
Ian Carroll - Candace Owens Show - Candace Ep 131

Published: January 13, 2025 - By Candice Owens

Ian Carroll ratios Elon Musk on X, Mark Zuckerberg appears on Joe Rogan to discuss Biden censorship, and an update on what people are saying about the LA fires.

Zionism = Jews = Genocide = Evil

The evil “chosen people” baloney

Ian Carroll - Ian Carroll’s Reaction To Elon Musk on X

Published: January 09, 2025 - By Ian Carroll

That AIPAC purchased the seats of about 90% or more of our current congress. JFK famously wanted them registered as a foreign agent right before he was shot and thus they changed their name and never registered. Why are we letting a foreign lobby buy off our congress?

That Israel was obviously the state sponsor of Jefrey Epstein, whose handler was Ehud Barak, ex head of Israeli military intelligence, his funding was Les Wexner one of the worlds richest Zionist 'philanthropists' and he was accused by ex Mossad assets of being Mossad. Not to mention the Maxwell connection. (They had blackmail on Clinton, and many, many more.) He who holds the blackmail holds the leash- just ask J. Edgar Hoover.

That Israel is the only nation who has a defacto sanctioned, yet actually secret and unsanctioned nuclear program. A program that they stole from the United States- look into the Apollo affair, NUMEC, the Dimona nuclear facility.

That jews, muslims, and christians lived side by side in peace in Palestine before the Rothschilds purchased the country from Britain during WW1 (see the Balfour declaration) and began their colonial program.

That the groups that founded Israel, Lehi, Irgun, and Hagannah, were declared terrorist organizations by Israel itself because their tactics were so deplorable (bombing British and Palestinian civilians) yet these three 'paramilitary' groups rebranded to form the IDF and their leadership became the leadership of Israel for the following thirty plus years.

That Israel is a foreign nation halfway across the world that has no business receiving my tax dollars. Why are we sending them billions of dollars of our tax money while our country burns, is overrun by illegal immigration, etc?

We are told Israel is our 'greatest ally' so why would they have had a massive spy network targeting US government agencies leading up to sep 11, 2001 - see the Israeli art students DEA report for copious evidence of Israeli surveillance all across the continental US. This is an official government report that cites hundreds of incidents of observed Israeli surveillance teams documented by US government agents all across the continental US.

And we still have received 0 answers why there were numerous fake Israeli moving companies positioned all across the eastern seaboard leading into September 11, 2001 and we have multiple eye witness reports, as well as hard photographic evidence that they knew the attacks were coming at least a day before they did and that they were positioned at a vantage point to photograph the attack up to a half hour before the first plane hit.

Never got any answers- but you can read the official FBI reports about the incident. I've broken them down live on X before.

That's just a small list of some of the best documented reasons why I, as an American, don’t want Israel receiving any of my tax dollars.

And I didn't even mention my obvious objections to the collective punishment, mass surveillance, forced starvation, bombing of refugee camps, brutal murdering of women and children that's been going on in Gaza and the West Bank for years, decades- which you can watch in graphic detail right here on X.

And that's not to mention that somehow we let congress pass laws outlawing 'antisemitic' speech, despite our own first amendment. And we have anti-boycott legislation in multiple states, despite the fact that it's perfectly legal to boycott American companies... just not Israeli ones.

Every content creator knows the fastest way to get demonetized, banned, and slandered is to be critical of Israel. I figured you would have realized this too after what they did to you and tried to do to X last year.

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