
The Open Border & The Illegal Aliens - Whose Fault Is It.?

- By Bahram Maskanian - October 19, 2021

What drives men and women with their precious little angels of children to risk everything, even their safety and cherished lives, to come to United States, or go to Europe is never the subject of discussion anywhere. The fact that mass immigration (aliens are innocent victims) is orchestrated by the eugenist parasite ruling class (PRC) and has been used deliberately to destabilize target nations, thus gaining more economic and political control has always kept secret.

Obviously the PRC’s own warmongering and terrorist mass media would never tell the truth. No matter what news, events, or reports you watch on your television, double-agent carcinogenic cellphone, or computer, it is full of propaganda, designed to distract and mislead we, the people, portraying lies as truth. In addition to constantly dividing and conquering we, the people by any means possible.

The truth is that no one on Earth would risk the safety and lives of their beloved children by walking for days, or riding bus, or on inflated boat, or be packed in the tractor trailer container, traveling 1000s of miles completely at the mercy of criminal human traffickers, to come to United States, or go to Europe, unless that is their absolute last hope, and one and only chance of survival.

What you would never hear, or see is the hired armed goons, missionary or soldiers of fortune, whose job is to terrorize the local population of certain regions where oil, or gold, or natural gas, or any of many other precious materials and commodities have been discovered. Instead of negotiating a fair price and purchase the mineral rich territory, the poor inhabitants are terrorized and murdered in a bloody WAR, instigated by the PRC, through orchestrating fake revolutions and regime change, thus the remainder of the people are forced to flee. “WAR IS HELL.! WAR IS A RACKET.!” - By Major General Smedley Butler - USMC - 1935.

Other strategies include using variety of different potent poisons secretly added to foods and village water supply, murdering people and claiming that there is outbreak of Ebola, blaming one, or more mythical viruses to clear the land. Must read all about Louis Pasteur the charlatan who invented fictional viruses, “Germ Theory” and learn there has never been any kind of virus anywhere on Earth, causing any infectious diseases. The mythical viruses are false flag excuses, used for depopulation agenda by the eugenist PRC. And yet, the prostituted politicians knowingly force we, the people to vaccinate ourselves and our children.

Soon the local prostituted government officials of the targeted mineral rich region, in cooperation with the PRC mandate that people of that territory must be vaccinated. Which means medically induced mass murder, GENOCIDE. Just like the Covid coup d'état of 2020 assault on our lives. That is another reason that the devastated and desperate people runaway from those mineral rich regions, and pay everything they have to nefarious human traffickers, thus to be able to flee to Europe and or United States.

The Mexican President had slam the U.S. terrorist, warmongering government for deliberately concocting migration crisis, by utilizing debilitating economic sanctions, waging economic war on innocent people in targeted countries, such as, but not limited to Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, Syria and many others on planet Earth.  While Washington spends billions on Ukraine, murdering Ukrainian and many other people, but doing nothing to truly help foster real development for the good of humanity.  United States of America must stop its warmongering, terrorist behavior, or risk to be taken-over by few million strong army of young migrant men from overseas. - Must remove all economic sanctions now.!

“Those who do not learn from their history are doomed to repeat it.!” By the fall of 1989, East and West Germans already started to tear down the Berlin Wall with pickaxes. The parasite ruling class cherished Communist regimes were being ousted in Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland and other so called Eastern Block of Europe. When Mikhail Gorbachev assumed the reins of power in the Soviet Union in 1985, no one could possibly predict his revolutionary policies of glasnost and perestroika will be abolishing Communism and USSR. Now that Cold War was over the parasite ruling class warmongering almost ended, PRC had to start concocting new propaganda and means of horrifying people to keep them under tight control.

The goal (mission) of the terrorist mass media is to divide, distract and disappoint. The goal (mission) of the terrorist government is to plan and carry out false flag operations, by deliberately causing a problem, wait for public reaction, then offer their masters, PRC’s draconian solution of total and complete slave control and lockdown of we, the people, for our own safety and security of course.! We are hoodwinked to falsely blame and dehumanize the innocent “Illegal Aliens”, used by the terrorist talking heads, mislead and lying to confuse the issue deliberately, offering no honest solution, until the social pressure cooker is about to explode.! While we continue to lose our precious liberties, lives and treasure, the terrorist government shall continue to use any and all problems they can think of to plunder, enslave and tighten the current suffocating controls even tighter around our necks until the total and complete control is achieved.

Here is the absolute FACT, the absolute TRUTH, since the dawn of Judeo-Christian time, every terrorist attack, every war, every destructive government action and policy, ALL done deliberately by the parasite ruling class. There are no mistakes, never has been, all open-border acts, coup d'états, wars, genocides and slaughter of innocent children, women and men are approved and carried out deliberately to force we, the people to the corner of despair, anguish and fear, thus we, the people begin to become more and more receptive to accept PRC’s vicious tyrannical control, enacted by the same terrorist government who have caused the dilemma in the first place. Like blind fools we welcome the loss of our inalienable rights to be safe.! “Those who sacrifice their liberty for security, deserve neither.”

Inalienable rights guarantee and protect our Sovereignty and Liberties.  The possessor of inalienable rights are unable to give their rights away, or allow someone to take them away.  Our Divine given Inalienable Rights guarantee and protect our Freedom of Speech, right to dignified, wholesome life and bodily integrity, which compels ALL officials to provide full, free, comprehensive and informative, accurate information regarding any and all industrial and medical experimentations and procedures to the public air, water and food for approval, before implementation.  Inalienable Rights and Freedom of Travel, Freedom of Privacy, Freedom of Property, Freedom of Peaceful Assembly, Freedom of Safety and Security, in addition to our Inalienable Right to Self-Defense, thus achieve Safety and Security.

We, the people must never forget that government is formed by the consent of we, the people to protect our rights.  Governments and politicians do not give us our rights and liberties.  Again, governments main responsibility is to protect and defend our Divine Inalienable Rights, Liberties and well-being.!  Absolutely no one has the right, nor the authority to deny we, the people our Divine given rights and liberties.   Every single person must learn and memorize her / his guaranteed inalienable rights and live your life according to the said rights.

If you want to stop the influx of innocent illegal aliens, all you have to do is to educate yourself about U.S. fraudulent, computerized voting system. Learn how to replace the current nefarious voting practice, with a proportional representation, through instant run off voting, using paper-ballots only nationwide. We must prohibit the use of all electronics, scanners, computerized and manual mechanical voting machines, mail in ballots and absentee ballots. All elections must be conducted using paper ballots as the only means of carrying out all local and national elections. November 3rd should be national election holiday. All national and local voting must be done in person. We must also end the winner take all election method; and replace it with proportional representation system, through instant run off voting. Followed by, using the secure and honest election, we shall remove prostituted politicians and replace them with caring, decent and patriotic people.

The new patriotic congress shall stop funding, supporting the parasite ruling class, revoke mass terrorist media’s broadcasting licenses, stop paying billions of dollars of foreign aids to foreign dictators, provide sensible national budget, and in no time the truth will be revealed world wide, thus innocent vindicated people will be happy to return and reclaim their home and Inalienable Rights.

* This Is Not Just About the Border... - Published: October 11, 2023 - TruthStream Media

Think you have got The Great Travel Reset under control?  Think you are too smart to be fooled by the vaccine passports? Think you are too smart to avoid digital money? Well, you better prepare yourself for the next Problem-Reaction-Solution psyop that is coming along to convince you that you need to be herded into the digital ID gulag: the generated border crisis is for normalize living in the ultimate digital prison!

As context is very important for all videos; this message is to confirm that the purpose of this video is reporting on or documenting the content. Note that we make an effort to research for context and cite our sources when necessary.

Declaration Of Independence - In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

“There will never be a really free and enlightened state until the state comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all its own power and authority are derived.” - Henry David Thoreau “Civil Disobedience”

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