Definition Of Hypnosis - How One Is Hypnotized

- By Bahram Maskanian - June 11, 2011

Hypnosis is the induction of a state of consciousness in which the person loses her, or his power of critical thinking, thus without any resistance, almost voluntary become highly responsive to the hypnotic suggestions, or directions administered.

In some countries instead of deadly toxic chemicals to anesthetize patients, they use hypnosis while performing surgery. Also hypnosis is used in psychotherapy to recover suppressed painful memories, or to induce modification of one’s mind and behavior using hypnotic suggestions.

To hypnotize millions of people remotely at the same time, one is going to need a oneway mass communication network, in addition to receiving and broadcasting viewing devices placed in peoples’ homes, hands and offices. If folks watch any motion picture with sound objectively, keep alert constantly, reminding themselves that all actors, newscasters, talking heads and generally all of those who appear on television, or big screen are trained to lie convincingly, thus the viewer’s cognitive powers shall reject and exposes their lies and propaganda. As so long as folks are able to keep up their cognitive defenses and be ready all the time, more and more they shall feel liberated and enlightened, while start developing their own ability to recognize lies from mile away. 

But if people get lazy and stop, or slow down their cognitive process and conscience resistance to objectivity; recognize and reject propaganda dispersed, using moving images and sound, as people continue to watch they begin to disable their cognitive powers. And as time goes by, watching the same sitcoms, news reports, professional sports, mind-numbing entertainment and talk-shows, in addition to many deceptive commercials shown every five minutes, folks shall start to gradually drop all of their cognitive resistance and begin to accept and believe the repeated lies and propaganda. Thus joining the millions of other hypnotized zombies.

The mechanic of it all is that since the typical viewers are either completely ignorant, or have already accepted the predominant propaganda and lies as facts, they would never question validity of the broadcast lies. Therefore the unchallenged terrorist, warmongering NEWS and or all other forms of propaganda will go directly into viewers right brain hemisphere (subconscious mind), and will stay there, continue modifying the person’s behavior, until somehow the viewers are woken and realize they were hypnotized and or brainwashed.

Laugh machine (prerecorded sound of audience laughter) is and has been used for a long, long time. Every single show uses laugh machine to fake the sound of audience laughter. Effective device for dumbing down people and causing doubts in peoples’ intellect and sense of humor. Next time you are watching television, constantly remind yourself that actors are trained professional liars, that is their job, to lie convincingly. One must keep awake, to perceive how stupid, boring and dimwitted every single one of the sitcoms, TV shows, films and actors really are and yet for every idiotic move, or stupid word, the laugh machine button is pressed, broadcasting sound of fake laughter.

For example: let’s say you are watching an idiotic show on television, where couple of obese, or fat, or porky actors and actresses on the screen normalize unhealthy diet and stupid behavior, wearing ugly torn clothing, turning viewers stomachs. And solution to any and all problems is to drink all forms of alcohol. Also promoting coffee, sodas and processed foods consumption. An objective viewer begin to wonder why this garbage is on TV? The obvious reason is to normalize all of what is said and displayed. And that fact is true about all broadcast programs.

Must keep in mind that anyone of us could be hosting many (lot more than one) hypnotic suggestions in our subconscious mind. To discover each and every one of them one must examine every single one of our past behaviors and decisions, thus gradually wiped them off our subconscious mind.

I recommend meditation. Simply sit, or lie down, where you will not be disturbed, and begin to focus on your slow deep breathing, inhale and hold for a moment followed by exhaling slowly, for 30 minutes and gradually increase your meditation duration.

Health Hazards of Alcohol - Any form of Alcohol

- By Bahram Maskanian

The daily corporate controlled television promotion of alcohol in many forms during every program, prescribing alcoholic drinks to be used for every ailment, happy occasions, sad occasions, relaxation, to pickup women, and for every celebration; encouraging people, young and old, to indulge in drinking many forms of alcohol as a stylish, and necessary hip lifestyle beverage.

For obvious criminal marketing reasons, people are not told that the primary reason for alcohol production used to be disinfecting and killing micro organisms, which means if you drink alcohol, in any form, or shape, you will be killing your vital brain cells and damaging many vital organs of your body.

The nasty "JEKYLL and HYDE" effect of alcohol on large majority of drinkers has never been more clear, on top of many alcohol’s health hazards, such as, but not limited to: killing brain cells, causing stupidity and violent behavior, high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, stroke, liver disease and digestive problems, plus cancer of breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, kidney and colon, memory loss, dementia, poor job and life performance, many other mental health problems, including depression and anxiety.

Alcohol is the cause of all major social and family problems, including loss of productivity, violent behavior and suicide. Eighty-five percent of all violent crimes committed in U.S., are done under the influence of alcohol. Nearly ninety thousand people die each year in U.S. alone as direct result of drunk driving, and half a million people die due to alcohol caused diseases, and list goes on and on.

The most idiotic behavior of those who drink any form of alcohol is toasting to each other's HEALTH, while drinking this deadly and carcinogenic poison.!

Alcohol is the public enemy number ONE, bar-none.! Alcohol makes women highly vulnerable and stupid.! Alcohol makes men violent and stupid.! It is worth repeating that Eighty-five percent of violent crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol.!