Avocados - The Perfect Food or Funky Fruit
- By Dr. Brent Hunter - February 28, 2014
Avocados - the world’s most perfect food or simply the funkiest looking fruit ever? In this edition of Health Food Friday, we will discover the truth about this green wonder.
Shopping for healthy foods can be confusing. Many foods products claim to be “healthy”, “all-natural”, “organic” or “low fat”. But how do you know if these words are real benefits or just clever marketing schemes? If your food comes in a box or a package, it is likely not as healthy as it claims. If you base the majority of your diet around whole foods, you will be making a much wiser investment in your health.
This Healthy Food Friday series will help you learn to identify the difference. You will also learn more about the amazing benefits of whole foods along with delicious ways to enjoy them.
Avocados have been shown to help promote heart health, help to reverse diabetes, and even fight cancer. Those are some amazing powers from a little green fruit with a hard, leather-like skin.
Before my days as a Wellness Achiever, I would walk right past avocados in the grocery store. Usually I avoided the entire produce section, actually. I wondered, what in the world would you do with that? How do you even eat an avocado? Why would anyone eat avocados?
Well, I am glad that I learned about these amazing little fruits. After discovering the delicious nutrition they provide, I now consume avocados almost daily. Once you learn about these health benefits, you will want to do the same. In fact, I will give you quite the advantage by also providing you with several wonderful ways to prepare and enjoy avocados.
Amazing Health Benefits of Avocados
Much can be said about the healthy nutrition of avocados. Here are my top five.
Heart Healthy Fats
The avocado is an unusual fruit in the fact that 85% of its calories come from fat. However, the type of fat in avocados is actually very healthy. They have about 160 milligrams of healthy Omega-3 fats per cup of sliced avocado. These fats are a big reason why avocados are very heart healthy. These fats also help you absorb other fat soluble vitamins and nutrients from your diet as well.
Fight Free Radicals
Avocados contain the highest amount of glutathione of all plants. Glutathione is powerful antioxidant that helps your body fight free radicals, prevent early aging and rid your body of toxins.
An anti-inflammatory diet is very important for fat loss, healing from injuries and maintaining good health. Avocados are one of best anti-inflammatory foods.
Cancer Fighting Carotenoids
Carotenoids are a group of powerful, plant-based, fat soluble antioxidants that fight and prevent cancer. They give plants many of their bright colors. Avocados are rich in many carotenoids including as lutein, beta-carotene and neoxanthin. They fat content of avocados helps your body absorb with antioxidants more effectively.
Blood Sugar Regulation
Avocados are very low in sugar and carbohydrates and very high in fiber. Avocado also contains special types of sugars that provide energy but do not affect your blood sugar levels the way that glucose and fructose do. This combination makes them great for diabetics looking to control blood sugar naturally.
How to Cut, Slice and Dice an Avocado With Ease
It may seem very difficult to prepare an avocado at first. However, it is actually quite simple. Here’s how:
5 Delicious Ways to Eat Avocados
* Sliced over salad - This is one of the simplest ways to regularly enjoy avocados. They add a rich texture to your salad. They also compliment the flavor the other vegetables and the salad dressing as well.
* Chopped as garnish for soups - Avocados add a delightful color and texture to a black bean soup, a spicy curry soup or butternut squash soup. Dice them and place them on top of your soup for a quick, colorful, healthy addition.
* Guacamole - This is another easy way to prepare avocados. Simply cut and peel one or more avocados, place them in a bowl and mash them. You can use a an electric mixer to make a creamy guacamole or just use a fork to make it a little chunky. Then you can mix in any spices you like such as salt, garlic, or red pepper. I also like to add a little lime or lemon juice as well. It can be enjoyed with tortilla chips or sliced celery or added to other recipes. Here is a delicious, slightly more sophisticated guacamole recipe.
* Vegan Chocolate Mousse - What!? Yes, you can even use avocados to make a scrumptious, healthy chocolate mousse. This is certainly one of my favorites! Here is a quick and easy recipe for chocolate mousse made with avocado.
* Avocado & Tomato Bruschetta - I love bruschetta and avocados definitely make it much healthier. Slice your avocados and tomatoes. Toast some bread – preferably a sprouted grain bread like Ezekiel Bread. Cut the toasted bread into four squares, lightly drizzle with olive oil/italian seasoning mix, then top with sliced avocado and tomato. Absolutely delicious and nutritious appetizer!
Avocados are certainly one of the healthiest foods you can buy. They pack a powerful nutritional punch. Are they the perfect food or a funky fruit? Both! Begin
Related Article: 8 Tips to Beat Inflammation With Your Diet
Fennel can help neutralize cancer and encourage weight loss
- By P. Simard - February 25, 2014
It may not be well known in North America, but the more we go east, the more we see fennel being incorporated in dishes, especially in Italian and Mediterranean cuisines. The bulb, stalk, leaves and seeds are all edible, and you may also recognize it as being one of the main components of the alcoholic beverage absinthe.
Its many health benefits have now been noticed for well over 2,000 years, popular amongst Roman society and with health practitioners from ancient Greece. Fennel has been widely used to assist the bodily functions of the kidneys, spleen, liver, lungs and digestive system. Based on knowledge transmitted from one generation to another and sometimes thoroughly validated by scientific research, it is known to help treat or improve physical conditions such as diarrhea, indigestion, flatulence, constipation, heart disease, blood pressure, obesity, menstrual disorders, respiratory disorders and even cancer.
Fennel is quite rich in phytoestrogens and is a very respectable source of vitamin C, folate, potassium and fiber. The fiber, folate and potassium all have a quite beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system while also helping to remove carcinogenic toxins from the colon. Apparently, members of the Eulji University in Korea discovered that simply inhaling fennel's essential oil greatly helped rats digest food while lowering their caloric intake.
Fennel acts as a chemopreventive agent against carcinogenesis
As with practically all herbs, fennel is a very potent antioxidant, but specific studies done at the University of Texas' MD Anderson Cancer Center showed that it has exceptional anti-inflammatory properties thanks to a phytonutrient named anethole. This particular component contributes to not only blocking inflammation but also the transformation of regular cells into cancerous ones.
Experiments conducted on rats in New Delhi, India, have made scientists realize that fennel seeds have a chemopreventive effect, although it does vary depending on the doses administered to test subjects. In their research, Swiss albino mice with induced skin and forestomach papillomagenesis were monitored very closely. These tests basically demonstrated that both the expansion and formation of new cancerous cells were strongly inhibited by the fennel seeds' protective chemical reaction.
Fennels can assist in suppressing appetite as well as activating the metabolism. The Thuringian State Institute of Agriculture in Germany was able to show that fennels help diminish food consumption. It is also believed that fennel consumption not only can drastically reduce food cravings but can also cause fat deposits in the blood to be more efficiently decomposed in order to be used as an energy source. Fennels also tend to increase urination and will reduce water weight. It is definitely recommended to add them to any weight loss program which should also include only healthy fresh organic produce.
Lastly, back in 2011, researchers from the University of Granada found that fennels can somewhat help with sleep thanks to its melatonin content which, of course, is known to regulate it.
Sources for this article include:
About the author:
After spending several years working in property management and being a web consultant for PS Communications, P. Simard is now on his way to becoming a naturopath in the province of Quebec. Always searching for the truth with an open mind, his innate passion for knowledge and overall health matters has finally led him to Natural News.
Community Leaders Brief
Dear Community Leader,
You have been given this brief so that you may understand what is happening now in regards to the closure of the banking system. We hope you will help maintain the calm and peace of your community during this short period of change. We also will encourage you to support those in positions of responsibility to help maintain the status quo in regards to the vital necessities of your local community.
We are hoping that food, water, electricity, internet, gasoline, transportation and phone service will not be disrupted during this banking system change over. Furthermore this community leader brief is been created to help you understand what is transpiring around the world at this time. The person or persons giving you this brief are part of a worldwide network which is dedicated to a peaceful transition to a transparent financial system for our banking systems worldwide.
Who do we represent and who is behind this process?
Our group is comprised of intelligent, aware individuals from all segments of society and we are dedicated to non-violent change. We have been made aware of what is now transpiring by key individuals in the world’s secret service organizations and military. Top ranking members of the world’s political infrastructure are also supporting these lawful enforcements. These honest patriots in the CIA, NSA, FBI, military, sheriff and police forces have counterparts from around the world involved in a simultaneous sweep of financial criminals.
To summarize, there are large international multijurisdictional task forces who have uncovered large-scale corruption in the financial and political arenas and are now taking lawful actions to end this criminal behavior. Certain leaders of regional and national law enforcement agencies and police forces are aware of what is now taking place as well. We also anticipate military presence to be deployed in the cities to help maintain the peace. We are anticipating broadcasts over the emergency broadcast network to explain the situation very soon if they have not begun by the time you have received this document.
What is happening and why are the banks closed?
What is happening at this time is a necessary financial reset of the global central banking system. Unfortunately this must necessitate the closing of every computer tied into the central banks. This will leave the entire planet without access to cash, ATM , machines, credit cards or stock markets.
There will be no currency available other than what is already in circulation for a maximum time of possibly 2 weeks. The intent and plans of these lawful agencies in charge are hoping for a best-case scenario of 3-5 days for the banking system to be offline. However with so many variables at play, the exact time it will take to affect this changeover in reality is unknown at this time. This lack of money amongst the world’s populace clearly may create some hardships in various locations as some may panic for not being able to access their money via the normal channels.
Your vital role in this process
This is where our contact with you and your leadership is vital to maintain an open honest and transparent communication network with those in your community and those fellow community leaders who will maybe not know what is happening or be able to receive this brief in a timely manner. One of the most important actions we will ask you to perform is the monitoring of the local police forces that are not aware of this event and what is transpiring. They may see the people’s confusion and mistake this natural reaction as hostile or potentially violent. We ask that above all these forces remain vigilant proactive and refrain from violence.
Important suggestions to maintain peace for a harmonious change
We ask that food and water banks and local community groups be encouraged to begin to serve the populace if these bank closures result in disruptions to any of the following for too long: transportation, food, water, electrical grid, cell phone towers , internet, television, emergency services, hospitals and any other vital network that may be affected.
How did we know this is happening now?
Our group has been contacted and we have been asked to act as an informational network and infrastructure to support you in your appointed tasks whatever they may be. If you are a mayor or a water district manager or the communities liaison to the power companies we hope you will see to it that your responsibilities and services remain uninterrupted during the time while the banks are closed. We further ask that you provide a means to get these necessities to those that require them via your local communities infrastructure such as soup kitchens on school grounds or distribution of water for those in need. We ask that hospitals and emergency services be given priority and support to protect the aged and informed.
Why is this happening?
Unfortunately there has been criminal malfeasance within the world banking systems including the Federal Reserve for many years. These individuals in charge have corrupted many aspects of the world’s political infrastructure and greed and lust for power has thwarted the democratic process and caused much harm to our worlds ecosystems and societal and national relations.
Evidence to be presented to the public
Evidence is being held which indicates a system of financial fraud and corruption, which has resulted in the institutionalized theft of trillions of the world’s hard earned money. This is now ending as the evidence and the serving of indictments, and arrests of those responsible has now begun. These individuals involved in this conspiracy are very powerful and politically connected criminals. They have been repeatedly been warned to follow the laws of their respective countries but some of them have refused.
Time to act
This refusal to comply to the law has now forced closure of the central banks which is now affecting the entire world banking systems. This radical action is required to enforce the law and is now being implemented by a coordinated police force action around the globe. The reason this has not been done by alerting the populace before hand is because the criminals in charge control the world media and have established censors worldwide. A policeman does not tell a criminal he is going to be arrested or he will flee.
Powerful leaders will fall
This banking racketeering operation has included some very powerful public figures which when the dust settles will most likely shock many people. This is not a military coup or anything negative. In fact we feel this will allow for a more honest system of governance, which will find worldwide support as the truth is revealed to the public in the weeks to come.
Your right to question the truth of this brief is noted
We understand you may not be aware or agree to this information that is being presented here but we ask you to consider that this brief was created on September 29th, 2013. This should help to act as evidence to what is now taking place was known by us who created this document beforehand. We further want to reiterate that this is not a military coup and there is no reason for panic and fear. Whether you believe us or not as to the nature of this worldwide event we ask that you do your best to facilitate calm and peace within your communities as efficiently as possible.
In conclusion
We ask that you keep an open mind to this document and know we are supporting you in your position of responsibility and power as a leader of your community. Please know that this transition is intended to be for a short period of time only. You will be asked to think locally and to not wait for federal instructions as certain communication channels may be disrupted.
Please study this document and if possible talk candidly to the persons who bought this brief to your attention, they may have some very good wisdom to clarify what is happening and will share ideas that may benefit you and your community.
We also have a website (www.prepareforchange.net) where you may access links to articles and evidence that what we are saying has been in process for quite some time. We will encourage you to educate yourself via these links. If the internet network remains open during the time of the closing of the banks these links will help you understand more. If the internet is down we ask you to interface with those who bought you this document.
Respectfully submitted
By Prepare For Change team www.prepareforchange.net
Harvard research links fluoridated water to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), among other mental disorders
- By Ethan A. Huff - February 25, 2014
A leading cause of ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) and autism in children could be the hidden chemicals lurking in the foods we eat, the water we drink and the products we consume, says a new study recently published in The Lancet. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS) found that, among other things, the fluoride chemicals added to many public water systems in North America directly contribute to both mental and behavioral disorders in children.
Building upon earlier research published in 2006 that dubbed fluoride as a "developmental neurotoxicant," the new review included a meta-analysis of 27 additional studies on fluoride, most of which were from China, that linked the chemical to lowered IQ in children. After thorough analysis, it was determined that fluoride obstructs proper brain development and can lead to autism spectrum disorders, dyslexia, ADHD and other health conditions, a "silent epidemic" that many mainstream health authorities continue to ignore.
According to the two main researchers involved in the study, Philippe Grandjean from HSPH and Philip Landrigan from ISMMS, incidences of chemical-related neurodevelopmental disorders have doubled over the past seven years from six to 12. The reason for this is that an increasing number of mostly untested chemicals are being approved for use without the public being told where and in what quantities such chemicals are being used.
"[S]ince 2006, the number of chemicals known to damage the human brain more generally, but that are not regulated to protect children's health, had increased from 202 to 214," writes Julia Medew for The Sydney Morning Herald. "The pair said this could be the tip of the iceberg because the vast majority of the more than 80,000 industrial chemicals widely used in the United States have never been tested for their toxic effects on the developing fetus or child."
Fluoride must be immediately removed from public water supplies for child safety
While pesticides dominated the duo's list as the most pervasive and damaging chemicals whose presence the public is largely unaware of, fluoride, which is intentionally added to public water supplies as a supposed protectant against tooth decay, is also highly problematic. It is also largely ignored by public health authorities as a possible factor in childhood development problems, even though the science is clear about its dangers.
Like lead, certain industrial solvents and crop chemicals, fluoride is known to accumulate in the human bloodstream, where it eventually deposits into bones and other bodily tissues. In pregnant women, this also includes passing through the bloodstream into the placenta, where it then accumulates in the bones and brain tissue of developing babies. The effects of this are, of course, perpetually damaging, and something that regulatory authorities need to take more seriously.
"The problem is international in scope, and the solution must therefore also be international," stated Grandjean in a press release, calling for improved regulatory standards for common chemicals. "We have the methods in place to test industrial chemicals for harmful effects on children's brain development -- now is the time to make that testing mandatory."
To learn more about the dangers of fluoride and the science behind why it is harmful and anything but beneficial for teeth, be sure to visit the Fluoride Action Network's website.
You can also check out the abstract of the new study, entitled "Neurobehavioural effects of developmental toxicity," here:
Sources for this article include: