
Judaism AND Christianity - Manmade, Horrifying Fictional Religions

- By Bahram Maskanian - June 07, 2008

FACT - Judaism was plagiarized from ancient Egyptian’s “Book of Death”, originally containing 50 commandments dating 2000BC, and Persian Zoroastrianism. Jews are not chosen people, there are no chosen people. Jew is NOT any peoples’ ethnicity, is the religion. Semite (Jews and Arabs of today) is the true ethnicity of those who label themselves JEWS; except those other ethnicities whom were forced to become jews at the point of the Semite swords.

FACT - Tora, or old testament fictional character ESAU, renamed by the Greeks “Jesus Christ” and Moses the hebrew messiah, actually never existed. The none Jew part of Christianity’s religious manual known as “New Testament” has been plagiarized entirely from Persian Mithraism. Mithras, the Persian god of the rising sun, worshiped in all of Roman and Persian Empire starting from 1400BC, up to 2000 years ago.

FACT - According to real multi source history up to 1400 years ago the start of Islam, all of the Semite people of North Africa and Arabian peninsula, including Mohammad, whose only miracle according to him was the Koran. Turned out that Koran is the Arabic version of Tora. Religiously, in reality Muslims and Jews believe in the very same religion.

FACT - ALL religious manuals have been fabricated by Semite men, legalizing and promoting: barbarism, genocide, murder, rape, torture, child abuse, cannibalism, plunder, hate, slavery, war of aggression, human sacrifice, racism, incest, betrayal, theft, female degradation and lying.

FACT - ALL of the manmade religions propaganda, have been kept-alive, promoted and guarded by the parasite ruling class (PRC) and PRC’s religious mullahs, they have been using religion instead of people’s ethnicity, in order to divide and conquer.

FACT - There are generally 2 different kinds of religion believers and defenders: those who never bothered to read their religious manual and believe whatever the conning preacher preach to them. And those whom pretend to believe, to gain power, profit and control of the believers.

FACT - No religion has ever worth killing, or dying for. You are free to believe whatever fictional, fabricated, manmade religion propaganda you want, but you must be alert, wise and very careful not to become a tool in the hands of the eugenist, warmongering, mass murdering parasite ruling class.

FACT - Is there a God, a supreme being, a divine.? Yes of course.! But not the bloodthirsty, evil god, illustrated by the murderous men, in pursuit of world domination.! Look around you, look at our solar system, our galaxy, the cosmos, look at the flowers, birds, trees, little angels of babies and children, love, life in general.!

FACT - Life is a complex university, if you graduate, you shall move on to the next higher level class of existence on other planets. If not, you will be reincarnated back on planet Earth, or similar planet to retake the course.

FACT - Our innate, builtin sense of morality has been guiding us, the humanity for thousands of years. “Do On To Others, As You Wish To Be Done On To You.!”

* Definition of Evil - What Evil Does and Looks Like

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