United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Racist Facts White People Dare not Talk About

Published: May 05. 2015

Black people in the United States are more likely to be victims of violent confrontations with police officers than whites because they commit more violent crimes than whites per capita.

Until black political leaders, protest organizers and white liberal media outlets make these facts part of the conversation, one of the primary driving factors behind police brutality will never be addressed.

Snoop Dogg is a Complete Idiot

Published: March 13. 2017

Snoop Dogg, go back to your weed-addled stupor and stop trying to be politically edgy.

Candace Owens on BLM Co-founder's Million-Dollar Home-Buying Spree

Published: April 12, 2021

'Candace' host reacts to self-proclaimed 'Marxist' Patrice Khan-Cullors' real estate investments on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' ​

Why Are Black Conservatives Called Uncle Tom?

Episode 391 – Solutions - Physical Media - False Flags

Published: December 15, 2020 - The video does work, simply click on the play button -

The Grand Leader of The Technofascist Great Reset, Klaus Schwab, has issued his pronouncement: our digital infrastructure (and even the power grid that enables it) is at great risk of global disruption from cyber attack. And you know what? He’s right. It’s just that the most likely cyber terrorists are the criminals in government and in organizations connected to the World Economic Forum. In any case, we shouldn’t rely on the idea of important information being forever and always available at the click of a button. So what ever can we do to safeguard the books, music and media that we hold dear? What people have always done: keep a physical copy of it. Today James and his guests extol the virtues of physical media in an increasingly digital age.

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=38802

When False Flags Go Virtual

- By James Corbett - 11/30/2020

Imagine this: you wake up to the blaring of your alarm clock and immediately reach for your smartphone to scroll your Insta feed before getting out of bed. But instead of the usual delightful and informative Instagram posts, today you’re greeted by a “server not found” error.

Deciding that it’s too early in the morning to deal with this, you hop in the shower . . . but for some reason Alexa won’t play your Spotify playlist through your bathroom smart speakers. You have to shower in silence like a luddite.

Getting frustrated, you head downstairs for breakfast. You prop your iPad up next to you and go to check your email while stuffing your face with your morning bowl of Cheeri-GMOs (now with extra HFCS!) but you’re not getting any new messages. You turn on your smart TV and navigate to YouTube so you can catch up on all the latest news from MSNBC, but all you get is the never ending spiral of the spinning “loading” wheel.

Twitter? Down.

Facebook? No luck.

Reddit? Forget it!

Increasingly desperate, you try in vain to remember how to turn on your regular terrestrial TV. Then you recall you have something collecting dust in a closet somewhere: a radio. You turn it on, fumble with the dial, and find a station just in time to hear the announcement:

“. . . is claiming responsibility for the outage. Once again, widespread outages across a range of internet services is sweeping the globe this morning, as a shadowy new terror group emerges to take responsibility . . .”

Suddenly, your phone starts making a strange sound. You don’t know what it’s doing at first, until you realize it’s ringing. One of your friends is calling you. On the phone. Not texting, tweeting, messaging or snapchatting. Actually calling you.


“Hey Norm! You hear about the big news? Internet’s down!”


“They say it’s some kind of new terror group. Cybeterrorists In Action. C.I.A. for short. Sound pretty scary.”

. . . Oh, OK, I’ll stop teasing. Of course this doesn’t describe you or your daily routines, dear reader. I know you’re the clued-in, switched-on sort who peruses The Corbett Report and avoids normie internet sites like the plague (the real plague, not this ginned-up COVID cold).

But don’t scoff at the scenario. A scene like this one could play out one day for billions of Normie McNormesons around the world. And when it does, there will already be a plan in place for changing the internet as we know it.

Do you know about the threat of virtual false flag terror? And do you know about the plans that are already waiting in the wings to clamp down on the internet in the event of a spectacular cyberterror attack? Get up to speed on the latest false flag terror vector in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber. Corbett Report members can access the full editorial by logging in to the site.

Ice Age Farming – #SolutionsWatch

The Corbett Report - June 08, 2021

Today James talks to Christian Westbrook (aka the Ice Age Farmer) about the problems facing the global food supply—from the coming global solar minimum to the globalist plan to “reset the table” and transform global food systems. More importantly, we discuss what can be done about these problems.

Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System

The Man Behind the Curtain: The Gates Foundation’s Influence on the UN Food Systems Summit


The Essence of Money, Debt & Economy - Evolution Beyond Money (Full Movie) - By Paul Grignon

Published: October 05, 2015

A Medieval Tale that illustrates the principle of "market money" used in medieval trade fairs. Market money was nothing more complicated than dependable promises of merchandise or services direct from the suppliers of that merchandise or service. This simple invention freed the markets from the tyranny of the "quantity of and ownership of money" and overcame both the limitations of barter and the scarcity of money, which at the time, was gold and silver coins that were often hoarded.

The Essence of Money is the short that precedes Money as Debt - Evolution Beyond Money, a detailed proposal of how the same principle could be applied today to create a truly liberated global money system.