Noise, OR News - Fact, OR Fiction.? - Terrorism & Warmongering Media.!

- By Bahram Maskanian - October 09, 2022

Always beginning each broadcast deliberately with stress, anxiety inducing noises, coupled with awful marching music to hypnotize the audience, thus preparing the viewers’ minds to unquestionably receive, accept and believe what we are told, regardless of how ironic, criminal and false the information, news and the case maybe.

Since the discovery of human psychology couple of hundred years ago, almost all corporations, governments, think tanks, and international organizations, either employ or seek psychiatrist’s advice on a regular bases, as how to hypnotize, and manipulate people intellectually and emotionally, to believe fictional breaking news and stories; propaganda as fact, also how to sell harmful pharmaceuticals and merchandise as life saving products.

Looking back at world’s history we find horrific war, after war, after war, coup d'état, after coup d'état, regime change after regime change, evidently orchestrated by the parasite ruling class (PRC) owned terrorist and or mercenary groups, making billions, while committing mass murder, to reduce world’s population, slaughtering innocent people, utilizing false flag covert operations, terrorism, war, mass murder, global warming and National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976, plus caused wildfires using Directed Energy Weapons, hurricanes and or manmade pandemics caused genocide. Unfortunately most uninformed peoples’ depth of understanding is limited to the lies and propaganda that news media portrays and identify as “human caused problem”, or “ANTI something bad guys” (PRC usually fund both-sides), we, the people should despise, we then join the army to kill bad guys, or support prostituted politicians who vote for war to murder innocent people for profit, disguised as patriotic duty and mission.

GLOBAL WARMING is one of the big deadly weapons used to murder and intimidate people to behave as directed by the evil PRC. THE GOALS AND POTENTIAL BENEFITS OF WEATHER MODIFICATION if utilized humanly and for the benefit of humanity could turn a desert into a lush green, fruitful paradise. Weather modification technology can produce, or prevent rain and snow, dissipate fog, can alter hailstorms, suppress lightening, hurricanes and tornadoes, or intensify lightening, hurricanes and tornadoes to deadly destructive force, causing forest wildfires, with the help of hired arsonists, thus the terrorist mass media can blame humanity, blaming humans as the cause of nonexistent global warming damages to planet Earth. The overarching goal of weather modification was to control weather and nature in a constructive and positive way, to benefit humanity by increasing precipitation in order to produce abundant agriculture to benefit humanity, while lessening the destructive effects of other types of weather.

“August 21, 2023 - Texas Department Of Licensing - Weather Modification Regulation. All individuals and organizations intending to conduct WEATHER MODIFICATION ACTIVITIES are required to obtain a weather modification license and permit from TDLR. Contact Adam Foster at (512) 202-8167, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance with the licensing and permitting of weather modification operations.”

You see, national weather modification policy act of 1976 - is a very serious and real productive tool, or destructive weapon.! Depending on who is in charge, we, the people, or the terrorists government, evil PRC, or warmongering media.?

Some folks rely on prayer, and religious mullahs, or god agents, contributing to god agents or middle men, asking god to help solve their problem. The divine has given us all power and the abilities to protect ourselves and prosper. Personally I have traveled far and wide, I have met many different cultural traditions and ethnicities, I am absolutely confident and sure of the fact that all people all over planet Earth are good, caring, family loving and kind people. Is there a divine.? Yes of course. Just look around you, see how magnificent life really is, how amazing our solar system is.? The divine responsible would never need middlemen to educate you. You already have innate sense of morality and divine deep within you, we all do. The PRC and their manmade god and religious mullahs are the enemy of we, the people and the divine.

The good news is that once people become conscious of terrorist media’s broadcasting hypnosis and propaganda, they become immune to the noise. When you become aware of the American Evil Empire and reality of our current existence, you shall learn quickly that there is only one way out of the world wide wars, terrorism, eugenics, global warming, political and economic deadlock, we must disobey, stop complying, stop buying their toxic foods, drugs and merchandise, stop living our lives as we are told, and learn that to be truly happy we have to be healthy first.

United States of America in Congress assigned that this Act may be cited as the "National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976". SEC. 2. DECLARATION - See the document below:

Interview 1752 - James Corbett Discusses Al Qaeda on Holding The Line

Published: October 07, 2022

Via Holding The Line: On the 5th of October 2022, HTL welcomed back James Corbett for another discussion about his work and to get some insights into the current state of world geopolitics.

In the interview with Rusere Shoniwa, James discussed one of his latest pieces of work – an epic three-part documentary series entitled False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda. The trilogy is jaw-dropping and gut-wrenching in equal measure, even for those who already know about the vast holes in 9/11's official narrative and the concept of false flag events. As James says in this interview with Rusere Shoniwa for HTL, we must learn from this history so it is not repeated.

Welcome To The New Multipolar World Order – Part 2

The digital dollar will not be anonymous, Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell says

Breaking News: "Hochul Ends COVID-19 Mandate In Schools"...

I hope you know you are being hoodwinked?

- By Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox - August 23, 2022

Hoodwinked. Gaslit. Conned. Deceived. Pick your verb. Doesn’t matter which one you choose. They all get us to the same place. Which is…. that this is a total con-job by Governor Hochul. Yet another desperate attempt to get New Yorkers to vote for her, and all the other Dems, on November 8th. I say “another” because earlier this summer she sent property owners a “property tax relief” check. It was sooooo coincidentally mailed out to voters, I mean property owners, in June (just in time for the primary elections). That little stunt cost the tax payers $2.2 billion (not million) in tax dollars as allocated in this year’s budget which was shamefully adopted in April.

Of course, the arrival of tax credits or refund checks during an election is not new here in New York. In 2018, Governor Andrew Cuomo sent rebate checks just ahead of a primary election he was facing against opponent Cynthia Nixon. It is truly such a stunning coincidence how the checks arrive just before voters, I mean property owners, are preparing to drive to the polls for a gubernatorial election.  Isn’t that so odd how that always seems to work out like that?

Read more at:

Mandates vs. Laws

Is there a difference? ABSOLUTELY!

- By Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox - September 08, 2022

This is something that seems to confuse a lot of people. Before COVID19 was released on our shores, most Americans didn’t really ever give this a second thought. Yet, here in New York, when King Cuomo (as many common-sense New Yorkers dubbed him) forced everyone into lockdown in March of 2020, with the distinctly propagandized cry of “just for 2 weeks… 2 weeks to flatten the curve”, the difference between a law and a mandate became the difference between feast or famine for most. Literally. As the King (totally illegally) cherry picked who was allowed to leave their homes, go to work, earn a living, move about freely, versus who had to lockdown for months on end and painfully watch their life’s work slip through their fingers, we witnessed the birth of a monarchy here in New York, which has continued to this day some 2.5 years later. Did you know that in just the first few months of the pandemic, bankruptcy filings in NYS surged 40%!?! And in NY and NJ alone, nearly 1/3 of small businesses went out of business in that same time period?!

Let me first say that Cuomo lacked the authority to single-handedly lockdown millions of New Yorkers. Despite Cuomo’s (and now Hochul’s) misplaced fantasies, I mean notions, to the contrary, New Yorkers need to understand that this is not a monarchy, and one man/woman does not get to decide who is “essential” and who is not! Cuomo’s false justification was that it was done in the name of public health and safety. Newsflash… the Constitution is not suspended during times of emergency! The United States Supreme Court has consistently held this time and again. And it makes sense from a logical standpoint. Think about it, during an emergency, when there is fear and confusion, it is a prime opportunity for the government to step in and infringe upon the rights of the people. It’s their age-old battle cry, “Oh no! There’s an emergency. Give us your power and we will protect you!”

If you take nothing else from this article, take this… In the history of mankind, no government has ever taken power from the people and voluntarily given it back. The people have to demand it back!

And that’s exactly what we just did with my quarantine camp lawsuit against Governor Hochul and her Department of Health. We saw the government grossly step out of line, and we demanded they get back in their lane. And we won!

Read more at:

Must see: Dr. David Martin’s interview with Bobbie Anne Cox, Esq - of Uniting New York State

Heads-up.!  Those of you who live in State of New York, before voting your NYS assembly members and senators: your employees, your workers, your servants, back in the office and hire them to serve another term, you: the employer, the boss, the proprietor should call and write them as often as it takes, demanding an answer to the following question: “that during the Covid Coup d'état of 2020 / 2021, as NYS Governor illegally issued locked down decree of New Yorkers, while New York State Attorney General with many others, served those committing treason, in violations of many U.S. Constitution, Human Rights and New York State Laws, why they were not impeached?  And still in the office?”

American R/Evolution Documentary - By Dr. David Martin

Published: September 07, 2022

The film delivers a message that challenges existing paradigms and inspires viewers to engage their communities in a greater capacity. Our financial history is a subject typically distorted beyond comprehension. But through the film, Dr. David Martin narrates it in a way that is approachable, entertaining, and utterly mind-blowing for people of all walks of life.

In American R/Evolution, David tells the story of the financial and commercial history of the United States. He revisits the vision for America that was postulated by Thomas Jefferson, and explains where this vision was derailed. The film delivers a message that challenges existing paradigms and inspires viewers to engage their communities in a greater capacity.

Our financial history is a subject typically distorted beyond comprehension. But through the film, Dr. David Martin narrates it in a way that is approachable, entertaining, and utterly mind-blowing for people of all walks of life.

“We believed in a world where there was always something beyond. We believed in a world where somehow our fear of death needed to change how we live. We believed in a world where we had to look to ourselves rather than look to our neighbors and to our network to support us. We believed in a world where we wanted to surrogate our responsibility because even though we got rid of a monarch, we got rid of a pope… We still believed that someone somewhere else was responsible for our lives.“
~Dr. David Martin

The Consciousness To Critique And Transform - Would We Recognize "Better" If It Bit Us In The Butt?

"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." ~Thomas Jefferson

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “FAIR USE” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Venus Project Foundation is an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), public advocacy organization, based in New York City, United States.

For more revealing American R/Evolution info see:
Alex Thomson - UK Column - Grand Jury Proceeding the Court of Public Opinion