Could watermelon be the magic way out for muscle aches?

- By Sandeep Godiyal - Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Could watermelon be the magic way out for muscle achesMany athletes have developed sore muscles after performing vigorous exercises or doing a new workout. This is due to fatigue-inducing stress on your muscles. This causes small tears in the muscle, which the muscle tissues repair themselves and in the process become stronger. However, muscle ache is uncomfortable and stressful. New research has revealed that you don't have to go through the pain anymore, as there is a new cure to muscle aches.

Researchers have discovered that watermelon has a magic way of relieving the post-workout muscle pains. If you drink watermelon juice or eat it prior to your training session, you will not feel the pain after a new workout or vigorous exercises. In a new study, athletes were given a watermelon fruit or juice enriched with watermelon before their workout. They reported less muscle soreness on the days they drank the watermelon juice before their workout.


People perceive watermelon to be composed of water and natural sugar. However, watermelon is one of the most nutritious fruits. It contains vitamins A and C, which are very vital to the body. Watermelon also contains L-citrulline and amino acids. L-citrulline helps the muscles get oxygen faster. This makes them repair themselves faster.

Antioxidant properties

Watermelon juice is believed to have antioxidant properties that enhance athletic performance and increase muscle protein. After an intense workout, one feels pain later because of small tears in the muscle fibers. Apart from L-citrulline, watermelon also has anti-inflammatory properties which help relieve muscle aches.

What the athletes discovered

During the research, different athletes were given three different samples. Some were given natural watermelon, others juice enhanced with watermelon and the rest a control drink with no L-citrulline an hour before their workout. The athletes who drank the natural watermelon JUICE, and also those who drank the juice enhanced with watermelon, reported less muscle pain 24 hours after their workout. However, the natural watermelon juice seemed to be more viable. Thus, the researchers preferred the natural watermelon juice to the enhanced one.

Benefits of watermelon

While watermelon has several beneficial nutrients, including vitamin A and C, lycopene and beta-carotene, the researchers warned about eating them every day before working out. They said that watermelon has a lot more fructose than the recommended amount.


The next time you plan to go for a very intense workout, you can think about making watermelon juice. It will save you the stress of going through the post-workout muscle pain the next day you wake up. You will also gain a lot of nutrients. If you don't have a blender, you can just it eat naturally, since the effect will be the same. However, do not overdo it, because the excess fructose will do no good for your body.


About the author:

Sandeep is an mountain climber, runner, and fitness coach. He shares his tips for staying in shape and eating healthy on quickeasyfit.

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Judge allows Arizona boy to be treated with marijuana extract

Judge allows Arizona boy to be treated with marijuana extract

- By Julie Wilson - March 28, 2014

Last Friday, an Ariz. judge made a significant decision that could potentially revolutionize the way Americans utilize medical marijuana.

Superior Court Judge Katherine Cooper of Maricopa County ruled in favor of allowing five-year-old Zander Welton, who was suffering from debilitating epileptic seizures, to use cannabidiol (CBD), one of 60 cannabinoids discovered in marijuana.

CBD oil, which makes up approximately 40 percent of the plant's extract, has been proven to help treat severe medical problems including Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, anxiety, depression and even cancer.

Fighting for natural health freedom

The judge's ruling was in response to a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union on Nov. 13 on behalf of the little boy. The motion requested the court to "rule that the state's medical marijuana law allows uses of marijuana extracts such as resins added to baked goods and creams," reported AZ Central.

While voters approved the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act (AMMA) in 2010, there seemed to be some confusion over whether or not the act included the use of pot extract.

A report by Medical Jane describes how badly the Welton family and their young child had been suffering. Just nine months into the boy's life, he began experiencing violent seizures, and subsequently had portions of his brain removed in two separate surgeries. Not only did the surgeries fail, but prescribing the child heavy doses of deadly pharmaceutical drugs left him with harmful side effects, and no reduction of his seizures.

Finally, the family was introduced to medical marijuana, both the CBD oil and the plant in its dried form. This treatment worked wonders on the boy's health, and his parents soon began to see changes in their child, including increased happiness and the abilities to sleep peacefully, walk backwards and play with his siblings.

Miraculously, he was finally able to go weeks without a single seizure.

The little boy's family finally found hope in what had been a painful, helpless situation, but they were still facing one big problem.

Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery aggressively pursued the Welton family, threatening to prosecute them for administering what he considered illegal marijuana to their son.

Under Montgomery's interpretation, the AMMA only allowed the use of dried flowers, and not CBD oil. Facing prosecution and understandably frightened, the family stopped treating Zander with marijuana extract. "My husband and I made the heartbreaking decision to stop giving Zander the medical marijuana oil," said the boy's mother.

Fortunately for the Welton family, the ACLU got involved and fought for the boy's freedom to choose the treatment that his family deemed most effective. The lawsuit specifically asked for clarification on what exactly is considered legal under the AMMA.

Five months after the ruling, Judge Katherine Cooper ruled that nothing in the AMMA "limits the form in which patients may use medical marijuana.... The AMMA authorized qualifying patients to use extracts, including CBD oil, prepared from the marijuana plant."

She also concluded that marijuana extract "make it feasible for patients who cannot consume the medicine in plant form to receive it another way."

The judge's decision is a giant step forward in granting all Americans natural health freedom and, importantly, immediately saving one boy's life.

Cashy Hyde

Other children have not been so lucky. A three-year-old from Mont. named Cash Hyde suffered from recurring life-threatening brain tumors but finally found relief once he began using cannabis oil. Once on the cannabis oil, Cash's cancer went into remission and he began to get healthy.

The decision to treat Cash with CBD oil came with dire consequences, including threats by police, prosecution that could result in incarceration for the family and also steep fines.

"I've had law enforcement threatening to kick my door down, but I would have done anything to keep Cashy alive," said the boy's father, Mike Hyde.

Aggression from law enforcement against patients using pot extract stems from Big Pharma's determination to keep pot extract illegal. Why? Because they're fully aware that they could lose billions of dollars if pot extract were to replace prescription drugs, which it's fully capable of doing for many medical conditions.

Currently, Big Pharma is unable to regulate CBD oil because it's a naturally occurring compound and therefore cannot be patented. The last thing this billion-dollar-a-year industry wants is for patients to effectively treat themselves with a natural herb that can grow relatively easily in their backyard.

Tragically, under pressure from the Feds, the state of Montana cracked down on medical marijuana, forcing many dispensaries to close and subsequently cutting off Cash's cannabis oil supply. His cancer soon returned and he passed away in his father's arms in late 2012.

His story was featured in a documentary called America's Drug War 2: Cannabis Destiny, produced by Kevin Booth.

Saving lives

Despite the horrible outcome for the Hyde family, thanks to Judge Cooper the outcome will not be the same for the Welton family.

Now that Zander's seizures have been significantly reduced, the possibilities surrounding the improvement of his health are endless.

Hopefully the judge's decision will bring awareness and change, both legislatively and in the health community. Suffering and dying patients deserve the freedom to choose which treatment best suits them and their condition.

Other sources:

Mike Waters - Breakthrough Energy and the Basic Physics of Global Recovery

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Mike Waters at the Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference, 2013 Boulder


Run time: 00:59:42 min
Speaker: Mike Waters
Produced by: Globalbem
Language: English

Presentation :
A crucial discovery of only two primary causes for global crises. The simple mathematical basis for both. A simple formula explains how current wind industry aerodynamics are fundamentally incorrect. Demonstration of a correct design showing dramatic performance increases. How this same formula finally provides a simple explanation and proof of energy amplification far in excess of 100% with examples. Why this discovery is so critical for global recovery. The Lifepod solution.


Michael Waters is an advanced technology consultant, researcher, inventor and sustainable recovery strategist. He has previously owned businesses in, designed and built: multi-axis robotics, adaptive manufacturing systems, experimental aircraft, custom homes, portable housing systems.

Michael’s automated disaster recovery and library preservation systems are used worldwide at institutions such as the Library of Congress, the National Archives and the Russian Academy of Sciences, instrumental in recovery of the worst library fire disaster of the last century. In the last twelve years Michael has researched cutting edge science and technologies that redefine current understandings in mainstream physics. He has established a large collaborative network of researchers and breakthroughs that profoundly affect fields of energy, mining, health, food, water, transportation, housing, sustainable economics and environmental recovery. The purpose of this research has been to discover causes of and solutions for the increasing number of global crises we now face.

A primary focus has been energy R&D, working with a diverse group of breakthroughs that combined, uncover new understandings in physics. These discoveries also explain why current global business and environmental models are fundamentally unsustainable. Michael is currently on the board of a number of organizations involved in advanced energy, mining, agriculture and finance and directly involved in developing several paradigm shifting energy breakthroughs. Michael’s inventions span diverse fields including energy, robotics, fluidics, conservation, aviation and housing.


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The Global Breakthrough Energy Movement (GlobalBEM) is a non-profit volunteer-powered organization dedicated to educating & activating the public about breakthrough energy technologies which are clean, sustainable and world changing

Disclaimer : We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals or as Globalbem, may not agree with everything presented on this video, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth.
We are a non-profit organization of volunteers and thus each member or any other person involved in any way, have to take responsibility for their own statements, acts and beliefs.

John Bedini's Free New Energy Generator

Bedini's demonstration was followed by Jim Watson, a research scientist living in Colorado Springs.Watson presented two working devices similar to John Bedini's. The smaller device was running during Watson's entire presentation and the audience could verify that the battery was being recharged constantly. The larger device, which weighed 800 pounds, was demonstrated only for 10 minutes due to practical reasons. During this time a constant load of 12kw could be withdrawn from the device. The device itself was powered by two 12v car batteries.



Imagine having a small D.C. electrical motor sitting on your laboratory bench powered by a common 12 volt battery. Imagine starting with a fully charged battery and connecting it to the motor with no other power input. Obviously, the motor is going to run off the battery, but by conventional thinking it will stop when the battery runs down.

Impossible, you say. Not at all. That's precisely what I have done and the motor is running now in my workshop.

It isn't running by the conventional wisdom of electrical physics. It isn't running by the conventional rules of electric motors and generators, but it is running.

It isn't something complex. It is pretty simple, once one gets the hang of the basic idea.

It is running off the principles of electromagnetics that Nikola Tesla discovered shortly before 1900 in his Colorado Springs experiments. It is running off the fact that empty vacuum - pure "emptiness", so to speak - is filled with rivers and oceans of seething energy, just as Nikola Tesla pointed out.

It is running off the fact that vacuum space-time itself is nothing but pure massless charge. That is, vcuum has a very high electrostatic scalar potential - it is greatly stressed. To usefully tap the enormous locked-in energy of that stress, all one has to do is crack it sharply and tap the vacuum oscillations that result. The best way to do that is to hit something resonant that is imbedded in the vacuum, then tap the resonant stress of the ringing of the vacuum itself

In other words, we can ring something at its resonant frequency and, if that something is imbedded in the vacuum, we can tap off the resonance in vacuum stress, without tapping energy directly from the embedded system we rang into oscillation, So what we really need is something that is deeply imbedded in the vacuum, that is, something that can translate "vacuum" movement to "mass" movement.

Well, all charged particles and ions are already imbedded in the vacuum by their charged fluxes, so stressed oscillations - that is, vacuum oscillations - can be converted into normal energy of mass movement by charged particles or ions, if the system of charged particles or ions is made to resonate in phase with our tapping "potential". For our purpose, let's use a system of ions.

First we will need a big accumulator to hold a lot of the charged ions in the system that we wish to shock into oscillation. We need something that has a big capacitance and also contains a lot of ions.

An ordinary battery filled with electrolyte fits the bill nicely. While it is not commonly known, ordinary lead-acid storage batteries have a resonant ionic frequency, usually in the range of from 1-6 MHz. All we have to do is shock-oscillate the ions in the electrolyte at their resonant frequency and time our "trigger"potential and "siphon" current correctly. Then if we keep adding potential to trigger the system we can get all that "potential" to translate into "free electrical energy".

Look at it this way. Conventionally "electrostatic scalar potential" is composed of work or energy per column of charged particle mass. So if we add potential alone, without the mass flow, to a system of oscillating charged particles, we add "physical energy" in the entire charged particle system. In other words, the "potential" we add is converted directly into "ordinary energy" by the imbedded ions in the system. If we are clever we don't have to furnish any pushing energy to move pure potential around. (For proof that this is possible, see Bearden's "Toward a New Electromagnetics; Part IV; Vectors and Mechanisms Clarified", Tesla Book Co,, 1983, Slide 19, page 43, and the accompanying write-up, pages 10,11. Also see Y. Aharonov and V. Bohm, "Significance of Electromagnetic Potentials in the Quantum Theory", "Physical Review", Second Series, Vol. 115, No. 3, Aug 1, 1959, pages 485-491. On page 490 you will find that it's possible to have a field-free region of space, and still have the potential determine the physical properties of the system.)

Now this "free energy resonant coupling" can be done in a simple, cheap system. You don't need big cyclotrons and huge laboratories to do it; you can do it with ordinary D.C. motors, batteries, controllers and trigger circuits.

And that's exactly what I have done. It's real. It works. It is running now on my laboratory bench in prototype form.

But that's not all. I am also a humanitarian. I am concerned for that little old widow lady at the end of the lane, stretching her meager Social Security check as far as she can, shivering in the cold winter and not daring to turn up her furnace because she can't afford the frightful utility bills.

That's simply got to change and I may well be the fellow who changes it. By openly releasing my work in this paper, I am providing enough information for all the tinkerers and independent inventors around the world to have at it. If I can get a thousand of them to duplicate my device, it simply can't be suppressed as so many others have been.

So here it is. I have deliberately written my paper for the tinkerer and experimenter, not for the scientist. You must be careful, for the device is a little tricky to adjust in and synchronize all the resonances. You'll have to fiddle with it, but it will work. Keep at it.

Also, we warn you not to play with this unless you know what you are doing. The resonating battery electrolyte produces hydrogen, and if you hit it too hard with a "voltage spike" you can get an electrical spark inside the battery. If that happens, the battery will explode, so don't mess with it unless you are qualified and use the utmost caution.

But it does work. So all you experimenters and pioneers, now's your chance. Have at it. Build it. Tinker with it. Fiddle it into resonant operation. Then let's build this thing in quantity, sell it widely, and get those home utilities down to where we can all afford them - including the shivering little old lady at the end of the lane.

And when we do, let's give men like me the credit and appreciation they so richly deserve.

The Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers, Inc

John C Bedini has constructed a laboratory model of a machine in which output energy exceeds input. It consists of a lead-acid battery which powers a small DC motor, which turns a magneto-like dynamo, which provides output energy to an electronics package, which in turn feeds timed (scalar?) pulses back to the battery terminals for recharging. As a demonstration, Bedini then removes the good battery and sequentially inserts fully discharged, dead batteries. Each of the dead batteries eventually receives a full charge. Stated differently, He starts with one good battery and four discharged batteries. At the end of the demonstration all five batteries are fully charged. This author has personally visited Bedini's lab many times , in company with technicians and professors of Physics and Electrical Engineering. None of us has been able to fault Bedini's findings. Each of my professorial friends, however, has requested that their names not be used for attribution, the inference being that their respective universities would not be understanding of heretical concepts.