The Silent, Deadly Weapon You Take With You Everywhere

Published: September 21, 2023

Exclusive Report - France recently banned sales of the Apple iphone 12 based on high levels of radiation in its 5G technology. Simultaneously, the Covid vaccines have been tested to contain nano tech and graphene hydroxide. The 5G technology can manipulate these particles in humans. This story has managed to fly under the radar. Yet its potential to influence the world is staggering.

The Parasite Ruling Class Money Making Propaganda

4G & 5G Cellphone Antennas Are Harmful Weapons  

October 04, 2023 At 2:22:PM Eastern Time

Can Not Trust Terrorist Warmongering Media & Government

Renewable Energy Propaganda, Destructive Energy Reality

Generates Billions Of Dollars For Evil Parasite Ruling Class

Boycott All Cellphone Manufacturers, Use Voice Over IP (VOIP) Instead

To Protect Yourself And Family Remove All Wireless & Wifi Devices

This Is The Technology Behind "Mass Formation Psychosis/Hypnosis."

Panel Antennas Are Weapon System

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “FAIR USE” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Venus Project Foundation is an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), public advocacy organization, based in New York City, United States.

Nestlé Is The Most Evil Business In The World - Boycott Nestlé

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “FAIR USE” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Venus Project Foundation is an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), public advocacy organization, based in New York City, United States.

The company is known for its massive candy portfolio, but many people may not know that these are also Nestlé brands:

* Gerber
* Perrier
* Poland Spring
* S. Pellegrino
* Deer Park
* Toll House
* Coffee-Mate
* Starbucks Coffee at Home
* Carnation
* Stouffer’s
* Hot Pockets
* DiGiorno Pizza
* Buitoni Pasta
* Tombstone Pizza
* Lean Cuisine
* Sweet Earth
* Libby’s Pumpkin
* Carnation
* Häagen-Dazs
* Purina
* Alpo
* Fancy Feast
* Friskies
* Tidy Cats

The list of companies owned by Nestlé has grown exponentially through the years and encompassed a vast collection of brands, ranging from pet food to health devices.

Nestlé also is a major stakeholder in L’Oréal, the multinational cosmetics conglomerate. L’Oréal itself owns many notable personal care brands like Lancôme, Garnier, Maybelline, Urban Decay, and Kiehl’s.

Famous Nestlé Acquisitions

To become the world’s largest food company, Nestlé has acquired many other successful food and confection companies. The following are some of their most notable acquisitions:

* Ralston Purina in 2001 for $10.3 billion
* Gerber in 2007 for $5.5 billion
* Altrium Innovations in 2017 for $2.3 billion
* Freshly in 2020 for up to $1.5 billion
* Stouffer’s in 1973 for $105 million
* Rowntree Mackintosh Confectionery in 1988
* Libby’s in 1970
* Maggi in 1947

While these Nestlé subsidiaries once stood as independent companies, they are now a part of the Nestlé umbrella.

Boycott Nestle

Boycott Nestle

Boycott Nestle

Boycott Nestle

Boycott Nestle

Boycott Nestle

Mounting Evidence Suggest Maui Fires Were Caused By Directed Energy Weapons

Published: September 14, 2023

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Satellites Over Maui At Time of Fires

Steve Favis is an expert in computer science and advanced robotics. He has been researching the Maui fires and has compiled evidence that the technology exists to have started these fires from a satellite in earth orbit. He has also confirmed that the CCP had satellites capable of doing so above Maui at the time of the fires. His work has been published on his website and includes everything you need to recreate his findings.

The most efficient way to ignite a fire on the surface from a satellite in earth orbit would be to paint the target in segments by pulsing the laser with an advanced targeting system. To see if this were possible, Favis calculated what it would require to create a meter-wide mile-long fire.

Fired from a satellite, the Earth's atmosphere will absorb and scatter some of the laser energy. And so the laser would need to be in a wavelength range that minimizes this. The most effective wavelength would be in the near-infrared range which would allow better transmission through the atmosphere. The near-infrared range would be invisible to the naked eye, and would also have a minimal reaction with objects colored blue on the Earth’s surface.

The power of the laser would need to be in the hundreds of kilowatts range. And so Favis based his calculations on a 10-megawatt laser firing from earth orbit. Assuming that the atmospheric loss amounts to 50% of the overall power and only 5 megawatts reaches the surface as a one square meter beam, it would ignite a fire almost instantly.

If this 5-megawatt beam was pulsed across a one-meter by one-mile-long area in segments, then the time to ignite the entire area would be roughly 2.7 minutes. And it would take approximately 8.8 seconds to melt an aluminum alloy wheel.

The amount of energy required to pulse a 10-megawatt laser for 2.7 minutes would require approximately 3,220 capacitors, which would amount to about 32,200 kilograms in weight.

Using Matlab software and plugging in public data provided from NORAD, he found that satellites launched and monitored by the CCP were directly above the Maui fires at the time of ignition.

The CCP’s most powerful rocket, the March 5, can launch up to 48,500 kilograms of payload. Which is enough to carry the required payload. But Favis has found that the CCP has much more powerful lasers deployed already. He has calculated that the CCP has up to 70 GIGAwatt lasers in earth orbit right now. That’s at least a hundred times more powerful than what he factored into these calculations.

Adjusting NORAD’s default Coordinated Universal Time, or UTC, to the local time zones Favis found the following:

The Olinda fire was ignited at approximately 10:47 pm on August 7th. At this exact time, CCP satellite labeled NORAD_53299 was directly over the location.

The Lahaina fire was ignited at approximately 6:37 am on August 8th. At this exact time, CCP satellite labeled NORAD_55836 was directly over the location.

The Kula fire was ignited at approximately 11:30 am on August 8th. At this exact time, CCP satellite labeled NORAD_53299 was directly over the location.

The so-called Deep State does not want you to know that deadly lasers of mass destruction are freely traveling above us. And you can check this all for yourself at where he provides the source code and has developed a specific software program that you can download and check for these satellites yourself.

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “FAIR USE” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Venus Project Foundation is an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), public advocacy organization, based in New York City, United States.

In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.!

Evil Shall Triumph Only, If Good People Do Nothing To Stop It.!

Those Who Do Not Learn From Their History Are Doomed To Repeat It.!

Targeted Justice

* 545 People Are Responsible For The Current Mess, But They Unite In A Common Con

Since WW1 the warmongering U.S. government and terrorist media are working together to make we, the people forget all about atrocities committed, thus give them a chance to kill us all.

Published: September 08, 2023

Your Two-Timing, Cancer Causing, Double Agent Of Cellphone Makes It All Possible.!

Fact: Artificial Intelligence Alone Can Not Harm Humanity.!

Global Warming Is A False Flag Operation.!

Idiotic, Mind Numbing Games, That Make You Even Dumber.!

We, The People, Must Wakeup And Defend Ourselves.!

As Vaccine Does, Or Covid Test Nasal Swab Delivery.!

The Warmongering, Terrorist U.S. Government Is Funding All Of It.!

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “FAIR USE” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Venus Project Foundation is an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), public advocacy organization, based in New York City, United States.

* U.S. & European Psychopath, Mad Scientist, Governments And Terrorist Media Has Been Targeting Millions Of Innocent Civilians For Decades

* 545 People Are Responsible For The Current Mess, But They Unite In A Common Con