Why Male Sperms Are Dead In The Water - Cellphone’s Radiation Harm On Male Testicles
Published: March 07, 2024
Why so many men cannot deliver the goods, and had to artificially induce pregnancy of their wives. The obvious answer is in the male’s pocket and on his desk. Artificially fertilizing female egg by deliberate introduction of sperm into a female's egg, and or cervix, or uterine cavity directly for the purpose of achieving pregnancy, has sadly become a norm.
Since the prevalent of cellphone use gradually more and more men are forced to use artificial insemination and or fertilization to induce pregnancy making gynecologists ton of money. Many scientists have studied the subject and came to the conclusion that all these men have been using cellphone, while carried and kept their cellphones in their pants pocket.
Wi-Fi health hazards also has a direct negative impact on male Testis sperm count and quality too. The fact that many male and female work in an office environment full of Wi-Fi (wireless) radiation and also at home use Wi-Fi, plus rampant cellphone use, while men keep their cellphone in their pants pocket undoubtedly is going to have the negative consequences we see today.
Do yourself a big favor and read the studies listed below. And watch the video documentaries.
Does cell phone radiation affect men’s fertility? - February 02, 2022
Cell phone use – and exposure to radiofrequency radiation – can harm male fertility, according to new studies by Korean scientists. Concluding that cell phone use is linked to lower overall sperm quality – its motility, viability and concentration. And it’s worse for men with “high” cell usage.
Roughly one in 10 men in the U.S. is infertile.
What is cell phone radiation?
Cell phones emit radiofrequency radiation – a type of electromagnetic waves that studies show is linked to brain and salivary gland tumors, behavioral problems in children and neurological problems. Earlier research has shown that very high exposure to radiofrequency radiation can damage eyeballs and testicles.
EWG has highlighted concerns about cell phone usage and health harms before, conducting a review of existing research literature through 2012. Ten years ago, researchers were looking at sperm quality relative to whether study participants used a cell phone or not.
Back then, just 35 percent of American adults used a cell phone but usage has exploded in the past decade. Nearly 72 percent of Americans were estimated to use a smart phone in 2021, and 97 percent own some type of cell phone.
EWG research found unambiguous statements in 10 studies about the changes to sperm caused by cell phone radiation. A scientific review published by University of Exeter researchers in 2014 documented studies showing that men who kept their phone in a pocket or at their waist had lower sperm motility and viability than those who did not.
The influence of direct mobile phone radiation on sperm quality - April 17, 2024
It is impossible to imagine a modern socially–active man who does not use mobile devices and/or computers with Wi–Fi function. The effect of mobile phone radiation on male fertility is the subject of recent interest and investigations. The aim of this study was to investigate the direct in vitro influence of mobile phone radiation on sperm DNA fragmentation and motility parameters in healthy subjects with normozoospermia.
Material and methods
32 healthy men with normal semen parameters were selected for the study. Each sperm sample was divided into two equal portions (A and B). Portions A of all involved men were placed for 5 hours in a thermostat, and portions B were placed into a second thermostat for the same period of time, where a mobile phone in standby/talk mode was placed. After 5 hours of incubation the sperm samples from both thermostats were re–evaluated regarding basic motility parameters. The presence of DNA fragmentation in both A and B portions of each sample was determined each hour using a standard sperm chromatin dispersion test.
The number of spermatozoa with progressive movement in the group, influenced by electromagnetic radiation, is statistically lower than the number of spermatozoa with progressive movement in the group under no effect of the mobile phone. The number of non–progressive movement spermatozoa was significantly higher in the group, which was influenced by cell phone radiation. The DNA fragmentation was also significantly higher in this group.
A correlation exists between mobile phone radiation exposure, DNA–fragmentation level and decreased sperm motility.
Effects of exposure to a mobile phone on testicular function and structure in adult rabbit - February 03, 2010
Wi-Fi Technology and Human Health Impact: A Brief Review of Current Knowledge - July 07, 2022
Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health, Testis/sperm count and quality; Wi-Fi or WiFi - 2018
Cell Phone Radio Frequency Radiation - May 1999