How Political Parties Rig Elections

Published on Sep 30, 2015

Whether you support political parties or not, one thing we should all agree on is that the public election process should serve voters. Over the course of our history, voter discrimination has taken many forms. Today, both parties have engaged in a “voting rights” debate related to “voter access” and “voter fraud.” But rarely do we ask fundamental questions about the process itself, like why do our representatives seem to serve their party more than the voters in the first place?

U.S. States By Population 2017

State Name
01 California 39,506,094
02 Texas 28,295,553
03 Florida 20,979,964
04 New York 19,743,395
05 Pennsylvania 12,776,550
06 Illinois 12,764,031
07 Ohio 11,623,656
08 Georgia 10,421,344
09 North Carolina 10,258,390
10 Michigan 9,938,885
11 New Jersey 8,953,517
12 Virginia 8,456,029
13 Washington 7,415,710
14 Arizona 7,044,577
15 Massachusetts 6,839,318
16 Tennessee 6,707,332
17 Indiana 6,653,338
18 Missouri 6,109,796
19 Maryland 6,037,911
20 Wisconsin 5,789,525
21 Colorado 5,632,271
22 Minnesota 5,557,469
23 South Carolina 5,027,404
24 Alabama 4,872,725
25 Louisiana 4,694,372
26 Kentucky 4,449,337
27 Oregon 4,162,296
28 Oklahoma 3,939,708
29 Connecticut 3,568,174
30 Iowa 3,147,389
31 Utah 3,111,802
32 Arkansas 2,998,643
33 Nevada 2,996,358
34 Mississippi 2,988,062
35 Kansas 2,907,857
36 New Mexico 2,081,702
37 Nebraska 1,920,467
38 West Virginia 1,821,151
39 Idaho 1,713,452
40 Hawaii 1,431,957
41 New Hampshire 1,339,479
42 Maine 1,333,505
43 Rhode Island 1,057,245
44 Montana 1,052,967
45 Delaware 960,054
46 South Dakota 872,989
47 North Dakota 759,069
48 Alaska 746,079
49 District of Columbia 691,963
50 Vermont 623,100
51 Wyoming 584,447

Glenn Beck Exposes the Private Federal Reserve Cartel; Gets Fired by Fox

Published on April 8, 2011

I never liked Glenn Beck much, but it is quite a coincidence that he comes out with the real truth about the private Federal Reserve, and then loses his show on Fox News. Like Ron Paul always says, the Fed is the true facilitator of big government. They could never tax enough, or borrow enough to pay for the wars and corporate welfare without the printing press and world reserve currency status. Do your own research; read G. Edward Griffin's classic "The Creature from Jekyll Island." The creation of the Fed WAS A CONSPIRACY. No theorizing needed. Our forefathers fought since the founding to deny the bankers a monopoly over the control of currency and credit. We have fallen under the control of the banking establishment, and they have tied their fraudulent debt to the fiscal well being of America.

If you consider yourself a proponent of limited, Constitutional government, you have an obligation to fight the Federal Reserve. The neocon talkers like Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Ingraham, and even Savage will not explain the truth. While popular outrage is focused at the Fed, the neocons are trying RIGHT NOW to shift the focus to Chinese policy and their alleged (get this) currency manipulation! Ever heard of QE2?

Aired on March 25, 2011 - Fox News Channel's "Glenn Beck"

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Century of Enslavement- The History of The Federal Reserve

Mind Control, Religion, Fear, God, War, Divide and Conquer

- By Bahram Maskanian - November 14, 2017

During the past couple of thousand years the parasite ruling class observed how fear can be used to manipulate the masses to the masses own detriment. They also learned how to use the mythical religions to easily divide and conquer the ignorant masses. The nefarious Abrahamic religions Judaism and its two derivatives Christianity and Islam would have been long forgotten had it not been for the support and promotion by the warmongering parasite ruling class.

Preserving and prolonging religions to divide and conquer had worked very well. Sadly majority of people today are almost just as ignorant as their ancestors couple of thousand years ago. We, the people, must learn that blind obedience is dangerous and deadly. We must begin using reason and common sense, thus read the religious manuals before attempting anything that may harm us, or harm others.

Behind the scene the parasite ruling class enjoy their satanic parties, drinking booze, raping and sacrificing little innocent children, enjoy watching the blinded religious people continuously killing each other savagely, while claiming to be superior to their victims in the name of God. Without any consideration, whether or not their prescribed genocidal, blood thirsty God is authentic, or manmade.

Again, before accepting any religion, at least read the religious manual. You will be shocked if you did.! Look around you, notice the Divine’s illustrious, majestic, brilliant construct, life’s many unimaginable complexities, and ask yourself would the Divine responsible for all in the universe, be the bloodthirsty and cruel, as described in the savage manmade, atrocious scriptures.?

1897, the barbaric Judaism morphed into genocidal Zionism, determined to eliminate hundreds of millions of people on Earth (Eugenics) by any means possible. Reducing planet Earth’s population is and has always been one of the parasite ruling class main goals. Thus igniting revolutions, coup d'états, WWI, WWII, plus many other war after war, pursuing the political policy of never ending wars, gas-lighting humanity into thinking war is good, war is honorable, war is profitable, war is godly.!

War is evil, war is a racket, if every tribe on planet Earth in the past couple of thousand years were to act on their manmade evil scriptures false edicts, no one would have been left alive today.!

Portraying the Divine, the God of the Universe as written by the evil Semite men three thousand years ago, wrongly and maliciously claiming to be chosen people, is a colossal blasphemy.!

The psychopath religious mullahs accusing the Divine, the Mother Earth, the Holy God of never ending superior wisdom, perpetual consciousness, eternal capability and knowledge, falsely described in nefarious Torah is an unforgivable disgrace.

And remember: United We Prosper, Divided We Die.!

Religious Mind Control and the Impending Holy War

- By Greg Reese - November 07, 2023

Edward Snowden Exposes Donald Trump Full Interview 2017

Published on Feb 15, 2017