Coming Soon - The European Digital Identity Wallet Tyranny - Digital Slavery

Published: March 04, 2025 - By Off-Guardian

The European and American elite, the parasite ruling class (PRC) are planning and developing a single government-issued cellphone app that holds your medical records, employment records, travel records, education records, vaccination records, tax records, financial records as well as (potentially) copies of your signature, fingerprints, facial scans, voice samples and DNA. The app will be used to make payments, apply for loans, pay your taxes, pay for your prescriptions, cross international borders, start businesses, book doctor’s appointments, apply for jobs and even sign digital contracts online. - Elon Musk previously stated that he wants X to be the “everything app.”

The European and American PRC are already running large-scale pilot schemes for the future they want and we don’t. They are not being subtle about this. They are not hiding it. Think about that for a minute or two, is the cellphone convenience worth digital slavery, plus health damages cellphone’s radiation causes?

All stored handily on your own slave device, your cancer-causing cellphone…and shared with the governments of nineteen countries (plus Ukraine) and over 140 other public and private partners. Everyone from Deutsche Bank to the Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Progress to Samsung Europe.

European and American businesses and government agencies would have complete access your data from the back-end to conduct “automated background checks” and whatever else they wish.

Did you learn anything from the COVID PsyOps? Did you learn to recognize the difference between propaganda and truth?

We, the people, must never, ever exchange our precious and cherished rights and privacy for convenience. No amount of convenience on Earth worth that!

Carbon Tax and the Digital ID Control Grid

Published: February 28, 2025 - By Greg Reese