UK Column News - Jose Vega Interrupts New York Columbia Journalism School

Published: May 01, 2023

The gathering of stakeholders in journalism, public policy, academia, and politics - reported by Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and David Scott

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “FAIR USE” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Venus Project Foundation is an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), public advocacy organization, based in New York City, United States.


- By Ron Paul - April 24, 2023

Move over Watergate. On or around Oct. 17, 2020, then-senior Biden campaign official Antony Blinken called up former acting CIA director Mike Morell to ask a favor: he needed high-ranking former US intelligence community officials to lie to the American people to save Biden’s lagging campaign from a massive brewing scandal.

The problem was that Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, had abandoned his laptop at a repair shop and the explosive contents of the computer were leaking out. The details of the Biden family’s apparent corruption and the debauchery of the former vice-president’s son were being reported by the New York Post, and with the election less than a month away, the Biden campaign needed to kill the story.

So, according to newly-released transcripts of Morell’s testimony before the House judiciary Committee, Blinken “triggered” Morell to put together a letter for some 50 senior intelligence officials to sign - using their high-level government titles - to claim that the laptop story “had all the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign.”

In short, at the Biden campaign’s direction Morell launched a covert operation against the American people to undermine the integrity of the 2020 election. A letter signed by dozens of the highest-ranking former CIA, DIA, and NSA officials would surely carry enough weight to bury the Biden laptop story. It worked. Social media outlets prevented any reporting on the laptop from being posted and the mainstream media could easily ignore the story as it was merely “Russian propaganda.”

Asked recently by Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) why he agreed to draft the false sign-on letter, Morell testified that he wanted to “help Vice President Biden … because I wanted him to win the election.” Morell also likely expected to be named by President Biden to head up the CIA when it came time to call in favors.

The Democrats and the mainstream media have relentlessly pushed the lie that the ruckus inside the US Capitol on Jan. 6th 2021 was a move by President Trump to overthrow the election results. Hundreds of “trespassers” were arrested and held in solitary confinement without trial to bolster the false narrative that a conspiracy to steal the election was taking place.

It turns out that there really was a conspiracy to steal the election, but it was opposite of what was reported. Just as the Steele Dossier was a Democratic Party covert action to plant the lie that the Russians were pulling strings for Trump, the “Russian disinformation campaign” letter was a lie to deflect scrutiny of the Biden family’s possible corruption in the final days of the campaign.

Did the Biden campaign’s disinformation campaign help rig the election in his favor? Polls suggest that Biden would not have been elected had the American electorate been informed about what was on Hunter Biden’s laptop. So yes, they cheated in the election.

The Democrats and the mainstream media are still at it, however. Now they are trying to kill the story of how they killed the story of the Biden laptop. This is a scandal that would once upon a time have ended in resignation, impeachment, and/or plenty of jail time. If they successfully bury this story, I hate to say it but there is no more rule of law in what has become the American banana republic.

Copyright © 2023 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces Candidacy For President 2024 - Part 1

Published: April 19, 2023 - TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces Candidacy For President 2024 - Part 2

Published: April 19, 2023 - TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE

"This Is What Happens When You Censor Somebody For 18 Years, I Have Got A Lot To Talk About"

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. officially announced Wednesday during a speech in Boston that he plans to challenge President Biden for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination.

"This is what happens when you censor somebody for 18 years. I've got a lot to talk about," Kennedy said. "They shouldn't have shut me up for that long, because now I'm really going to let loose on them for the next 18 months. They're going to hear a lot from me!"

"During this campaign and during my administration my objective will be to make as many Americans as possible forget that they are Republicans or Democrats and remember that they are Americans," Kennedy said.

"We need to focus on the values we share instead of the issues that divide us," he also said. "The government/media strategy of censoring dissonant voices is not only antithetical to our most fundamental values, it is counterproductive in that it fuels the flames of polarization, alienation, and anger."

Kennedy also said, "the blizzard of misinformation that is now inundating our democracy will end only when the government and the media start telling the truth to Americans."

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “FAIR USE” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Venus Project Foundation is an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), public advocacy organization, based in New York City, United States.

* Max Blumenthal of The Grayzone Expertly Debunks Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Israel-Palestine Propaganda

* Lex Fridman Podcast With Robert F. Kennedy

300 People Who Rule The World By Wealth & Stealth

Published: 1994

This is a video recording of a presentation made by John Coleman, author of The Conspirators’ Hierarchy; The Committee of 300, first published in 1992. The recording was made in 1994 and was posted to YouTube in that year. It was largely ignored, however, until it was mentioned on Twitter on March 20, 2023, by Robin Walker, which is how it came to our attention.

Time has added incredible value to this presentation because what Coleman said about the world being secretly controlled by a few extremely wealthy and politically powerful families would have sounded like lunacy to the average person at the time these remarks were made. However, recent events in the areas of population culling and dismantling of America’s productivity and sovereignty allow us to recognize that Coleman was right. Video quality is marginal, but the audio is clear, and you quickly will be drawn into the content. Coleman’s explanation of the many components of this network provides an excellent overview of how today’s world really works.

Knowledge is power.! We, the people can easily initiate changes and reforms necessary by first and foremost educating ourselves, our loved ones and friends. To remedy humanity’s current tyrannical situation peacefully, using nonviolent resistance, we must share what we learn, that CIA, British intelligence and others like them work for the committee of 300 low-level crime families, whom are under the control of the symbolically alluded to as the thirteen top families; known as: “Deep State”, or “Ruling Oligarchy”, or “Parasite Ruling Class”, or “Secret Cabal”, or “Illamanaties”, or “Zionists”, or “Eugenist”, or “Nation-less Corporations”, or Multi Nationals, or “City of London”, etc., they are all referring to the same nefarious families secretly controlling planet Earth. The top of the pyramid families are as follows:

"Mellons, Carnegies, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Dukes, Astors, Dorrances, Reynoldses, Stilimans, Bakers, Pynes, Cuilmans, Watsons, Tukes, Kleinworts, DuPonts, Warburgs, Phippses, Graces, Guggenheims, Milners, Drexels, Winthrops, Vanderbilts, Whitneys, Harknesses, along with few other filthy rich billionaires, controlling everything."
Bloodlines of Illuminati - By Fritz Springmeier

All political, social and economical ideologies, revolutions and wars are and have always been orchestrated by the very same nefarious cabal, or parasite ruling class, to continuously murder innocent people for profit, thus reduce population, while increasing their wealth, control and power.  Don't comply, resist, oppose, disobey.

They are overtly poisoning our air, called geo-engineering, or chem-trails, spraying toxic chemicals into the atmosphere from aircrafts high above, while we are lied to and vaccinated with toxic chemicals, as our produce and foods are contaminated with highly toxic GMOs and chemical herbicides and fertilizers, and our water with fluoride.  Marching towards their Eugenics goals.  And these are what we know.!

Read and or download a free copy, everybody must read this amazing factual book.
* Bloodlines of Illuminati - By: Fritz Springmeier - 1995

* Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300

Meet King Charles, The Great Resetter

Published: May 05, 2023

While most of the the public's attention is falling on the obvious issues—the monarchy's increasing irrelevance to the 21st century, the colossal waste of taxpayer resources that go towards the upkeep of the world's richest family and their multiple palaces, the dark history of slavery and other colonial abuses for which royals of the far-distant past are responsible—few are aware of just how dark the history of the royal family is, or just how twisted Charles' vision for the future of the United Kingdom—and, indeed the world—really is.
