James Martinez : Cold fusion and the media ecological effects on human perception
James Martinez at the Breakthrough Energy Movement conference,2012 Holland
Title: Cold fusion and the media ecological effects on human perception
Speaker: James Martinez
Produced by: Globalbem
Country of origin: Holland
Language: English
WATCH THE WHOLE VIDEO and the other lectures of the 2012 Breakthrough Energy Movement conference in Holland here http://www.globalbemvoices.com/lectures Subscribe to our newsletter to get informed about our next conference.
According to the Media Ecology Association Media Ecology is defined as "the study of media environments, the idea that technology and techniques, modes of information and codes of communication play a leading role in human affairs." The following subject matter will be discussed. James' personal journey with Cold Fusion and how it all began. Global Reaction to Cold Fusion. The economics of Cold Fusion. The Art world responds to Cold Fusion. The making of "The Believers" regarding Cold Fusion Directed by Clayton Brown. And finally a world exclusive announcement regarding Cold Fusion. The final antidote.
A media ecologist by trade, James Martinez has been spreading the word about the benefits of Cold Fusion, which he describes as man's greatest invention since the wheel. Coming soon he will be appearing in the film "The Believers", discussing the ramifications of Cold Fusion and the technological effects that face the world. Mr. Martinez aims to wake the public up from the deep electronic, hypnotic sleep where he believes most of America resides.
Official website : Coldfusionnow.org/
Edmund Storms HYDROTON A Model of Cold Fusion
Published: August 17, 2017
HYDROTON A Model of Cold Fusion describes the nano-gap and hydroton theory with Dr. Edmund Storms, a nuclear chemist and cold fusion researcher now retired from Los Alamos National Laboratory.
It picks up where Storms' 2014 book The Explanation of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction: An Examination of the Relationship between Observation and Explanation left off.
He proposes a unique chain of hydrogen nuclei and electrons that can assemble in the nano-cracks and nano-spaces of materials, and "fuses" through a slow resonance process, where smaller bits of mass are converted to quanta of energy through coherent photon emission.
If true, it would describe an extension of the 100-year-old conventional nuclear theory describing fusion in plasmas.
Several of the Nano-gap Hydroton Hypotheses are now being tested for confirmation.
Dr. Edmund Storms website http://www.lenrexplained.com
Joel Garbon -- Breakthrough Energy : Guidance for Activism
Breakthrough Energy Conference - University of Colorado Boulder - October 10-12, 2013
The Breakthrough Energy Conference 2013 program promises to be a one of a kind experience within the Breakthrough Energy field. This year's program won't be just for scientists and experts, but for anyone interested in innovation and improving life on our planet.
Video featuring : Dr David Martin, Fernando Vossa, Jeane Manning, Sacha Stone, Joel Garbon, Dan Winter, David William Gibbons, Mitchell Rabin.
Original Music used with kind permission: "Diffused (Opiuo Remix" by The Upbeats, released by Vision Recordings
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Disclaimer : We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals or as Globalbem, may not agree with everything presented on this video, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth.
We are a non-profit organization of volunteers and thus each member or any other person involved in any way, have to take responsibility for their own statements, acts and beliefs.
all rights reserved © GlobalBEM 2013
Conference Speakers:
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Panel Discussion # 01 at the Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference 2012, Holland
The Global Breakthrough Energy Movement (GlobalBEM) is a non-profit volunteer-powered organization dedicated to educating & activating the public about breakthrough energy technologies which are clean, sustainable and world changing Disclaimer : We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals or as Globalbem, may not agree with everything presented on this video, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth.
We are a non-profit organization of volunteers and thus each member or any other person involved in any way, have to take responsibility for their own statements, acts and beliefs.
Panel Discussion # 02 at the Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference 2012, Holland
Panel Discussion at the Breakthough Energy Movement Conference 2012 with:
Catherine Austin Fitts
Dr. Brooks Agnew
Dr. David Martin
Dr. Nick Begich
Fernando Vossa
Michael Tellinger
Georg Ritschl
Mitchell Rabin
Sacha Stone
Cluster spacecraft detects elusive space wind
July 02, 2013 - A new study provides the first conclusive proof of the existence of a space wind first proposed theoretically over 20 years ago.
By analyzing data from the European Space Agency’s Cluster spacecraft, researcher Iannis Dandouras detected this plasmaspheric wind, so-called because it contributes to the loss of material from the plasmasphere, a donut-shaped region extending above the Earth’s atmosphere. The results are published today in Annales Geophysicae, a journal of the European Geosciences Union (EGU).
“After long scrutiny of the data, there it was, a slow but steady wind, releasing about 1 kg of plasma every second into the outer magnetosphere: this corresponds to almost 90 tonnes every day. It was definitely one of the nicest surprises I’ve ever had!” said Dandouras of the Research Institute in Astrophysics and Planetology in Toulouse, France.
The plasmasphere is a region filled with charged particles that takes up the inner part of the Earth’s magnetosphere, which is dominated by the planet’s magnetic field.
To detect the wind, Dandouras analyzed the properties of these charged particles, using information collected in the plasmasphere by ESA’s Cluster spacecraft. Further, he developed a filtering technique to eliminate noise sources and to look for plasma motion along the radial direction, either directed at the Earth or outer space.
As detailed in the new Annales Geophysicae study, the data showed a steady and persistent wind carrying about a kilo of the plasmasphere’s material outwards each second at a speed of over 5,000 km/h. This plasma motion was present at all times, even when the Earth’s magnetic field was not being disturbed by energetic particles coming from the Sun.
Researchers predicted a space wind with these properties over 20 years ago: it is the result of an imbalance between the various forces that govern plasma motion. But direct detection eluded observation until now.
“The plasmaspheric wind is a weak phenomenon, requiring for its detection sensitive instrumentation and detailed measurements of the particles in the plasmasphere and the way they move,” explains Dandouras, who is also the vice-president of the EGU Planetary and Solar System Sciences Division.
The wind contributes to the loss of material from the Earth’s top atmospheric layer and, at the same time, is a source of plasma for the outer magnetosphere above it. Dandouras explains: “The plasmaspheric wind is an important element in the mass budget of the plasmasphere, and has implications on how long it takes to refill this region after it is eroded following a disturbance of the planet’s magnetic field. Due to the plasmaspheric wind, supplying plasma – from the upper atmosphere below it – to refill the plasmasphere is like pouring matter into a leaky container.”
The plasmasphere, the most important plasma reservoir inside the magnetosphere, plays a crucial role in governing the dynamics of the Earth’s radiation belts. These present a radiation hazard to satellites and to astronauts traveling through them. The plasmasphere’s material is also responsible for introducing a delay in the propagation of GPS signals passing through it.
“Understanding the various source and loss mechanisms of plasmaspheric material, and their dependence on the geomagnetic activity conditions, is thus essential for understanding the dynamics of the magnetosphere, and also for understanding the underlying physical mechanisms of some space weather phenomena,” says Dandouras.
Michael Pinnock, Editor-in-Chief of Annales Geophysicae recognises the importance of the new result. “It is a very nice proof of the existence of the plasmaspheric wind. It’s a significant step forward in validating the theory. Models of the plasmasphere, whether for research purposes or space weather applications (e.g. GPS signal propagation) should now take this phenomenon into account,” he wrote in an email.
Similar winds could exist around other planets, providing a way for them to lose atmospheric material into space. Atmospheric escape plays a role in shaping a planet’s atmosphere and, hence, its habitability.
Survey: only 15% of farmers would eat GMO food
- By Jon Rappoport - July 25, 2013
The British survey was funded by Barclays Bank and done in collaboration with Farmers Weekly.
Only 15% of farmers polled said they would eat GMO food. Talk about a blanket rejection. It can't get much clearer than that.
Obviously, these backward farmers want to protect their own health. Who ever heard of such a thing! How dare they! They're supposed to follow the party line. They're supposed to say, "Yum yum, give me some GM."
Well, funny things happen when people consider their own bodies. They tell you what they really think.
You see, 61% of the farmers said they'd grow GMO crops "if they had the opportunity." In other words, they'd willingly endanger other people's health, but not their own.
"Just business, nothing personal."
Reminds me of the idea of sending government officials who declare war into the field with weapons.
"No, I said the war was necessary. I didn't say I'd risk my own life out there with all those crazies running around. Besides, I suffer from migraines and my doctor told me I have to avoid stress."
Or: "Everybody is hereby ordered to go on the Obamacare plan. Except those of us in the Congress who have our own plan."
The farmers survey should have included the following questions, for the 61% of farmers who said they'd grow GMO crops if given the chance: "Would you eat what you sell every day of your life?"
"And if not, what is wrong with you?"
On a related note, we have this from Mike Adams at Natural News: "Polls were taken by accomplished scientists at the McGill Cancer Center from 118 doctors who are all experts on cancer. They asked the doctors to imagine they had cancer and to choose from six different 'experimental' therapies. These doctors not only denied chemo choices, but they said they wouldn't allow their family members to go through the process either!"
Oh, and lest I forget, we have the famous vaccine proponent, Dr. Paul Offit, who said babies can handle "10,000 vaccines at once." Well, since babies have only partially developed immune systems and Offit is an adult, I'd be willing to take a crash course in how to give an injection and pop Offit with 10,000 vaccines, as a test. Why not? What could go wrong?
And while I'm at it---all those clinical trials of new drugs using volunteers who don't have a clue about what they're getting into? Seems only fair to include the researchers who developed the drugs and other doctors and pharmaceutical execs as volunteers in the trials. In fact, they should be first in line. If they fall over dead or develop life-threatening conditions, then everyone else will know there's a slight problem.
Moving along, if the government is spying on all of us, for our own good, and in order to protect the country, then we should spy on them for the same reasons. Let them experience their own programs up close and personal. Long ago, when funding for NSA started to accelerate into the wild blue yonder, the Congress should have offered themselves up on a platter, to set a good example.
"You boys know our phone numbers, email addresses, and where we live and play. So please, spy on us 24/7, because we're about to let you do it to all Americans."
No? Am I missing something here? Don't government officials endanger the nation? Haven't they already proved that over and over? Shouldn't they be watched carefully, as you would watch wild animals in a zoo?
The examples keep multiplying, don't they? Oil spills, radiation leaks from nuclear reactors. Why aren't the heads of companies and governments involved, who are telling us it's all okay...why aren't they living close to the reactors and seas where it's "so safe?" What could give us greater assurance and peace of mind?
Just trying to be helpful.
What if certain government officials, who've been praising programs to fund the resurgence of inner cities, had to live in St. Louis and Detroit and experience the results/non-results of the federal programs?
What if conservative legislators, who've never met a big corporation they didn't love, lived on farms where Monsanto's vaunted Roundup Ready tech isn't working at all, and the farmers have to do burn-downs, using far more toxic herbicides, to destroy the superweeds that are thriving and taking over the land?
If you're a president with a Nobel Peace Prize in your pocket, and you're ordering drone strikes, wouldn't you benefit from actually being there and seeing the explosions on the ground and the bodies?
At least the British farmers are being honest. Only 15% would eat GMO food.
Source: GM Watch, "UK citizens reject GM food and even farmers don't want to eat it"
Jon Rappoport
The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at: www.nomorefakenews.com