females. I love and adore smooth clean shaved…!”

Michelle cracked up laughing, while looking deeply into my eyes, revealing her enormous sexual energy with her gaze: “I am cleanly waxed, you shall see for yourself. I am also all that you been searching for.”

I replied: “our encounter this morning has been delightful. I am having a ball looking at you, listening to you and wondering what would come next.?”

Michelle: “my darling Bahram, we both will, multiple times together, all day long.!”

I replied: “I have never been so excited.!”

Michelle: “me as well. My dear naughty Bahram, it has been such a long time I actually enjoy talking to a man and turned on by a man so intensely. You know where I live, here, I am writing down my cellphone and home phone number.”

Michelle handed me a piece of paper with her first and last name and phone numbers written on it. Loved her beautiful handwriting. I too wrote down my name, home and cellphone numbers and handed over to her. She folded the paper, very playfully, while looking into my eyes, smiling, she tucked it into her bra.

To return the lovely, enticing visual display, I folded her information paper, got up, unzip my trousers fly, with a smile, while looking into her sexy, smiling and inviting brown eyes, then tucked the paper through the fly into my underwear.

Michelle suddenly transformed into a wild lioness, start roaring, while deeply staring into my eyes, she got off her chair, took off her dress, while looking deep into my eyes, she took off her bra and panties, exposing her shaved lovely crotch and ample bosoms, she took my hand and pulled me off my chair, shove her left hand into my open fly, unfasten my belt with her right hand, pushed my pants down around my knees, wrap her arm around my neck, shove her luscious tongue down my throat and start kissing me deeply, while massaging my rock hard…!

For obvious reasons the name and information presented here has been changed to protect those involved.