
Lies, Damned Lies and Coronavirus Statistics


The numbers are in on the great Covid-19 pandemic . . . but unfortunately those numbers are unreliable. From mendacious models and puffed-up projections to dodgy death data and tainted tests, today on The Corbett Report James highlights what the accredited scientists and award-winning researchers are saying about the pandemic pandemonium of 2020.

There are over 200 types of known flu viruses, which can cause a cold. Those most responsible belong to one of two following groups: RHINOVIRUSES & CORONAVIRUSES. People coughing, sneezing and breathing disperse these viruses in the air we breathe. Viruses don't play hide and seek. Viruses are all around us all the time. If your immune system is strong and not impaired, you will not get sick.

Due to high number of flu viruses, which can cause influenza or flu, it is possible to catch several colds, one after the other. The only way our body's immune system can learn each of these viruses and how to defend against them is by catching each one. Those who have been breast-fed enjoy their mother's immunity passed on to them through her milk, providing the initial defenses, followed by catching other flu viruses throughout their lives.

Not all flus can cause sickness. Only damaged immune system can make one susceptible to catch any type of flu virus. Maintain healthy diet consisting of fresh vegetables and fruits, with one's favorite cut of meat with fat on it. Keep clear from tobacco smoke, sodas, coffee, alcohol, processed foods and ingredients, wireless radiation, cellular radiation, WiFi radiation, the so-called "smart" devices: smart meters, smart appliances, smart light bulb etc., they all emit ionizing radiation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year around. Ionizing radiation diminishes your immune system. Take-care of your immune system, and your immune system will take care of you, by destroying any and all invading viruses and microorganisms in the background without you even noticing.

Garlic and Turmeric are effective powerful and readily available defense against viruses, microbes and all unfriendly microorganisms without any side affects. Two raw garlic cloves for adults, cut in small pieces, no need to chew, just take it down like a pill. Teenagers can take one clove and children half of clove. Garlic is an organic, healthy and natural antibiotic, with no side affects.

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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Spreading Facts Among An Outbreak Of Fears And Rumors

Everyone’s talking about – and wondering about – Coronavirus (COVID-19). Here are the answers to some common assertions, to better educate your patients, families and colleagues.

Coronavirus is a family of viruses, which COVID-19 is a strain that typically causes the common cold and upper respiratory symptoms. It is a common human virus similar to rhinovirus, RSV and parainfluenza, It is spread mainly through respiratory droplets, coughing and sneezing, though can spread by face touching (particularly eye) with a recently exposed hand. The time of onset of the virus is 2-14 days from exposure, with most patients exhibiting little to no symptoms.

With so many fears from the general public, your EDs might get flooded by well-meaning, but ill-informed patients dreading the worst about the COVID-19. The EPM board crafted a list of myths people are spreading faster than the virus along with the reality of this strain and its impact.

MYTH 1: COVID-19 is going to kill me?  Should I get vaccine?

TRUTH: COVID-19 is a type of coronavirus, much like SARS and MERS but with a much lower fatality rate (≈3% vs. 10% vs. 35% respectively). COVID-19 is more highly transmissible, but not as deadly. You have higher rates of dying from influenza.

MYTH 2: We are all at risk of serious illness

TRUTH: Elderly patients, particularly with lung comorbidities, and adult smokers, seem to be at significant risk of severe or critical illness, but children and healthy adults and younger adults seem to have a milder course.

MYTH 3: Masks will help protect average people from contracting the disease

TRUTH: Masks are to prevent suspected individuals from spreading the disease. While masks are now ubiquitous in public in China,Taiwan and the Philippines, they are not designed to protect the wearer but rather, to trap the wearer’s respiratory droplets. Their effectiveness is largely exaggerated. WHO is recommending surgical masks because N-95 respirators are not generally available around the world.

MYTH 4: N-95 respirators will help protect average people from contracting the disease

TRUTH: The CDC is recommending people NOT wear N-95 respirators in public. It is true that a properly fitted N-95 mask, sealed around the chin, mouth and nose can block about 95% of airborne particles from being inhaled. That’s probably going to cut down on COVID transmissions in controlled, limited healthcare encounters. But fitting and sealing the mask properly takes work. Breathing in and out through the thick N95 respirator is also difficult work. Staff needs to take breaks and take the mask off frequently. Wearing a respirator for long periods of time, and frequently adjusting the respirator with one’s fingers, may well negate any protective effect.

MYTH 5: I have to shave my beard now to take care of COVID patients

TRUTH: PAPR (powered air-purifying respirator) ought to be available to you in your ED — a lot of hospitals stocked up during the Ebola epidemic of 2014. The sequence to secure the rechargeable battery to your person, then properly donning the head covering, is more elaborate than an N95 respiratory and the level of protection is actually higher (PAPRs’ HEPA is capable of filtering 99.97% of 3 micron diameter particles).

MYTH 6: I should stockpile masks, hand sanitizers and take antibiotics

TRUTH: Neither of these actions will help. Hand sanitizers and antibiotics have no effect on viruses.

MYTH 7: It isn’t safe to go to spaces where people with coronavirus have occupied

TRUTH: While we still don’t know how long it takes for coronavirus to clear from the air in a room, CDC studies on other pathogens show that clearance rate of airborne pathogens from the air in a room is, in part, determined by air flow rate — or how many “air changes per hour” occur in that room. The more ventilation that occurs, the less time it takes to remove airborne pathogens. For 99% of an airborne contaminant to be removed from a room, it takes 28 minutes of ventilation if there is the equivalent of 10 air changes in the room per hour. It takes more than two hours (138 minutes) to remove 99% of airborne pathogens if there are only two air changes in the room per hour. Keep this in mind when you’re sitting in the ED waiting room … or riding the subway.

MYTH 8: I can catch coronavirus from my dog

TRUTH: Probably not. The World Health Organization and – if you are into tabloid news experts interviewed by People magazine say that there is not any evidence of animal to human transmission of coronavirus. However, a Chinese scientist and epidemiologist working on the coronavirus said that mammal to mammal transmission is possible. In addition, the first confirmed case of coronavirus was recently documented in a Pomeranian dog from Hong Kong. Just to be on the safe side, don’t go kissing your animals on the lips. Oh, and vets recommend against masks for dogs, even though puppy PPE is becoming commonplace in China.

MYTH 9: We should avoid using Chinese products to minimize the chance of catching COVID-19
TRUTH: On the chance that you are still a little concerned that Chinese-manufactured products may pose a risk for developing a COVID-19 infection, you will need to stop taking many medications. According to an article in Politico, a vast majority of US imports of ibuprofen, hydrocortisone and acetaminophen are from China and 80% of all the antibiotics used in the United States are produced in China. China is a main world supplier of active ingredients used in formulating medications and is reportedly the sole supplier of ingredients used to make vancomycin.

What else can we do as EM physicians?

*Please reference the CDC link below for guidance on the donning and doffing process and share it with your teams.

Other resources on Corona Virus:

Prime Ministerial Brief -- 11 Points -- Appraisal of the Fake Pandemic -- BioWar Update

Robert David Steele, former CIA spy, co-founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity, top non-fiction reviewer, author of multiple books on intelligence, governance, and electoral reform, provides an eleven point ethical intelligence appraisal of the fake pandemic. This was invited by the Prime Minister of a major country now coming to its senses and realizing we have all been lied to in a very comprehensive and structured manner. Their invitation came after they watched my earlier four minute demarche May God Bless each and every one of us as we carry on doing what humanity is support to do: THINK.

The script (full text) for this video is at the top of


Several people have asked me why I dropped the biowar aspect from this video. Fair question, since I was the first to speak of biowar in my original article ( and then with an Alert Reader composed an eleven point analysis of what a worst case might look like if biowar and electrommagnetic war advanced in tandem (

I did not include BioWar in this briefing for two reasons: a) I forgot and b) that aspect should now be a joint Chinese-US classified investigation with three primary suspects: Israel, Germany, and France. After the comment below I will not speak of biowar again.

Medical specialists, most of whom have no clue, should be triaging among the following:

Normal flu which should not be misdiagnosed as coronavirus Radiation sickness which should not be misdiagnosed as coronavirus Original coronavirus from Wuhan if a path can be certified NEW biowar "drop" possibly distinct from original coronavirus NEW electromagnetically induced lung disorder not biological in origin

As I stated very clearly in my original article and in my last YouTube (, I believe this STARTED as a biowar "drop" that was then blown up with reduced immunity from 5G and the Chinese mistake in herding everyone together. After I wrote the original article Merkel's visit to Wuhan and announced on 9/11 2019 -- dates are never coincidental for the Deep State -- and the role of the French in designing the biowar lab in Wuhan emerged to join my original understanding of the role of the Jewish American professor from Harvard that I have called the Lee Harvey Oswald of China's virtual 9/11.

The reason I wanted a rapid investigation was to avert round two. As I outlined in my worst case analysis with Alert Reader's prompting, this is not over. This could in fact get much worse and become all that the media have been lying about, via one of two routes: the autonomous interactive route I discuss in 5G-Petri, and multiple additional "drops" of biowar dispersants by "defense attaches" using drones in the night and other means.

Me, I'm just a village idiot sitting in his basement watching from a distance. I have done my duty as a citizen, it is up to the governments of China and the USA now to get serious about nailing down the facts, holding the guilty accountable, and preventing this from getting worse. On its present course it is over, but government can indeed make it much worse with draconian interventions, and government can allow it to get much worse by failing to properly investigate, with FIVE EYES signals intelligence laydowns, the three networks I have identified that need mapping:

Bill Gates and Event 201 insider trading in advance of the Wuhan outbreak media manipulation in advance of and during the balance of this crisis.

In Praise of the World Health Organization -- Fake Pandemic is OVER -- Final Analysis by Ex-Spy

I, Robert David Steele, am a former CIA spy and would like to start by praising the World Health Organization (WHO) for its totally sound decision to NOT declare a world pandemic. They are correct. This was a fake pandemic with the ultimate goal of forcing a universal vaccine with digital ID on everyone, starting with the European Union mandate led by France. As a former spy and top intelligence pioneer of holistic analytics and true cost economics I lay it out as I see it, and end by calling for a joint China-US investigation into the bio war, the 5G, the media war, the insider trading, and Bill Gates (my colleagues at NSA have every email, text, and call he has ever made, the President has not yet asked NSA for a total unmasking of all participants in the fake pandemic conspiracy). I made one mistake in this video: I forgot to mention pollution. That is the other contributing factor in China's high numbers of ill citizens. The fake pandemic is OVER. All that remains now is for justice to be done -- I hope that a proper investigation leads to the total dismantling of the Center for Disease Control (whose director Nancy Messonnier is a Never Trumper and the sister of Rod Rosenstein), and the indictment and incarceration of Bill Gates for crimes against humanity that include in the past the sterilization of millions without their infomed consent. The revolution has started -- the truth at any cost lowers all other costs, and I am pleased to say that for the first time in my third years of wandering in the wilderness as an intelligence reformer, I feel that the truth finally has a chance to be heard by We the People. #wuhan #coronavirus #chinavirus

China Wuhan Coronavirus 5G Radiation Sickness Eleven-Point Overview

After the firestorm my first overview article as published in the Tehran Times and then Veterans Today and many other repeaters ( I have been updating a post daily that can be seen, with all links, at Both the World Health Organization and the Zionists are complaining. Sucks for them. Today as part of my civic duty I am sharing a new eleven-point speculative overview of how all of this stuff has come together to create the effect it has -- I do not address the media war against China that enabled insider trading and massive profit from advance knowledge of the wrecking of the Chinese economy and supply chains dependent on the Chinese economy. My focus today is on the obvious that is being covered up: radiation sickness and lowered human immunity. You cannot fix the problem until you grasp the truth of the problem. I pray that this helps in a small way to inspire information sharing and truthfulness that leads to global healing. This video, like all my others, is automatically backed up to BitChute.

TT Zionist Wuhan

U.S. Disease-care scam; deliberately designed to keep people sick and in need of pharmaceutical drugs