Tucker Carlson - AG General Merrick Garland Lied Again About 5 Cops Dying at the Capitol on Jan. 6

Published: March 10, 2023

US Attorney General Merrick Garland responded this week to Tucker Carlson’s exposure of raw footage from the Capitol on January 6 by saying, “Over 100 officers were assaulted on the day, five officers died.” Garland’s statement is provably false as zero police officers died on January 6, 2021 at the Capitol. Officer Brian Sicknick was shown on video walking around at the Capitol at the protest, and appears to be waving Trump supporters through the Capitol, despite reports that he was killed by Trump suppoters. Four other officers died by suicide AFTER January 6. RINO Liz Cheney and leftist news anchor Anderson Cooper never retracted their statements that Officer Sicknick was killed by J6 Trump supporters. Both Democrats and Republicans work together to gain money and power.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported that 114 officers were assaulted on January 6, 2021. In comparison, Antifa set fires and fought with police during the George Floyd BLM riots at the White House in May 2020, in an attempt to drive Trump from office. The GAO reported that 180 officers were injured, suffering concussions, lacerations, exposure to chemical gas and severe burning.

Carlson went on to show that Jacob Chansley, the ‘Q Anon Shaman’ was peacefully escorted through the Capitol, but he was convicted by the biased media. He was denied access to the J6 videos from the Capitol, which is a violation of the Constitution. Judge Royce Lamberth, who sentenced Chansley to 41 months in prison, never saw the video of Chansley wandering around with police in the Capitol! Carlson said that the Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors are the real villains who lied in court and fabricated evidence that Chansley led the charge into the Capitol.

Carlson named Republican Congressmen who criticized him for showing the J6 footage, including Kevin Cramer, Mike Rounds, Chuck Grassley, John Thune, Lindsey Graham, John Kennedy, Dan Crenshaw, Kelly Armstrong, Mitch McConnell, Thom Tillis and Mitt Romney. Carlson said that these men are not loyal to their voters,, but to each other.  And they are willing to lie and ruin people.

Democrat Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer called for Carlson to be pulled off the air because his is a “weak and terrified” person whose lies have been exposed. Schumer is now claiming that he nearly died on January 6.

The Capitol police turned over its video to the FBI shortly after January 6, but the FBI and the DOJ withheld it. Attorney William Shipley explained how Jacob Chansley’s attorney, Albert Watkins, convinced the prisoner to sign a bad plea agreement that waived his appeal rights. Watkins had Chansley sign the plea before the government was even willing to say it had produced all o f the video.

Attorney Albert Watkins said that he did not see the exculpatory video evidence. He said that the government knew that Chansley was mentally ill, but not violent. Watkins said that he was trying to get Chansley out of solitary confinement as he was falling into an abyss mentally.

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “FAIR USE” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Venus Project Foundation is an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), public advocacy organization, based in New York City, United States.

Tenth Amendment Center - Solutionswatch - Nullification

Published: March 08 2023

Joining us today to discuss the latest wins for the nullification movement is Michael Boldin (NOT Boldrin!) of Tenth Amendment Center. In this jam-packed conversation, James and Michael examine the historical and philosophical roots of nullification and how the idea is being used to derail federal government tyranny.


Tenth Amendment Center

Tucker Carlson Exposes U.S. Congress Treasonous Acts - March 8, 2023

Tucker Carlson Reveals Outrageous Jan. 6 Videos Released and Why Judges Are “Villains” and an Interview with Capitol Police Officer in this coverage.

Tucker Carlson exposed the reaction to the new January 6 videos by Democrat Chuck Schumer, the Senate Majority Leader, who called for censorship of Carlson and the footage. Republican Mitch McConnell, the Senate Minority Leader, and other RINO Republicans, joined together with Schumer to oppose Carlson’s coverage. Carlson said that they are fearful that their lies will be exposed. Carlson said that Nancy Pelosi has never been blamed for the events at the Capitol, yet she was in charge of securing safety on January 6. The Capitol police were unprepared and many were unaware of the potential for problems while federal law enforcement, the FBI, was aware, but failed to inform the police.

Journalist Julie Kelly called out the federal judges in Washington, DC as ‘villains’ for allowing the government to play games to keep exculpatory video evidence out of the hands of the imprisoned protesters. The judges have violated the rights of the defendants to due process. In a separate interview, Kelly said that the judges are motivated to convict the prisoners to justify the judges’ role in the torture of the Trump supporters.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson unveils Jan. 6 video that shows Capitol police escorting protesters through building, including 'QAnon Shaman,' on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'

Journalist Julie Kelly said that at least 100 men have been held under pre-trial detention orders for over two years, which means that the government has denied them bail because the DOJ successfully argued that they are a threat to the community, including people charged with non-violent offenses as the government continues to delay trials. The defendants don’t have access to the videos that could be exculpatory evidence.

Kelly identified the federal judges in Washington DC as the real villains for allowing the government to play games to keep the video evidence out of the hands of the imprisoned protesters. The judges have violated the rights of the defendants to due process. In a separate interview, she said that the judges are motivated to convict the defendants to justify the judges’ role in the torture of the Trump supporters.

Transcript from Fox News:

Last night, we aired video from surveillance cameras on Capitol Hill. That video was recorded 26 months to the day before January 6, 2021, and for 26 months, that footage was held from the American public. The January 6 Committee made certain. Now, the Justice Department also kept a lid on that video footage and in fact, in some cases, DOJ did not share it with criminal defendants who had been charged on January 6 in violation of their constitutional rights.

We felt it was a public service to bring what we could to you. There was no justification for keeping the secret any longer and a powerful argument to be made that sunlight is always and everywhere the best disinfectant and in fact, because it was video evidence, it is to some extent self-explanatory.

Anyone could look at the tape and decide what he or she thinks of it. The tape we showed last night indicated very clearly that Capitol Hill police in some cases escorted protesters through the Capitol as if they were giving a tour. They did that with Jacob Chansley, the so-called QAnon Shaman. At one point, they even tried to open locked doors on Chansley’s behalf.

Chansley was sentenced to four years in prison for his crimes in the Capitol on January 6 and the video we showed you last night raises the obvious question: Why? On what grounds? The video we showed you last night also showed that Officer Brian Sicknick was not beaten to death with a fire extinguisher by protesters on January 6 as the media and Liz Cheney so often claimed. The video shows Sicknick walking around the building, apparently in good health, after he was supposedly killed. We showed you that video. You can make of it what you will. We also showed you video that proves Ray Epps, the mysterious protester who encouraged others to breach the Capitol, lied to the January 6 Committee about where he was on that day, but for some reason, the committee protected him anyway. He was not considered an insurrectionist. He was their ally.

So, once again, you can draw whatever conclusions you like from that video. We have ours and we shared them with you, but it’s really beyond debate that it is good for this country for Americans to be able to see it. The media and politicians, the people in charge, have talked about January 6 every day since it happened for 26 months and so at some point, the evidence should be presented to the public. In free countries, governments do not lie about protests as a pretext to gain more power for themselves. They don’t selectively edit videos for propaganda services and then lie about them and fake hearings and show trials, but that’s exactly what happened and every member of Congress should ask why that happened, but Democrats in the Senate, the Democratic leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, is not asking why. Instead, Chuck Schumer went on the Senate floor today to explode and to say that showing that video evidence of wrongdoing by the federal government, including the security forces, the police department, that Nancy Pelosi personally controlled, letting the public see any of that is a threat to democracy.

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER: Last night, millions of Americans tuned in to one of the most shameful hours we have ever seen on cable television. Fox News host Tucker Carlson ran a lengthy segment last night arguing the January 6 Capitol attack was not a violent insurrection. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a primetime cable news anchor manipulate his viewers the way Mr. Carlson did last night. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an anchor treat the American people and American democracy with such disdain.

“There is nothing that shameful that has ever appeared on American television in the history of the media,” and so on the basis of that, the self-evident outrage of showing the public video that it paid for and has a right to see, Chuck Schumer called for the censorship of that video — any information, and he did not dispute that it was accurate — the damage is a storyline his party constructed and used must be squelched. And Schumer’s explicit on that point. Because that video contradicted lies told by the Democratic Party — Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, Chuck Schumer demanded that our bosses pull this show off the air.

SCHUMER: He is going to come back tonight with another segment. Fox News should tell him not to. Fox News, Rupert Murdoch — tell Carlson not to run a second segment of lies. I urge Fox News to order Carlson to cease propagating the big lie on his network and to level with their viewers about the truth — the truth behind the efforts to mislead the public. Conduct like theirs is just asking for another January 6 to happen.

“It is a threat to democracy. Pull him off the air.” A couple of obvious observations: You don’t often see the Senate majority leader openly call for censorship on the floor of the Senate as if that was totally normal and didn’t contradict the spirit and the letter of the First Amendment, but of course it does, but what’s really happening here? What you’re seeing is hysteria, the overstatement, the crazed hyperbole, the red-in-the-face anger. What is that? Well, it’s not outrage, of course. It’s fear. It’s panic.

Those videos, which we did not retouch, which we brought to you after running everyone by the Capitol Police to make certain that we didn’t imperil anybody, and we told you that last night, those videos touch a nerve because they’re a threat to the lies that Chuck Schumer has been telling for the last 26 months, and not just Chuck Schumer. We should also tell you that Chuck Schumer, the Senate majority leader, was joined in this outrage by the Senate minority leader and that would be a Republican, Mitch McConnell, and they were joined by a cascade of other Republicans — Thom Tillis from North Carolina, Mitt Romney from Utah — all sharing the same outrage, and from this, we learn two things.

One: You are getting close to what they really care about, and you have to ask yourself why? Why is it so important that they would degrade themselves by telling such obvious lies and calling for censorship? Why? What are they trying to protect? That might be worth exploring, and we plan to, and the second thing that we learn from this is that they’re on the same side. The Senate majority leader joins the Senate minority leader — Thom Tillis, Mitt Romney. They’re all on the same side. So, it’s actually not about left and right. It’s not about Republican and Democrat. Here you have people with shared interests, the open borders people, the people like Mitch McConnell, who are living in splendor on Chinese money, the people who underneath it all have everything in common are all aligned against everyone else, and that would include almost all news organizations in this country as well.

So, if you are watching, this might be kind of interesting to keep a list, because one thing we learned today is that they’re all in agreement with each other. They kind of outed themselves. They sort of showed their membership cards and whatever club this is to the public, so keep a list. If you want to know who’s actually aligned, despite the illusion of partisanship, we found out today. We have a little more tape for you tonight. If you take three steps back, you may notice that the one person really who was never blamed for anything that happened on January 6 was the very same person who was in charge of the police force, the Capitol Hill police, that was charged with securing safety on January 6, and that person was Nancy Pelosi.

If there was a security failure on January 6, and demonstrably there was, it was probably Nancy Pelosi’s fault, and after looking at thousands of hours of footage, we came to the conclusion that many others have reached, which is the Capitol Police were not prepared for what happened, and that’s fascinating when you think about it, because there was ample warning. The federal intel and law enforcement agencies knew perfectly well there could be a massive disturbance at the Capitol, but the frontline officers on duty that day didn’t know and yet the people who kept that information from the frontline officers were overwhelmed by thousands of people milling around the Capitol building? The people who fell down on the job, who didn’t do their job, they were not punished. They were rewarded, and you have to ask yourself, why is that?

Critics say that the protest at the Capitol was used as a political ‘hit’ story to disqualify Trump from running again. The Jan. 6 Select Committee was unfair as it did not allow cross-examination of witnesses. Radio show host Mark Simone said that Attorney General Merrick Garland has officially declared there was no insurrection. There were 2400 charges filed and not a single one is for insurrection.

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “FAIR USE” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Venus Project Foundation is an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), public advocacy organization, based in New York City, United States.

* Tucker Carlson Exposes U.S. Congress Treasonous Acts - March 8, 2023

The Blatant Attack On Our Farms & Foods - Great Food Reset False Flag

Published: March 03, 2023

The false flag (deliberate) destruction of farms and food manufacturers is a direct attack on we, the people, our food and wellbeing. The very same parasite ruling class (PRC) who have been involved initiating and profiting from mass murder and plunder of countless wars, are actively behind all of the atrocities of world-wide food coup d'état of today.

What is the purpose of attacking blowing up and incinerating farms and foods? The dirty truth revealed is about the global food crisis and how the PCR are trying to use this manufactured crisis as an opportunity to usher in the Great Food Reset on today's fast-paced edition of Corbett Report podcast.
