Cereal Killer - by Alan L. Watson

In this explosive book, Alan Watson sheds new light on how corporate greed, government delusion, and slippery science are making our children sick and causing what the late Dr. Robert C. Atkins called "diabesity." Cereal Killer is a stinging indictment of the big cereal companies and drug industries who enjoy huge profits as Americans of all ages suffer from failed "low fat" federal nutrition guidelines and record levels of chronic disease.

Cereal Killer Answers: "Has the low fat diet failed the test of time?"

     Cereal Killer - by Alan L. WatsonCereal Killer takes on the unproven hypothesis that saturated fat and dietary cholesterol cause coronary heart disease. Instead, Watson identifies the real culprits: Excess carbohydrates and the highly processed vegetable oils that have replaced our traditional, wholesome more saturated animal and tropical fats.

     Cereal Killer, Part I, is a short history of the low fat era that began in 1961 when the American Heart Association officially endorsed a low fat diet. Part 1 answers the question, “Has low fat failed the test of time?”

     Cereal Killer, Part II, Life in the Fat Lane, is a positive analysis of dietary cholesterol and saturated fat – combating decades of fat-bashing by doctors, dietitians, university nutrition departments, and the federal government.

     Watson says the problem with the American diet has nothing to do with fat, cholesterol or eating too many calories. Instead, the underlying common denominator of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease is the emphasis on carbohydrates in the official Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

     For 40 years, advised to cut dietary cholesterol and saturated fat, Americans had to increase something and that something has been carbohydrates. As a result, obesity and diabetes have become serious public health issues and heart disease has not gone down as promised.

     Cereal Killer is a rallying cry for revising the federal 2010 Dietary Guidelines in favor of a higher fat, whole foods traditional American diet – foods that George and Martha Washington ate at Mt Vernon. Cereal Killer contains two sections, ten chapters, two appendices, and a comprehensive one-of-a-kind lipid glossary.

     In March 2009, Midwest Book Review said “Cereal Killer is well worth the read for those concerned with the health of a nation…”

Cereal Killer Reviews

      "I’d recommend this book to anyone. From those who already have health problems to those who just want to feed their family as healthfully as possible!"

-Donielle Baker, NaturallyKnockedUp.com

      "Cereal Killer is at once a devastatingly thorough intellectual assault on the low fat "balanced diet" dogma promoted by the likes of the USDA and the American Heart Association and a passionate call to action. In many ways, Cereal Killer is -- in the words of an Amazon reviewer -- the "Readers Digest" version of Gary Taubes’ Good Calories Bad Calories…. It is succinct, punchy, and full of great info that even low carb veterans may not know.”

-Adam Kosloff, Beverly Hills, CA

    "Cereal Killer is really well done - the scholarship is outstanding, the organization is impeccable, and what Watson has to say is alarming and "explosive" as the back jacket promises. Additionally, this book comes at an ideal time in our history, when parents, educators and government officials are scrambling for new answers to old persistent problems..."

-Writer's Digest - 17th Annual Self Published Book Awards

    “... Cereal Killer...is a look at the plague of diabetes and obesity that is becoming a huge problem among all age groups of children. Cereal Killer is well worth the read for those concerned with the health of a nation...”

-Midwest Book Review

    “Although Cereal Killer is only 144 pages in length, it will catch you up-to-date on everything you need to know about the current state of affairs we find ourselves in regarding diet and health in the 21st Century.”  

-Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Man "Jimmy Moore"

    “… This book shows how money and the drug companies contribute to what is labeled as healthy in the food pyramid that is pushed on the uninformed. A great read…”

-Malcolm MacGregor, the “Body Doc” 

    “Watson knows more about heart disease risk factors than any doctor I have ever met.”  

-Frank Herbert, Rice Lake, WI

    "Cereal Killer is out there challenging the corn syrup pushers who intend to spend $30 million between now and 2010 to make sure the guidelines don't single them…! Cereal Killer is a must read to become truly informed and to challenge the conventional wisdom about what we are told not to eat…”

-Mark Madson, Louisa, VA

    “Watson brings a combination of food industry history, marketing and advertising, politics (oh, how important today), and large helpings of nutrition together in this very readable, interesting and potent book.”

-John Koenig, Writer, RXMuscle.com

    “…After years and years of following what we assumed to be sound scientific advice, are we any healthier? No. In fact, we are one of the unhealthiest nations on the planet. Mr. Watson sees this problem. I could barely put this book down.  Mr. Watson’s book is a great place to start and I highly recommend it.”

-Amy Dungan, Examiner.com

    "We think this is a must read by anyone raising a family…”

-US Wellness Meats Newsletter

    “I’d recommend this book to anyone. From those who already have health problems to those who just want to feed their family as healthfully as possible!"

-Donielle Baker, NaturallyKnockedUp.com 

     “I've read many articles and books about obesity, weight loss, and diabetes, but Cereal Killer was easiest to understand. Just the weight loss chapter - "Atkins without Atkins" - is worth the price of the book…”

-Karen Black, Minneapolis, Minn.

 Cereal Killer critiques The "Low Fat" Let's Move Program

Cereal Killer author Alan Watson challenges First Lady Michelle Obama's suggestion that low fat cheese is a remedy for childhood obesity.

Restore America's High Fat Diet - by Alan L. Watson

Cereal Killer author Alan Watson discusses how excess carbohydrates lead to weight gain; dietary fats are protective foods. For more information, visit: http://www.dietheartpublishing.com

Sure - Sugar is Sugar - A Metabolic Toxin

Cereal Killer author Alan Watson and host Lisa Butts discuss how the Corn Growers Association lobbied to prevent HFCS from being targeted in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines.

Many Health Benefits of Garlic, The Organic Wonder Drug

Garlic’s great bulb has countless benefits. No other plant has been held out for so long as a cure for so many human ailments. That is why garlic has been considered as the natural "Wonder Drug". The best way to enjoy garlic’s health benefits is to eat it raw and crushed.

Garlic has been used medicinally for thousands of years for treating insect bites, tumors, ulcers, snakebites, wounds, headaches, heart disease, cancer, pimples, measles, sore throats, influenza, and many other diseases. Garlic also prevents infections such as the flu, common cold and cough due to its high Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal and Anti-viral properties.

As the common proverb said: "An apple a day, keeps the doctor away".

In the same manner: "A single bulb of garlic a day, keeps many diseases away".

In general, garlic exhibits antioxidant activity, which is good for your digestive system, skin and more. It also contains flavonoids, which is good for keeping your heart and body healthy.

Many Benefits of Crushed Raw Garlic, The Wonder Drug

Garlic contains a range of compounds including "Allicin", which is a pungent oily liquid that gives crushed garlic cloves their characteristic smell, and has been shown to be the antibacterial agent due to its active sulphur.

Raw garlic is very smelly, so in order to reduce its smell. Crushed first and chopped raw garlic, allow it to sit for 5-10 minutes, which would provide enough time for the alliinase and alliin in garlic to interact with oxygen in the air and form allicin. Simply add one clove for children and two cloves for each adult per day, into your room temperature gravy and foods, salad dressings, soup, yogurt, or garnish it before serving in your own style.

It is better for your digestive system and health to eat your foods at room temperature. You should never drink hot beverages and eat hot foods, rather lukewarm, or room temperature.

A Few Other Benefits of Garlic

Garlic is just magnificent and phenomenal. The followings are a few basic known and reliable home remedies for some specific ailments, which you can try at home.

If you have cold and flu, then take small amount of garlic every day until the infection disappears. Garlic tends to reduce the frequency of colds and flu without any side effects. A suggested dose would be two or three cloves of raw, or lightly cooked garlic a day.

We all face horrid acne, blemishes, blackheads during our teens. If you want to reduce it, or if you just want to glow up your skin, then take two cloves of crushed raw garlic regularly with lukewarm water early in the morning. Garlic works as a blood cleanser and clean your system internally. Do not eat chocolates, spicy, or oily food during this treatment and rinse your face five times a day with cold water. Drinks lots of water daily to flush off toxic waste from the blood and urinate whenever you feel that your bladder is full. Else, apply a cut of raw garlic clove gently on the affected area only if you have no sensitivity to it.

Those with High Cholesterol Level, can add raw garlic in their foods. This is the better way for heart patients to reduce their cholesterol level. Modern medical science suggests a very good reason that garlic could reduce cholesterol, i.e. "Garlic is a proven anti-oxidant". This property might help to prevent (LDL), the Low Density Lipo Protein from being oxidized. This way the cholesterol build-up that clogs the arteries will be be reduced by raw garlic use.

If you are very fat and want to lose weight, squeeze half lemon juice in one glass of lukewarm water and drink it with two cloves of raw garlic regularly twice a day (morning and evening), for about three months. Avoid using starchy foods and fats. Do exercise regularly. You will amazingly feel a great change in your health and body.

If you have Wrinkles, and you want to use anti ageing cream, it would be better to use 3 cloves of crushed garlic regularly as it has a powerful antioxidant effect, which help to protect the body against damaging "Free Radicals". Remember, our skin is made up of collagen and it looses elasticity on yearly basis. Therefore, use garlic and do exercise regularly for the positive results.

If you have Earache, put two or three drops of warm garlic oil in the ears.

Take garlic to boosts the weight of babies in the womb. Thus, when they are born, they are heavier than they would have been if you hadn't taken garlic. Some babies are born too small, so garlic is a definite boon in these cases too.

Take two raw garlic cloves daily to reduce the risk of cancer, due to its Anti-Carcinogenic properties. It helps prevent cancerous compounds from forming and developing into tumors. It also inhibits the growth of tumors.

If any insect bites you at the seaside, you just crush the garlic and apply it to the affected area to reduce pain and to remove poison.

Best Safe Way of Taking Garlic

Adults could enjoy 3 cloves of raw garlic, teenagers 2 fresh garlic clove and children 1 fresh garlic clove. Crush the raw garlic cloves and swallow it raw, before going to sleep, take it down with a glass of tea, or water. - Do not take more than 3 raw cloves of garlic per day, as it might make your blood too thin, causing serious ailments.

Contra-indications Precautions

To enjoy garlic’s health benefits, adults should never consume more than 3 to 4 raw cloves of garlic a day and children 1 to 2 small cloves.

Patients suffering from heart and other cardiovascular problems and diseases should take medical advice before consuming raw garlic.

It is best to avoid garlic before any surgery because it could probably disturb Anticoagulants.

If you are on any medication, always check with your doctor first before taking raw garlic.

Asthma patients should not use it as it worsens the symptoms of Asthma.

People with sensitive skin should use caution applying raw garlic physically on the affected area. Raw garlic can burn delicate skins. Do not use directly on skin if your skin is sensitive or susceptible to rashes, or other skin reactions without consulting your doctor first. People who are, or may be allergic to garlic, or any of its sulfur compounds should not try direct raw garlic application on their skin.

Garlic’s Side Effects:

Although, garlic is a natural Anti-biotic but a very small number of people have been known to exhibit Hypersensitivity to garlic. Garlic allergy includes skin rash, higher temperature than normal and headaches. Garlic intolerance could result in Heartburn or Flatulence.

Points To Be Noted

It is important to remember that the effect of garlic on cold and flu comes from Allicin and this can be obtained from crushed, raw garlic and is destroyed by cooking. Garlic cloves cooked whole have very little medicinal value. Garlic with strong smell has more Sulphur in it, which is good enough for medicinal purpose.

Few Facts About Garlic, The Wonder Drug

* Garlic helps to boost up our Metabolism rate. Thus help us to reduce our weight easily.

* Garlic helps reduce Atherosclerotic buildup (Plaque) within the arterial system.

* Garlic lowers and helps to regulate Blood Sugar.

* Garlic helps to prevent blood clots from forming, thus reducing the possibility of Strokes.

* Garlic helps to prevent Cancer, especially of the digestive system, prevent certain tumors from growing larger and reduces the size of certain tumors.

* Garlic helps to detoxify and remove heavy metals such as lead and mercury from your body.

* Raw garlic is a proven natural antibiotic and, while far less strong than modern antibiotics, can still kill some strains of bacteria that have become immune or resistant to modern antibiotics.

* Garlic dramatically reduces yeast infections in your body parts.

* Garlic helps to make your immune system stronger against cancer, ulcers, hemorrhoids etc.

Freshly Crushed Raw Garlic is Much Better For The Heart Than Processed

On July 29, 2009, a new research study reports the first scientific evidence that freshly crushed raw garlic has more potent heart-healthy effects than dried garlic. Also most of the garlic's benefits are due to its rich array of antioxidants.

One of Garlic's heart-healthy effects results from production of hydrogen sulfide, a signaling substance that forms after raw garlic is crushed and eaten after 10 minutes, it relaxes your blood vessels acting as a chemical messenger in your body. But dried, or cooked garlic loses its ability to produce hydrogen sulfide.

The scientists gave freshly crushed raw garlic and dried and cooked garlic to two groups of lab rats. The results of the study showed how well the animals' hearts recovered from simulated heart attacks. "Both crushed raw garlic and cooked and dried garlic did reduce damage from lack of oxygen. But the fresh raw garlic group had a significantly greater effect on restoring good blood flow in the aorta and increased pressure in the left ventricle of the heart."

The very same recent scientific research tells us that slicing, chopping, mincing or pressing garlic before cooking can enhance the health-promoting properties of garlic. Garlic is rich in a wide variety of sulfur-containing compounds. One of the best studied is a compound called alliin. Alliin and a related enzyme (named "alliinase") are present but separated inside certain garlic cells when the garlic is whole and unbroken. But when garlic is cut, chewed, chopped, or crushed, these cells can rupture.

When they do, the aliinase enzyme can come into contact with the alliin molecule and cause the creation of a new compound called allicin. Allicin can be a very valuable garlic molecule in terms of its health benefits, because its intake has been associated with cardiovascular, anti-bacterial, and anti-cancer benefits. Allicin is also one of the garlic compounds that contributes to the pungent aroma and "bite" we experience from garlic. Chopping, mincing, crushing, or pressing garlic and allowing it to sit for 5-10 minutes can help provide enough time for the alliinase and alliin in garlic to interact and form allicin.

The Health Benefits of Garlic

- By Dr. Akilah Schäfer

How to gently detox with 4 super foods to remove toxins from chem trails, heavy metals, noxious chemicals, pesticides, drugs and GMO crop's by-products

August 23, 2012 - By JB Bardot

Detoxing can be hard on your body and cause a wide variety of alarming side effects. After all, the substances being removed are usually pretty horrible, consisting of toxic chemicals from Teflon, vaccines, pesticide residues, pharmaceutical drugs, chemotherapy residue, heavy metals, aluminum, radiation, and even by-products from GMO foods. There are numerous detoxing agents and methods available -- some more costly than others -- and some producing very intense experiences with potentially dangerous side effects.

However, there are several ways to remove these noxious substances gently, with kindness to your system. These techniques may take a bit longer to achieve completion; however, if you have the time and are sensitive, or just don't like pain, one of these methods should work for you.


Fruit pectin is probably the most gentle method of detoxing contaminants. Pectin comes from the fibrous portion of the fruit and is most commonly found in the pith of limes, lemons and other citrus fruit as well as in apples. Other sources of pectin are bananas, grapes, carrots, and cabbage. Pectin helps to release heavy metals, chemicals and other substances into the blood stream, where it binds to them and flushes them from the body. Simply eating fruit high in pectin will help to cleanse your system, or you can add a pectin product to a glass of water, organic grape juice or fresh veggie juice to speed the detox process. Beware of pectin sold in grocery stores, as some brands may contain MSG. Check health food stores for the best products.


The delicious culinary herb cilantro, happens to be one of the most effective and gentle detoxifiers of mercury, heavy metals and other toxic contaminants. You can buy cilantro juice at health food stores or simply include the fresh herb in your diet as pesto or seasoning to control the amount consumed and limit unwanted side effects. It's inexpensive and works without the addition of man-made chemicals. Cilantro also possesses antibacterial and antifungal properties, quickly reducing infection and inflammation as it works to clear your system.


Chlorella is a single cell algae sea vegetable that grows in fresh water. Some of the best cholrella reserves have come from Japan; however, use caution when buying Japanese chlorella due to possible exposure to radiation from Fukushima. Chlorella is an easy-to-digest superfood best known for being able to remove mercury and other heavy metals from the cells. Too much chlorella can produce side effects -- mostly in the digestive tract -- where it works best to bind to mercury, eliminating it. Start with the lowest quantity and work up slowly for a gentle detox.


Juicing fresh produce and grasses such as wheat or barley grass provides an excellent way to remove toxins from the system. Wheatgrass is high in nutritional content, and provides vitamins, minerals and all nine essential amino acids. Wheatgrass can be a powerful detox, so start slowly with only a small amount of juice to keep it gentle -- 1/2 ounce a day -- and work up to avoid symptoms.

Using gentle detoxing products requires that you repeat treatments over a period of time until all symptoms have cleared. Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, muscle aches and pains, dizziness and fatigue. Additionally, detoxing can cause a flare-up in your condition temporarily. It's just the toxins leaving your system and should pass shortly. If side effects are severe, reduce the quantity of whatever you're using to detox. If the symptoms continue, stop and consult your natural health practitioner for further instructions.

Sources for this article include:


Meditative Massage - Earth Shattering, Sensational Multiple Orgasms

- By Bahram Maskanian - February 19, 2013

I used to take one week, (9 days) vacation at the beginning of each season.  I would leave Friday afternoon and return the following second Monday.  Years ago, early summer, while enjoying my vacation at a coastal town, the first Saturday, early in the morning 5:30:AM as I walked out for my morning run, I came across a group of 12 yoga practitioners, sitting on the beach, facing the ocean, meditating at about 20 feet away from me, wearing shorts and t-shirts, back of each t-shirt, decorated with the name and logo of the yoga class.  

When I started to run in place, loosening up, to my total surprise this absolutely wild, gorgeous, sexy female among them, who was supposed to be sitting still, meditating, made a 180 degree turn, while sitting, to look at me.  She brush her silky, long sexy black hair behind her ears with her fingers, while softly smiling.  Naturally I smiled as well.  She turned back and resumed her meditation, as I hit the beach start running.   

Her wild, sexy, gorgeous angelic face was engraved in my mind.  Throughout my one hour run I thought about all kinds of possibilities that could bring her into my arms, holding, adoring, kissing and making passionate love to her.  By the time I returned home, I was sad to see the yoga practitioners were all gone and no sign of my future ex-wife.!  I took a shower thinking: “why don’t I join the yoga folks beach class the next morning and see what happens.?”

Next day, early in the morning at 5:30:AM, I looked through the window and I was happy to see the yoga class in session.  There were 2 rows of six people spaced at about six feet apart from each other.  I noticed the sexy, smiling female, I walked out and sat behind her.  She turned around smiling and said: “I was hoping you would show up.  Hi, I am Simone.”  I too introduced my self, the class began meditating.  

Half hour later soon after meditation, Simone took the lead and began guiding the class in yoga exercises.  Simone was absolutely perfect, gymnast nimble, healthy, amazing body, in great shape and spirit, gorgeous and all that I always wanted in a woman.  Unlike some heterosexual men, I never get cocky and over confident, thinking I am a god’s gift to women on Earth.  Even though I have been blessed with number of gorgeous, wild and wonderful lovers, but I always kept an open mind with touch of modesty in each of my short and or long relationships.  

At the conclusion of the yoga class, Simone and I controlled ourselves, walking calmly unto and into my house.  As soon as we walked inside, while hungrily kissing, adoring each other, start getting ready to take a shower together.  She reached in her hand bag and took out her douche, filled it with hydrogen peroxide 3% and began douching, disinfecting and cleaning her uterus and lovely shaved vagina.  I loved how comfortable she was around me.  Few hours later as Simone and I were hovering in midair, high on many amazing orgasms, still in bed, she kissed me and asked if I ever had: “Meditative Massage?  Followed by electrifying intercourse and sensational orgasms.?”  While thanking Mother Nature from the bottom of my heart and adoring Simone, I said: “no”.  She offered to give me meditative massage.  

She started by educating me about many health and emotional benefits of meditation.  She reminded me how majority of we, the people, don’t know how to remove unwanted, repeated negative thoughts, and find it nearly impossible to do so.  Often times the harder we try the louder they become.  Meditation is a natural, holistic mental exercise to train one's attention and awareness.  Meditation curbs reactivity of one's negative thoughts and feelings.  Meditation generate amazing energy that could heal physical and emotional illnesses and uncover and remove long lived resentments.  

Simone continued saying that Meditation will increase focus, promote calmness, remove stress, releases positive energy thus heal the body of chronic illnesses.  Sadly due to the dumbing down education the majority of people do not know that positive thoughts carrie positive healing energy, but negative thoughts relay harmful emotions, causing sickness.  

Moreover, in order to successfully enjoy and benefit from your meditation, you have to stop using toxic chemicals found in air fresheners, sanitizers, deodorizers and generally any and all chemical sprays, cleaners, cosmetics and makeups.  Stay clear processed foods, artificial (fake) meets, vitamins and foods.  Stop consuming coffee, all forms of alcohol, sodas, tobacco, and all things artificial.

Simone put me on my back, lying down flat, naked.  Using some kind of massage oil she had with her start softly to massage me while whispering:  “you are more than physical body.  Since we are more than physical body, we can access and use higher energies.  As you are enjoying my energy transmitted through my fingers on to you.  From the first moment I felt your energy, I knew we will be together.  I intent to love and adore you, as I am sure you will do the same.  I do enjoy expressing my gratitude to the divine for meeting you, and acknowledge that indeed you and I are perfect match.”  

From the moment she start touching me I felt this electrifying tingling sensations all over my body.  Highly aroused the feeling continued during her amazing touch and the orgasms I enjoyed while she massaged me.  Over an hour later I took Simone in my arms showering her with passionate kisses, followed by putting her on her back, and after a long, heavily deep kiss, I started to massage her sculpted, firm, silky body as she start meditating.  Simone enjoyed countless delightful, earth shattering orgasms as well.  

Meditative Massage - Earth Shattering, Sensational Multiple Orgasms

Before trying Meditative Massage, find a quiet place to comfortably lie-down, where you will not be disturbed.  Shut off your phone, close the door, deem the lights, insure that you will not be disturbed during your meditation.  Start by closing your eyes, and begin taking slow deep breath, hold it for 3 seconds, and then slowly exhale.  Allow all tension to disappear, as you gradually relax, deeply with each breath.  

Meditative Massage - Earth Shattering, Sensational Multiple Orgasms

You can start by using my guided meditation mentioned below if you like.  Or compose your own.

Continue breathing slow and deep, breathe in sense of peace, hold it for 3 seconds, and as you exhale slowly, let go of all concerns, tensions and anxieties.  Continue breathing deep and slow with sense of peace, releasing all tension, as you exhale.  As you begin to reach an amazing state of relaxation and arousal, feeling tingling sensations all over your body, focus your attention on healing, hope, love and happiness.  Constantly remind yourself that to be truly happy you have to be healthy first.  Continue imagining yourself healthy, hopeful and happy.  

Soon after practicing enough meditation, when you can easily focus and clear your mind of all distracting and negative thoughts, then the couple should begin meditating together.  Simply lie naked on the bed, few inches away from one another, holding hands and start meditating.  Couples should enjoy at least half hour meditation before massage.  Enjoying the incredible energy built up in their highly relaxed, yet tingling charged bodies ready to explore amazing touch and intercourse, followed by unforgettable multiple electrifying orgasms.  

Meditative Massage should begin with soft and slow strokes.  Purchase couple of ostrich feathers, learn how to use them in concert with your hand to achieve what is truly a heavenly arousal.  Followed by deep penetration, making love, without ever thinking about any distraction, completely focused on love, health and happiness.  Thus taking your lover to a whole new world of ecstasy while enjoying many multiple Earth shattering, healing orgasms.

Rinse and repeat.!  Everything gets better by practicing.  It would take time, but the more you do it, the better it would get.!

The two massage images and the pseudonym “Simone” are used to provide more meaning and add visual to the story.

Deep Stress Relief Massage - How To Relax And Energize You Lover