American Patriot Cooperative Party (APCP) - The Populist Nationalist Community

- By Bahram Maskanian - March 13, 2013

The main objective and ideological goals of any political party should be protecting and preserving United States Constitution and we, the American people.

American Patriot Cooperative Party (APCP) is a cooperative organization that creates the foundation philosophy for establishing the populist nationalist, patriotic ideology and policies through the qualified enlisted candidates to compete in a particular state and or nationwide elections.

There will be no party boss. The members of APCP cooperative political party are all equal and each has one vote. Obviously members should hold similar patriotic believes and ideas, same as the APCP’s social, political and economic philosophy. Members may not promote any specific ideological, or policy goals in defiance of the APCP’s established goals and patriotic ideology.

U.S. Autocracy, the Republicrats (Republican = Democrat) have become enormously corrupt and anti America. Their treasonous behavior is openly and overtly displayed at promoting destructive policies and supporting detrimental legislations completely against the American people, American tax-payers at all social, judicial, economical and political levels.

Behind the scene, while the Republicrats collect the cash, they are exactly the same corrupt, psychopath and treasonous politicians, who on camera pretend to be at odds with each other. Autocracies often have a single party under the control of party bosses, who control the cashflow to the party and govern the country with iron fist.

True and lasting democracy must have divers cooperative political participation. There are 10,000 election jurisdictions in the United States. Each election jurisdiction community is responsible for conducting the election. Each State must fund all of their election jurisdictions. The unconstitutional “Federal Election Commission” and alike must be defunded and dismantled. All elections are local affairs. State and Federal government have no right to get involve, control, fund and interfere with any and all of the United States elections. Democracy is a hands on political solution, diverse communities are essential to develop and maintain cooperative local election jurisdiction for voters in each localities.

Referendum is a general vote by the electorate on a single, or multiple economical, political and or social problem, which has been caused, or neglected by the State, or Federal government for any reason. Referendum overwrites and nullifies States and Federal government decisions.

Referendum is the submission of a proposed political, economic, and or public measure for direct popular vote by the citizens of the country. Referendum is the process of submitting an actual statute for public approval to become the law of the land, requiring direct majority popular vote.

Referendum is the process of putting the control of lawmaking and legislating highly sensitive and very important decrees, or legislations; such as: conflict authorization, war declarations, enacting tax laws, ratifying constitution and so on, directly into the hands of the public, the bosses, owners of the country, the people.

Referendum is an absolute inalienable right of the people given by Mother Nature to decide and determine their own political destiny and economic path, the future of the country, issues far too important, complicated and crucial to be decided by hand full of corrupt members of congress and government officials.

Referendum is an absolute inalienable right of the people to choose anew and change the direction of their country, the process of bypassing all government branches all together to mandate a new beginning, such as a new constitution voted on directly, by the owners of the country, the people.

Treason is a betrayal of trust and confidence of a nation, by the elites, governing body, legislative and judicial branches of government disloyal work and behavior, mandating and ruling completely against the will of the people and against the well being of the nation and public at large. Treason is the reckless, criminal and greedy behavior of a few, in constant pursuit of undeserved wealth and power, knowingly ruining the lives, property and well being of millions of innocent people.

Treason is a criminal act of highest order, a violation of allegiance towards one's country, people and sovereignty. - Treason is the betrayal of Mother Nature, one's Motherland and people by waging political, economic, environmental, social, cultural and ideological war against the people in order to consciously and purposely aid the domestic and or foreign enemies of the nation to plunder, control and manipulate the wealth of nation, domestic and foreign policies and well being of the state.

“Treason is a strong word, but not too strong, rather too weak, to characterize the situation in which the U.S. Senate is the eager, resourceful, indefatigable agent of interests as hostile to the American people as any invading army could be...” - American Journalist: David Graham Phillips 1906

Political parties deliberately develop divisions in society, which will benefit them. “Divide and Conquer”. Divisions between lower and upper classes and ethnicities, thus while we, the people are busy fighting among ourselves, the prostituted politicians and their parasite ruling class bosses rob we, the people of our rights and wealth.