The Health Dangers of Roundup (glyphosate) Herbicide - Jeffrey Smith & Stephanie Seneff

It was "supposed" to be harmless to humans and animals—the perfect weed killer. Now a groundbreaking article just published in the journal Entropy points to Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, and more specifically its active ingredient glyphosate, as devastating—possibly "the most important factor in the development of multiple chronic diseases and conditions that have become prevalent in Westernized societies."

That's right. The herbicide sprayed on most of the world's genetically engineered crops—and which gets soaked into the food portion—is now linked to "autism ... gastrointestinal issues such as inflammatory bowel disease, chronic diarrhea, colitis and Crohn's disease, obesity, cardiovascular disease, depression, cancer, cachexia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and ALS, among others."

Enjoy this videotaped guided tour of Jeffrey Smith interviewing co-author Stephanie Seneff, PhD, a Senior Research Scientist at MIT.

The Dark Side Of Pharma -- Must Watch This Video.!

Brandy Vaughan, ex-pharma insider, turned natural health warrior exposes the dark side of pharmaceutical, pHARMa - A business which profits off making and keeping us all sick! She also shares what she learned about how to find REAL HEALTH in a toxic world.!

Watch & share this video NOW! It might save your health, maybe even your life.!

Learn The Risk is a parent-driven grassroots campaign to raise awareness of the real dangers of pharmaceutical products. The non-profit organization was founded by an ex-pharmaceutical employee and parent in response to the industry’s unprecedented assault on parental rights and health freedom by funding laws that take our right to say “NO” away.!

Ex-Merck Rep Brandy Vaughan Exposes The Dark Side of pHARMa -- WAVE 2016

Ex-Merck rep Brandy Vaughan, founder of, exposes the dark side of pharmaceutical, pHARMa at LifeWest's annual WAVE conference 2016. Just 25 minutes that might just save your life!

"What is being passed off as 'healthcare' these days is really 'sick-care' because pharmaceutical companies -- and even doctors to some extent -- don't make money off healthy people. the pharmaceutical industry wants to keep you sick. They will even pass mandatory medical laws to ensure you are a lifelong customer." Said: Brandy Vaughan, Ex-Pharma Rep and whistle blower.

GMO Foods, Monsanto's RoundUp Glyphosate, Autism and Obesity - Stephanie Seneff

Welcome to Episode #147, with Stephanie Seneff, PhD. This interview was filmed in May of 2015 for the Autism Intensive interview series.

Dr. Seneff's three decades of scientific rigor is added to a growing body of independent research that exposes the toxic reality of America's favorite weed killer and biocide; Monsanto's RoundUp.

Connect with Dr. Seneff:

Wireless Warfare Exposed - Declassified Military Doc Proves Smart Phones Are Killing Humankind

Global 5G WiFi Will Be INESCAPABLE - What You Need To Know

Published on July 1, 2018

We have been treated like guinea pigs and the lab results are phones are killing us! The current number of cell phone users today is 4.77 Billion and that figure continues to exponentially rise! Decades of cell phone use have now passed with a new generation of people coming into the world who have not experienced life without these devices! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth goes over what the phone companies are telling you is a safe and acceptable level of exposure compared to what military documents have reported on as far back as the 1970's in terms of the clinical effects of microwaves and radio frequency radiation on human beings.

* 5G The Eugenist Tool Of Genocide