
Vaccine Detox - Steps You Need To Take

- By Dr. Mitch Sutton

Vaccines happen even though they shouldn’t. Maybe you have vaccinated your children and are just now realizing the damage they can cause. Vaccinated children have higher rates of infections, allergies, brain cancer rates, and immune deficiency disorders. Maybe you are required to get the vaccine because of your profession. There can be an immediate adverse response, or the toxins can slowly erode your health.

Pharmaceutical companies scare tactics convince people to get vaccines. All vaccines without exception are disease spreaders, not preventers.  Think about this for a minute, what would happen to multi billion dollar pharmaceutical companies if we were healthy?  They will be out of business and have to get a job and work for a living like the rest of us.

Why Do You Need a Vaccine Detox?

A vaccine detox is important for people who have gotten vaccines because of the inherent toxicity of vaccines along with the volatility of heavy metals and other inorganic compounds. Some of us might have a stronger reaction to a vaccine than others depending on allergies, how high their inflammation is, and how heavy their toxic load is. One person may have a totally different reaction than another, but it can be from the same trigger, the vaccine. Many people are even allergic to components of the vaccines such as eggs and metals and this causes even further trauma to the body.

Everyone’s body should be detoxifying all the time, but some of us have a harder time based on our toxic load or inflammation. Toxins build up when the body’s detoxification mechanisms can’t keep up with the cellular wastes or the absorption of toxins from the intestines. Basically, it means garbage is coming in faster than your body can process it and safely remove it from the body. Vaccines include ingredients that don’t belong in the body that are toxins the body needs to remove. These toxins build up in the liver and your organs further mucking up your body’s function and detox process. This impacts your body’s capacity to function leading to more serious illness.

What Are Some of Those Toxins?

It all depends on the vaccine so you should be sure to read the insert. Somebody has to read it and, since they are injecting it into your body, it should be you. These ingredients can be found on the CDC website.

Remove Toxic Foods and Other Chemical Toxins

Your body can’t heal if it is being bombarded with other toxins. Start by removing all the chemicals in your everyday life. Swap your personal products, cookware, household cleaners, laundry detergents and other commonly used items for cleaner versions. It’s also time to detox your diet. We recommend a 30-day detox to clean up your diet and reset your body. Foods that add to the toxic load are removed to relieve stress on the body so the body can focus on cleaning the heavy metals/toxins out. We always recommend you make sure you are eating non-GMO and organic options, especially during this time.

Add Fats to Your Diet

Because heavy metals are attracted to fat, we add a fat, like fish oil, to help transport them out of the body. If we don’t get them out of the body, they stay in your body fat or your brain. Add good healthy fats to your diet to help support your body during detox. Don’t worry the fats won’t make you fat. Your body needs fat.

Supplements to Support Detoxification

There are also supplements and foods that bind to metals in the body. Activated charcoal, chlorella, cilantro, garlic, and other binders will help grab those heavy metals and bring them with when they exit the body.

Massage, Sauna, Light Exercise, and Detox Bath

During your vaccine detox you want to keep the blood moving. Techniques like massage, sauna, light exercise and a detox bath can assist your body during the detox. Massage helps move toxins out of your muscles and tissues into the lymphatic system. Light exercise gets the body moving but think easy walks and lighter exercise. Epsom salt baths help pull those toxins out of the body. A sauna gets your heart rate up and sweating is a way to get toxins out of the body.

A Vaccine Detox is Important

Everyone who has had a vaccine needs a vaccine detox to support the body and its best function. It takes time to undo years of toxic build-up. Every individual is different, so that is why we always recommend consulting a proficient practitioner who will test to find out how your body is functioning.

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