Cannabis CBD, the Illegal Miracle
- By Sadie Smith
When you are in Intensive Care Unit with your child, and she is in a coma, seizing herself to death in front of your eyes, you are willing to do and try things that you never thought you would consider.
For instance, the choice between cutting her brain in half or trying a medicine that has been known to have fatal side effects -- or not doing either and just taking her home and loving her, while watching pediatric epilepsy slowly take her life.
In June of 2013 my husband and I sat in a care conference with a team of doctors at Children’s Hospital in Denver, Colorado. The group included Critical Care Physicians, Neurologists, Infectious Disease Specialists, a Metabolic Specialist and Pediatric Doctors. The outcome, they said, was grim. They had reached the end of the road on most testing and treatment options for our seven-year-old daughter Kyla and expected things to get worse.
We sat and listened while this group of experts told us that our daughter would likely die if we couldn't find something to help her. This is not my interpretation of this meeting. I recorded it. The list of treatment options was exactly as I listed above: brain surgery, or potentially fatal medicine.
We left that meeting with shattered hearts. Our daughter was slipping away from us and we had to do something about it, even if her doctors couldn't. As most parents would do, we took to the Internet.
My husband stumbled across an article about a treatment that was helping pediatric epilepsy patients, called Charlotte's Web. This immediately struck a chord for us because, coincidentally, we had been reading Kyla the famous children’s novel Charlotte's Web over and over again while she was in a medically induced coma. We decided to induce the coma in a last ditch effort to quiet her seizures. The coma did not work. She came out of it and went right back into status, which is a prolonged seizure that is considered a medical emergency. Most seizures last under 5 minutes, Kyla would stay in status for days at a time.
After just having the coma fail, and being faced with the choice of horrible, permanently disabling surgeries or rolling the dice on medicines that might kill our daughter, trying CBD was the easiest decision we had been faced with for weeks.
As a result, I find myself on the frontlines of the national debate surrounding the controversial treatment for epileptic children in Colorado, the marijuana-derived cannabinoid known as CBD.
Our own research told us that CBD is a natural substance, one without any fatal side effects. It’s also shown to be highly effective in treating epilepsy in at least one human study as well as dozens of personal accounts.
As responsible parents, however, we respect the medical controversy surrounding CBD treatment.
According to the Controlled Substances Act, marijuana is a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance, defined as a drug “with no currently accepted medical use” and a “high potential for abuse.” Schedule I drugs are considered the most dangerous substances, putting marijuana alongside heroin, and considered even more dangerous than methamphetamine – a schedule 2 drug.
Yet, the U.S. Patent Office issued a patent for CBD to the Department of Health and Human Services over a decade ago, in 2003, patent number 6630507. Citing this marijuana-derived substance’s medical benefits, the patent reports treatments for “inflammatory and autoimmune diseases … treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and HIV dementia,” among many others.
Why does the source of this treatment remain federally classified as a dangerous and useless substance?
Meanwhile, how many thousands of children have fought and lost their struggle with epilepsy since 2003 when this patent was approved?
To give you an idea of the scope of this problem, according to the Epilepsy Foundation over three million Americans of all ages are affected by seizures – a prevalence greater than autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease combined.
Resolved in our decision, my husband and I obtained a Medical Marijuana license for our daughter and started her on the CBD – in the form of an oil – extracted from the now-famous strain, Charlotte's Web.
Like any medication, of course, there are side effects. Her eyes get a little red, her mouth a little dry. Sometimes she gets the giggles. Needless to say, a world away from the side effects of the doctor-prescribed meds that turned her into a zombie. These are the short-term side effects of CBD that we have witnessed first-hand. We administer her dose at night and when she wakes up those side effects are gone. But this begs a much larger question, about the potential long-term side effects of this treatment, especially in the developing brains of children.
The truth is, nobody knows what the long-term effects are. Because marijuana – and all of its derivative compounds – remains classified as a Schedule 1 substance, it’s offlimits to researchers and doctors who might perform controlled studies.
My family is fortunate to live in Colorado, where we can pursue this treatment legally. But as desperate families from all over the country flock here in order to access Charlotte’s Web and seek guidance from our doctors, the lack of medical research on CBD grows more and more glaring.
A recent New York Times Op-ed – by two physicians from the NYU Comprehensive Epilepsy Center – implies that until randomized placebo-controlled studies can be performed on CBD, parents should stop exposing their children to the potential risks of using it. To this, I say that we are already in a placebo trial. My daughter doesn’t know and doesn’t care what medicine she takes. She doesn’t know about the controversy or the politics. And as far as hysterical parents seeing improvement that is not really there, you can tell when your child is violently seizing and when she is not.
These studies, they “hope,” will begin this year and be completed within two years. We don't want to make our daughter a guinea pig, but as parents fighting for our child’s life we do not have the luxury of waiting three years – at the very least – for federal bureaucrats to do the right thing on an issue as highly-politicized and blatantly hypocritical as U.S. marijuana policy.
While we don’t know the long-term effect of CBD in children, we do know the long-term effects that constant seizures have on the brain: developmental disabilities, brain damage, and death – to name just a few.
When we began treating Kyla with CBD, she was having about 45 seizures a day. We weaned her onto the oil very slowly and, quite honestly, we were not seeing the results we had hoped for.
One desperate night, we decided we would try drastically increasing her dose. This is not recommended, but we felt utterly out of options. We had to do something. Astonishingly, the next day Kyla went seizure free from the moment she woke up to the moment she fell asleep.
She was able to look us in the eyes, speak, laugh and play, all day. This was the first time since her seizures began that we saw our little girl, and there are no words to express the sudden hope and relief this day brought us.
While Kyla has had some ups and downs in the months since we began CBD treatment, and still suffers a seizure every few days, her seizures have dropped by an astounding ninety-nine percent.
This is not suspicion or wishful thinking or the placebo effect. In comparing my daughter’s EEG results before and after the CBD treatment, the improvement is remarkable. We cannot prove that the CBD alone caused the improvement in her EEG results, because we are not in a controlled study. However, we cannot deny the correlation.
Here in Colorado, the parents treating their children with Charlotte's Web, including myself, feel we are doing what any parent would. To ask a parent, who is simply following their most basic primal instinct, not to treat their child with a potentially lifesaving treatment because there are no studies, is not an option. To those who would question the wisdom of our family’s decision, I say this: Don't ever assume that you know what you’d do if you were in our shoes. You can think about it. You can try to imagine our pain. But the truth is that unless you are losing your child to violent seizures you will never be able to understand what motivates us.
We’ve stepped out on a limb with our doctors, family, community and friends – all for the sake of doing what we feel is right for our child, against all opposition.
It’s not easy to explain why we’re giving our seven year-old marijuana. But I feel that it’s important to open up my family’s story to the world, to speak my piece, and to pose the question to those who stand in the way of progress on this issue: What if it was your child?
In order to move forward, the Federal government must remove CBD – if not marijuana itself – from Schedule 1 Classification so that clinical trials can begin immediately. It's time for proof, one way or another.
My family would like to do administer this treatment with the help of research and medical guidance, but if that’s not available, we will save our child without it. For now, with my daughter's life hanging in the balance, we'll take our chances with CBD.
The names in this article have been changed to protect my family’s privacy.
Charlotte's Web Medical Cannabis Act of 2014
Republican Congressman Scott Perry (Pennsylvania) along with Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN-09) and Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA-10) introduced the "Charlotte's Web Medical Hemp Act of 2014 (H.R.)" to Congress today - Monday, July 28, 2014.
The bill proposes to exclude industrial hemp and cannabidiol (CBD) from the definition of marijuana, ensuring that children and individuals with epilepsy and other debilitating seizure disorders have access to life-changing Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil and therapeutic hemp such as the Charlotte's Web™ brand of hemp products. High CBD hemp strains have provided relief for thousands of people in the United States as it's shown to reduce the amount and duration of seizures in children suffering from epilepsy and other seizure disorders.
Through cross breeding hemp varieties and landrace strains of cannabis, the Stanley brothers of Colorado developed a rare new strain of hemp that is marketed under the Charlotte's Web™ brand. Charlotte's Web™ products help create a better quality of life for patients of all ages affected by diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, HIV/AIDS, Parkinson's and other debilitating conditions.
Charlotte's Web™ yields the highest known recorded levels of CBD, with very low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound in cannabis. Charlotte's Web™ offers the beneficial and therapeutic properties of medical marijuana without the psychoactive side effects accompanied by THC. Research suggests that CBD - the compound in cannabis that's demonstrated neuroprotective effects - has significant anti-inflammatory and anti-tumoral properties.
Charlotte's Web™ products are affectionately named after Charlotte Figi, who spent the first five years of her life enduring hundreds of seizures weekly. Charlotte's parents - Paige and Matt - tried administering every medication recommended by doctors including many experimental, non-FDA approved drugs in an effort to save her life, none of which worked. With the assistance of a licensed medical doctor in Colorado, Charlotte was the first patient who used this proprietary strain of cannabis and realized positive results immediately. Over the course of a week, Charlotte's seizures went from several hundred a week to zero. Today, Charlotte leads a happy, playful life, with only occasional seizures.
The success story of Charlotte has caused hundreds of families to permanently relocate to Colorado to gain access to Charlotte's Web™. The legalization of Charlotte's Web™ across the U.S. would allow families to move back to their home states.
The "Charlotte's Web Medical Hemp Act of 2014" would give groups like the Stanley brothers the ability to harvest more plants and extract more oil, facilitating the much needed growth for the Realm of Caring to help the 8,000+ people on the Charlotte's Webs™ wait list, as well as the millions of U.S. patients seeking access to Charlotte's Web™.
The "Charlotte's Web Medical Hemp Act of 2014" in no way federally legalizes the recreational use of marijuana, nor is CBD marijuana; rather, the bill is an incremental approach to providing relief to those suffering from ailments that could benefit from CBD oil and therapeutic hemp such as Charlotte's Web™. This legislation would enable individuals' access to this potentially life-saving supplement without having to split up families geographically in order to receive treatment.
"This bill in no way changes my stance on marijuana," said Rep. Perry. "I still disagree with the recreational use of marijuana; however, these children and individuals like them, deserve a chance to lead a healthy and productive life and our government shouldn't stand in the way. As a father, I can't imagine how helpless and crestfallen I'd feel to be essentially out of options, without any significant way to help my child; and these families live with this circumstance every, single day. These heartbreaking situations compelled me to act at the federal level to enable their access to a supplement that literally has changed lives - not only in the form of relief for the individual who suffers from this condition, but subsequently for their families and loved ones as well."
Lawmakers across the country are moving closer to legalizing the use of CBD oil for thousands of families who suffer from devastating illnesses.The Republican-controlled Florida Legislature recently passed a "Charlotte's Web Bill" after lawmakers heard stories of children suffering from seizures who were being helped by the concentrated cannabis supplement called Charlotte's Web Hemp Oil™. Legislatures in New York, Utah, Illinois, Minnesota and other states have recently passed similar bills.
Florida Governor Rick Scott who signed the "Charlotte's Web Bill" after the Senate approved it in a 36-3 vote said,
"It's very important that the kids not only get this product, but they get a safe and effective product." Scott went on to say, "As a father and grandfather, you never want to see kids suffer. I am proud to stand today with families who deserve the ability to provide their children with the best treatment available.
The Realm of Caring Foundation (RoC) is an affiliated not for profit entity that provides counseling services and dosing-level resources for patients using Charlotte's Web™ products. Led by Heather Jackson (parent to one of Realm's 1st patients) and founded by Paige Figi and Joel, Jesse, Jon, Jordan and Jared Stanley, the RoC is working non-stop to help families provide their children with the best treatment available. Through ongoing research projects, RoC is becoming an educational resource for patients, physicians, scientists, governments and the media.
Stanley Brothers - The Realm of Caring Foundation
Charlotte's Web and Zaki's Journey
Statement on H.R. 5226
Last week we stood next to Congressman Scott Perry when he announced the "Charlotte's Web Medical Hemp Act of 2014" bill. It was an extraordinary moment for us and we were honored to be there representing all the individuals and families who have been fighting so hard with us every step of the way.
Our entire team is proud of the contributions we've made to this federal bill, as it will take out industrial hemp and cannabidiol (CBD) from the definition of marijuana, giving all licensed growers the ability to harvest more plants and extract more oil to help those seeking high CBD hemp supplements.
We see this as a monumental first step in what has been a long struggle for many families around the world trying to provide a better quality of life for loved ones suffering from illness.
We want to make it clear that our chief goal has been, and will remain, to supply families worldwide with a hemp extract that provides relief. While this bill does not provide unfettered access to marijuana, it would allow us to grow more hemp and produce and distribute more Charlotte's Web so that we may meet the needs of those currently on our wait list.
Of course, there is more work to be done in order to move the federal government toward legislation that addresses the need for high THC medical cannabis. There are many patients, of many disease states, who would benefit greatly from THC. We support the recent efforts of Sen. Rand Paul and others who continue to fight towards the legalization of high THC medical cannabis.
Still, for those who will benefit from the non-psychoactive components of the cannabis plant, this bill represents a new hope. Without this bill, these patients will have to wait until the federal government ends its 75+ year prohibition. By moving the non-psychoactive and hemp supplements into a separate category, this bill would not only provide quicker access to patients, it will also allow these safe supplements to be produced on mass scale under agricultural regulations while keeping the price affordable for patients. It simply does not make sense to keep these products which have no potential for abuse, lumped in with psychoactive compounds that are, and likely will always be, strictly regulated.
We see this as a great opportunity for growers across the country to contribute and help families in need. Families have placed their trust in us and they're our primary responsibility. Since the bill was announced, we've learned a lot of families don't understand the legislation and what it means to our mission. We're currently working to update our FAQ page on to answer your questions about the legislation, and starting later this month we'll begin hosting a monthly live Q&A chat with a representative from our team where you can ask us any questions you may have. Stay tuned in the coming days for more information about that.
The proposal of the "Charlotte's Web Medical Hemp Act of 2014" is just the beginning. By working together, we'll continue to work towards the kind of positive change that we've been seeking.
None of this could have been possible without our amazing and supportive families. Thank you!
Joel Stanley & Heather Jackson
U.S. Government Owns Patent 6630507 On All Cannabis 425 Healing Components #Cannabis
January 23, 2014
U.S. Government owns the patent on cannabis
Download PDF version of U.S. Government Owned Patent 6630507 On All Cannabis 425 Healing Components #Cannabis
Cannabis kills Tumor cells
Cannabis Cures Colorectal Cancer
Cannabis Cures Uterine, Testicular, and Pancreatic Cancers
Cannabis-derived substances in cancer therapy and anti-tumour properties.
Cannabis Cures Brain Cancer
Cannabis Cures Mouth and Throat Cancer
Cannabis Cures Breast Cancer
Cannabis Cures Lung Cancer
Cannabis Cures Prostate Cancer
Cannabis Cures Blood Cancer
Cannabis Cures Skin Cancer
Cannabis Cures Liver Cancer
Cannabis Cures Cancer in General
Cannabinoids in intestinal inflammation and cancer:
Cannabis use and cancer of the head and neck: Case-control study:
Cannabis THC at high doses in area, inhibits cholangiocarcinoma cancer:
Targeting CB2 cannabinoid receptors as a novel therapy to treat malignant lymphoblastic disease
Cannabis kills cancer cells
Cannabis Treatment in Leukemia
Cannabinoids and the immune system
Cannibas partially/fully induced cell death in Cancer
Cannabis treatment of translocation-positive rhabdomyosarcoma
Cannabis Induces apoptosis of uterine cervix cancer cells
Cannabis treatment in lymphoma
Cannabis kills cancer cells
Cannabis regulator of Neural Cell Development
Cannabis treatment of Melanoma
Cannabis treatment for Thyroid Carcinoma
Cannabis treatment in Colon Cancer
Cannabinoids in intestinal inflammation and cancer
Cannabinoids in health and disease
Cannabis a neuroprotective after brain injury
Cannabis inhibits Cancer Cell Invasion
Biochemist Dr. Hornby tells us in The Union: The Business Behind Getting High that for marijuana to kill, someone would have to smoke about 15,000 joints in 20 minutes.
Genetic Roulette GMO - A Must See Film
Genetic Roulette: The Dangers of GMO
Never-Before-Seen Evidence points to genetically engineered foods as a major contributor to rising disease rates in the US population, especially among children. Gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, inflammatory diseases, and infertility are just some of the problems implicated in humans, pets, livestock, and lab animals that eat GMOs genetically modified soybeans and corn.
Monsanto’s strong-arm tactics, the criminal prostituted heads of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) fraudulent policies, and how the criminal prostituted heads of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have been deliberately ignoring the many GMO’s growing health emergency are also laid bare. This sometimes shocking film will change your diet to a disease free healthy diet, protecting you and your family, and accelerate the consumer tipping point against genetically modified organisms (GMOs) already underway.
Genetic Roulette-The Gamble of Our Lives: shows how genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are linked to so many disorders such as: allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, infertility, autism, and cancer, to name a few. It reveals manipulation of research, attacks on independent scientists and their findings, and infiltration and control of government regulators by the few criminal elites operative’s goons to keep us all inline as obedient stupid consumers.
Although this film's eye-opening evidence is shocking, but by no means is depressing. The filmmaker, Jeffrey Smith, explains that if only as little as 15% of the US population switch to non-GMO foods should deliver a tipping point, inspiring food companies to kick out GMO’s ingredients. It was this kind of consumer rejection that already kicked GMOs out of Europe.
The film is being released right in the throes of the California campaign for Prop 37 - see If it passes in November, food companies will have to label products made with GM ingredients (like they do in nearly 50 other countries).
Not only will Prop 37 make it far easier for people to buy healthier non-GMO choices, the expected migration away from labeled GMO products will probably accelerate the tipping point.
We hope you get a chance to watch this important movie this week and share it with others.
Watch the Genetic Roulette-The Gamble of Our Lives - Do not miss this film!