United We Stand, Divided We Fall

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* Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE.GOV)


* At Tucker Carlson Tour Of America - Megyn Kelly Slams Biased David Muir And Taylor Swift

* America’s Communism / Marxism Cultural And Political Revolution Has Already Begun - Here Is How We Stop It...

* U.S. Army Veteran Colonel Douglas Macgregor Leading The Way

* Weather Modification Treason Alert - Biden-Harris Control The Weather, Including Hurricanes Helene & Milton

America, Britain & Israel Committing Genocide To Plunder Palestine, Gaza's Natural Gas And Oil Reserves

* South Africa Presents Its Case Against Genocidal Israel At The International Court of Justice - Adila Hassim SC

* Jeffrey Sachs - The Israel’s Inevitable War With Iran, fought by U.S. Army and Biden’s Attempts to Sabotage Trump

* US Air Force Member Aaron Bushnell Set Himself on Fire to Protest Israel’s Genocidal War in Gaza

* Israeli Genocidal War Crimes Supported By The United States And British Ostentatiously Displayed To The Entire World

* Former CIA Agent Phil Giraldo Exposes Israel’s Control Over America

* Journalist Syrian Girl, Scott Bennett & Russian TV Presenter Vladimir Soloviev - On Moscow Concert Hall Terrorist Attack

Whilst Blood Flows, Legislation Scuttles Through Parliament Stealing Our Ways Of Life

* Common Ground - Organic, Regenerative Agriculture

* Telegram Creator on Elon Musk, Resisting FBI Attacks, and Getting Mugged in California

* Dr. David Martin’s Speech - Exposing COVID-19 Crimes Perpetrators - Switzerland

* The Great Taking - How the Banksters Plan to Steal Everything From Everyone

* “They Want Us DEAD.!” The Elites’ Public Experiments & Profiting

* The Parasite Ruling Class, Globalist Conspiracy FINALLY Unveiled

* The WHO Murdered People In Ebola Clinical Trails - Dr. David Martin EXPOSES WHO Like Never Before

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” - Cicero 42 BC

* New York State Senator George Borrello Fights Back Against Governor Kathy Hochul's Quarantine Isolation Rules

Since Louis Pasteur’s claim of Virus discovery in Paris, France 1861, no doctor, no scientist on Earth, could not isolate, see, or find an actual virus of any kind, even with 2023 microscopes is not possible.  All virus images are graphic designer, computer generated fakes.  Discover Eugenics.!

* The REAL Middle East & World Nuclear Threat, Israel's Nuclear Smuggling

* Egypt Exposes October 07, 2023 Israeli False Flag Hamas Attack - Hamas Is A Front For Intelligence Agencies! - WAKE UP, OR DIE, AT WW3.!

* What Is Really Happening In Israel And Who Is Responsible.? - David Icke

* Zionism And The Creation Of Israel - 75 Years Of Palestinian Genocide

The Silent, Deadly Weapon You Take With You Everywhere

* Raytheon Whistleblower Reveals Maui WildFire Caused By Directed Energy Weapon Platform Based In Antarctica

* Mounting Evidence Suggest Maui Fires Were Caused By Directed Energy Weapons

* Dr. David Martin Provides A Few Positive, Encouraging And Hopeful Words

* Sex Change Victims Describe Trauma Of Sex Hormone Injections And Loss Of Sex Organs

* 545 People Are Responsible For The Current Mess, But They Unite In A Common Con

* European Parliament, Brussels – European Citizens' Initiative – Challenging The Treasonous Plandemic Treaty

* 2020 / 2024 - The Covid Coup d'état - An On Going Assault On Humanity

* The Root Cause of Human Trafficking and How to Save Children - Sound of Freedom Documentary Film

* The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal Addresses UN Security Council On Ukraine

* Electric Cars Are Dangerous And Deadly, Harmful To People And The Environment

* Lithium-Ion Batteries Causing Deadly Fires; Power Electric Bicycles, Scooters, Cars, And More…

* Imperative, Necessary Steps To Prevent Infant Mortality Syndrome...

* United States & NATO’s Dispersal of Depleted Uranium Throughout the World

* Tucker Carlson Today - Sudden Death Epidemic With Ed Dowd (Full episode)

* Animal Contraceptive & Antibiotics Detected In 8 Out of 10 Popular, Processed Fast Foods

* American Drones Will Be Releasing Poisonous, Deadly Mosquitos Amongst the Masses.!

* Dr. Judy Wood - Warmongering Weapon Manufacturers Are Able To Disrupt Molecular Bonds Of Matter, Using Directed Energy Weapon

* World Depopulation And The War On Women - The Secret Plan to Control the World - By Max Igan

* American Farmers Are Forced To Vaccinate Their Livestock, OUR FOOD, Against Fictitious Viruses - Educate Your Local Farmers Not To Vaccinate

* 180 Degree - Unlearn The Lies You Have Been Taught To Believe

* The Open Border AND The Illegal Aliens - Whose Fault Is It.?

* Dr. David Martin's Address At The International COVID Summit - European Parliament May 09, 2023

* The Arrest Of National Guards Man Jack Teixeir, The Whistleblower, Or Wrongly Called The “Leaker”

* President Nayib Bukele - Interview With Tucker Carlson - Seeking God’s Wisdom, Taking Down MS-13, And His Advice To Donald Trump

* FULL SPEECH: Tucker Carlson’s Last Address Before Leaving Fox News at Heritage Foundation - Must See

* Tucker Carlson - AG General Merrick Garland Lied Again About 5 Cops Dying at the Capitol on Jan. 6 - March 10, 2023


No. 20A87 - November 25, 2020

Roman Catholic Diocese Of Brooklyn, New York - V. - Andrew Cuomo, New York Governor On Application For Injunctive Relief

U.S. Supreme Court instructed Gov. Andrew Cuomo to stop enforcing his dictatorial executive order addressing COVID-19 “hot spots” in New York state. The ruling came less than three weeks after the Second Circuit declined to block Cuomo's order. The Supreme Court disagreed, holding 5 to 4 decision that Cuomo's tyrannical lock-down and attendance limits imposed, is violating the First Amendment by “singling out houses of worship for especially harsh treatment.” Governor Cuomo lifted the restrictions in question when the Supreme Court injunction was issued. This decision has important implications for future cases. - Download the decision

United States Constitution - First Amendment:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

United States Constitution - Tenth Amendment:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

The U.S. Central Government, Washington D.C., obtain its power from the States. And the States obtain their power from we, the people. Which means we have the right to nullify, and refuse to comply with tyrannical, illegal and unconstitutional mandates. We have the right to disobey and refuse to follow nefarious rules, in order to regain our human rights and dignity, liberty and country. - Read Common Sense - By Thomas Paine for more information.

“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.“ - Harry Truman

* Talk To Your Local Police Officers, National Guards & U.S. Armed Forces

* The Fall Of Minneapolis Movie Reveals Critical Information That Was Withheld In The George Floyd Case

Face Diaper, or Face Mask

April 2020 - Journal of American Medical Association officially stated that face mask is harmful and healthy population should not ever wear face mask.

U.S. Congress Oversight Committee Hearing On Former Twitter Employees And Twitter Files

Published: February 10, 2023

Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with today’s UK Column News Report

Congress Members confront Former Twitter Officials over Censorship. Congresswoman Mace Reveals She Has COVID Vaccine Injury. The witness list included Vijaya Gadde, former Chief Legal Officer of Twitter, James Baker, former Deputy General Counsel, Yoel Roth, former Global Head of Trust & Safety, and Annika Collier Navaroli.

“There will never be a really free and enlightened state until the state comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all its own power and authority are derived.” - Henry David Thoreau

* Where There Is No Will, There Is No Way - Why Artificial Intelligence Will Never Rule The World

New York State Governor Kathy Hochul Lifts Her Illegal And Unconstitutional Face Mask And Vaccine Mandate.!

On Wednesday February 9, 2022 New York State Governor Kathy Hochul Lifts Her Illegal And Unconstitutional Face Mask And Vaccine Mandate.! - Starting From Thursday February 10, 2022.

Heads-up.! The 2024 election year is around the corner. First, you should demand that all elections be conducted using paper ballot only. Before deciding whom to vote for as your state assembly members, senators, congress and governors; WHOM ARE YOUR EMPLOYEES, YOUR WORKERS, YOUR SERVANTS, and hire them to serve another term; YOU, THE EMPLOYER, THE BOSS, THE PROPRIETOR, THE MASTER, must study their performance history, followed by going to their offices that you pay for, as often as it takes, demanding an answer to the following question, that during the covid coup d'état of 2020 / 2022, mass murder and deliberate economic sabotage, caused by many state governors illegally issued locked down decree, while state assembly members and senators, along with state attorney generals in cooperation with many other bad actors, served those committing treason, in violation of many U.S. Constitution, Common Law, Human Rights and State Laws, and ask: “WHY YOU, MY STATE ASSEMBLY MEMBER AND OR SENATOR DID NOT IMPEACHED THE TREASONOUS ACTORS?”

* Definition of Treason - Crime Of Betraying One’s Country, People And Sovereignty

* Dave Jose Breaks Down The Fundamentals Of Common Law With Ann Vandersteel

Why Are You Awake - When So Many Are not?

Published: November 2021

Those in control desperately want us all to vaccinate as soon as possible. Why is that? And why are you awake to the propaganda and their agenda, while so many choose to be asleep? There are five major points awake people understand that asleep people do not.

* Plandemic Truth Be Told - Germ Theory - Virology Or Toxicology.?

* Direct Assault On Our Health - Exposing The FDA & Eugenics Parasite Ruling Class

* The Real Anthony Fauci - History's Biggest Mass Murderer - The Movie

* Plandemic Simulation Games - Preparation For A New Era.?

* Milken Institute Making Influenza History - The Quest for a Universal Vaccine

* Nestlé Is The Most Evil Business In The World - Boycott Nestlé

The Truth About "Vaccine Passports"

Published: April 06, 2021

Social credit system, via the back door.? Another tyrannical means of control by the international gestapo.! Encouraged and imposed by tech companies , on behalf of the criminal central banking parasites and or the “deep, or obvious state". This is a global tyrannical agenda, to enslave humanity. Do not download Digital ID, Digital Money, Digital Passport or any other enslavement apps, and if you already have any of them, delete them all. Never forget, your cancer causing, two-timing, double agent cellphone reports every move you make and every word you say. - Boycott all businesses promoting Digital ID, vaccine passports, contact tracing and social distancing. Do not use Digital Money, use cash as much as possible.

* Introduction to the United Nations Electromagnetic Radiation Appeal Delivered by Martin Blank, PhD, Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, Columbia University


Universal Vaccine Passport

* A Digital Prison Is Being Built Around You Right Now - Say NO To Digital Slavery

Covid 911 Campaign of Coercion and Execution

Sheriff Bianco's Message 12/04/20 - Riverside County California

Riverside County sheriff vows not to enforce CA Gov. Newsom’s locked down order

We Will Not Comply - London Protest - December 18 2021

* Media. It surrounds us. We live our lives in it and through it. We structure our lives around it. But it wasn't always this way.!

* TO KILL And CONTROL - Brief History Of Evil Medical Experiments On People

* What is Happening in Ukraine? - Long Live the New World Order.!

* The Veil Between the 'Computer-Generated Dream World' and Reality Is Disappearing

* The Parasite Ruling Class (PRC) Causing Problem, Reaction, Solution - James Corbett's Internet Censorship Edition

* Corbett Report Episode 430 - The Mass Media Are The Real Terrorists

* Whistleblower Karen Kingston Former Pfizer Employee, Confirms Covid Vaccine Injections are Poisonous Bioweapons

* Since George Washington, U.S. First President, Guess How Many Of The U.S. Presidents Were Legitimately Elected.?

* The Truth About Cancer Causing WiFi, Cellphones, SmartMeters Electromagnetic Ionizing Radiation (EMR)