Stephen Kinzer - Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control

The visionary chemist Sidney Gottlieb was the CIA’s master magician and gentlehearted torturer—the agency’s “poisoner in chief.” As head of the MK-ULTRA mind control project, he directed brutal experiments at secret prisons on three continents. He made pills, powders, and potions that could kill or maim without a trace—including some intended for Fidel Castro and other foreign leaders. He paid prostitutes to lure clients to CIA-run bordellos, where they were secretly dosed with mind-altering drugs. His experiments spread LSD across the United States, making him a hidden godfather of the 1960s counterculture. For years he was the chief supplier of spy tools used by CIA officers around the world.

Stephen Kinzer, author of groundbreaking books about U.S. clandestine operations, draws on new documentary research and original interviews to bring to life one of the most powerful unknown Americans of the twentieth century. Gottlieb’s reckless experiments on “expendable” human subjects destroyed many lives, yet he considered himself deeply spiritual. He lived in a remote cabin without running water, meditated, and rose before dawn to milk his goats.

During his twenty-two years at the CIA, Gottlieb worked in the deepest secrecy. Only since his death has it become possible to piece together his astonishing career at the intersection of extreme science and covert action. Poisoner in Chief reveals him as a clandestine conjurer on an epic scale.

Elon Musk on Artificial Intelligence

Published: October 14, 2019

It is not the first time Musk has made frightening predictions about the potential of artificial intelligence — he has, for example, called AI vastly more dangerous than North Korea — and he has previously called for regulatory oversight.

The Pentagon's Missing Trillions: What You Need to Know

Published: December 18, 2018

Dr. Mark Skidmore of Michigan State University joins us to discuss his research with Catherine Austin Fitts into the $21 trillion in unaccounted transactions on the books of the US Department of Defence and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. We discuss what we know and don't know about the subject, the Pentagon's nonsensical and inadequate excuses for the debacle, the new accounting guideline that legally allows every department of the federal government to create fake and altered books for public consumption, the recent failed Pentagon audit, the government's refusal to provide any information about the problem, the failure of congress to pursue the issue, and the failure of the press to report on it.


The Missing Trillions - 1

CBS News Jan 29, 2002

The Missing Trillions - 2

Cynthia McKinney grills Rumsfeld on pentagons missing trillions, Dynecorp slave trade, corruption and September 11, 2001

​$21 Trillion dollars is missing from the US government. That is $65,000 per person - as much as the national debt!

Tucker Carlson investigates Biden's ties to Silicon Valley

Published: April 28, 2021

The Hill's Saagar Enjeti joins 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' to discuss reports California officials worked with Big Tech to censor election posts.

Tucker Carlson reacts to the left's latest catchphrase

Published: April 26, 2021

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host claims Democrats and the media are reading from the same script.

Facebook and Instagram Block Users From Sharing NY Post Report on BLM Co-Founder’s Multi-Million-Dollar Property Purchases

- By Katabella Roberts - The Epoch Times - April 16, 2021

Facebook and Instagram are censoring users from sharing a New York Post report regarding the luxury homes purchased by Black Lives Matter Co-founder, Patrisse Khan-Cullors, in predominantly white neighborhoods.

The article was published on April 10 and states that Cullors had purchased “four high-end homes for $3.2 million” in the United States since 2016.

She had also looked into purchasing a residence in the Bahamas at an ultra-exclusive resort where Justin Timberlake and Tiger Woods both have homes, according to the report.

The Post learned that apartments and townhouses at the beachfront Albany resort outside Nassau are priced run from $5 million to $20 million.

Facebook users noticed on Thursday that they could not share the link to the Post’s article on Cullors’ multi-million-dollar property portfolio directly on their timeline or through the Messenger app.

When a user attempts to share the link, they are blocked from doing so and the following message is displayed: “Your post couldn’t be shared, because this link goes against our Community Standards. If you think this doesn’t go against our Community Standards let us know.”

Instagram has also followed suit and is currently not allowing users to share the article.

Last month Cullers, who is a self-identified “trained Marxist,” acquired a $1.4 million home in a majority-white Los Angeles neighborhood through a corporate entity under her control, according to

Twitter suspended sports writer Jason Whitlock for sharing the story, alongside the tweet, “Black Lives Matter founder buys $1.4 million home in Topanga, which has a black population of 1.4%. She’s with her people!”

Whitlock was locked out of his account and told he had violated Twitter’s rules against publishing private information. Twitter later reversed the decision, claiming it was made in error.

The news prompted a call from the head of Black Lives Matter Greater New York for an independent investigation into BLM Global Network’s finances. Black Lives Matter Greater New York is not affiliated with BLM Global Network.

On Tuesday the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, of which Cullers is the Executive Director, issued a statement saying that they had not paid for her house.

They said Cullors has been paid a total of $120,000 since the organization was founded in 2013, “for duties such as serving as spokesperson and engaging in political education work,” and has not received any compensation after 2019.

“To be abundantly clear, as a registered 501c3, BLMGNF cannot and did not commit any organizational resources toward the purchase of personal property by any employee or volunteer. Any insinuation or assertion to the contrary is categorically false,” the statement read.

“Patrisse’s work for Black people over the years has made her and others who align with the fight for Black liberation targets of racist violence.

“The narratives being spread about Patrisse have been generated by right-wing forces intent on reducing the support and influence of a movement that is larger than any one organization.

“This right-wing offensive not only puts Patrisse, her child and her loved ones in harm’s way, it also continues a tradition of terror by white supremacists against Black activists.”

This is not the first time Facebook and Twitter have blocked users from sharing a New York Post article.

In October 2020, both of the social networking sites limited the distribution of a New York Post story that alleged Hunter Biden introduced then Vice-President Joe Biden to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm Hunter Biden worked for.

Twitter said it blocked the article because it contained phone numbers and emails that violated Twitter’s private information policy. The company also said the story contained additional materials that violated its Hacked Materials Policy as they included information purportedly harvested from a laptop of uncertain origin.

The Epoch Times has contacted Facebook and Instagram for comment.

BLM Woke Virus - What Changed?

- By Paul Joseph Watson - June 03, 2020

Candace Owens on BLM Co-founder's Million-Dollar Home-Buying Spree

Published: April 12, 2021

'Candace' host reacts to self-proclaimed 'Marxist' Patrice Khan-Cullors' real estate investments on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'. ​

Why Are Black Conservatives Called Uncle Tom?

Larry Elder Talks About George Floyd Protests & His New Film Uncle Tom

Published: June 18, 2020

Are police actually using deadly force disproportionately against black people? And how does the focus on police overshadow other monumental problems facing black America today?

Why is believing that, black lives matter, not the same as supporting the Black Lives Matter organization?

And, why are black conservatives often excluded from mainstream public awareness and discourse?

In this episode, we sit down again with radio talk show personality and bestselling author Larry Elder, who hosts The Larry Elder Show for The Epoch Times. He is the executive producer of the new documentary “Uncle Tom.”

Black History Month and the #1 Issue Plaguing Black Americans: Larry Elder Exclusive

Published: Feb 17, 2019

February is Black History Month. The Epoch Times interviews best-selling author, attorney and talk show host #LarryElder about his unexpected views on #blackhistory, and what he sees as the number one issue affecting black Americans today.

Elder had a difficult relationship with his father, who faced hardship growing up in the American south under unfair laws. Their path to reconciliation, chronicled in Elder’s books “Dear Father Dear Son” and “A Lot Like Me,” was important in shaping his worldview.

We discuss Elder’s views on contemporary America and how he sees it contrasting with the history of the not-so-distant past. He also explains why he believes President Trump’s approval ratings in the polls have been rising among black Americans.

Why the Media Uses George Floyd for their Systemic Racism Narrative | Larry Elder

Published: March 27, 2021

According to the Democrats and mainstream media, George Floyd's death represents the police engagement in systemic racism. Never mind the fact research shows the police are more hesitant and reluctant to use force on a Black suspect than a white suspect. In this episode, Larry shares three arguably systemic racism stories that didn't make media hyperventilation cut and why they hand-pick tragedies to fit the narrative and manipulate the masses.

Who killed George Floyd? A Detailed Look at Mr. Floyd’s Death and What Truly Led to it!

The death of George Floyd has caused a great deal of controversy and unrest. public perceptions pertaining to that death have been shaped in large extent by the video record of his death. What follows is an attempt to present the full video record along with the findings at autopsy and Mr. Floyd’s toxicology report. I’m George Perry, a former federal and state prosecutor. For 1978 1983, I was chief of the police brutality and misconduct unit of the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office. That unit investigated hundreds of instances of the use of force by Philadelphia Police officers, where appropriate prosecutions were brought based on those investigations. What you’re about to see is a video compilation depicting the facts and circumstances surrounding the death of George Floyd. These images are taken from body worn cameras by the Minneapolis police officers who were at the scene. Civilian witnesses with their cell phone cameras, and a fixed surveillance camera at that location.

Paul Joseph Watson vs Leftists - Best Moments

Many thanks to 'over weight fat fucks' for putting this together - subscribe to his channel!

San Francisco is a Shit hole

Great YouTube channel highlighting San Francisco's homeless issues

The Rape of Europe

Cologne is a shocking wake up call that Europe is importing a real rape culture.