
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. - And the further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it". George Orwell

The Truth About Wi-Fi Wireless and Cellphone Electromagnetic Ionizing Radiation

- By Bahram Maskanian - March 13, 2011

Do you care and love children.? Do you care and love yourself and your family.? Do you care and love humanity.? And if you were a CEO, already making billions of dollars, would you sacrifice the well being of our children by exposing them to Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), highly carcinogenic Ionizing Radiation, which harms DNA, genetic bond and formation at the cellular level in human body, causing gradual cognitive and brain damage, cancer and death of millions of innocent little angels, our children, to make more money.?

Nation’s children, our children are being microwaved in schools even though U.S. government and the nation-less corporations, manufacturers of these devices have known about the deadly effects of microwaves and Wi-Fi Ionizing radiation for over 60 years. They are fully aware that these devices will sterilize some, cause cancer in others, Alzheimer's disease for many and neurological damages for others.

The Truth About Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

If you are a parent, caregiver, or have in your care children of others, what would you say to these children, when they ask you why didn’t you do the right thing to protect us..? Your inaction would be absolutely inexcusable and unforgivable..!

If you care anything at all about your own health and the health of your loved ones, read this brief article and watch the few highly informative brief videos based on over 6,000 scientists findings and reports world wide, in their entirety and soon after take action, directly by removing and changing all “Wireless Connections” in your home and office to “Wire-Connected”, followed by getting involved in your own community and inform others of the true deadly affects of EMR, thereby exposing the criminal elites, whom are deliberately targeting and exposing children to hazardous materials and environment for making more money..!

Ethernet Network Cable USB Adapter

Laptop computers, Tablets, and Cellphone manufacturers and Mobile Phone service providing companies are and have been promoting and selling Wi-Fi Wireless and Cellphone use and other Wireless devices to adults and children of all ages, with full knowledge of their deadly Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) emitted by this devices with complete disregard to human life and safety. Resulting in numerous brain cancers and deaths of innocent people. The reason most people are unaware of these EMF deaths and many lawsuits cases won in courts and many class action lawsuits pending, is due to U.S. shadowy government in charge, at the command of the Nation-less Corporations and the U.S. greedy media / press not reporting them for fear of loosing advertising dollars.

Since the idiotic invention of the so called: “National Grid” the Electricity producing companies joined in and started to replace peoples’ analog electricity meters with (EMR) emitting smart meters without peoples’ consent or permission. Power Utility companies are racing to replace electricity, gas and water meters worldwide with new generation of the so called: "Smart Meters" at an unprecedented rate, with complete disregard to human life, health and safety.

You are about to witness and see for yourself compelling insight and over whelming evidence presented by the insiders, researchers, government representatives, lawyers, doctors, scientists and environmentalists, from all over the world, proving without any doubts that Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emitted by all of these devices are deadly and were never safe for human use and should all be band.!

As brilliantly illustrated by Dr. Devra Davis, one of many thousands scientists, at her recently delivered presentation below, regarding the harm being done to our health and the health of our children worldwide.

The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation

Simply turn off your Wi-Fi (EMR) emitting modems and routers wireless WiFi function and use a category 5 network cable, that only costs a couple of dollars to connect your laptop, computer, tablet etc., to the Internet. Another added benefit of using network cable is much faster connection and far better security. You should consult with your device manufacturer about what type of Ethernet Cable and USB Adapter is best for you.? Voice Over IP (VOIP) telephones services are very good, healthy, cheap and reliable for home use instead of cellphone.

Thousands of researchers, scientists and doctors in the united States and around the world have investigated claims of benefits and apparent risks of this ubiquitous Wi-Fi Wireless devices, Cellphones and Cellphones antenna towers, smart meters and the so-called: National Grid program. What you discover will surprise you, unsettle you, and inspire you to challenge the status quo.

You will be shocked to learn that the very same Silicon Valley billionaires, who manufacture and sell these completely useless and highly carcinogenic gadgets to us, the people, for use in our public schools, at exuberant prices, do not allow any Wi-Fi devices, calculators, computers and cellphones in their children’s life and private school and classroom environment they send their children to get educated..? According to the New York Times report the Silicon Valley private schools teachers use the good-old blackboard and chalk to teach their students and children must only use paper notebook and pencil. Because in the past twenty years, many studies have shown that the best way for a child to develop their cognitive ability, math, writing and reading skills is to learn to use their hands to write and solve math problems.

We, the people, must act to remove all WiFi and Cellphone antenna towers and smart meters from our homes, schools and all other public places. We should also keep in mind that at anytime when we hear the adjective “smart anything”, Phones, Meters, Cars, TVs, Modems, Routers, Watches, Eye-glasses, Laptop Computers, Tablets, DVD Blue Ray players, or whatever else towing “smart”, it will always mean dangerous and deadly..! And if you are one of those who choose convenient over health and safety and going to risk it, make sure to get yourself a good health insurance coverage and a product liability lawyer to sue your cellphone, router, modem, laptop, tablet manufacturers and Wi-Fi service providers when the time comes, before or after your surgery and removal of cancer tumors, and if you didn’t make it at least your family will be rewarded by the jury at the trial.

We should all remember that we, the people do not live in the Communist China, rather we live in the United States of America, which means no one can force any of us to accept killer Wi-Fi hemorrhaging, cancer causing smart meter installed in our homes. We can absolutely refuse and kick the electric company technician out of the house. If unbeknownst to you, your meter has already been changed to smart meter by the local power company, go to court and sue the bastards. And while in court hire your own electrician and change your smart meter back to an analog meter in a way that it cannot be removed again. - Generally whenever you hear of services and or offers of products categorized as “SMART” anything, grab your wallet with one hand and your butt with another and run.!

Make sure to watch the enlightening video reports and documentaries below and encourage all you know to do the same.

‘Historic Win’: CHD Wins Case Against FCC on Safety Guidelines for 5G and Wireless --- August 13, 2021

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit court ruled the Federal Communications Commission failed to provide a reasoned explanation for its determination that its current guidelines adequately protect against harmful effects of exposure to radiofrequency radiation. Watch video conference...

* Google’s Skynet Secret Network - The Infrastructure is Complete.!

* Important Information on Coronavirus 5G Kung Flu

Listed below are highly informative scientific research videos and reports about many health hazards and cancer causing effects of "smart meters", "wireless WiFi modems and routers", "cellphones", "cellphone antennas" and all of the so-called "smart home gadgets" and other devices microwave and or electromagnetic ionizing radiation:

Microwave Weapons Are Prime Suspect in Ills of U.S. Embassy Workers -- Doctors and scientists say microwave strikes may have caused sonic delusions and very real brain damage among embassy staff and family members.

INTERNATIONAL APPEAL To Stop 5G on Earth and in Space - There are 301,387 signatories from 215 nations and territories as of November 5th, 2020

01 - Wireless Warfare Exposed - Declassified Military Doc Proves Smart Phones Are Killing Humankind

02 - Wireless wake-up call - Jeromy Johnson - TEDx Berkeley

03 - Electromagnetic Radiation, Health and Children UK 2014

04 - British MI5 Agent Dr. Barrie Trower: Dangerous of Microwave Radiation

05 - "Smart Meters" and EMR: The Health Crisis of Our Time

06 - Take Back Your Power - Documentary Film

07 - France law bans Wi-Fi in day cares, restricts wireless infrastructure

08 - Terrence Young MP for Oakville, Ontario Canada explains why he has introduced a Bill C-648

09 - Futurist: Smart Meters Will Know What TV Show You are Watching

10 - Protect Yourself From Digital Utility Smart Metersl

11 - Cell Phones: More Than A Voice In Your Ear

12 - Olle Johansson at the Open Mind Conference 2014

13 - Princeton University Pulls WiFi Safety Assurances

14 - Smart Meter Information Consumers Should Know

15 - Truck Hits Utility Pole, Thousands of People’s Smart Meters Explode, Causing Power Surge

16 - Woman Cuts Family Off From WiFi Over Health Concerns - CBS NEWS

17 - City of Berkeley to require cellphone sellers to warn of radiation risks

18 - Israel Bans WiFi in Kindergarten, Calls to Limit Children’s Exposure

19 - 5G Wireless Radiation Dangers - David Icke - Culling The Population The Insect Inspector investigates what you are not being told about the 5G grid

20 - Wireless wake-up call | Jeromy Johnson | TEDx Berkeley

21 - The 5G Dragnet - Corbett Report

22 - The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation -- Dr. Devra Davis

23 - "It Will Be Bigger Than Chernobyl Disaster" - David Icke on 5G Technology

24 - Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health

25 - Electromagnetic Radiation, Health and Children 2014

26 - 5G Wireless Radiation Dangers

27 - Microwave Weapons Are Prime Suspect in Ills of U.S. Embassy Workers

28 - New York State Senate Bill S7922 - 2019-2020 Legislative Session - Directs the study of the health and environmental impact of the implementation of 5G and future generation wireless network system technology and small cell distributed antenna systems in the state...

29 - Dr. Sharon Goldberg Testifies at Michigan's 5G Small Cell Tower Legislation Hearing October 4, 2018

30 - Dr. Sharon Goldberg | 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit

31 - 5G Space Wars - WiFi - Cellphones & Satellites Culling Humanity

32 - Electromagnetic Radiation, Martin Blank, PhD, Physiology & Cellular Biophysics, Columbia University

33 - There are 301,387 signatories from 215 nations and territories as of November 5th, 2020

34 - Eileen O’Connor - EMR Co-founder - Director of the EM Radiation

35 - An Invisible Threat - Full Documentary - Are WiFi & Cellphone Microwave Radiation Waves Killing Us?

36 - 5G The Eugenist Tool Of Genocide

37 - The Silent, Deadly Weapon You Take With You Everywhere

38 - Important Information on Coronavirus 5G Kung Flu

After reading the above brief article and watching the many scientific, enlightening documentary films and news videos, if you are deeply puzzled, thinking why is it that U.S. government, which has been bombing and murdering millions of innocent people around the world to plunder their wealth and natural resources, while implementing eugenics agenda of reducing population, is sitting idle, sucking its thumb, knowingly allowing all of the said atrocities against the American people to go on, unpunished.? Wake-up already.!

Plandemic Truth Be Told - Germ Theory - Virology Or Toxicology.?