8 types of food to keep your immune system happy and working optimally
- By Reuben Chow - May 07, 2014
Everyone has to eat anyway, so relying on foods to give immune function a boost makes perfect sense. Here are some foods which can give anyone's immunity a lift.
Natural Whole Foods
A well-balanced diet containing sufficient amounts of various essential nutrients forms a critical foundation of good immune function. According to Michael Murray, ND, "nutrient deficiency is the most frequent cause of a depressed immune system". In fact, much research points to the fact that deficiency in just one particular nutrient can significantly affect one's immunity.
For example, deficiency in vitamin A can result in lowered cellular immunity and an elevated infection rate, while vitamin C deficiency can lower phagocyte function and decrease cellular protection. Lack of vitamin E can reduce antibody production, while vitamin B6 deficiency can reduce cellular immunity. When one has insufficient vitamin B12, lymphocyte proliferation may be reduced, while lack of zinc can raise infection rates, reduce thymic hormone levels and lower T and B cell function. If copper is lacking, resistance to infection is depressed. The list goes on.
To minimize the risk of deficiency of any nutrient, consume plenty of natural whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds.
Green Superfoods
Green foods such as spirulina, chlorella, barley grass, wheat grass, etc are packed with essential nutrients and antioxidants which enhance immunity plus improve various other aspects of health as well.
Cabbage Family Vegetables
Consume plenty of vegetables in the cabbage-family, including broccoli, cauliflower, collards, kale, Brussels sprouts, radish and turnip. They not only support immune function, but also help prevent cancer.
Colorful Vegetables
Colored vegetables, such as dark leafy greens, orange and yellow carrots and yams, and red tomatoes and peppers, are rich in carotenes. Carotenes, as well as other antioxidants, boost immune function by protecting the thymus gland against damage.
The thymus is the major gland of the immune system which is responsible for numerous immune system functions, including the manufacture of T lymphocytes and the secretion of certain hormones which regulate several immune functions. When levels of these hormones are low, immunity is suppressed. The thymus gland is very prone to free-radical and oxidative damage from stress, chronic disease, infections, drugs and radiation. Carotenes not only protect this gland, they also boost the function of certain white blood cells and interferon.
Vitamin C-rich Foods
When it comes to immune function, vitamin C is undoubtedly one of the most important vitamins. And a great dose of this nutrient resides in certain foods, including citrus fruits. These include acerola, bell peppers, cantaloupe, citrus and pineapples. Camu-camu, according to James Duke, PhD, is an Amazonian fruit which has the highest vitamin C content in the world.
Garlic and Onions
Garlic has an extremely long history of medicinal use to fight infections. Many studies have shown the antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiparasitic and even anticancer properties of compounds found in garlic. Garlic has even been referred to as the "Russian penicillin".
Onions are close relatives of garlic and have many similar antiviral compounds. Similarly, it can be used in broths and soups.
Mushrooms such as reishi, shiitake and maitake contain compounds that enhance immune function and boost the body's ability to fight disease and infection. Some even have anticancer effects.
Probiotic Foods
Yogurt made with large amounts of bifidobacterium lactis helps to raise the number of total helper and activated T lymphocytes, and natural killer cells in the body. It even enhances the ability of immune cells to engulf and destroy foreign invaders, as well as the ability of natural killer cells to kill tumor cells. Other probiotic-containing foods can help too.
Sources for this article include:
Murray, Michael, ND., Pizzorno, Joseph, ND., and Pizzorno, Lara, MA, LMT. The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods. New York, NY: Atria Books, 2005. Print.
Duke, James A., PhD. The Green Pharmacy. New York, NY: Rodale, 1997. Print.
Haas, Elson M., MD, and Levin, Buck, PhD, RD. Staying Healthy With Nutrition: The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine. New York, NY: Celestial Arts, 2006. Print.
About the author:
Reuben Chow has a keen interest in natural health and healing as well as personal growth.
Subscribe to his natural health newsletter or follow his health websites on Facebook.
His main health websites Insights on Health and All 4 Natural Health focus on being healthy naturally, while his other health websites cover topics such as cancer, depression, holistic depression help, as well as omega 3 fatty acids. He also owns self improvement and inspirational websites like Inspiration 4 Living, allinspiration.com, Life Changing Quotes, and 101 Inspirational Ideas. Through his network of sites at The Journey of Life, he hopes to help improve people's lives.
Whole Foods Market (WFM) stock plunges 20% after Natural News reveals Whole Foods 'Big Lie' on toxic heavy metals
- By Mike Adams, the Health Ranger - May 07, 2014
The stock of Whole Foods Market (WFM) plunged 20% in the opening hours today, the day after Natural News published a bombshell article revealing that some Whole Foods Market employees are lying to customers about the presence of toxic heavy metals in rice protein products sold at Whole Foods stores. Click here to see real-time WFM stock prices on Yahoo Finance.
"Whole Foods shares suffering worst day in 7 years" reported Marketwatch.com. The collapse of WFM shares is widely attributed to disappointing earnings reports and loss of investor confidence, but consumer confidence is also being shattered when stories come out showing Whole Foods is misleading its own customers about toxins in the products it sells.
(And for the record, we did not call for readers to sell WFM stock. We would much rather see Whole Foods share prices rise as it comes clean on this issue and re-establishes trust with the public.)
The story published at Natural News yesterday urged readers to visit Whole Foods stores and ask store managers about the presence of toxic heavy metals in rice protein products, and many replies are now being received by Natural News, confirming how widespread the denial really is. Across the USA, Whole Foods employees and managers appear to be fronting a "big lie" about heavy metals, claiming the products they sell don't contain such contaminants. In fact, they contain these contaminants at such high levels that multiple rice protein products sold at Whole Foods exceed California Prop 65 limits by over 1000%.
Click here to see some of the rice protein results documented at the Natural News Forensic Food Labs.
Scientific research I conducted at the Natural News Forensic Food Labs proves the presence of alarming levels of toxic heavy metals in organic rice protein products sold by Whole Foods. The facts are irrefutable, as any university lab or FDA lab can easily confirm my own findings on this contamination issue.
Natural News contacted Whole Foods to ask for an official response to our story, but so far we have received no response. If a response does come, it will no doubt say something along the lines of, "The products we sell comply with FDA requirements" or similar language. The FDA, by the way, does not limit the level of toxic heavy metals that can be legally sold in foods, herbs or dietary supplements. So anyone selling heavily contaminated products can claim to be "in compliance with FDA" or even USDA regulations.
Whole Foods is losing trust with customers and investors by repeatedly LYING to customers
The value of Whole Foods stock has plummeted nearly 50% since late last year, so today's 20% crash is more than just a fluke -- it's indicative of the rapid erosion of trust in Whole Foods by both investors and customers.
Last year, for example, the Organic Spies caught Whole Foods employees lying on camera about the fact that Whole Foods sells thousands of products containing genetically engineered ingredients (GMOs). Whole Foods employees told Natural News they had been deliberately trained by management to claim the retailer did not sell GMOs -- an outright lie that was publicly exposed.
Following that cover-up, Whole Foods announced they would require mandatory GMO labeling across all the products they sell by the year 2018. Reportedly, Whole Foods is already making progress on that front, and that's good news for all consumers.
What happens when innovation gets replaced by obfuscation?
In many ways, Whole Foods has been a pioneer in health food retailing, and they've demonstrated a high degree of innovation on several fronts, winning the hearts and minds (and paychecks) of millions of customers. But now, with the heavy metals issue looking more and more like another Whole Foods "big lie" cover-up, this is the second time Whole Foods Market has been caught lying about what it sells.
When customers realize they're being lied to about toxic contaminants in products they've purchased at Whole Foods, they begin to lose trust in the Whole Foods brand. They seek alternative retailers like Vitamin Cottage, Natural Grocers, Wild Oats or Sprouts.
As consumer trust is lost in Whole Foods, investor sentiment also declines. After all, the long-term earnings of the company cannot succeed without the trust and goodwill of customers, and trust can be shattered in an instant when a company is caught lying to its own customers.
This is especially true among health-conscious consumers who demand to know what's in the foods they're buying. Whole Foods customers, after all, are the non-GMO, non-pesticide, non-hormones-in-my-food crowd. They sure don't want to be eating toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium and tungsten, either. Yet as I have already scientifically proven, it is irrefutable that Whole Foods is selling toxic heavy metals to its customers right now, while denying it is doing so. These aren't small levels of heavy metals, either: many products sold by Whole Foods right now contain over 1,000% more toxic lead than is allowed under California Prop. 65.
This fact is irrefutable. Sooner or later, Whole Foods is going to have to face the music on this point and decide what to do about it. Natural News has spearheaded this story and investigation, but it's only a matter of time before it goes mainstream.
Urge Whole Foods to tell the truth and refund customers
For a corporation running on trust, a cover-up on toxic contamination is nothing less than a recipe for long-term disaster. That's why I urge Whole Foods to come clean on this issue and tell the truth. Whole Foods should immediately pull all contaminated products from its shelves, issue a recall, refund the money of customers who bought these products, and institute a quality control system to avoid this from happening again.
For the record, I have offered to test products for FREE for the Whole Foods company in order to help them avoid carrying contaminated products in the future. This offer includes up to $100,000 a year in laboratory testing services, offered to Whole Foods Market at no charge. That's how passionately I believe in the Clean Food Movement -- I'm willing to help this corporation clean up their product supply line if they would only have the wisdom and humility to listen to reason.
For now, if you own Whole Foods Market stock (WFM), you may want to consider selling it. There's no telling how far down it's going to go, and I can assure you there's a lot more news coming on this issue from Natural News. (Disclaimer: I do NOT knowingly own any Whole Foods Market stock or options of any kind.) Also keep in mind some investors are now saying WFM is "oversold" and may rebound, an observation which may very well be true...
How Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Cannabis Component Completely Kills Cancer Cells
Molecular Biologist, Dr. Christina Sanchez Explains - February 18, 2014
Below is a video of Dr. Christina Sanchez, a molecular biologist at Compultense University in Madrid, Spain, clearly explaining how THC (the main psychoactive constitute of the cannabis plant) completely kills cancer cells.
Not long ago, we published an article examining a case study recently published where doctors used cannabis to treat Leukemia, you can read more about that here. To read more articles and view studies about how cannabis is an effective treatment and cure for cancer, click here.
Cannabinoids refer to any of group of related compounds that include cannabinol and the active constituents of cannabis. They activate cannabinoid receptors in the body. The body itself produces compounds called endocannabinoids and they play a role in many processes within the body that help to create a healthy environment. I think it’s also important to note that cannabis has been shown to treat cancer without any psychoactive effects.
Cannabinoids have been proven to reduce cancer cells as they have a great impact on the rebuilding of the immune system. Although not every strain of cannabis has the same effect, more and more patients are seeing success in cancer reduction in a short period of time by using cannabis. Contrary to popular belief, smoking cannabis does not assist a great deal in treating disease within the body as therapeutic levels cannot be reached through smoking. Creating oil from the plant or eating the plant is the best way to go about getting the necessary ingredients, the cannabinoids.
The world has come a long way with regards to accepting this plant as a medicine rather than a harmful substance. It’s a plant that could benefit the planet in more ways than one. Cannabis is not something offered in the same regard as chemotherapy, but more people are becoming aware if it, which is why it’s so important to continue to spread information like this. Nobody can really deny the tremendous healing power of this plant.
Watch Dr. Christina Sanchez
The grim reality of choosing baby formula over breast milk
- By Derek Henry - May 06, 2014
All mammals produce milk for their young and have been nurturing babies at the breast for thousands of years. It has only been in the last 6o years or so that babies have been given the highly ineffective and processed food called "formula" at the expense of breast milk, and the consequences are dire.
The sobering stats on breast feeding practices and baby formula
A woman feeding her baby exclusively breast milk for at least three months was done by a little better than 37 percent of the population in 2013, and only 16.4 percent were exclusively breastfeeding at six months, according to the Breastfeeding Report Card distributed by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
This effectively means that baby formula was introduced in over 60 percent of cases after three months of exclusive breast feeding and after six months nearly 85 percent of babies were now being fed baby formula in some capacity.
With the health consequences of baby formula showing five times the risk of gastroenteritis, twice the risk of developing diabetes, and up to eight times the risk of developing lymphatic cancer, the widespread acceptance of baby formula becomes a very dangerous practice.
Is baby formula the next best choice to breast milk?
Baby formula was never meant to be consumed on the widespread basis that it is today. The idea originated in the 1800s as a way to feed orphans whom otherwise would have starved. In this very narrow context, formula was a lifesaver.
However, formula is now considered a very popular choice, and in many cases, the immediate solution for new mothers. However, formula should not even be considered the second choice, let alone the first, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). They recommend, in order of importance:
1. Breast milk from mother
2. Mother's own milk in cup or bottle
3. Breast milk from a milk bank or wet nurse
4. Formula milk
Perhaps it is time to set up a system that facilitates the implementation of this prioritized list.
Nutritional and cost comparison
Breast milk is natural, "live" food that contains living cells, enzymes, hormones, and antibodies of at least 400 other unique components. It also provides active immunity to protect the baby from disease.
On the other hand, formula is a "dead", artificial food full of GMOs, refined sugars, hydrogenated fats, and isolated vitamins and minerals that are incredibly difficult to absorb. This is before you even consider the mixing process that may contain toxic tap water, and being heated in a plastic bottle that can expose the baby to hormone altering BPA.
In addition to that, consider the following:
* Breast milk contains appropriate levels of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates along with appropriate enzymes to digest them, whereas baby formula contains incomplete forms of each without the appropriate enzymes in order to absorb each efficiently
* Breast milk contains millions of living white blood cells in every feeding and is rich in immunoglobulins, whereas baby formula has no live white blood cells or any other cells and has no immune benefit
* Breast milk provides active and dynamic protection against infections of all kinds, whereas baby formula provides none of that protection
If that wasn't enough reason to breastfeed, consider that the cost of baby formula and bottles can be up to $2000 a year and can "cost" you hours each day in preparation, where breast feeding can cost up to $1000 in additional food and takes very little in the way of preparation.
The choice for a healthier baby seems clear, as breast really is best.
Sources for this article include:
About the author:
Motivated by his own story of being sick and crippled at age 30 to healthy and pain free 5 years later, Derek is an expert in helping people get on track in a fraction of the time it took him on his own journey. Actively engaged in the research of natural healing for over 6 years, Derek has spent over 3000 hours studying and collaborating with top minds in nutrition and utilizes that extensive knowledge to deliver protocols that help people overcome their own health challenges.
Derek is the owner and Master Health Coach at Healing the Body, and writer of over 200 natural health articles, many of which are featured at his Healing the Body Facebook Fan Page.
Derek specializes in specific nutritional and wellness programs, from simple lifestyle transitions to complete healing protocols. Check out his popular free health consult.